PERSONALS $27 ri 369 SHERATON SAND KEY HOTEL PERSONALS PERSONALS WTNTERTIOLIDAYS TREASURE TOURS CANCUN MEXICOS NEWEST RESORT ON THE PACIFIC JET FLIGHT TRANSFERS KITCHEN EQUIPPED ROOM FOR NIGHTS SPECIAL PRICE Wii s329° PALM BEACH JETFLIGHT TRANSFERS CONT BREAKFAST OPTIONAL CAR RENTAL $20 PP BEACHFRONT HOTEL CJAMAICAW JETFLIGHT TRANSFERS FULL BREAKFAST BUFFET DIN NERS FREE TENNIS AND GOLF ALL TAXES AND TIPS $31900 double NASSAU JET FLIGHT TRANSFERS OR 14 NIGHTS AT DELUXE AM BASSADOR BEACH HOTEL CONT BREAKFAST FREE TEN NIS AND GOLF PRIVATE ISLAND 777$5392WKS CLEARWATER JETFLIGHTS TRANSFERS CONT BREAKFAST OPIIONAL CAR RENTAL ONE WEEK 520 PF NIGHTS AT DELUXE $29900 HAYs TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St Barrie Ont 7284700 2Wiis plus RESUME TO ail wa UNWANTED HAIR removed satcly permanently medically approved Ly uia Hrenchuk Certified EICLIVOIOQISI 737 2671 INTERNATIONAL vices civil veillance 737 2972 DRUM LESSONS available teacher LioyaGaorieI Telephone 737 3610 HOPE VIE can serve you in 1977 Bet we have the Mother for your car Thu Miit tler Shop 180 innisiil St 720 2287 PLANTSITTING SERVICE Going on trio or vacation7 Leave With an easy mind knowing you plants ari being competently Earnd for For in formation all Barbara 26 3020 DTNG INSTRUCIDN lnnoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes WindyHaughFarm 7760192 HOE DOE VACEY Fun Rarirh Year round catering Nowoookincwmivr Dar ties 728 685 728 9731 GENTLEMAN lv his middle 60s and in good health Wishes to IYtCI lady of same age tar ampanionshia Scrid re 01 esto Box T35 the Barrie Examiner IVNSTVR ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schoolea horses Indoor arena minutes trorn Barrie 716 0192 HELP WANTED Investigation SPF criminal divorce sur Discreet confidential DOES YOUR BUDGET NEED BOOST District Representatives Reqwred If you enloy meeting people are aggressrve and outgorng here is challenging op portunity to earn money This position entails the placing and servicing Ofcharge displays to local retailers Must have own car We offer good remuneration commission and mileage allowance No experience needed we train Apply today in writing stating name address telephone num ber and business experience if any to Box T33 Examiner Barrie SPARE TIME If you want to work ap proximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age Apass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF THE BARBIE EXAMINER DRIVER Hospital requires medical dicta typist in medical records department 70 wpm thorough knowledge of medical terminology Ex perience preferred Ap ply in writing to MRS LYORKE Royal Victoria Hospital 76 Ross Street Barrie Ontario typing MANAGEMENT POSITION In Personal Lending area to years lending and marketing necessary Contact BANK OF MONTREAL Alliston Phone 4356208 Custom Steel Fabricator IN MUSKOKA Requires person for new lob opening estimating costing purchasing and expediting Experience in drafting also important Should be self starter with am bition to learn Apply Manager PO Box T378 Bracebridge Ont POE ICO Orillia and Barrie Surtbirry KTIHTCIU IIIIDIlOflf Ned and Ttiiirs day 737 1894 Friday and Saturday 72 7151 and Win Prizes WELDON El WELDON AREA HAS ROUTE OPENINGS consisting in writing SALEHPEPSON tr cover Midlarit North Home eyery night plants helpful Salary rilus nmrnissiun tor an rnerariic Stlllliirlivr I77 789 SHORT ORDER COOP NAHTI Minimum and firm F2 Apply to experience F2 of to General F4 Collinqwnorl Bay TIVVIOF Soini IVIOVICIIQ at HIGHLANDLITTLE AREA NEWTON ST AREA GUNNOAK AREA SOPHIA OWEN AREA KEMPENFELT OR ECCLESWELLINGTON AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Hayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 HELP WANTED ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES BSME or equivalent with knowledge of hose coupling design and 510 years experience dealing with hydraulic customers Background in government contract work and dealing with regulatory agencies HELP WANTED MANUFACTURING ENGINEER or more years experience in product assembly tooling including iigs and fixtures hydraulic produc ts background in screw machine tooling plus TOOLING ENGINEER Person with machine shop background require han dson experience of chucking and automatic screw machines as well as jigs fixtures and tooling PRODUCT ENGINEER BSME or equivalent with 35 years experience in hydraulics or related manufacturing design MACHINE DESIGN ENGINEER BSME with 35 years machine design experience will design prepare drawings and supervise the manufacturer of machine tools assembly machines and test machinery for company and customer use Background in stress analysis hydraulic circuitry and electrical systems required PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER BSME with 35 years product design in development experience in the hydraulic component field In depth knowledge of manufacturing processers in metal working industries required EXCELLENT SALARY AND COMPANY BENEFITS SEND ANCHOR COUPLING CO INCORPORATED 342 NORTH FOURTH STREET LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS 60048 ATTENTION MR BILL JOHNSTONF2 INDUSTRIAL COMMUTATOR COMPANY LIMITED Requires ePerson experienced in operating lathes milling machines and similar machinery Will be trained in the art of building large corn mutators 77 Will have excellent benefits pleasant working con ditions and pay according to experience and ability 7Will be able to work in small successful Barrie WApplications will be confidential Call 7281469 for an appointment ELKEL STEEL Requues an Inspector for structural steel plant Must be able to work to Quality Assurance Program CSA 2299 Z2993 and Z299 NDT qualification desirable ELKEL Metal Products Ltd 285 Dissette St Bradford LJ 4r 77533564477204 Mil McDonalds lt LJiI FULLTIME MAINTENANCE PERSON required to work am to 12 pm Monday to Friday $375 per hour Free Food Apply in person at McDonalds Restaurant Bayfield St North PA FIZH NELr WANTED AVON Make triutiuy wlttlt the kids air in school ltIslIOd of waiting iii the IIOUSI for IIH kids to ITTI Iioniu bur riirii TIT AVON representative you an trimt people rarri tummy and bi llOIttf before they got there For details all 424 5797 in to pin PO Box 485 Barrio rir write IliMTO Customer Service Representative large international company requires at tractive and outgoing person to contact their Barrie clients Car necessary Excellent star ting salary plus car allowance For ap pointment call Mr Mizuik 73735 F3 PROFESSIONAL SALES OPENING for right person in BARRIE area International firm pays high commission rate on sales to in dustrial and commercial ac counts Write Byas co Consolidated 2300 Schenker Street Villa La Salle Quebec TRACTOR OWNER IF RAIDR ri turnt to haul limits in tritiirin atiilni titil tiiiil iiI llriiIil EIEgt IIIOIII dlbbtlililtll ItAITY II If It WANIT fur iririiitli ltlII ITITIITTT in my IIIllIII IrlIth Striit arra lain run It ihiiiii 7I1ill attir It pin it Wttkilttl rIIIIIIIII AL SIRE1ARY IXllllttllliilflll Iy it rlflfllflltfli illltll Iiiirikkicriiiiri iii Iuilrit Illitit all Mr Murirtiy Im III or 716 III cvuriiiius IARI TIMI IIII iiriiiiiril IItItl llrIVl iaIrs ixpiriinri and hi iiili In wriik williriut iIIpITVIitle Apply iii iicisuii In It IiiittisWiu TUWTII llfHIlliITl Afrill NELP WANTED POLAROID BURGESS WESTINGHOUSE HELP WANTED NURSE AID rcquircd tor position in nur sing borne to are for protoundly men tally retarded tiilrtren Must have own transportation Must be able to do wrukciid rotations For intervww ap poiiitnicnt telephone 436 1461 bitwcun tit and Son at EARN ABOVE avcraqr bitious pcrsovis neat in appuarancc Witti ii ar rcKiUirid Iar part or Iull tirni ltTtIJlttyIttInI In Biirrit and surrounding area Telephone 416 895 65H REI IABIL IVTiIIUft pirson tor Animal Control Work in kiriiicl and drivuiu Anti to work stiitt wurk Must like animals Apply to Oiitai iu lltlltlrIlTI Sat ity in per sun 91 Pattirsan Raart IlthtIIt 10 and it in NODIIOIIICHIIS OPPORTUNITY iiiulti ritillion dollar arriariiratiuri pro VITIIS TIH rtiallinqc it you IIiIVi ttii itiili Ty and tisiri This sales position ultirs Iiiuti iiiiiriiisiitin ini OITTI Witti rirrwwiil prunintiari possibilities It you tITI naturr auc pusscss ir IIIII havi tiarar Iir and rtttcr Enlll arirt Wlill tri riiiiIIy ll ahead in TIEE UIIUIH 76 ll ur 73H Wit Iiir appriiritiiiirit HILD ARE Tiai litr wiiiitirt ta work in sr hunt for IIITTIOITdIIy IllrEUEINtl ltllleIIl xrr IIHI all skills iii photuttraptiy critrtiii or attiii rrlTT Apply ittiy Sampson HR 0510 SALES HELP AND AGENTS EXPANDINI CANADIAN Oil riiiip iriy niilvl ItTJIlTlIillllt 17yttll WIII an wurk WTIIIIIIT uprrvrsiriri fiirri $14 000 pcr year plus biiriu Oitiiit ustuiriirs trrilriiit Iliirrii Wr trairi Wrti Pres Sniittiwvutirr ltIYIiIIUTTI flriiiiiritiiii Out In Mr SALES POSITION ill will rIItuiiity tiir IIIIIT iitlt iri titw am all it hit III Ili linut tiii aliptillilttvltl orPoNIUNiTr MEN AND WOMEN FREE SAMPLE LESSON HIGH SCHOOL Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario MSN 224 TE wiiui Aiii LEGAL ALLANDALE LUMBER fol AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED NOTICT IS HEREBY GIVEN that AllOIltlUlt furI CIIIIJIIHIIHIT Ciiiipririy Iiiiiitil Luiiiliii iriil IIIIIIIii lit iiiSUlvi Iiy IIlIiiq At IIIlI if tlii Minitry riI riiisiiiiiit ririrl Curii DiliitIiii Willi iiiiviril Rwlritirins pursuant tri llit BIJMIANH iiipriiritiiiii Art DATII IIII ritli Iriy if DI£IT l9 CIIARLESJ GRIFFIN Tiisirliiit bk AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Fobruary at T2 30 norm for MRS TONE MELLOW of BUTION lvvith irir lusionsl Salr to be field iii Bond Head Ciiiiiiiuiiity Hall N0 17 Solo IIOITTU furnishings some 01 Highway OTIIIqUi Old IUIITIIUH DILLOS ITIIIU Iripirssion glass gIOIttIU wear Oval pIIUlO frainus Il Iciiiips IL ii lurliiiq lttPiILIllOld Itd tcililis matching tablii lumps biiltflttll iUIIO pIITU waslistanrl flat bark rupboard Black and Dikui radial iiiltiriy tiiOir useful items for the and the arm saw and unknown thr lllllf store treasures from rooms Teriiis ash huques cirruptnd WIIIII Allan HOIITTI Auctioneer SCL No 7057458 4589 J28F2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONT 7782401 Irissiliiiif Ivurtisriiiiiints aiiil IIUTII is far Ilinsn pnqiis ltiusl Im iiiimyiil by in day IIUIIHEIIIQ puliliiritiiiii wrth the Li irritiiiii riI lussiIiril Display iiI ytitltsnitirrits wtmi it iiy in twri Iriys piiiii It piitilii utiim BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAOIi DEATH NOT LN 10 wurrls $5 Ailrlitiiiiiiil words ts pm wiiril ARI THANKS 00 rirlilitiiairil Width Ii titi wriril IN MI MURIAM NUTKES Nu yiitur S5 00 With Vttsd words HIT iauiit llIH irrils pri JMING VT Hli Sf 12 pm iiliiriiii iiii Ii 94 WONT MINIMUM IASSII TED ADV RTISINC 1in Dis rriuiit Rrilus apply if paid within days Our ll Iwri iiislttliuris pm wtitrl in sortiiiii Ilium tttilt irtiyt iiisirtiriiis fl and mm Iiult tittls pii wriril riminnit tutul Sf I2 Six irismiitivn iiisittiiiiis fli put wiiril prri iiisiittiuii TUEUI SIT 51 Multipli irisiirtiiiris iiiiiy Iit iiIiiirl suhluit Iii iriii iiillritiriii wliriii sulisliiitnty instills rib iriiriirl Mutliiiil if iurittriq ItwLr than 24 wrirrls lull us 24 words friili initiul if Iiiiiviritiiiii sril if iiuiiiliiis rti utpiiirittt wriiils ERRORS ANT URNT NS All pliririu iiisiitiiiri orders iii in iiptiirl is iriiiviiiiiiiririi In that tlm Irisstlilirl ALIviriIisiiig Dripartrriririt iiiiuiiris ad iirlvii tisiii to Tim raichmk their iiiudiotely iltiii Iirst irisiiitiiiri in 101 that until is itlvrrtiIrirs Tliiii iiluio iIIy idviiitrsuiiiuiit an my mini ir iiiiissinri iiiriy lir iipiiitiiil Inilriiri in iii urdur that saiiiii may Iii trirtifimi Irir tIiii Irilliiwniq lily piililii iItaii Tlii Huirii iiiiriiriui is irispririsihlii Iiii irin riiio irir iiior tly printed irismtiiiii if any ad vlttisuniiilit itiiI then only Iii tliti initntit ril ptittiriii rl riiI tlirit iiivrilyus IIirt iiiispiirit Errors wliii Ii In riiit Iussuri tliu vuluii Ilii riilyiiitisuriiuiit are in Liltqilili Tut inrtm firms by iiiiikii giiiiils Iliii Uiziiiu Exaiiiiiiiii iiismvus Iliri riqlit In IflSSIEy iuvtsu it rlipii iriy writit iiils IIIONT 778 1414 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED iiELr WANTED PRODUCTS Qualified individual Male or Female needed to distribute world famous Kodak film and other photo products through company established locations NO SELLING OR SOLICITING REQUIRED Make this year your year for independence $549500 in vestment Guaranteed T2 month repurchase agreement CALL MR MARTIN COLLECT Abl 4228T 75 Monday to Friday am to pni EST Or write Firestone Photo Co Firestone Building since T946 T61 3rd St Columbus Ohio 43215 J27F2 Teen Team Printed Pattern Youre DOER and the clothes you wear must feel and mum wrall Just like illls culutte and stretcliknit top Printed Pattern 1570 Teen Sires It 14 16 Size but 37I trip ydx 45 stretch knit culuttc 15H yI 45 inch Izibric $125 for corn prittern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 9c sales tax Print Dlillan Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Ihc lfitltlt Iixuiiiiiici L0 Iirigirss Ayciiuc Scar liriiriugli Illliltlti MITEIIT ANSWIII In inflatinn cw and save IlIiIITIIlIII IIIIIIIII 30an for Ni SPRINT SUMMIT PATTI RN CATAIOG lip iiiririn Irir Ilcr iizittiirn Separates jumpsuit dayevening treason Send 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book St 00 Tigers cdgc Rams 54 ItitIIMttNI1IIttiit Ii Aurriia Iigcrs sriiiil twii guzils III the lust Iivc iiiiiiuIis it play In Igi Iticliiiiiiiid IIiII Titans 54 iii IIII iiiily Illlliltltt Ilrickcy Association lltl11lt1l lIIlIItlT guiiiclucsrltiy Ictc Vuiidciinuik siriicd Ith winning goal ill 1037 ltIici griiils caiiii Iiiiiii Scott IIuiilci Iiiliii Sikurti Itcii Ictlcisuti IITI Tflliltllllltl1 IIicIiiiiriiid IIiIl StTIS wirr Kcn Iziiziskcviii ICiI Siillicy Thin Iriiics itlll Frank Nigiu IIziy icsuiiics tonight with Wcslriii Dodgiis visiting Itiiyiil Yriik Royals Talks of TlINI It iiililict talks Iiitwccii Ilic IIiiitcd Autii Wriikcrs IAWI iiid Altttllttlll hlttltttls iiip lIl rill Iutc Monday whcii utiiiiii icpicscii tzitivcs IcII tIic cuiiipiiiiy was taking iidvuiitiigc it its poor Iltlttlltlill pusitiriii UAW it Iiciul said Iucsrluy IIii UAW Iiiis ItIl iiigriliut iiig Willi Allltlltiltl Motors in Milwziukcc Wis siiicc Inst 11in in Iiihull of 12000 wiiikcrs in thc Ilnitctl Status and 1200 wurkcis iii riiitidii Itusil Ilziigiuvc IIAW Ittltt llillltll£ll llSlIIiIITVl who sits on Tic iicgutiiitiiig UITT iiiittcc Irii uiitidiuii wuikcis said the union has illtttltly zigiccrt to grant Aiiiciicaii Motors ccitziiii concussions Iicciiusc it Iiic criiiipziiiys financial situation NAVIIAIIIAWA WINS SIIAITLIC All Scciiiirl sccdcd Milllltlil NthItIIIItWiI cusin dclciitcd unsccdcd Bri gittc iiypcis at South Africa it 72 lucsdiiy night in ii first round iiiiitcli iit it $100000 wriiiiciis professional ltllttIS triuiiiziiiiciit NilVltIlITtWil ii lzcciirisiiivukiiiii lXlliilllillf has won tIircc 0T thc last tour 1077 Iiiiiiiiiiiiiciits including lust wcck ill ltluriiiiiiigtiiii Miiiii rig gem ir ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES The Barrie Examiner VWednesday February I977 27 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per In Memoriam no verse $500 word $500 Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events BIRTHS MURDOCH Debbie and Melanie proudly announce the birth of their baby brother Robert Grant on January 30 I977 weighing lbs 015 at the RVH hospital Proud parents are Bruce and Dawn FRANKCOM Paul and Lorraine nee Clarke of Midhurst are pleased to an nounce the birth at their son Regan Paul on January 311977 weighing7 lbs 17 ozs Many thanks to statf on 4th lloor VH Mondays Child istair ot race Tuesdays Child isIuIIotgrace WednesdaysChildistull otwoe Thursdays Child hastarto go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Istair andwise andgoodand gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement Wlll include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital intormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 00 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 728 2414 DEATHS MrKINNON George suddenly at his residence on Monday January 31 1977 OIOYQL MrKinnon in his 66th year Illloved husband at Grace of Thornton Laying Iathcr of Grace Mrs Grahaini at Uxbrirlge Barbara Mrs Part of North Bay Harvey and Gary both of Thornton Dear trandtattier of mm qrandrhildrcn Dear brother at Hilda Mrs Mathcl at Toronto Ada Mrs Clarkson oi NOWIYTBIIUET Mary Mrs willinqshoteri at BC Ilene Mrs it Colbcyi at St Catharincs Ristiriu at Iltt Jennrvtt Funeral Honin IS Braittrirrt st Barrie Visitation from Tucsrlay at Srrvnc and commit tat OTITIIVTI in the chapel in Thursday Firtiruiiry at lntirriirnt Barric UniuriCriiivtiry TIrLTl IIiriintis Edwin ill Ilic linyul irliirin lltihpllitl Titiriic iin Iucs Pct llfTT IIiiiiiiiis Ijrlwm Lciiiriii in his Irtth yczir lxIrii Iiusliiind if Dupliiic Skiniicr Irzii IitIIIIT if Iu ers It Srvciiii if liliickstiirk Iltll rind lfllltl lMrs fl Elitlllllliill lirIIiursI survivcrl dish by grtiiidcliililitn Shawn flciithci SlitIlcy ittlll Krill Fiiinits iiiiiy call at Sirchic Iiiiiiral llitttlt 10 tiirslcy SI Itarric II VI in Vislnisilli IiiiiipliIr siriicc in thi rtiapiI IITI Thurs Feb rt 30 Iiilliiwirl Ii trllnitlllllt EIIAi litttlt Ilruci suddcnl it his Iiriiiic Hti Iliipliiic rcsc llzirrii in lucs Feb 15777 liiniis Ilruci irtiy IiiIiiicd Iiusliriiid it Mary Tray llitt lilllltr if Gilli Trs It Iiuriiilli nl Toronto and IIIii Mrs Ii 7itrirI Iliirrir Lining LJitlllllttlltlr if KIIIIIIIII Shawna Patrick and Iiii1i Tiiiiils may at SIrklty fiiiiiil Eltilllt £0 iirsIr St Tlitlllt itI cl ii iii tttnisiliiy IiiiiipIrIc IIYIII IIl llit lliltttl iii huts Tcli it ill 11 ii iii ItillttiKltl tITTiITIUIT ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel T27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF IN MEMORIAMS Mr iNNON lri toyinu intnary it limit father and iriiitrlfatticr MiIyiti wtiii insuril iiwa thruar 7196 iti niirnar as tiar torla iii tlir tiriur hit riiiisirrt iiim VII IIITiIITTItIU by Mil Donna and iranrlr TIIIIITIIT MrKlNNON In toyinii memory at hair husband and fitlltir MrIyrn who passed way February 19i3 Today and toriiiirrow our wholc liIe ttiinuiti Wi Will always IOVI yaii Layinrily riritirriliirit by eri Nlllli atirltariiily Mr INNON In layinu tttrtttOfy at limit Iattiir and urandtathui MITVIIT Mr tfiiinriri wtiu passed away February 196i tiriwvvir Ianqairr Iivn may last WIiatrVir lands Wc Viiw Whativirr Iriy or trial birours We will ilwa ys think at you ivrr riiiiiriibrrrd by ilauahtrr Marion son iii law Ralph and family GRAHAM In laying memory at father and iranrltathcr Gillnrd Lorne who passed away SUIIIIitle on February I976 pauc in our book of memories Is quritl lUftTttI today Lrivairily rlTTTitTTDIYICI and sadly iiiissiil hy Glenna and EIIIX Lylt Rita rIILIIilIHIIII GRAHAM In loving iiiciiiiiry it tear husband Gittortt Larnc who passed away sudrtririly an February 71976 Thaw wr IUVI wc ncvrr IO or always Iii Will his Lat0d YtTTTIIlIIHHII Ilidslllld Forrvcr in my ritctiinr Liivnialy HtttlTTTINlI by his Wth Mflltll Mr KINNON NIIIVIII In loving niiiiiriiy if divar tatticr and grand fiIITIII who passit away Fihiuary IVAI hrisi wc love we ItVlT law For ilwaysthey Wilt no tVid TIIVIITTTIMIOU trirasurrrt Always in our memory Always ttItIttTTDIHII hy INIIITIIIIT iii law Bctty and Tammy Jr BOX REPLIES Whiie every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise and rcincrritnr saii int grandson XAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282411 ltBlCItIVITTE NB II TIie prcsidciit it it iccciitly Iiiimcd organization for Tic lttll iiiid Iiurdithciriiig sziys mo of tIic groups muiii ibjcc lives will he to cncourzigc criti cutiuii ziimcd zit helping dczil pcisriiis to get jobs WiIIic lfitllttllol Rob citvillc iiezii Buthuist prcsi dent of the New Brunswick lidiiiiitiiig Council of thc licor iiig Tliiiidiczippcd said iii itdtqllillt ll training opportun it ics iii the iISI Iizivc rcsultcd in tow ltill ptltstttTS jriiiiiiig IIic Iii bur force It was only ii few years zigo that the only trzidcs open It Iciil pcrsuiis Lit it school in Quo bcc wcrc Iiurbciiiig and crili ltlcly illttl thcrc wcrc ii lot if rï¬mfémf 5322 per column inch COMING EVENTS BINGO Over $700 in Prizes Knights of Columbus Every Thursday Night EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Regular 800 pm Cards $T 50 Everyone Welcome WTF ANNUAL MEETING of Shareholders of the BARRIE UNION CEMETERY CO Tuesday Feb 8th at pm at Cemetery Office for the election of officers for 1977 Bloomfield SecretaryTreasurer J26F2 Barrie Horticultural Society CONSERVATION NIGHT THURSDAY FEB 8PM BlueFIame Room Consumers Gas Co Lane Speaker Mr Herman Wesen deeck Nottawasaga Conservation Authority Ferris J29F2 Ist Class Traveler Printed Pattern SIZES 818 74Me ï¬rems TRAVEL FIRST CLASS into spring in this sleek pantsuit or the coatdress version Youll love hipslimming diagonal slant of the pockets Printed Pattern 4773 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 takes 273 yards 60inch fabric $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 9¢ sates taxl Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Ililllll Ilxtiiiiiiicr 00 Progress Avciiuc Scur borough Intriiiii IIT ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTIRN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates iiiiiiisuits daycveninp IIISSCS Send 750 Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew rl KnIt Book $125 Instant Monev Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 Groups objective helping the deaf pcoplc who didnt Willtl to do civ tIici IIc Sttld ltillllOSS can actually bc uii ttSStI for sriiiic jolts such as keypunch ptlilltll bccziusc tiriiscs dont distract the dcul from their Willk lIic major thrust it tho iisso Iilllmt would bc to inform thc deal of existing jolt opportun itics But education of thc pub lic t0 acccpt dcrit workers was also important SOMETOIISlhNGlIIEOLS can llletlSIilttd that in construction or titty illicr trade where it would be ditiigcruus it you couldnt Iicui tIicrc would be rcluctziiicc to acccpt dctil wriikcis Ilut tlic public has to ho cducatcd so thcy utttltISItllltl thcrc iic jobs the TLIJI can It Canadians extremely friendly CAMBRIDGE Ont UP Betore Ludmila Dejmek left Czechoslovakia she supervised reconstruction of an open hearth steel furnace worked on the restoration of the Prague Palace and served on board planning the renovation of downtown areas in historical Cities 0t Bohemia All that ended With the Soviet occupation of the country in 1968 while she was working for woman architect in Paris Her home was Visiting her on vacation in Nice when they heard the news and both de Cided they did not want to re turn lhey were married in France and emigrated to Can ada Now she runs her own busi ness in the basement of her home in Cambridge and says she misses neither Prague nor Paris There is no country in Eu rope where you would teel at home because they have such long tradition Mrs DeJmek said But in Canada everyone comes tram somewhere else except the natives and people arent so traditional Canadians are extremely triendly to new comers tPOItTIJNltIES GREATER Also Canada otters much more opportunity tor ar chitects she said When her husbands Job as mechanical engineer brought the couple to Cambridge she did deSIgn work tor Waterloo tirm domg deSigns tor the stu dent centre at Waterloo Lu theran UniverSity building tor Queens Universuy in King ston some Lutheran churches and housmg development in Waterloo While working tor Brant ford company on designs for the Itoss Macdonald School tor the Blind she spent her com muting time listening to tapes to improve her English in order to obtain Canadian ar chitectural degree She also speaks French German and Human well as her native Izcch She worked tor three years With entral Mortgage and Housing tarp adViSing devel opers IT housmg projects and revicwing applications tor loan insurance It was good ex periencc she said but she missvd the dCSIgntng and year ago she left CMHC to start out In her own Since thcn she has deSLgned St zitharines shopping cen trc and superiised its con SITIIIIIT as well as designing townhouse developments in Waterloo and Sarnia and an in TUSITIHI mall in Waterloo llcr lzitcst proyect is prelim iiiziry design for SIBmillion dcvclopment iii downtown Sar nia It includes tour levels at parking three levels of shop ping IIICCS and apartments Its immediate future IS uncer tain because 01 financial ditti cultics But the busmess is growing tn the priint where Mrs DeJmek employs it drzittsman two days wcck ind sometimes ottener Slic stud she has no ambition to cxpaiid into 2i huge ottice Willi 2i stall 150 people but would like to be able to employ tivcriisix As you grow she explained you do more running around and lcss dcsigniiig Right now the pcrtcct arrangement would be Li partnership With the part ntl driiiig all the running around Recluse leaves $315000 estate ICttlIdltE England An 88vearold man who III iluiic iii trailer in tiiiiiicrs licld has Iclt £183000 $315000 In this little Lan tISITIII Village where he lived all his 100 Edward Icddyl Bretheiton ITittITOIitI rind rcclusc left his turliiiic to 10 Village counctl with instructions In use it in any wuy that would benefit the community lIic iiitcrcst on the money was Ictt It tour local reSLdents litt tticir Iitclimc after which this iiiiiiicy tun will go to the Villiigc council The bench ciiiiics iirc Mr and Mrs Arthur illlIILO in whose IiltlTT Breth IIOIT kept his trLiilcr Alexan dci lhrcltuil thc local under liikcr iiiid William Crook II1L1I Saunders clerk at the criiiiicil sziid ho was stunned by Itlltl train it Munchcstcr Ititllk stiyiiig Itrctticrton had lctt his IItTIIItlt 10 tic lllitg0 Vic always bclicved he had it butt two salch away but no iiiic ITIHI iiiiy iitcii he was worth lIIiII much tticclcrk said Itc Ill in his own kept hiiiisclt vciy much to himself and did ill his own cooking and clean mg illiigcis Stl1l Ilrctlierton was always courteous when they iiict Iiiiii in the street but lttltly strippcd to talk to any iiiic IIic ziuiiccs said that all though My ptlttlllild him to kccp his tiuilci iii one it their IiiIds tticy rurcly sziw ttiiii IIircltzill who lookcd alter Ilrctticrtiiiis Iuiicral said he was iiiitizcd tit his bequest in trip WINTI tic hurt rcccivcd iii IIIITtItlI cxpciiscs Siiuiidcis Silld ttic council Wlll tlTitkt iiii tccismii as to how the iiiiiiicy thI tic used until litter Itic Will is pltllttltfl Itic clcrk SEIKI Brotlicrtuii wurkcrt tor Icyluiid Motors bc tore his rctiiciiiciit and bought Itii IIltttl1tt£tl liiiies regularly In cIicck in his tltSl1ITITIS