Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1977, p. 24

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WM ppsure can bring it on His mp hm hwrmmw so VH llili true liiu it Ltl better and ASK NEQOVT Strep throat is sure Mum throat caused by the strep 310 H7 tococcus germ its not un seem more prone to this bae itllnfe Ht Uplillii in the past View In 71 terialinfectiontlianuthers reuurduut diet and tlluti 71 jfi it it Many surealled stiep llllllUSlu For the lilllllll til 7WWgt rigged throats are never aetuallj Iitber readers llWllitlllUii is Wfi diagnosed as sueh This lt lllllllliil uluutpuiirhinuin ly VJh Flir quires throat culture and llllllllllllillllllllllilSlllllillilirl fir that takes about two days In Low residue low stun verify the germ lhe léihrilt iiiudliiuitgi diet was unet signs are enlarged neek glands llINILElIl essential More iereii 24 The Barrie Examiner ediusday ltliruiny MIT OUR BOARDING HOUSE mflmgtgtltiwwWmxggss ltgtSt UMAAS GAVE up PROMismq CAREER lN 035 gnggggL P°° Pm IIEl in HCCKD TO DEDICATE MystiLF 10 SCIENCE Forcng bd bombs at five Olympic 43 Insidepef BBB RRY AND ALTHOUGH MY 90LN RESEARQH HA6 boa abbr 44 Bar item mm MUR UNNED ACCLAM OFTEN W5H IV show just two aces All North Add wds 45 Identifications game BUFFALO SBARRIE BUFFALO mu TURNED P50 For 5BA50N0R Two could do was to gulp out Electrically st onto F0 mud 1977 pass charged mm 47 Watch closely TORONTO BUFFALO to ARIES March 21 April 19 WHLE AT YALE 99 THE 50MBRERO It was bad luck that South °° Caesar ll l2 Dont demand tiuswnrvuiti onitl TRlCK AGNNST PRIlNEETOAlflr JrléLlKE went down at we west open lirauofirbe 52 323 BARRIE CAN 22 GlOAl Jr EHgoMBREgéC ed the ace of clubs and shifted branches 56 pique you won out II What you Will not WEST EAST to diamond but those things 14 Two singers 57 Asian country mug mm SWW lSllltllllWill ll IV 10 happen to players who get into 15 Terminate 61 Time division gign Sm zu xv lhulhln hm VON ll Lalf 3M0it ratsit lu rimn TAURUS April 20May 20 Q10 Game and Slam ALZSL 23 Eiisipdevii sgfimm hm mm sorlous amnesia WISIi tiui 18 gm of 65 Dine 19 Type measure 48 For example 9Defimiw iv today it the pawn that mind im SOUTH shootin 66 21 Parting abut ay In ancrent 19Polka t1 mint rut on mi Wllll rid pi eons times salutatton pl 49 gigm or left mCITV Slhu tus II lmmm my Oppogod MW 23 Suainers mo Q10 20 Embarrass 67 Golf gadget part of the zzrfimnxsm Mf tout take my tiiiid stands toAkganiisefhgefgriingirxz 22 Mountains 24 tigslanve body in tt lifg1fm GEMINI May 21Juno 20 itmri 18 bid is caneé the Culbertson 24 gravid DOWN 25 Theysame 50 Animal waste mm WW as es vu nera RRmd lw Clint ll fintizillitjbulthdl2212titrinizrlint two bid if he didn invent it 25 Paper of Roman date 26 Chatlt 51 3233 it gt alao gnurm at tLlm NW Mummy West North East South biggigorismerl is shit hfis first 2atEnrltl1nebtelt1ness Egapneqnuissciund Nolrway period Odd ml JIM limp Ullioi pally Vttlld llho til Slutp till Pass Pass two at actlilrnee 30 one Ger lee eopard 27 Beehive State 53 DO newspaper ertl lii lliiluiui ll 29 Drizzle may Mum CANCER 22 Pass Pass 5v writers were using different saggwnme Gizfgéase 31 The smanest 542212 NV li ll ii ll ii ilCl bll lllltz illi yl lltllill Pass Pass Pass forcing blds lncdenwlly hls 35 couege head mdents bl Kind mm hunk l1m Cm finnflumw tmmtl gtV Ly Ct Opening lead original twobid rules are just 36 Detergent French article 32 Spike 58 Period in TiToTvli itivimi lnit llit1lllill about what should be followed 37 Mideast Flower part 33 Fencrng penny mlwi Mp mum now It wont go away weld James Jacob today seapon leon sword history ltlll llitl lJAUR 1l1IIIl iil iii imnmunmm LEO JUIY 23AU9 22 Thlii IS um 77¥WA WA ngr 39 Medicme 10 Baseball 38 Hard work 59 Of equal Pl Sivstwtitnsnm no one of those days when your How many highcard pomts bow events 40 Devoledt score Fawn Thinsuns in in tir liktlnii lint mate 90mg to he nggmg when do you need for your hand to 41 Fourtnhand ll Biblical hero 46 Begutne 60 Cobblers tool gt it MddeSINHMH divs le you re lagging SOTHPOIH OD qualify as foxCine two 21001100 Narni iltit pm hm Hm mg to have to compromise let tl The general answer is 18 Tll tliiiilitIx iiutls llillhli be you Reach lur iht lop in Hip yji 1am Unwh oug may kStrlktsuiww tt outst ll iiin Iiititm VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Thu 17 or 16 With less Just bid lisng 22ml Tm biggest source of frustration Will one The bid wont be passed TiQOng Show ngm Mm lMmk lie WlllllllyOtl yourself today om llAWA tll The guy siunm intm ist Magiemuminitmx nnnm min 1985 YO know WW WW TOdaYS hand represents ernnient did not tell 21 forlorn IHURSDAY AFTERNOON LlBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Vllltl ra ta giltgogghtlgiglftami113223 nipltiytcvs they were iizinitd in IL pm my to erlDOSC your wrll upon your ii 197 laeklist or give them 15 1nil WI iiitiitinni peer group today tam have dis ly With the South player He hiinttlltltilllllillliin5 351 HP himMW 11 aslrous ropemissmns Let inili innit did hold two aces and he did lan Martinilien zitting prime Exit mm in um in others riianage their own titltius have nine playing tricks in his minister said Monday Coronuin St Ht in tin ii nd At least he had nine The Llntiiillllill did not tell a9Lncie iiiitnriinn 100 liirlllllt sconpo 05 24° 22 PrOblem hd the2 they had been singled out 197 Mr Rogerx ilppusite Ii lnzia lllllll path to your goals today ts tinny playing tricks unless an oppo 52 Hours throat guess ant itlltlLli in cold weather for any little ex derstood just why some inlks and fever The glands enlarge as blood rushes to the area to fight off the strep Must sore throats are from Virus inleet ion betii triltl must lie lll ll lihllllll diet tor the rest ml in llliit liti lltlii Hllll tlil tly reports have indieated that mine ltSltllll is desirable lltiiSl note that have been SHORT RIBS VISIT YOUR 345 WIN AT BRIDGE Never Miss Call PHILIPS CODEAPHONE DAILY CROSSWORD Mlddfl llinltwi fix lrlilllltll Dont make mnttws worse in nent showed up with four llllll11plWl ingene lilrii innit shunning ntiiletimtt lousmq Wm wwwmns dloflg winder it there way to rlll hearts to melack Anyway he Mu Denim itilit ltiity llouse IJ wa ilthiIl ltiill illtlll ltllllllltl that has been washed in the ened two hearts ltildll Stanleyknwles vaMagaliiit 18 Itl lui mi tninuaiid llie ill lhl RHNNS 7t ii3m Mllltl and diied line of my grandehildren had ff NUDE UTI SAGlTTARIUS Nov 230 or mos vees tsi be 4Searthlnrininnrimi in inmmv liile iaynn in putkm and it ruined several new pants and chair Here he was with hm 57Ryansiinpt isx Itremx 21 Dont permit yonisult to be to lirll their names it their SFlinlsionts NH mm mm pom uirx sunn ii in in air made ni Jedi typo ldhllt in sound opening bid of his own Wynn Ili1hllm is figommuilique liulxtrns innitpvt pmlosophlcm Wham iylllltlrf liltl pitik and mute are double knit MRS and partner who had opened dmmtu Mm H1021 aMmteiirtmer lltnlills it tmphitiiip cussmu Olilti become wry wnh two bd Hem bid two llllill Mr Maelliiehen England mg hemw HUM mnqu illl Mitts hit 77 lost first and it your ltlhlHS spades to start With but when mm $318396 dtitltmnpani it In ritual Minn result will take it try washing Wllh hot water laundry soap Souths next call was jump Tim at immN it iiigtiil ll Gong 5m iii 7t running CAPRICORN Dec 2243 19 and ii tllp oi halting soda Oryou might try loosening tht to four hearts North Just had lead in any question ni dis 22CanadmnKimmie i1 omner stains Hlll hllihtll shortening Apply detergent on the to bid Blackwood South nnssal ui uil til the those gt IK HLk gxgmtlam 33ml haw WW mm mm 00 sttun wit lung unlil tilillilit oi the stain is rtniowd and responded With five hearts to nained 9Dick an int lllrllltiniii new WWW liltllliltl ts lhllill lt it netusury to repeat first apply igljrfiglxlemuinE131W be snared wm ivtttd llilufiilHltl liilmi liquid use ibleneh sale lor your 777 7777 mo MN AQUARIUS 20 Feb 19 lthllt intl enlurx and launder lhese iire retommen 2117 Daysniuurit im datiuns itll turn laundry laboratories lOllY 4AS Tllttiiltl luiiis TN ltlllliH Know how rl ii TFamtl Fwd between per ttrwit 9J0yce liitlni lllitititl li ObslltlaC too tt 22 01 HVr lii li ii Uwr tie iiltlllll thit to be sold lgRepllltlit in noquu ictiiiv vi wtiii with llllil Ilium only come up with lllrilvl at ilni mi lama mm lti lHllIlll int iiide the itIpt written tin Illl To taid In wind in the ttl re and it they THURSDAYEVENING PISCES Feb 20ltMarch 20 31ij mi WW will WEAR MUTED PLAiD sons Price yoirmil Vitli Idi gfiflZz use CCMWO tax Mir tut iet po new llilllfl iith tiniii 3villt imiinniti mm man DH titu rt Viriw tuiket llllt they iie usually tlltilptl micnyflw less you win rnwp iy the puiizii ill Iui iw to do nut ant to eat turkey every 9Deiimnttn thirdly it lL piper lillllll int aimit Wiltii the iiiaiti turkey dinner IS over eut yilulkallui llmi Itsixttill1iit rc va up tliI it ind put it in the reiiiaininil izrayi uul iiv iirv mGongsittm 174 MM and viii aav it lillillllfi to the xit ul your taiiiily fitigixwt um Hippie lit me We llllht again mntainer is iliawed and any Game III mi Iv ll vl rt it lgfiReammd KL um at tin rite nrmdlt iii Jul iitllIi if iilx luxe il lll Vin ll lllll inmagevdm mm ill lt Ili lt let lmte Willi the peuple who Klntl il 2Oddlnupie l4 xii Feb31977 lizntu lltl1illt rum and ihen Willl their name and TZEEXEETJZIHm SOYUQllliU mil in tw HY Tllliw ii iilW ll ll it MW 1h 5T0m0flm thouqnt was out till rent It It witnw it ltlIll ital llll lln pmt ktik have been TiTo Tell Thiilldll b5 HilllltMi it thV itli il iiltW at vliilml lirl tlll Lll lit llllt WlltlI 1TSlakriitiiiiiri iiimmi Ym imam iITTl llt 1ll indi liilgutten it 19MOVie TinItuinlt sum wi miniiut make it out at e95 tr 730 lltm iil ll ivl issed tiww ruin ifllll ippliqiiex made tui if mu lh not unlit ll ll gtij ti r3 1v tStrikes Spuru in ll tn ping tlllll lllllllll iiniind Misses il Ii tietiwr inni and xtWll tngether on turn 3elmmi8k Imi swim itiM pt llxl ilid llt ilV lliiilviliw itii iBobby inun hv Marti urn 9rSanfUrfliln4lNdi HH Ily ll bi lVH til ill xit lit llllt dye was pllltil on Iilll tlpptl l9 EduLatiun of me in II Inniurirm Ul rltll lr tr McMamb WW HIM le luv ul not int win it lillitIH ll iinti 79Tat1161m mt my Ir Hint impt pulse Autumn llvilllllilll used on Ill in lnill lli illlll£lrl 1° rllli lltlt gnaw in it wult ll ill trier ill the dye dim ezired andE 22 Alite rrniWWW ism Wmr rs iiii11litivtt lltll in ti tax Made the lup like new lul THE DOCTOR SAYS fit we Ititzrriirrt Irvin ltki caused by germ gt SWs Byb limitSin ll lltili ltil them lawn though Dear Dr Thosteson get the ilieuinatie lewi lullmtx Ili only If flu and strep throat every iITI about three per eeiit oi strep ter take all the hi hnls thiuat eases the piernuliun it 11TEI available is there mullniiu uteliuririlitaking tr aw id the llt can do lltill Iii llmsitsuii speaking only ll iliyeilitiilums trout Whitfield OFFICE telephone OllSWCllllg nuya or from irritation as in heavy smoking marathon talking or postnasal drip Because trur strep throat ran be precursor of rheumatie ir ver espmially in youngsters some doetors treat earl yinp toms with penirillin to berm the safe Side lruinpt tienlrritnt whith refers merer to the exis lenee ill sueh pouelies it they betnine inflamed illl lieulitist then the pietiire ehantges Here low residue lands are desirable until the in llanimnlirin yllllfilllb should mention that not all llHllllS uiree on this iesulue matter NORTH ERN mm my In 29 Dunlrn St 737 3860 STAT ON ERY NEW OWNTOWN STATIONERY STORE OUTFITTERS Pick Up Message from any phone Remote and Non remote BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 essential WSW ll TNT You hurl better heck with your Yd Huéci such as rheumatie lever in if Mil hi $181423 most cases ilnlllIlOlH the is it l9 ii prudent precaution espeeiall l3 yf 1h ttrwr ONCE iri where he Um 1w kty Symp may sound silly but inst have toms enlarng glands and le kill 0W limit UlllllS Verlarepresent are there in little old Jelly if tr The soreness could be ti part llllm VIII of your annual virus llllll in mummy numnri mm TECUOFSi WlllCh milk helped il hadnt run aeioss vasion by other organisms that nprl Sm pwmwm mUCh GEN lQSlHUSil llll Attrieiilture publieatiun that can be it iéflflltl lhlh ll ll pinpoints the little Oltl jelly Ir Nm can cause Srnt558llllll Wlll llll hog for you Thp bruins gcr until lhttSilUHllUII NlUIHHlU piruluee about it iilories to me normal iheuunee anutintebeinigalmut llll it tillL INI Ii illl ii it itll illil ll HA lioNl MIND BEIN Ttl Your nutrition must he Hm ill beans single benn has DLllt l1 HxllAi ii 911 an in Mi ONLY CLtLIx 0N YER sidered Ari you flflllllll tide about liltiilories lot oi that is bl ll ll loll llill iii HIM ll WWllilt Diotix Wliti RUN0 1H quate protein Are you UH it sugar which you want In inllll gt ml lift lll Ntth Mill TlRiSS iiiAiS My weightreduction diet skipping Xipg wr 1i IN ii ill r3 YER msiNtss pploRITIES 5°MEDAY meals getting adequate Vita Will lty PM in it HiiNt mins Also wary pprwns kIHHIIIri Illtlsltvrlillltlts AlfIL 33 NWK tr with itcoldsn gt8 quasumumh siiiu iiitgri lIn iiiyltimy am NH to me that cold weather as ll mo of OTHER such isa cause Nu it wont lIil there are Parents of children who eom plenty of valid reasons for quit Va plain of sort throat and have tiny or not starting not the the gland enlargement and te ver should seek prompt alien least of which is the health ul your lungs To DO FIRST lllyMA Il iir TRAIN up

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