DESPITE SPENDING CHECKS County budgets show MIDHURST tStaff Although Simcoe County ad ministration is frequently com mended for holding down tax rises in comparison to regional areas the tax spending has in creased materially over the past 27 years it was shown by reView of county igures The county council last year under the leadership of Orville Hughes held down its overall levy to the level of the previous year with some additional government aid But over the years the county spending has been growing although at con siderably less pace than other levels of government The new warden Allan Glassford who is reeve of Tecumseth has told of his con cern over the tax outlook and has stressed county council has prime responsibility to ratepayers He served on the finance committee which reduced the overall municipal levies last year Past figures reflect the iii flationary trends through the years which have affected property taxation Back in 1950 when the late Benson of Penetanguishene was warden the budget called for levy to raise total of 5498955 toward the years expenditures The figure included 871150 for the administration of justice now the responsibility of the provin cial government By 1969 the countys net levy amounted to $245546 The countys share of the cost for roads in 1950 was 3156945 By 1969 it climbed to 3923106 Queens Park in 1969 as now provided subsidies of 50 per cent of the approved road costs plus 81 per cent for bridge con struction OlNtllIORS IAY The allowance for the 49 councillors to cover the 1950 per diem pay for the year totalled $9030 less than onetenth of the present figure Last years total county levy amounted to 53835888 with total gross expenditures amounting to 310334 152 Government grants provided most of the difference The county levies are paid by ratepayers on their property taxes AI i1SSIOR1 Studies figures In 1950 the county operated only one home for the elderly Simcoc Manor at Beeton Georgian Manor at Penetanguishene and Sunsct Manor at tollingwood the lat ter opened in 1969 are others under county administration today The 1950 budget made no reference to county library service Industrial and tourist promotion was left to local organizations as was recreation needs OPERATEDJAIl The county then was respon sible for operation of the for mer county jail which was taken over by the province few years ago Welfare aditiintstratioii for its llitrncmber municipalities and the city of rilha has been another relatively new county responsibility in recent years Before 1966 it was ad ministered locally Welfare and social services now cost some $251tmtla year There also hate been ex tensiye changes in health ad ministration the years with the county now having rcprescii tation on the board instead of entire responsibility for its operation hangcs Ill thc Childrens Aid administration also were made as well as other functions Among 1950 members who later became county wardens were George Shepherd of Treemore in 1951 James Hart of Barrie 1952 Wilbur Reed of Orillia 1953 Smith Campbell of Oro 1954 Roy Hickling of Vespra 1955 Fisher Ganton of Mcdonte 1957 Montcalm Maurice of Tiny 1961 and Herbert Hughes of West Gwillimbury 1905 The current coiuity council is expected to discuss new 1977 budget presentations at oming meeting arrangtxi for Wednesday Feb 10 at the county administration building ierc The opening session has ween arranged to start at 10 in inflationr trends Slides shown at Craighurst RAIGHIRSI Slides of old and new scenes in Oro were shown at meeting of the local Womens Institute Iicld in the Anglican church basement The guest speaker amp bell of luthric spoke about the history of tro when picsenting the slides The lll girls held their first meeting on the new project The tlub iirl IIntcrtams at the home of Mrs traig Susan arr president welcomed the 10 girls present and Iarlciic Ioodward secretary rccordcd thciiiiiiutcs The club leader Mrs tarr explained the work and also gave out record books and other relatingmaterial Mrs traig demonstrated making of cookies with the help of some of the girls These were enjoyed at lunch served at the close of the meet mg Mrs Handy and Miss Sheila traig of lctcrboroiigh and Mr and Mrs traig motored to Toronto last Satiir day where they attended the wedding of Miss atolyn taiiicroii and Rev Ernest Nullciiiycr of Barrie Loriic Handy is home from Royal Victoria Hospital liar lltl Evans criticizes NDP over auto insurance By ARTHLR EVANS MP Simcoc entrei Strange things happen in politics as suppose they do in life At least thought that comment was true when few weeks back the NDP Member for Lakeshore announced that his party was giving one of its favorite policies close second look It turns out that the NDP was not quite as enthusiastic it once was about staterun automobile insurance Not that the state could not administer such program rather the results were financially and electorally disastrous for the NDP in British Columbia From those experiences Mr Lawlor concluded no govern ment should be forced to assume administrative control of profitlosing operation when even automobile in surance companies were shying away from taking on any new liability business In other words governments should take over enterprises with thriving profit potential Let these other enterprises sink from their own weight TOO SUBDEN Personally thought such reversal was so sudden and dramatic that had to touch myself to check to see if was all in one piece This reversal of basic NDP policy was like Niagara Falls reversing its watcrflow After all as legislator since 1960 have often heard 1IF Leader Donald MacDonald sing the virtues of government owned automobile insurance in Saskatchewan It is such suc cessful scheme that Saskatr Call for Appointment 7267621 chewan taxpayers are only losing 52 million year on auto insurance Still that amount of money is not small potatoes for province their sic Ipori thinking about this great change lllllt further wondered whether the Nltls decision to seek money from business of every lt lor political campaigns had anything to do with this policy reversal on auto insurance It seemed reasonable that as the Official Opposition the NDP had to downplay its socialist commitment in favor of more humane and compassionate image forthc electorate REVERSAI Ati IN But wait mmutc serial does not end herr Thapter Two cancelled these good intentions as the Nlls deputy leader Ian leans promptly outlined the cast for continumg statorun auto surancc and pointed out that while individual Mlls can speak out about policy matters they cannot change party policy So Niagara Falls is not run ning uphill Ilvcrything is right with the world even ll the realities are different and even if Mr Lawlor has tXlllllllttl some good solid common sense about auto insurance No an Ontario Nli auto 11 surancc plan would not be governmental success story Just look at 150s Autoplan In its first year of operation Autoplan achieved $200 million deficit On top of that the frown corporation In surancc Corporation of British Columbia gave its employees the right to strike and they This Leons Hairstyling are having their ANNUAL Anniversary All perms $20 and up Pricos include sliorn poo Cut sot Good Mondays through Thur sdoys until February I7 I977 almost immediately went on striki It you were consumer in during ltiTl and tiist hap pentd to havi car ilttltltlll you had to be prepared to pay an additional surcharge ol $1 to $2 per hour on rcpair work becauselhcliorlj Sllttltllllltl the goycrniiiint rates were too ltiyk lo cow1 these costs lllt tarictt govcriimciit tlttltlttl to levy ll cciit tay prr gallon on lllltl Those tuiids got diver ted to other things and iiiyir zycrcuscdforthtiioriginal piir IXJNQ lndcr the Social itilit itinlllllltlll some insurance rates had to be increased by as much as 201 pcr cent While that is an extrctiic example it isbyiiomcaiis unusual Manitoba under Autoplan cs pciiciiccd $23 million dtlicits and now 15 per cent annual surcharge is Ilsttl to toytt Autoplanexpenses Imagine what the tintario dclicit would lt under slutt opciatrd iiisiiraiicc plan if the same principles wIic applied litre in the hundreds ol millions of dollars because ot our population sic Having said all that it you believe that think the private insurance companies are pcr fort in their insurance rates far lrom it although their record oii rates is at least realistic one and not artil ically inflated to hide the llllt cost The orisumtr and tommcicial Relations Ministry conlirnis that insurance ratcs of thesi coriipariics are increasing at the same rate as the cost ol living HAIR STYlING Collier 8L corner of Clupporton WI at Hawkestone told Parade to feature Waverley carnlval about new park plans HAWKESTONE Plans for proposed new llawkestonc park were explained to mem bers of the local Womens Iii stitute at meeting held at the home of Mrs Victor Hart James Rice and John levcth presented the outline for which Local Initiatives Program grant has been approved There were 14 members and four visitors prescnt Mrs Dubeau gave report about local council meeting which she attended along with other Womens ltistitiilc tncni bers Mrs Hart told dctails about the area convention held in Orillia last November and Mrs lianbury replied to the motto Members of St Mans chur ch held their annual vcstry meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Irwin McMahon rcccntly Mrs Harold lllllll treasurer presented the financial report and other reports also were read Rev Robert ducted service vestry session Sympathy is extended to the family of thc late Mrs George Shclswcll of ro Station Mrs Siielswell passed away sud dcntly on Jan 19 Three brothers Frank Frcd and John Icigh live in llawkestone The funeral was conducted frotn the Miiiidcll Funeral chapel in rillia Sympathy also goes to Mrs Lloyd Fletcher of Oro Station whose father James Handy of Barrie died at Royal Victoria in Hospital onJ an 21 ongratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Rcivc on the arrival of son Mathew William at Royal Victoria Ilospital Harrie oii Jan brother for Tanya Newman con lief ore the Highway laws Rugby topic RUGBY Highway safety and laws were discussed at meeting of Rugby Womens lllr stitutc when Mrs Bcrnal Johnston public relations con vctier prcscntcd paper on wearing seat belts while riding in car Thc paper also included laws pcrtraining to school buses and regulations concerning stops contest about traffic laws followed donation to the mu fair was approved at iiiectiiig of tlic Womcns Instituti licld lttttll ly at Hig cdar recreation hall with Mrs Stcvc lyburii presi dcnt presiding chcral ol llll ladies are taking course on stitchcry committee ol Mrs Ifdward Laiigiiiaii Mrs Albert lltltl son and Mrs Mcl ludhope historical convcncr are work mg together on compiling the history of Rugby community Mrs oimic Shaw is not too well her many lricnds wish her speedy rccovcry Mrs Jack Mallcy spent week with her daughter and son in law Mr and Mrs Stephen insiiiorc at Whitney Mr and Mrs liiii Langman Mr and Mrs Ilcrnal lohiisloii visich Mr and Mrs Rob iownlock at llitholl Mr and Mrs Hill Alexander and Normal 1lltl thc lattcrs mother Mrs Marion McLeod and Rob thilchcrc Mrs Alex andcraiid Mrs Mthodattcnd cd it shower at Mrs Morley Slitlswcll Fortst llomc DoItYourselt Unpuinted Furniture For Spare Time Re Decorating This Spring Corner Cabinets POIllftl lltriir It kriurhs irriiilirl lllt liiiiim Gloss doors top pniitil tloor it bottom at 10595 for thou Just saygharge it 4Drower Chests It ltllq drawer in tin fiiiilirtl host of hiitli plywood Illtl poplar 26 37 3895 WAVERLEY Staff log sawing contest nail driving snowmobile races and parade will be among highlights of the Waverley winter carnival this coming weekend Waverley5 winter carnival queen will welcome visitors to the carnival which opens with dance on Saturday night Marcel Maurices Northerners will providethe music Special contests for skaters will be held on Sunday after noon parade at 1230 will start the afternoons activities OUNTY MEETING MIDIIUItSI Staff The next regular meeting of Simcoe County council has been set back day from the usual third Tuesday of the month to the third Wednesday according to notice sent out by Gordon Watson clerk The next session will be on Wednesday Feb 16 commencing at am at the county administrative complex here WHEAT lROIlERS The 1977 annual meeting of Simcoc Iounty Wheat Pro ducers will be held at the Coop boardroom on lnnisfil street Barrie on Thursday Feb 10 starting at 145 pm county wheat committee will be elected and reports presented on activitiesof the past year VEEIHONTROI ELMVALE Ontario ministry of agriculture publica tions on 1977 field crop recom mendations and guide to chemical week control are now available at the North Simcoc agricultural office here These Ixioks are updated annually Rt ASSOCIATION ELMVAIJC Directors of thc North Simcoc Soil and Trop Improvcincnt Association will meet in the agricultural office here on Monday Feb to ReudyToFinish 5Drower Chest Constructed of birch plywood and poplar this chest has sizable storage drawers Easily stained or painted according to your taste PaintYourself 8Drawer Chests Unfinished dresser constructed of birch and poplar Eight drawers with wooden pulls Create your own colours or finish Night Tables Handy linndsornn night table of popular and birch I514 I4 2595 constitution 264H ouch CHARGE UNDERGROUND PARKING ENTRANCE OFF MAPLE VENUE Open Monday to Friday 930 run to 900 RM 56 76 Bayfield St Barrie IYOUI Satisfaction is Guaranteed on Eirer Purcha The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 1977 diSCUSS lans for the spring TAGDAY APPROVED urday Feb as part of its seed an feed show Educa ORILLIA Staff7ApprovaI monthscampaign tional workshops also will be has been given by City 90mm EXAMINER discussed The meeting is for the Heart Foundation to WANTADS scheduledtobegin at10308m hold tag day here on Sat PHONE 72824 All RSPS are not alike Borrowing for retirement It you already have RSP savings plan doesnt have to be consider switching to Canada mess of red tape Chances are Trust In most cases switching to you can eta loan fora Canada us is easy Just say the word Trust RS right on the spot Well do the rest And the interest on your RSP RSPS are not alike loan istax deductible Canada Trust Dunlop at Memorial Square 7261848 Try our longer hours MonThurs to Fri to 730 Sat to Deacons Bench Solidly built II I6 pori deroso knotty pine Kiln dried to prevent warping 4lx15x 29H 4895 Night Tables 3drawer night tables of poplar and birch con struction I5 5u8x16r4x 2995 Chitfrobes Four drawers and cup board in this goodlooking piece of furniture 36 I6x41H 5995 each each Saturday 930 run to 600 pm