lhe Barrie Examinern thdiiesday liebruaryng 1977 ways to save SUPERMARKET COUPONS MAPLE LEAF WIENERS LB PKG 48° Miracles Extra Special Feature of the week on steaks and roasts cut from Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS Round Bone Shulder or SHORT RIB ROASTS L362 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Broil or Fry BEEF RIB STEAKS The King of Roasts PRIME RIB ROASTS JJZ Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Picnic Style SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS 46 LB SIZE L368 Top Quality LEG OF PORK From the Loin SIRLOIN STEAKS LB Cut from Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Canada GRADEA Beet Boneless ROUND STEAK ROASTS Pot or Oven CROSS RIB ROASTS Full Cut BoneIn RUMP ROASTS TBone or PORTERHOUSE Quick Convenient CUBE BOTTOM CUT LOIN STEAKS STEAKS ROASTS SHANK OR BUTT PORTION L388 LEI18 LEI8 LB Lallï¬a LB Cut from Cut from Cut trom Cut from Cut trom Canada GRADE Beet Canada GRADE Beet Canada GRADE Beef Prestige North Atlantic previously Frozen Switts Boston pork Lazy Maple Bluefish Fillets Saus 16 oz pkg tlb pkgiages Pride ol Canada Store Packed TOP Quality gilcided Ham Hamburger SOIliom RoundI 00 oz pkg Beef pattles FreghrOntfloofgftsL Thaw and Enjoy Cooked Maple Leat Top Quality Sirloin Tip or Highlrner European Top Round Shrimp Deli Chubs Pork Roasts oz pkg opkg Fresh Ontario Pork Famous tor Quality Atom Frozeii Deluxe Schneiders Pepperoni Bizgames Canada GRADE Beet Canada GRADE Beet Fresh Ontario Pork Fresh from the Tropics Large Size Bananas LB Ontario Grown HE PLACE FOR Low PRICES Product of USA Fancy Grade ANJOU PEARS Bluewater Thriit Pack Fish Sticks 32 oz pkg Empire or Pioneer Sliced Side Bacon tlb pkg Chicken or Luncheon Maple Leaf Lunch Meats SLICED 12 OZ PKG Previously Frozen BEEF LIVER STEAKS SKINLESS AND SLICED Table Potatoes 10 LB BAG L333 880 W36 CONCERNED Iiiieru Minster Mastaiv itiillt or in Ottawa iiriivii that iterlepart llltlltiii criiiiittee itixtritwitit 21 down pos ed to marine life off the lriiish niiinihia coast by proposed oil pipeline ter nnnal ill Kitnnat iit Iti Ihotot Doctors get letter Of apology tiitttiXtri Premier William llavis has sent letter to about IZUNNJ ntario doctors aymlouiing tor the leaking of the names ot till doctors who billed tire tintinio Hospital In surance Ilan tor more than 351mm each in tiscal 5e21r 19747 The list of names was pro ltitti to the Iegislatures public awoiinis committee last De ceniher and leaked to the neWs media by committee member lid Ziemba Nltl member for Toronto High ParkSwansea behalf of my govern menr want to express my Sill cere aimlogy tor what was an embarrassing and demeaning series of events Mri DHVIS said in the letter made public Monday spokesman for the pre jmiers oitice said the letters cost To cents each to mail fora total of about $9000 The preL miers itiltt paid for the rnail mi Ihc premier said the com inittce under the chairmanship to Iitili Hernia II member toi siitltiiav the yer least circninxr iitcd the right or the Illltillil Medical ASStttllliittlt to have an appeal heard in the ap piopriatc oiirt Mr Davis also made the point that majorit of coin mittee nnnihcrs belong to position parties He said Mr Zicmhas deci sion to ignore committee mo iron to httliiill Ilt confidential is tittili concern to thought nii lJPiI éhmiiizhoiit Ontario and matter oi considerable emharrassnrent to the entire leuisliitiire SttltilllIIICSlttTIIN liast Iteceinlier the premier illltllli demanded in the house that Mr Ziemha resign his seat and Mr tierma step down at committeechairman Mr Zicmha resigned from the committee at the rHiueSt oi Nlll leader Stephen Lewis but Mr terma stayed on as chair man lleasi atcept my personil iaikitoin and the apologies ot Ill cabinet colleagiiesf the prcinier said in the letter The pox ernment rallies its relation ship ith the doctors ot tntario illltl it lttilillllltï¬ their coni mitniciii totlnInphesi levelsot niwlnai NlVltt to the citizens ol this province ttpimsition Leader Lewis said in an interview he too regrets the incident and has said soon more than onemcasion He said he believes Mr Iliins is attempting to use this ad lltlllttiIV llllIlttpp Iltlll in pretty Iliillilllii political tiishr ion Liberal Leader Stiiiirt Smith said the premier is guilty ot blatant Progressive ton scritic propaganda and tic ciiscd him of attempting to lumpIiothoppositionpaitiesto pethci in regard to the leak It was an Nltl member who violated the ttllillitlliiitiii mo tioii and the premier neglected to make this point to the doc tors he said