Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1977, p. 15

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lt ONTARIO EliltATlON Minister Thomas Wells ex tends congratulations and comiiiemorative plaque to Bradford District High School principal Alec laylor during the official opening ceremonies for the new $2 million structure lucsday Mr Wells was the guest speaker Examiner Photo New high school Open in Bradford By PAlL DELEAX Examiner Staff Reporter BRADFORD Stafft Secondary education in Brad ford reached yet another milestone in its ILLSyear history Tuesday with the official opening of the new $15 million Bradford District High School About 400 persons attended opening celebrations for the school which was completed in June and ready for September occupancy lt accommixtaies 630 students from Bradford tiltord lictroy Bond llead Schomberg and the Holland Marsh area The school on Highway iii west of Bradford was designed by the firm Ada mson Associatesofloroiito Architect lohii Bonnick said the school has been designed to allow for two future exr pansions one to the north one to the west It is expected to hold 1400 to 1500 students some day ompactness he said was the main feature of the com pleted first phase to get the most for the least We had to be extremely compact to fit within tight budget restraints ministry of education grant covers rotighly 00 per cent of the cost the balance coming from local taxes Mr Honnick said con struction began in March 1077 and the job was finished in June lttTti VHRYHUUDFUS It worked out to be very good cost he said Alec laylor in his lth year as principal said the new building is loyely really quite change It adds technical facilities which we didnt have before in the form of four shops Uther features include double gym and an additional science laboratory and commercial room In fiis speech to the gathering Mr Taylor outlined the history of secondary education iii Bradford starting with the opening of the Bond llcad grammar school in tifi by Rev tanonttsler lack Raiiisay director of education for the Simcoe touii ty ltoard of litlticatioti noted that the school lillilt slightly below recommended sie is already filled soon to litover filled He told guest speaker lhomas Wells ttntarios education minister that piessiirewoiild soon begin for aiiirroval of an addition to the structure Were one of seven boards across the anadiaii scene that is still growing he reminded We have fine schools Wells says at opening Hlifylirttlil Statffl Largescale criticism of the provinces educational systeiii doesnt appear to have made much of an impression on tin tario Education Minister lhomas Wells Mr Wells appeared more confident than apologetic Tuesday while addressing those assembled for the official opening of Bradford District HighSchool You know education is very heated topic today minister have to take lot of resixnisibility for what is hap peniiig We have in this province very fine school system That doesnt mean its perfect Anything we try to do is to make the system better he stated Mr Wells observed that secondary education in the province had undergone many changes in the last 13 years Almost 80 per cent of those NII HI IHIZ attractive facilities of the new Bradford District High School is its library now to be know as tile ll Gardner Resource aged 13 to 10 now stay on in high school compared to to per cent some to years ago and to per cent 13 years ago he said line of the functions of the system in his view is to keep as many young people as possible in school at the post secondary level The aim is not inst to prepare young people for university college success happiness is not inst to teach them to get along with each other but all those tlllllL together preparing our yoiiiiL people as future citizens of this democraticcountry if you accept this aim what we decided to do to make secondary education go in this direction was right hesairl Mr Wells conceded that perhaps the pendulum swung too far in reference to some of the problems which have recently surfaced These things arebeingcorrected We re all trying to make this system better It will tientrc Mr Gardner school trustee in ltradford for 42 years was at the opening ceremonies luesday to accept the plaque that tieiiitiitlitttil lye trayelled around this province lot lin very proud til the tlllllL see of the yiitlttL people see the future of this proyiiice and country is in the liantlsot theyoniigpeople When see the young people and the program theyre es perienciiig in confident well come to see greater and more humane tanada than we have seeiiyet lftttilitllltltil lack Ramsay director of educat ion for the Simcoe ouii ty Hoard of titltltdtlttll echoed his sentiments llesaid hewasdelighted with some of the aiiiiouiiteiiicuts made recently by Mr Wells ministry particularly the need for evaluation and the return to core programs and was pleased with the direction tin tario education istakiiig The same confidence was voiced by lhotiias tiardnet ltradlords Mister llducat ioiiL bears his name and pass it on to Annette rencer chair man of the student senate at lilillS lilxaminer lliotoi Elli 73am Examiner The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 197777 15 Thursday start for MiniFest MlNlISlNG The fifth an nual Mincsing MiniFest starts Thursday night at the com inunity hall The highlight of lliursdays activities is the presentation of the itizen of the Year Award which will be prcseir ted to the Minesing resident who has made the most significant contribution to com munity life Also on Thursday night preliminary judging will be held for the Minivlest princess winners of the ice sculptures will be announced and winners of the school childrens poster contest will be selected The theme for the poster contest is Minirlest Events talent show featuring local residents will follow liridays schedule starts at 030 pm with broomball game between Minesing men and the members of the Mmesing fire department at the outdoor rink behind community hall The Miiii licst lriiicess will be chosen after the broomball game followed by teen dance to the music of Sound on spiracy The Mini Fest laradc billed by organizers as the biggest and best event of the Miiii lest starts Saturday at The parade starts on Laird Drive by the ball diamond and eiidsat tliecoiiiiiiunily hall The parade will be followed by snowmobile obstacle cour se competition sponsored by the Swaiiipiiders snowmobile club at the Mintsing School field the YARl EVENTS Yard events for children featuring tugofrwar and sled pull will take place at the school field followed by yard events for adults Adults will compete in log sawing nail driving tugvof war and barrel roll The highlight of the afternoon will be the sled pull Last year said organizer Wendell White the winning person pulled sled weighing 1700 pounds warmup tent will be available for the competitors to keeptheir blood circulating lhc Mincsing Womens In stitute will cater dinner at at the community centre after the yard events lirce skating will follow the dinner at the rink from7 to pin The annual Mini liest Dance sprmsorcd by the Minesing recreation committee will start at the community centre at ti pm However if you havent got your ticket yet youre out of luck Mr White said Wed nesday morning the dance is completely soldout During the dance trophies will be awarded in the beard growiiigcontesf Harry Adams known as Mr lyliiiirliest will act as emcee forthecvcning in Sunday morning the liiial day of Mini lest begins with church service at the linesmg liiitedthurch After the service siiowiiiobilers will take off on 20 mile Snowmobile Safari through the countryside surrounding linesing $100 000 bill on annexation Reeve Alan lohiiston said luesday espra towiiships fight against Harries an iiiatioiiproposaliscostitigits atortune lownship clerk lIarl lticbar dson said earlier Tuesday the cost of the iiineatioii tight nearly Stooooo Harrie wants to annex 3000 acres of township land north and east of the ttty priiiiaiily along the Highway 3037 com mercial strip The township iiiies bid to annex the land along Highway JoJT claiming it would lose more than half its tlltstllttllt ft is costing its fortune Htttltilllltill said but added the money must be spent to properly prepare studies needed for the townships case it the Iiitario Municipal Hoard thl heariiiL lteeye Johnston also said he fias not changed his opinion about proy incial treasuici llat cy Mclyeoughandtheletter Mr chHitigh sent to the till panel hearing the annexation proposal llie lettei said it is essential the province be able to deal with one municipality haying llllstlltlltitt over protected population of tLi 000 people by thcyarRoll ttcye lohnston it the hi tiIttl OHRP makes pitch tltttl township cottiiitl inaugural meeting lan ic ctised lr lclxeotigli of in iertei ing til the ttll hearing and wasting taxpayers money by not solving the iinicition tittililttft before the tlll hearingsstarted lle repeated his tateiiieiit lucsday saying lle MiRcough had every right to give land to lflllt before the hearings ttl not started but be didiit lleeliii etliitill tltlllt and when he saw it wasnt Litilllfllllsvtlllltltlittllli lieete lolitetoti also fllttl to know why liiittte has not releaseditsiiiiieatoicosts lt seems funny to the that espia tells what it pciidini but iriic doesnt say word on it hesaiil llie township limyc lolin ston aid has tlllttl paid oi in the process of pay lltf its Im aniiexatioiibills the money he sftlll was set aside in the liit budget lloweyci llie total tiltttttl the iiiioiiiit budgeted and the township was toiced to dip in ioourrcseries lltsiltl lteeye ltiltlllttll estiiiiatiil the liiti ieseryc fund at bet ween soootio and moon but was unable to say exactly how much of the ieseiyc had lieett tlsttl to cocr the aiiiieatioii lilll t0 Vespra council MllilllRSl espra town ship homeowners with leaky roots or cracked foundations may soon be able to make needid repairs with the help of the provincial government Mirkos Lakoscliac an of ticial of the pto incial ministry of housing Monday explained details of the ttiitario lloiiie teiiewal Hit The program which began in 1079 makes both forgiveable and repayable loans up to $7300 tolioiiieowiiersfor repairs Loans aie available to homeowners whose income does not tXtttl $ll000 Mon thly repayment and interest rates are calculated on sliding scale based on income and family sic lor example homeowner with an adiustcd income of $0200 would pay the maximum interest rate of eight per cent Hut someone making less than $3000 year would pay no int crest lhe homeowner making $0200 would be eligible for maximum loan of $2400 while the homeowner making less than $3000 could get loan of up to $4000 Repayment terms range up two years All loans are idmiiiistered by the municipality lhe municipality receives grant of up to to per cent of each loan tocoveradministrationcosts Homeowners are eligible for only one loan under ttllltl regulations and he must liyc iii the house until the loan is repaid If the ow iier sells the house or rents it he must repay the out standingbalanceimmediater To get an ttllltl loan the homeowner must have his property inspected by the municipalitys building in spector who makes list of repairs lltttlttl to bring the house uptostaiidards set by the ministry of housing The homeowner must then get two estimates based on the in spectors list of needed repairs Mr Lakoscliac said espra township is eligible for 3545000 for the lttiti 7T fiscal year which ends March ltl if the township applies for participation in the program now It will also qualify for further $43000 in the lit 70 fiscal ear liesaid He advised the township to apply as soon as possible However council Voted to con tact other municipalities in Simeoetounty before making decision Council say tity councils general coin iiiittce has turned down com promise on the cost of llfifoot sewer mum on llioadmoor Avenue which would serve self service gas bar at the cor nerof littleAvenue The city is faced with court action by the station owner lion Alexander because his site plan agieeiiient does not men tiontlie$000 main The agreement calls for Mr Alexander to pay $3217 loithe owners cost of construction of sewer and road on ltroadinoor Avenue lhe clause should have read sewer and water The existing sewer main falls its feet short of Mr Alexan ders propcrt and he has been asked to pay an additional $2000forconstruction Instead he filed still in December asking compliance with the agreement or for damagesforfailuretocoiiiply Since then Mr Alexander and his lawyer Marshall lreen have attempted to work out compromise in which the construction cost Wtillltl be split The station has been allowed open lioiit washrooms and employees are using washrooms iii an ad Postagedue letters nuisance if IltSlAlASTIIR ALBRRI llccles checks incoming mail for insufficient postage lhe Harrie office gets about too letters day for overseas LOCAL AND GENERAL lillllll lhc Hahai ommiimty is holding public meeting Friday at it at ittt Springhome td tairic Stan lhihps is the guest speaker lhereisnoadmissioncharge lllllt5lttllY lhe Simcoe ouiity Board of titllltillltitl was scheduled to open tenders for the coil stiiiction of fourth high school in Harrie at luesday but postponedtheopeningtotoday to allow adiniiiistritie of ticialu to attend funeral ser vices for Sydney ttwen Mi Untoii superintendent of plan tune for the board since 1070 tllttltil heait attack iiiiday lll1ll lll ltollasoii 23 of tairic pleaded guilty to four counts of filing false eiii pioyiiient patticulars with the lneinployiiicnt insurance toininission at ttiitaiio lroin cialtoiiitMonday icordiiig to llt spoketitan flotlason worked fioiiiltcc lttmlaii iiideai tieiirite iiid gtUo but claimed no car lllltf off his tilt tilttilflllls llc paid Mfr in llt liinctit tllllllfl the same peiiod Judge John iito fined ollason ill and oidei ed fun to iepi Hill to the com mission lol ltl iltlltt youths charged by iiiic police following an in cidint it Niiiiiiitlalctoiniiiunity tcntrc last month are silitillllisl to appear in court lieli to set date for trial Lance lloiatli of toii cessioii lLI espra lowiisliip Alatc ll tolwrgc li of lieiiiick ltiive and John llaiidy lft of Niphia trcet asked for the new date liiciliy lliiy are charged with creating distur baiice and were released on theirownrecogniaiice l1 tiaij tlayton Matlicrs iiti of lift Miiiesiiig is scheduled to appear in pro iiicial court leb to set date for trial Matlicrs charged with iin paireddriyiiiganddriymg with more than tut ings of alcohol in his blood was in court luesday He was charged following fatal accident Jan which left Violet Winnifred lleitmar 50 of iliiiIthleitdead HUN IHIVIS llllli aitie city police tonstalile tiary Logan will speak to the lall lrees Ratepayers ssociatioii leli at it in on laiiics new ltlock laients program The meeting will he held at iiiidleslleightslultlicSchool toiisliible Logan said today over liio applications for the program have been received and said number of talks are scheduled in different city locations IUDAHIHAHKH Stayner till are operating road blocks because of snow conditions on parts of Highway El again today while other stretches of the highway have beenreducedtooiielane AlllflllNiillllll loiiights meeting of the Name Safety Association has been cancelled and re sclmliiled for Feb It at it iii The meeting will be held at the home of Don luddeii at 217 St Vincent St in Harrie joiningshoppingplam Mayor Ross Archer who was involved in the compromise talks said today there was an area of doubt as to how well tliecity had kept Mr Alexander informal of rHiuiiemeiits and he supported the idea of divisioiiofcosts However he said committeedisagreed general He said if the sewer had been put in by previous developer Mr Alexander would have had to pay nearly as much under the tity of Harrie Act to reim biiisetliedeveloper 100 DAY OWE MONEY destinations which bear only 20 cents postage The rate was raised to 23 cents Jan tlIxaminer photoi ll spokesmen say police closml Highway 24 from fun from to Maple Valley Monday and luesday as well as closing Airport Road Airport Road is completelyopentoday $toolltilI lIlinvale ll say two vehicles involved in collision lucsday due to snowy conr litions suffered total of $400 damage Anna King of llillsdale and laiil Winger of tarrie were travelling westboundonSimcoe tounty Road lift at 31 luesday when both swerved to the right shoulder of the road to ayoidhittinga largesnowdrift Police say the cars collided when the car driven by tying slid into the ditch and was hit from behind by Winger The King car ltiTl ttld sniobile lias$ti0ilaiiiagewhile estimates set the damage to the month after the basic rate for overseas mail was in creased from 20 to 25 cents letter the Barrie Post Office is still getting about 100 letters day with insufficient postage says Postmaster Albert Eccles And the problem could get 20 times worse in another month when rates for domestic and American mail jump from 10 cents letter to 12 cents simply because the office handles 20 times more mail for North American destinations than for overseas points The postmaster is hoping the public will catch on little more quickly to the North American rate increase which takes effect March Its not an alarming propor tion he says of the underpaid overseas mail Its more of nuisance than anything We have to put someone to work on it and its taxpayers dollars paying for the extra work In addition he says it doesnt look very good to your friends when they have to pay postage dueon your mail lTiidcrpaid letters are caught by visual inspection during sorr ting and are put aside They are then stamped postage due with the amount due marked in at rate of twice the deficiency in other words if youre nickel short the recipient pays lime ANADIANSLlKY aiiadians are lucky Mr lic cles says in the tnited States applications for Canada Works Witfi the deadline only two days away Barries Tanada Manpower cntrc has given out 37 applications for the first round of the new aiiada Works program operations supervisor iill ltuff said today Applications must be received in Manpowers loroir to iiili creation office by Friday For those who miss the deadline another round of ap plications is scheduled later in the year with deadline of Aug it The aiiada Works program succeeds the often controversial Local Initiatives liogram lllt as the federal 1070toiigeWiiigerwasdriung goyciiiuieiits main job atSIoo creatioiithrust Beeton res1dent gullty of drug trafficklng Btyearold tectoii man purpose of trafficking was was found guilty of possession of drugs for the purpose of trat ticking by county court iiiry Monday Wayne lilllttlt is scheduled to appear in court in Harrie lllll leb ll at it lit for sentencing second man loliii llolland LC of lottenliaiii also charged with possession of drugs for the lllLlI llliR Ross Langman irighti talks with liris loody of the provincial agriculture office in lillmvale during registration luesday at the ttiitario Soil and rop Improving farm soil topic for more than 200 farmers More than 200 farmers gathered at the Holiday liiii on lIssa Road luesday for the first day of thettiitarioSoil and rop llllpltiytllltllt Association con ference llic delegates some from as far as the Maritiiiies will discuss ways to improve farm soils and increase crop yields through more effective farm management and increased use of chemical and technological advances ltiesdays program spon sored by the North Simcoe Soil and rop liiiproveiiieiit Association discussed better forage tfcedi management techniques Speakers included Dr Stan Young lir llert hiistie and found not guilty Both men were found guilty last week of possession of mariiuaiia and will be sen tenced leli ft on that charge lhey were charged in con iiection with an incident Sept 12 when Alliston WP on stable orey found five plastic bags of the drug in the back of their car liiiprovement Association conference at the Holiday Inn in Harrie The conference attracted 300 farmers in cluding three from the lir Elwood llatley all of the tintario ollcge of Agriculture ittAtt in luclph and Harvey Wright of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food MAIN in Guelph During the afternoon session delegates heard from three tllAl officials llert Moggach William thirst and flank Hellman and two farmers who described the forage systems they use on their farms Mr Moggach spoke on hay harvesting amt storage systems Mr llurst discussed the techniques and problems encountered in making good hay feed and Mr Hellman talked about alternative ways ofstoiiiigliayftxd mail doesnt leave the country without correct postage Canada leaves it for recipient countries postal authorities to collect the postage due Canada does not get its postage due money back from say Britain Mr Eccles says because the bookkeeping isnt worth it Instead the hope is Canada will break even collec ting postage due on underpaid mail from Britain to Canada We would hope the customers appreciate the fact that we dont delay their mail unduly he says noting however that the few minutes delay dealing with underpaid mail could in certain cir cumstances mean such letter Would catch its flight overseas day later than one with correct postage ther rates besides those for letter mail have gone up as well Mr Eeeles says but these increases arent creating problem because they either at fect businesses which make point of knowing the rates or involve aerossthecounter payments thus giving postal personnel the chance to point out the increase So remember that letter to your aunt in John Groats should have 23 cents worth of stamps on it And on March your letter to your cousin in Medicine Hat or your brother inlaw in Tallahassee will need 12eent stamp lnder the new program fun ding iniist be applied for by recognized community group Lll funding was available on application by individuals as well anada Works projects must be nonwprotit create at least five jobs appropriate to the local labor market and benefit the community However spon soring organizations need not themselves be nonprofit groups The emphasis will be on job creation rather than on the ac tiial projects and high tur nover of employees as Canada Works participants find other jobs will be welcomed Funds for the program will be allocated by federal ridings with reference to areas of high unemployment similar program Young taiiada Works is designed to create summer jobs for studen ts Applications for both programs are available at Man power 130 Hayfield St MAJUR lRtRlS Barrie has three separate Minor Hockey organizations The Barrie Minor Hockey Association stresses the com petitive angle with the Knights of tofumbiis and Barrie Legion minor hockey leagues offering hockey in house league fashion Maritime provinces for three days of discussions on soil and crop improvement techniques ilixaniiner lhotot lodays session included discussion on soil improvement through combinations of crop and tillage systems AC professors lack Ketchcson and Terry Daynard spoke on this subject in the morning session Workshops planned for this afternoon investigated ways in which forage can be used to ini prove soil structure and iii crease crop production William Newman Ontario Minister of Agriculture and Food will address the associations annual banquet tonight UStlA business sessions are scheduled for lhuilttay Dr Switzer dean of the 0A0 will be the luncheon sneaker

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