st among slain in Montreal crime MONTREAL CPt Two murders and Father Gerard ournoyer was Vismng threatening to explode an eightstlck allowmg only known customers to enter one protests Since the start of the slowdown police have $50000 extortion involvmg fakebomb were friends in the restaurant when two hooded dynamite bomb at atime The request followed promise by Quebec stayed in their stations refusing regular among the unusual number of crimes reporlt men walked in As the priest turned around The men fled with $50000 after attaching ROBBERIES INCREASE Justice Minister MarcAndre Bedard that patrols and answering only emergency calls tï¬ditoday as policemen defied plea from one of the bandits shot him twice in the what they said was hombmwhicli provedto Thieves alsotook advantage of unpatrolled negotiations would resume as soon as The policemens main demand isauniform Lem lipioréto end work slowdown that stomach and he and the other hooded man fakefto the door of the vault Witnesses streets Tuesday to hit25 commercial estab policemen ended their work slowdown pension plan that would include costofliv mat fled with the contentsof thccash register said POfIC€ vehicles were on the scene in min Iishmcnts three indiVIduals and one private But union spokesman said Mr Bedard ing index for officers retiring at 55 years of deaphice sai an unidentified man wasshot to The slayings are the ninth and mm his utes despite the work slowdown called Mon home asked usto return to work as evidence of our age While the council has agreed to the in in an eastend tavern early today but ymrmthe Monumlarw day to protest lagging pensmn fund Police officials said robberies have been goodwnl dexing plan it contends the plan should begin could give no furiherdetalis negotiations taking place at fivetimesthe normal rate sin Weve shown our goodwill for the last between twoto four years after retirement And 47ltyearold priest died in hospital Dozens of people were evacuated from With 5200 poticemen answering only cethe slowdown began three years on the pension plan question and Other union complaints include alleged Tuesday night after being shot in downtown liighrise office building Tuesday emergency calls banks and store owners APPEALS FOR EN its got usnowhere contract violations inadequate equipment restaurant during an armed robbery one of after two men entered the groundfloor have bolstered security precautions and in Gilles Masse president of the 5200 There were record 50 armed robberies lack of career planning and absence of 33 committal Wllhln the Mottlteal Urban headquarters of National Trust Ltd and some cases even closed their doors Sonic member Montreal Ioliccmcns Brotherhood Monday which included 15 hank holdups rehabilitation programs for injured police of Community Tuesday forced employees to empty vault by suburban banks kept their front doors locked appealed to police lucsday for an end to the that netted thieves $20000 ficers IIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllIlllfIlIII IIII Illlllll IlllllllllllIlllllllIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllllllllliiIIIlllIlIIIIIIIllllllIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIllllllIllllIIIIIIIlllllllIIIlIlIIIIIIIIlllllllIIlIIlllIIlllIlItIllilIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllllIllllllllllllfllllfllllll EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 72824 All Other Departments 7266537 113th year No27 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday February 1977 15 Per COpy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly Its back to talks for CGE union Scott anadian icncral flfttfllt usinbhshcd which moves the and DAVE JOIIVSTUV supports one of the boards to be used in the broomball rinks for the Barrie Wintcr arntval whilc Ed iordon drives in thc spikcs to support it Work on thc icc at thc foot of Hayfield Strcct is continuing with workincn cncoiintcrmg of water bctwccii two ltt Iaycrs tfl1iiiiiiicilhotot Bay slush isnt expected to affect carnival ice plans The slush on Kempenfelt Bay is six inches deep but it isnt expected to affect plans to hold the Barrie Winter arnival on thcice Hob Hollywood gcncral managcr ot thc tircatci fiarrit thainltcr oi tonimcrcc spon sor of thc carn al said Today litlfltfttltls front cnd loadcr and snow plows art out packing down thc slush to turn it into an litctpttilili ltt sltllact by lflf l5tli l3 ttktlltl liarlici tarniyal cvcnts Area candidates make plans just in case election called Premier William liayis is throwing cold water on spring election rumors started by his own cabinet ministers but local candidates from all three mayor parties are getting ready to go anyway Premier Davis told Toronto audience Tuesday rtccnt elcc tion references by Ircasurcr Darcy McKeough Itevenuc Minister Arthur Mccn and Housing Minister John Rhodes Awaiting report Talks between cntrt Mouldcd Plastics Ltd of Barru and the lnitcd Electrica Workers IZEt have broken off and both sides are awaiting provincial concdiation officers report George Stevens nationa representative for thc IIE saio he is hoping for no boarc report which will movc thr parties into mediation ant place the union within legal position to strike Wilhln to days of thr date of the report The report is expected with the next few days he said am the union is hopeful it can ob tam settlement without striking The union certifin in Scp tembcr as bargaining agcnt for 43 employees at the plant is sacking its first contract wcrc only intcndcd to show op osition Ncw llctnocrats and Libcrals thc fiogrcssivc tonr scryativcs arc ready for an clcct too if ncccssary He said it would bc lllsptill siblc for him to call an flttlltill whilc his minority govcinmcnt is still workingwcll laul Wcsscngcr Jlil can didatc for thc Simcoc cntrc riding said today hc puts chan ccs of spring clcction at so To and for lillllttit of proparlititili Worc assuming that thcrcll bcont Thc Its arc always rcady for an clcction said on scrvativc candidatc licorgc Taylor thn yourc in ma lority position yotirc always niorchcads up and alcrt llut hc addHf havc no morc reason to bclicvc thcrcll bc onc other than what icad in thc newspaper liiii torncau libcral can didatc said hc bclnvts tlicrt is distinct possibility of springiott Itut all paitics will have to appcar to act responsibly Ill bringing an cltction about In said or clsc risk sultcring at tht polls This means thcrc will havc to bc an important policy issue lIUlletllUp or genumc to scrvc as basis eithcr for an clcct ion call by thi prcmicr or decision by the op position parties to combinc for ccs and dcfcat thc government dont set our party pulling thc plug Just for thc sakc of pullingthcplug hcsaid Mr Wcsscngcr said public opinion polls will probably flucncc thc prcmicr in dcciding on an clcct um think the likelihood is another minority govcrnincnt if an clcction is calch now he said and thc onservativcs would not go through the troublc of an clcction simply to rcturn to the status quo Afr Taylor said he bclicvcs rcmarks on possible election by cabinet ministers werc jokmg rcfcrcnccs to thc obvious fact that an clcction is possiin at any tinic undcr minority govcrnincnt He said ncws rcports of such rcinarks Illl thc toiic of oicc in which thcy arcmadc Mr Wcsscngcr said cam paign committcc is doing prcliininary work for an clcc lltili but thc party organiation ncvcr rcally falls into placc until an clcction is callcd Wcrc not ready to go this morning but wcrc rcndy Mr orncau said Couple die in blaze NIZWtASIIJZ tint itlt Milton irccn fin and his Wife Valcta til wcrc killcd Iucsday in firc in thcir hoinc in this community about to milcs cast of ishawa ZQULD COME BY END OF YEAï¬ Pension eligibility TTAWA ttffi Legislatior changing the eligibility rules for federal oldvage pensiom may be in force before thc cm of the year if it encounters in serious obstacles in Parliament gchrnincnt of ficials say bill introduch in the om mons this week by Welfart Ministcr Marc Ialondi proposes system under which the amounts collcctcd under the oldagc security program would tftpclitl on the number of adult years spent in Ianada Benefits for both nativeborn Canadians and immigrants would be based on total years of residence in Canada between the ages of lit and 05 No onc now rcccivmg bcncfit would bc affcctcd by thc new regulations Nor would any in nadian resident who was at least 25 years old when thc law came into effect losc any potcn tial benefits The proposed rcgulalion pro vidc full pcnsion bcncfitx loi anyonc who livcs at Icast 40 years in Tanada bcIWicn thc age of ill and thc timc thc bciic fits are applicd for In most cascs at agitlf For each year of rcsidcncc less than 40 years there would be reduction of pct ccnt in the amount an indiVidual could collect under the basic pro gram lor mstancc soniconc who cntcrcd anada at age tin and applied for pcnsion bcncfits ltl ycars Iatcr would rcccichS pct ccnt Icssthan thc full amount tichrninint officials said the new icgiilations arc intcndcd to cstablish closcr relationship bcthcn thc numbcr of produc tivc ycars an indiVidual spcnds in tanada and thc payincnts that pcison can collcct aftcr reachingrctircnicnt agi Applicants would haVc to spcnd at Icast l0 adult ycars here to collect benefits in Tan ada or at Icast 20 ycars if they havc subsequently inovcd abroad Undcr ciirrcnt regulations bcginning friday will bc lltltl ondry land Its lust an llltttlltllltllt lr Hollywood said of thc slush Ilc illtl it would takc an tlttflfil mild spcll scvcral days of tcmpcraturcs around to to ruin thc siirtacconcc it is packcddown tincc you got that snow and icc compactcd down youu got fairly rigid Iliiiss that wont lw affcctcd by days sunshinc hcsaid Mr Hollywood said cycn rain will only add to thc icc oiicc thc compacting is complctcd ll said oiin rain on thc actual cai nival days would hanipci thc annual cvcnt Last yiar thccarnival was all but washed out by rain on thc Sunday trcwsarcworkingon anarca of thc icc strctching about lotto Icct out into thc lakc and cur vmg lll an arc from lulcastcr Strict to thc fingcr of land ncar thccity marina BL OODLESS BO SAHINAW Mich Aft Ifarycy iartlcy lost lit boXing match Monday without bcing hit by any of tits opponcnts labs and rotin ifliolists fhc non battlc canic in thc prcliininirics of thc annual Saginaw rcgional ioldcn filovcstournaiiicnt Garthy of Saginaw lost to Iiinnistiulcttcof Itogcitity Uftllt thrcw scvcral pun chcs but nonc of thcni con iitctcd ftiiigsidc obscrvcrs said tiartlcy danccd himself into exhaustion and ltff to thc canvas aftcr 47 seconds tiulcttc was handed tcclinical knockout victory pcrstni may collect cithcr lull bcncfits or none at all thcri arc no partial pensions Ilhgibility at prcscnt is re st rictcd to pcrsons who Have lived at least 40 years in Canada bctwccn agc tit and thc tinic bcncfits are applied for rrlfavc livcd in anada for lhc lo ycars immediately prc ccdingimplication MW in Tanada in llic ycar nnmcdiatcly prcccding appli cation and how lived in lanada at Icast thrceqnartcrs of the time since age Ill The ncw program would dc chop ovcr pcriod of 40 years And Canadian residents born at least 25 ycars before it comes William McGuire and management represen Ltd and union rcprcscn partics into mediation and puts who was thc conciliation of tatives have met 10 times but tativcs will be back to the the union lll position to strike ficet Mr Woodhcck said This resolved nothing The company bargaining tables lhursday Ill loronto this tnnc with provincial mediation otticcr llill Woodbcck coordinator of thc lnitcd IIlcctrical Workcrs lll ncgot lat mg train which ltplllil workcrs at 11 tntario plants said con ciliation officcrs rcporl ha bccii Itttlltf and thc company in position to lock out on ftcb ltt Mr Woodbcck said thc union is not making any moves toward strike action other than having its members fill out strike registration cards Ihcsc cards arc tiscd to assign strikc duty and ensure incinbcrs rcccivc strikc bcncfits he said meeting will likely deal with lltillllltilltlélly items be said The two parties are scheduled to inch again Feb andtt The union represents about 400 workers at the Barrie plant and about 6500 workers at GE plants acrosstintario The last contract at the lit has yet to make an offer The union is looking for an acrossthelmard wage hike of 73 cents an hour he said The current wage is roughly $6 an hour thcr union demands include shorter working hours paid lunch hour full company payment of OHIP premiums Ilic rcporl rccoinmcndcd no conciliation board ftcprcscntativcs will inch ltc IIiursday with nicdiator ic plants expiredhristinas five Mr Woodbeck said the union Lost foursome slept in shifts tried singing in bay drama Ior iordon Iluinnicr to of Willowdalc trip that cndcd Ill 72 hours in blowing snow on Georgian flay was his first and last ridc to thristian Island by snowmobilc Mr Ilunimci his ninc ycar old daughtcr Tonya lion Nicholl 43 of Scarborough and his son Kcninth ll wirc thc tiltlttl of twoday air and ground scarch by tln liiitaiio lroymcial Iohcc Midland fhcy tIt finally rcscuId it about it Joa ticsday wbcn an ttfl hclicoptci pilot spotcd thcnihuddchmthcsnow hc northwcst sidc of litth Island which lics two min cast of tliristiaii Island fht Ioiir lctt fcdar Ioii carly Stittiiday liittllllllL in hristian Island lhcy wirc going to clcai snow oft lfllll cottagc lools lr llimin said It was clcar whcn thcy stai tcd out hc said but is soon as wc hit thc middlc of tlic wattr way you toiiltfiit scc tool If front of you flic totirsoinc Ult tactd with onc of thc worst tlcorgian lay lltllli iii iccciit iiitiiioiy according to pro llltlifl polici spokcstnan lhcy tactd winds and gusts lotto lll and tcm pcratnrtsdroppingto Zot Mr IIumincr said whtn lll rcaliHf thcy wcrc lost thcy lcft thc snowmobilcs by thc shotchnc whcrc thcy would bc spottcd and biirrowcd into snowdrift to gct out of thc wind lhcy built small firc in front of it SIJIIT Slllllï¬ Wc slip in shifts bccaiisc wc didnt want thc firc to go out Wcd slccp for two or thrcc hours then gct up walk around stamping our fcct thcn go and Drinking age is topic lttlttiNlI ttli llic legal drinking agc lIl ttntario should be raised to at Iczist lit thc lcg islaturcs sclcct coininittcc on highway saltt was told Iucs day This proposal was onc ol scv cral inadc by committcc staff for discussion dcsigncd to dcal with tlic drinking driving prob lcin hanges proposed into cftcct could choose which cvcr sct of cligibility rcquirc tncnts is more Invorablc to thcm Itiftytwo per cent of iinini grants are under 25 and would not have their status changed under the new regulations pro vidcd they remain in nnnda at least tttiycnrs An additional 27 per cent of immigrants are under at and cotild collcct at Icast thrcc quartcrs of the ntI basic pay mcnt Norbert lrcfontainc assistant dcpnty ministcr of welfare said thc bill could come before the onimons for debate in principle as curly as two weeks from now All Iotir wcrc taken to Huronia District Hospital fhrcc wcrc rclcascd but Tonya was taken to the Hospital for Sick hildren for observation suffering from mild exposure look for sonic morc wood They had mickcy of of ryc and few packages of powdcr mid rcnicdy They used kct tlc Iroin snowniobilc part to inclt snow for water Ii lluinmcr snid thcrc was and frostbite llt any worry that they lf Midland began tfilii would survive IIicy wcrcwarr search Monday when Mrs nildrnsscdandhadwatcr lluniincr reported the four Ilic childrcn wcrc wcll bchziud hc said ncvcr whim pcring or fitcoining liJttlitl Tonya kcpt thinking of all thc food shc would cat when shc got back hamburgersandpiuas At night they trin singing songs but Lmcupon that idca litsaid onc point they thought thcy could scc the shadow of lhristian Island and attcniptcd to makc their way across but returned Incsday morning lhc winds died down and they began to doctors ordcr can now ro luirc that patients room at Royal Victoria Hospital bc fcclarcd nonsmoking arca if thc condition of one of thc paticnts in that room rcquircs it trv and fl olic of the Ihc Ill board of trustccs snowmobilcs that ad bccomc approvcd rccoiniiiciidatioii disablcd from the managcincnt commit tcc Monday to amend hospital smoking policy to accomr modatcthcchangc Administrator amcron said cXisting policy is that smoking is prohibitml lt anyonc but patients on paticnt As tlicy wcrc attcnipling to fix thc machinc they wcrc spottcd by tlic hclicoptcr thn thcy rcalilcd thcy had been scin thcy bcgan pimping up and down hugging cach othci indclapping 7A PS ULE NE WS Two hostages released It illJ tlSIl lirancc tfittllflt lrciich archmlogist Iran coisc Iaustrc rcstcd in Ionlotisc hospital today exhausch and cinbittcrcd by Ziil month ordcal as hostage of dcscrt rcbcls in thc African statc of had Shc and licr husband Iicrrc who sharcd the last 17 inonthsof hcr captivity aftcr illll nttcinpt to Win hcr rclcasc wcrc said to fit in good licnlfh but cxliaiistcd lfcld in slayings lAItIS Itcutcri Itrnnccs former ambassador to thc ati can dcprcsscd at not rccciving new ambassadorial post shot to dcatli his WIft and two tccnagc children in Paris apartment buildingTuesday night police said today llicy said Ambassador icrard Ainanrich 5t surrendered to poloczo inilcs west of Paris shortly after the killings Wins giant slalom race MAHIIH ilt Yugoslavia tAIt Lise Marie Morcrod of Swit Icrland won thc giant slalom race of thc World tup ski inch today with atimcot ininutc lBtil stconds Mls tour Millhaven KINtiSIttN int tIt docn members of Parliament yisit Millhavrn pcnitcntiary today after hcaring criticism of its guards from off icials cit IltllS and prisoners Tuesday Emergency in Sierra Leone ltltlillllttWN Sierra Iconc tIteutcrt Ircsidcnt Siaka Stcvcns declared state ofcmcrgcncy and imposed strict cur few in Sierra Leone on lucsday night after clashes between progovcrnmcnt demonstrators and students demanding his resignation Indian minister reSigns NEW DELHI tAlt The senior member of Prime Minister Indira iandhis cabiiict Itood Minister lagjivan Rani rcsigncd today and with four other leading members of thc govcrning ongrcss party formed new party to oppose MIS tiandhi in March parliamcntury elections bix more weeks of Winter IIlNXSIlIAWNIIY Ia tAIt lunxsutawncy Ihil the wcatherrforccasting groundhog was lifted from his burrow at sunrise today and his interpreters said he forecast six more weeks of winter missing The PI helicopter was brought in from Toronto but was forced down because of high winds Early Tuesday search squad of snowmobiles in cludcd otficcrs and citizens donating their time and the helicopter set out again to find thctour Hospital smoking policy changed floors and to everyone on lll childrcns floor Management committee chairman loliii ockburn not cd however that visitors it tend to smoke in the rooms nonsmoking order will zip ply to both patients and visitors he said adding we newt to have the policy in plact before the nurscs can enforce it Mr aincron said there have been sonic room transfers brought about by conflicts bet ween smokers and noir smokers growing number of pa ticiits arc complaining about smokc in the room he stated The rccommcndaiion how ever stipulates that doctoi approach the hospital on flit matter and improvements to pensions and other benefits he said ltllt90 antics say capital punishment should be given to all wouldbe killers Green light for end to controls TlAWA tPt Finance Minister Donald Macdonald gave green light Tuesday for an early end to wage and price controls but said date for re moval of the program may have to be set unilaterally by ttawa Mr Macdonald Speaking about the program to confer ence of provincial ministers said the economic situation throughout 1977 and 1978 looks relatively favorable for an end to controls But Mr Macdonald said later at news conference that wide divergence of views among the provinces might mean the federal government will ultimately have to act alone to end the program NEVERENDING liirctightcrs do more than sit around the fireball waiting for fires to happen At llarrics two halls training testing of equipment and maintenance are olngr on around the clock om Skiypnychuk dons his gear to test at Scott Air Pack Firefighters cannot afford to have faulty equipment when lives are at stake For look at some if the activities in fireball turn to Page 20 Examiner Photo