republication of all Ellie Eadie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Companvaimited lb Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wilson Advertising Manager Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Saturday January 29 1977 Thumbs up To Innisfil council for its quick reaction to provincial government recommendation that 40 senior citizens housing units be built in the township To the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture for its stand against government paying taxes 0n farm buildings and land The federations wish not to be separated from the rest of society in the payment of taxes is sensible society does not need any more special groups To the Barrie Chamber of Com merce planning Barrie 2000 con and deter mine how this city is going to handle ference which will try ty its the future Our children and grand children will thank you To the Barrie Agricultural Socie directors committee chairmen and secretary Norm To the week Thumbs down To Mary Lee Latimer immediate president of the Barrie and District Real Estate Board who warned real estate people in Barrie not to talk to the press apparently about the fact some real estate firms in the city are closing Miss Latimer said comments on the clos ing of real estate firms would be out of the realm of the real estate board Pray tell Miss Latimer if it is out of the realm of real estate firms to comment on closings whose past realm is it in To skiers who do not lock up their ski equipment and wind up getting their skis stolen for the amount of money invested in ski equipment it would seem to be worthwhile to in BOOK CORNER Anderson for the successful opera tion the society has To Caldwell elected chair man of the board of governors of Georgian College To Carl Harris chosen Big Brother of the Year by the Barrie Big Brothers Association people of Coulson who have come to the aid of the Orr family burned out in fire last vest little more in one of the many antitheft devices on the market To snowblower operators who blow the snow onto public streets That isnt too bad but it gets very serious when car happens to be passing when the snow is blown To crybaby hockey players who rush to the police every time they get bumped during game and to Attorneygeneral who is making it almost mandatory for referees to be as familiar with Roy McMurtry the Criminal Code as the rule book To those who will refuse to heed the warning given Crompton of Imperial Oil at the Kiwanis Club energy is not going to last forever by Arthur Biography about Duplessis dull overlong cluttered By NORMAN DePOE One character in nowfor gotten novel of the 19205 de scribed another as like badly cooked puddingfull of good stuff and the result beastly Perhaps beastly isnt quite the word but that could almost apply to Duplessis by Conrad Black McClelland and Stewart 743 pages $1695 The biography is meticulously and massively researched the author is one of only two people who have been granted unrestricted access to the papers and correspondence of Maurice LeNoblet Duplessis once the controversial premier onuebec He has obviously ransacked newspaper and magazine files in both French and English And he has talked at length with associates and adversaries of the Chef perhaps most prof itably with his longtime secre tary Aurea Cloutier The result is dull overlong cluttered with tedious and un necessary detail The author revels especially in dealing with the formation of the Union Nationale in imped ing his narrative with lists of names of the men who attended cabals committee meetings conventions or who just sat on thesame platform Black even lists the evanes cent names of the scriitineers at the convention that chose Dupl essis as leader when brief note that all the scrutineers were handpicked would have sufficed But this is scholarship by Golly and youd better not for get it CHLRCH ANI STATE The author is fond of quoting correspondencejustifiably at length on such matters as fed eralprovincial taxsharing and 07hr martin Examinrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 3541710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of ir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Beuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Num Registration r203815 register61 the British North America Act but again overdoing it when he sets out to show for example on one hand Duplessiss old world courtesy and on the other hand his polemicai or viii dictive side The section on Rodrigue ar dinal Villeneuve his public role and private relationship with the Chef as well as other dis sertations on the parts played by the Rev GeorgesHenri Le vesque Cardinal Leger and the Roman Catholic Church in general are essential But they could have been shorter and sharper and thus more telling The same technique is ap plied to election campaigns Meeting after meeting is repor ted drearily with places dates size of crowd tWherc by the way did Mr Black get his figures Any political reporter knows that the party holding rally exaggerates attendance while the opposition scales it down names of other speakers and quotations from Duplessis What we need to know is how the campaign progressed how the issues shifted and level oped Its there all right but the reader has to winnow it out SPECIAL INIERESI Mind you once the win nowing process is completed you have comprehensive biography of Duplessis 1800 1959 plus largely political but also social and economic history of Quebec from about 1920 through 1959 with glances backward and forward in cluding some analysis The question is whether its worth while for anyone but specialist to plow through all the verbiage The author pulls no punches in describing some of Dupl faults Ilis arrogant dictatorial attitude in the legislature where as premier he often told the Speaker how to rule on points of order correc ted his colleagues in mid speech or flouted the rules him self his dispensation of money to favorites and friends his heavy drinking sometimes with unfortunate consequences Duplessis went dry in 1943 and drank nothing stronger than orange juice until his death his ruthlessness often in anger but also in cold blood Mostly though the book is lost in admiration of the Chefs shrewdness wit charm gener osity and undoubted deep un derstanding of his fellow Quebecers ROLE Conrad Black is very much of the Establishment Ile is fair enough to apply few pejora tive adjectives to outright dis honesties of both the Ias chereau and Duplessis regimes but emerges as complacent spectator of kickbacks shady deals and cronyism He notes that the Chef for ex ample kept close eye on road costpermile figures in other provinces and insisted that Quebec contractors match them Thus he concludes con tributions ti the Union Nation ale war chest came out of le gitimate profits not inflated prices Ile naively fails to realize that profits can be expanded by slipping few dollars to an in spector to overlook shoddy ma terials or skimping on specifications And that hap pencd often Establishment vicws also emerge on the Padlock Law and the Itoncarclli case Jtlltr vahs Witnesses were public nuisance The Asbestos strike of 1040 was rather tawdry at fair and the idea that the con flict was turning point in labor relations in Quebec is mythology Most students of the period wouldnt agree even if it is mythology thc myth caught hold and things have never been the same since PASI Nl IlllRE Theres strong piciudicc against Le Devoii the only newspaper that emerged to fight Duplessiss paternalism authoritarianism and peculiar finances Iruc some of the at tacks were excessive but dcs peratc men use desperate measures And the book dismisses as lightweight dangerous radicals the likes of lrudcau Alan chand Pellcticr Laurcndcau Levesque ignoring the fact that in the long run they were the future while Duplessis was the past Finally the writing itself di spite occasional lclicitous phrases and shafts of wit is generally turgid or in comprehensible Many words are spelled the same in both English and Iicn ch but do not mean the same thing Conrad Black sup poscdly writing in English con tantly uses such words in the French sense 01 examples in 30 pages 445405i rendering scn fences or whole paragraphs lll comprehensible to anyone who isnt thoroughly bilingual In short really good biogra phy of Duplessis remains to be written Norman IliIoc for many years rcportcd national politics for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp innit iioiioiii And they went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them aiul con firming the word with signs following Aiiicii Mark 1020 We are commissioned to giVe out the word God is committed to making it work If we will be faithful in our job He will be faithful in His Then they keep us awake all night knowing wholl be payingfor it EXPANSION URINE Major retailers rediscover downtown By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst IIionisoii New Service An unprcccdcntcd expansion drive among anadian depart ment stores over the last five years cotild well be entering its decisive phase More than 100 new braiichcs of department stores havc opened their doors all across Canada since 1072 Consumers have been caught in the middle of tiigofwar bctwccn sub urbs and city centre bctwccn llllOlltS outlcts and full service stores bctwccii in dependents and chains major milestone in that ex pansion drive is thc giant ncw flagship Eatons storc opening Feb 10 With 03000o square fcct of sclling areas thc ncw stori takes up almost half of tthZTio million Ioroiito Eaton cntrc huge shopping complex in the heart of thc city lcarly aiizidas oldest and lzirgcst retailer has placed IlS faith and money on lhc strength of downtown and on thcappcal of full raiigcot scr viccs It it proves to be right it could changc good dcal of the conventional wisdom that ap plicstotanadianretailing From the treat Depression of tlic early 1030s no major downtown dcpartmcnt store had been built in Canada until the 50000osquarc foot Pacific Centre was opcncd in Van coiivci in 1072 ilhc last previous such open ing was IIatons ollcgc Strch in Ioronto one milc north of thc main storc at Qllttli and Yongc Streets in 10210 IIatoiis gamblcd that the mcrcaiitilc ccntrc of downtown Toronto would move north It was mis takcn and thc tollcgi Street storc dcvotcd primarily to furniture will closc along with thc Oiiicn Strcct stoic Feb In the intervening 40 years virtually all the growth in Canadian rctailing took place in suburban areas Ihc trcnd toward oncstop shopping with its lure of con vcnicnics amplc parking pro tcctioii from inclcincnt wcathcr and no doorways was strongly supported not only by IIaton but by tlic othcr ittitlllllltlil storc chains that had previously been downtown Ian dmarks in many aiiadiaii citics such as Simpsons ltd WoodwardStorcsltd ttlltllllltl sons Bay to That trcnd drcw in Stytltil new cntrants chains that cin pilitSlJtl discounts and offered COMMONSAlSlLES Hes imitating my style Trudeau tells the press From the Ottawa Bureau oflhoiiison News Scry icc OIIAA It wasnt thc grin that won Jimmy artcithc presidency of thcliiitcd States It was following the cxamplc of humility and restraint that was first set by our own priiiic min istcr At Ir Irudiaus first press confcrciicc of thc ncw parha mcntary session qucstioiicr suggested thc IMs attempts to govern by coercion and per siiasion have faich Would hc follow Ir tartcrs lcad and sct an cxamplc of Icadcrship living Playboy or lrudcau mused Ilc docs things likc not send ing the kids to private schools his wife does not gct fancy dress for the Inaugural Ball He is imitating inc Mr Irudcau protested My cliil lltll do not go to private schools lhc onc who goes to school gocs to Itockcliffc Iublic Scfiool President Carter ac tually walkcd understand from the apital to llic White House or vtcc vcrsa oiicc walked from Parlianicnt Ilill to thc East Block About the dress do not know Iic continucd My wife is going to speak to Mrs artcr about that next work We will see intcrvicws to what Ir CAVEAT ICMIII It Much of the prime iiiiiiistcigt IlttOIlftltlltlStlttllttllti the spccch Qiicbcc lrcinicr chc cvcsqiic dclivcicd to lllt IIconoinic Club of New York thc night bcforc Iailizimcnt Ilill had bccii liiiing with rcaction all day Wednesday but Stilllt pundits vcrc lcft won dcring just how far lllltltSl Ill thc Sllltlttl cxtcndcd beyond thclflll Two of tlltawns thrcc tcli vision SllIllOtlS carricd tlic spccch lic but rcportcd com plaints Ihc tI affiliate It III cut llllttllltS off thc qucstion and lllSutl stvdtilt which followctl thc spcich iiid rcccivcd to coin plaiiits But thc lltlltll Ianguagc Itt channcl tlillll cut 22 minutcs off the NIH all star gaiiic to present Mr Icvcsqiics spccrh and rcpoi tcdtiticalls The English language cliaii iicl had no complaints It carricd thc hockcy gamc The prime ministci was grilled by thc opposition in the Iloiiscof oiniiions lllllllflhtd ncsdays question pcriod whcii Mr Iiudcau dccltilcd thc mat ftl has achieved new urgciicy now bccausc of thc rccciit clcc tion But we did not discover the danger of scpaiat lSlll in the last two months hc asserted You said it was dead six fcwcr services or even liotlo at all Its paradoxical that the dis counting iiiovcmcnt flourished during thc 1900s timc of un prccixfcntcd growth in thc Ca nadiaii economy and in itllilr dians family incomes But even tlicn there was only so much disposablc incomc and it provHI to bc too littlc to go around among all tlicold and ncw coinpctitors With their low profit margins tlic discount chains inevitably suf fcrcd soinccasiialtics Another problem Discount storcs attract more than thcir sharc of SlitipllflttS Ihcfts are estimated at thrcc to six per ccut of sales Just as inevitably the growth process brought about thc takcovcr of sonic smallcr par ticipiuitsby thcbig chains In Ottawa for instancc Iliid Solis Bay to acquired lllt ldtllllifll ltd chain wliilc Sim psons ltd took titl Iurph tiamblc ltd The long ISltilillllttl chains rcniaiii fully coiiiiiiittcd to sub urban shopping ccntrcs tllllf of which have Once or four big nainc dcptirtiiicnt storm not just the minimum two lllt sanic tiiiic howcvcr thcrc SttltlS to have dcvclopcd ncw apprcciation of tlic old mollth ago Iory whip Sitw lllltiklSlltllllttl Vhat is this ltSllllti tion Iat owlan It Anna polis Vallcyi asked Mr Nowlan always among ihc most vocal in hc tilllllltiIIS was oiicof tlic lllSl totakc dig at the PM when Iailiaiiiciit rcsiiiiicd hcn Ir Iriidcaii lSIfS ishiiigtoii hc asked tltitx ho mtciid to discuss ltlllltS of mu tual lllltltSi or IS llllS llf jllSl to bc sort of historical oc casioii on which thc primi lllllllSltl is hoping to gct some coat tail momentum from Mr taitci Anothcr Ioiy Lincoln Icaiidci tlt IIaniiItoii West was cqtially astutc but less paticnt whcn Iic liiinibcd Bob Kaplaii York cntrci Mr Alexander was question ing the prime minister but Mr Kaplin offercd tlic rcijinsc in hiscapacityasaparliamentary sccrctary You know what we think about parliamentary sccictarics answering qucstions Mr Achandcr thundered cspccially whcii thcy arc dircctcd to thc prime minister To paraphrase thc right honorable nicnibcr for liiiicc Alhcit John Iliclcuha kcrl whcii we are ifth clc phanls wc are not looking for answers from rabbits potcntial for profit downtownlocations Ioliii raig Eaton chairman of Eatons of anada says that lllS company had been planning rcdcvcliipiiicnt of its down town loronto optrations sincc at Icast 1030 Ibc Ioionto Eaton cntrc propct lcgan in earnest Ill 1070 in prime lhc lllltl day hc recalch that his latc tatbcr land prcdc ccssor as chairman felt that thc Eatoiis storc in loronto hail liclpcd pay for thc rest of thc company in Canada and it now was time for llt rest of thc company lll anada to rebuilt downtown loronto Spcaking for llllllStil thi yoiingcr Ii Eaton said the IlttSt IIatons would not bi only thc llttllSllll for thc oo Ea tons outlcts in every province of Canada hlit probably moch for all department stores to bc built in North llltlltil in tlicncxt iiycars Along with the architectural SllltlllS that havc productd distiiictivc many facttoil illllltlilii Eaton coin Illlrltilittl lttftllSth riwcarih iiitociitoiiicrprctcriiicts Ihc icsiilt to bc llllt aftcr thc ncw storc goes into opci itioii lcb to will bc dining ltlllilltfliltill of IllSltiIlltt inter cst aictis Ihcw arc itStlllitti by Butlci chairman oi the opci atiiii subsidiary IIotoii to as Sttll worlds mens fashions woinciiN lJtSllltill youth lioiiic furnishings homc tllltllitlllllltlll food Illltl oi ttSSOlltS SIEI INIIZRIISILS And IIatons will be tlllttllll its lllt rcliaiidisiiii ctlo is SI llitlittfltLLlilliStil ttlllllltl Icopb ho icl citiiii iii to or ottt ol llvtlltlllitl llld il bc quick gttllttll1tlttt1 cy ltiltlllll ttltllitii fitllllli out of town icwsptipcr= and on httlllllltS lhc husband can conic with thc Iainin thcti pct haircut or pan of Slllllktl llllt tlic lisl of tlic family shops saysNIr lilllltl Business pcoplc working lll downtownIoionto Icoplc iindci ycars oi igc lhcy will liavi iii tlllllt floor of llllll own with lilit Sltill for livc ciitcitaiiiiiiciit on SpttlitltHtitSliillS Ihc housewife who comc downtown for ihc day to shop tIilllltl than to buy Ihcic llt bc SIX calm places for shop pcis Ihc maturi pttltiltlntlilti littlolls new stoic tlttlllllltlltS loronto Eaton ciitic which it will share with tit otlicr iand Sllltllltlt stores All will probably follow IZa tons cxaiiiplc and adopt stori hours that arc common for sub urban shopping but iinpiccc dciitcd downtown from 10a in daily closing at nine Mon day to Iiriday and six in on Saturday IIatoiis privatc company doesnt disclose llS financial tt sults th Iiiichasc Stllltil viccprcsidciit says 1070 sales cxcccdcdï¬il lillllOll market Well now Pierre just who is the boss By LEONARDNOBLE Now that Jimmy arter has been sworn in as president of the United States there are plans afoot for he and Prime Minister Pierre Irudeau to meet each other and discuss variety of topics related to aiiadian and United States affairs can just imagine when the prime minister goes to call on President artcr doubt sit down to an after dinner teteatetc As we listen in we hear artcr open thc friendly southern drawl with which he is easily iden conversation with that tified Now Mistafi Prime Ministah wondah if we can git dawn te buzncss They will no your disposal intonation posc wc shouli Ah can liavc country question of mi warm rely on the However that nym Mr Prcsidcnf am completely at rcplics Pierre with his gallic Well suh Mistah Iiiinc Miiiistah Ah sup lstaht at the licgiiiiiiii Tell me bit about thc Canadian constitution so that licttah iindcrstandiii of yoh You ask an exrccdinlv cinbarrassin right now Mr President You see Canada does not have constitution Wc British North America Act is British Act passed by the parliament of the United Kingdom Ali sec Suli Then what you ahr tellin me is that Ah should be dcaliii with the Britiin Primc Miiiistah instead of you Sah mcanin no disrespect Not really Mr President IIic llominioii of Canada is selfgoverning and does not rely on England to determine its policies either domestic or foreign Ihcii Sufi Ah would like tc discuss thc possibility of acquiiin nioic oil from Canada due to the shortage caused by tlic rabs Id be pleased to discuss that with you Mr President liowcvcr before can make any committincnt in that regard will have to get tfic approval of Peter Loughccd the Premier of Alberta Well llicii Suh Ieaviii that asiilc fo the moment the United States iovainciit would financial READER FOR JIM Another answer on mail service Dear Sir In reply to Barrie Resident and all others who have made remarks about mail service in Barrie There is no way one can generalize onthis service There are private contractors who go out every day regar dless of weather This means no reflection on the Barrie Posties As Andy Nielsen points out there is difference when you are in heated truck The point is the mail is not completely paralyzed in bad weather Incidentally delivered mail on Jan 10 when the schools were empty and the Toronto Star did not reach Barrie and reached 101 of my in calls So maybe your friends out west may not understand why no paper orschool when there is mail delivery Also there should be IT SAYS HERE Coffee boycott pass another cup HyRICHARDllNSl Care to join me for cup of coffee Im drinking as much ascvcr As everyone knows bad weather or maybe greed in coffcc producing countries has driven coffcc prices up sharply and consumcr boycott has been set in motion to drive thcmdownagain Icais of the 70 cint cup havc brought screams of outrage from consumers who have sworn off the steaming brcw in toncx usually rcscrvcd for the pulpit Stores in nine arcas liavccvcnstoppedcarryingit And thi boycott has worked at lcast to some degree Wholesali prices following thc samc law of supply and dcinand which scnt thiiii upward have fallcn Big tltitl wlial ari North llltllllllS going to do when thcy run into REAL problems Will all that energy bcavailablc to battle Canadas gcnuinc economic problcins or tccd the worlds hungry mouths Will that moral outrage be called forth to dcnoiincc racism or social iii justice Not as lhcy may likcly Noitc of those lrSllcS touch peoples pctty selfish intcrcxts tiic way the priccof toffccdocs Lets takc closer look at the subject First of all the piicc Ififty cuts cup is morc than coffcc IS worth to most pcoplc iiir cliidmg myself but my ifchas calculated that coffee bought for Sl pound morc than tlic cuircnt rctail piicc ind bicocd at homc would cost NVtll ttltlS cup not counting crcamandanior Ilds notc Itist hc cups liiigc ANAI AS STORY He thought it would be rough If Bf ll Iitl Sir John licdoiiild kiicw ho was lt lot rough tSSIiill wbcn Iarliaiiicnt opciicd Jan 30 ltLtJi Hut hc could not havo gucsscd how scrious thc con Stillltlltt wottlillu lhc itiosi lllllitlizttl problcm ippcarcd to bc thi oiiiplcion of thitiiitiscontincivttil railway llic dircctors of thc tlli had Illttltlttl llltll pcrsonal ioitiincs to tiniin tlic job but cvcii thcii tlllll would not hic hccii enough without financial iid fioiii thc tcdcral govciniiicni Iiilianiciit was iii no mood to votc more money for the rail way even though onscry ativcs knew that it thc railway went bankrupt the government would bcdctcatcd Ilicii there was the scciiiiiigly lcss StllUIIS prohlciii of thc Mctis on the Iraiiics Ihcy had been provided with script to en ablc them to claim sections of land and settle down but many of them had sold tlicir script and cvcii traich II for bottles of liquor Now thosc lctis wcrc iltttlll ing thcy vcrc Indians and cn titlcd to mow land on that ac count Almost al the beginning of be interested in iiivcstin certain amount of capital mineral wealth in the province of Quebec Iiifortunatcly having hit of pioblciii with the premier of for the cxploration of Mr President wc arc tlic provincc of Quebec at thc prcscnt limc and consequently it piopi iatctiiiiciiiconsulci thisasixct Is that so What sccms tc be tlic problem inQucbcc Qiiitc bluntly Mr President some say the province of Quebec no longer wishes to be part of Canada may not bc illl tip Again without incanin any disrespect fo boss you Suli woiidah if could speak to the something said for the highway services who run on the stor miest nights to move the mail from city to city unless the police have the road blocked because it is impossible Thank You BOB JOHNSTON Pratt Road WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not bc authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter Poor Richard hell go broke Secondly the product Cof fee as the boyeotters them selves Iiave pointed out is luxury and minor health hazard to boot So it is silly ac ting as if we have some sort of right to have it provided for us at reasonable cost as if it were bread or milk lhirdly the situation over seas Folks who pick those cof fee beans and most other people in countries which depend on the coffee trade havent exactly reached the hotandcold lt running tennis courtsstage Fact is if youll forgive cliche most wellfed people find boring lot of them dont get enough to eat dont suppose for moment that the political and economic big shots in these countries are conscientiously passing the price hikes along to the little people But whether for greed or for weather they have set this years coffee market up to run at good high price and if they take real or imagined beating because it doesnt you can bet your percolator theyll conscientiously pass THAT along Im not suggesting that people who dont like coffee or prcfcr to avoid caffeine or dont want the stuff badly enough to pay the going price have an obligation to buy it anyhow to support the Brazilian peasants But boycotting coffee today so you can drink it more cheaply tomorrow is depriving the wretched of necessities so the comfortable can enjoy luxury for few cents less and its nothing short of shameful Another cup please no make that two thc session Tylacdonald stated that lctis could not obtain script and tlic white mans homcstcad Even at that time Macdoiiald was apt to describe the Indians and Mctis as savagcs Louis Riel was organizing provisional government at Ba toclic as he had at Red River in Ifititl It would only be matter of wccks before the Ictis and North West Mounted Police clashed at luck Lake and many Indians would go on the iarpatli Actually it was the Northwest ltcbcllion and not Parliament that saved the CPR and the govcrnmcnt toriiclius Van Horne who was directing the actual con struction of the railway chal Iciigcd the government by of fcriiig to get troops to the scene of the trouble in 111 days if Parliament would vote the CPR the money it needed The deal was made and was successful Later in the year the Con scivativcs hanged Riel and thereby lost their support in Quchcc The Liberals have been 11 power in Ottawa most oftlictimcsincctlicn OIIIICR IN Ltl IIVENIS 1700 oiigc Street Toronto was opened to Lake Simcoc 180 Kingtimrgellldicd 1320 Mctlill University opcncd ixt7 Lord Elgin arrived at Moiitrcal as governor H50 Queen Victoria iii stitutcd the Victoria Cross sin ce won by 100 Canadians 1850 Parliament met at To lOlllt 1921 Canada and France signed trade convention lfltti The Canadian schooner Bluenose sank off Ilaili PROVIDE FAR JOBS lltllltO NS tfPt Nova Scotia farmers produce prod ucts worth more than $125 mil lion at the farm gate and the iii diistry employs more than 000 pcoplt on farms and an other 500 in processing