nnisfil to change due date for taxes BARCLAY Ratepayers in Iiinisfil township will pay the last three installments of their 1977 property taxes earlier this year toun William Tipple chair man of the general government and finance committee said the committee will ask council to approve the changes in due dates for the taxes in the near future lax installments are now due March 31 June ttt Sept 30 and Dec 15 oun lipple said only the late for the first install ment will stay the same The other three will be move up By changing the due dates Iie said the committee hopes to reduce the amount of hank hor rowing by the township to meet expenses tiiitil tax revenues become available and eli minate piihlic objections to the Dec date because it is so closetothristmas Innisfil township has borrow ed Sï¬ootioo this year from the Canadian Imperial Bank ot Commerce to meet operating expenses until taxes are paid The committee oiin Iipple said thinks the aiiiotiiit oi bor rowing can he reduced by changing tax Installment due TWO visits to area planned by minister Ontarios minister of educa tion is making two visits to the IIItIS HILLS two yisits Barrie area next tiioiith Thomas Wells is the guest speaker at the olticial opening of Bradford Ilistrict Iliin School on Highway tilt ltiesday at in He is also scheduled to speak to the Steele Street Home and School Association meeting Monday Ieb 24 at it at the Barrie school Mr Wells tops the list of guests at the tiadtord school opening thers include George Ic ague ilt YorkrSimcoc Arthur Evans It Simcoi teiitrci Iayoi toy lordon ot Bradford and Reeve loliii Ieii nell of West illlllllltlt The program includes mu sical selections by the liradtoid District High School band and tour of the school which was completed last year Students started classes at the September attending school in dates but he could not say how much the saving would be He said the committee was prepared to set the dates but township treasurer leorge Novakovich asked the commit tee to wait until he could deter mine the most advantageous latesior payment toun Iipplc also said the irst two installments of the tEtTT property taves would be be same as the last two in stallments in 1976 However he third and fourth in stallnicnts will represent the ialance as well as any increase oiltlTT Talks today on con tract Representativcs oi Ioulded Ilastics Ltd lnited IIleetrical adio and Iachine Workers of ineiiea Ilfi were scheduled to meet will pioiiicial coiiitliatoi thisinorning entre and the The meeting with coiiciliatoi lttlllt Iargci was originally ahcdiileii tor lai but was cancelled beeatise ot bad weather leorge Stevens national representative lor the union said he evpei ts the session will begin today but could no estimate how long conciliation wouldgooii larties have settled the non monetary items be said but it is hard to say how long it will take to resolve the iiionctaiy issue The union certified in September is bargaiiiuigagcnt for iitllltltivtts at thepttait is seeking itsliist contract Tory government raked in speech by riding Liberal candidate By Ill IJIZLII livaminerStaff Reporter The government and spe cificially the cabinet oi Iior gressive toiiservative leader William Davis was raked over the coals Wednesday by Siiiicoe entre ridings Liberal cati didate in the next provincial election The candidate Bradford businessman Iim orneau spoke to about 13 persons who had gathered for general meeting of the Siincoe entre Liberal ASSULIIIIIUII in the Municipal Savings and Loan orp building Mr orneau said he tinds it exceedingly difficult to main tain positive attitude in regards to the present lory government in Queens Park How can one he positive about Natural Resources Min ister Leo llernier the man who had such kind words lor the asbestos plant at Mataehewan shortly belore he had to order it closed for grossly ex ceeding sate occupational health levels Leo Rerniei the man who wants to give away land mass equal to the entire province oi Nova Scotia to the loreignr Smith here on Feb Ontario Liberal leader Stuart Smith is coming to Ilarrie Feb Siiiicoe entie Liberal Association president lld Mayhew said at general meeting of the association Wednesday that Smith and lim orncatr Liberal candidate for the riding in the next provincial election will be the guests oi the Iluronia Rotary Iub at noon hour meeting at the ton tinentann controlled teed Iapci toin pany ould you be positive about lourism Iinister tlaiide en nett llis bungling of HM Fort William budgeted to cost SI million but now topping SIB million isonly surpassed by his Stti million white elephant Minaki Lodge How about Attorney leneral Roy Iclurtry whose record in court these days resembles that at Hamilton iurgerol Ierry Iason tame Lets not forget oirec tioiial Services Minister John Smith for he discovered left wing subversion iii the ttntario IIconomicouncil lheii theres Ireasurer liar cy IcKeough who broke out the champagne last spring because the provincial cash deficit would oiin be St billion IN tt Ihis tall Iiarcy astounded us with his tntarios liionomic Ill ttItlCl speaks to If MeKeotlttlrS clearly do Strategy loi liTi only strategy nothing Its hard to be positive about thcttiitario Highway Iranspoit loaid and Its decision to allow tireyliound this llllts to ei ice the prolitable evpress runs at the expense oi tray oach Linesand small townttntario It appear the Minister ol lransportation laines Snow and the Javis government were willing to condone this sell out to American interest at the es pense iii anadiaii company owned by tttitario taxpayers an you develop positive attitude about the minister at revenue who decided it would cost too much to collect thesti million wrongliilty paid to in eligible recipients oi liiut tiiiii hoinebuyers grants liy being positive about tulture and Recreation Iliilsttl Itobeit Wclili wlio Wiiitai io tflitlll have ll inuch ippieciatul bv grape Although the weatherman says winter will be with us for while the Parks and Forestry Division of the Bar rie Recreation Department is already into preparations for spring AT LEFT breath of spr ing is exactly what it feels like as you step into the geenhouse at the Operations Centre on Ferndale Drive Rows and rows of small pot ted plants that have been raised from cuttings are flourishing in neantropical conditions Alternanthera used in making letters in the citys flower beds are seen here quietly flourising in the sun RIGIII Ken Banner man puts the finishing touches on the entrance sign for one of Barries newer parks Shoreview located alongtlie Shanty Bay Road INCLUW Albert Vander horst one of the citys gardeneis puts cuttings of Santalana into individual pots to be ready for the flower beds Examiner IIiotos by Rolf Kraikeri LOCAL GENERAL SIIIII lil man charged with dan gcrous and impaired driving in connection With fatal accident 11in It 107 iii Ilarric has been sentenced to Sloo line or two ioiisccutiyc ail tcriiis ot lI days liidge Igton Inch told litllvt til 315 litl Stlttt iill rie Wednesday he could pay SLIoo for dangerous driving and another SJlio lor having an ex cessiyc amount of alcohol in his blood or serve ll days in jail consecutively loicaclicharge tlarke pleaded guilty to both counts laii It proincial iiiniinal court and Judge Inch lltltl ott sentencing until pre sentence report was submitted he accident occurred at It in Sunday July 11 car diiyeri by tlarkc Iiad skidded oil the road at speed of ti toao in and hit tree over the John Sllilllllllltl harp tuners Ilven the most devoted Iory would have trouble finding éltlllllllltlt positive to say about Health llltldtl ltatlk Iiller lle based lils hospital cutbacks on iciJiission analysis which even he now admits was faulty tosay thclcast Then came the report on Laiiicntiaii Hospital providing turthei evidence of iiicoiii peteiico lack of accountability and geiicral bungling iii the ministry ol health lime and tune again the report ciiticied the lllltlIsII loi failing to en sure that ll own guidelines were being tollowed and Ior not knowing even the most basic littls regarding the Laurcntian Hospitalpropct ll IISI Ili llie latest blow came to Ii Iilicr in the provincial itiditoi repoit for the year ended laich ill lttit The auditor atatwl that the tiiitario Health Insurance Ilan iltIlIIi leaving skid marks police say stretched Ill feet across the roadway and lit leet along thc grass toward the tree Joseph lIaluk lit passenger died in Royal toria Hospital later IlltlllSll IH INN Iack Iraser is lacing discipline problem with dog that plays with matches The Alcona Ileach man says mattress fire in his Iioiise tues day morning was caused by dog Ile said one of the Innisfil tirelightcrs on the scene found box of matches chewed by dog Damage was restricted to the bedroom area and was caused bysiiioko say IlltlltlllltlS IIlll IIIII lIlmvale police say there was $7oo damage done to Karl Reevies car Wednesday at coals has paid millions of dollars in claims without properly check ingtheir validity He states that evisling legislation makes prosecution on traud charges almost on possible lovernment and medical profession rules have been too tax in permitting doc tors to operate private labs which have made claims on tillll which according to July it records cover 127 million participants in the plan although the population of the province year before was oiin tiitmillion lhe ministry ol health has been negligent in its respon sibility to ensure that tax dollars are properly spent and an inquiry into this is long over dlie The auditor also reported that ttl£llllllltS ot iamin heiielits by the ministry of cotii munity and social services has passed the$tti million mark Lack of education standards shortcoming in the system Lack ol province wide stan dards Ill Iiiin school education is one oi the shortcoiiiitigs of the present system according to Simcoe entie Liberal can didateJimtorneau ii an address to the Siiiicoe tentre Liberal Association Wednesday Ir torneau call ed lor provincial examinations based on miniiiium standardn oi atlaininetit in corncourses Ihe eviininations he said would be one way ol lindingoiit ii students throughout tintario are being given comparable in Stlllttltill and provide useful criterion tor iiliiiisuion col legesandiiiiiveisitics We believe that standards must have place in oureduca tioiial systetir at every level as they do in the piihlic service and private enterprise where individuals are evaluated against specilic perlorinaiice criteria Irovincewide ediica tional standards would provide yardstick against which pupils parents teachers and administrators could tlicaslltc acctiiiiplishmeiit tini ol the iuiidiiiieiital shortcomings oi the present educational system is the almost total lack oi curriculum structure in secondary sclipols The open credit method places intolerable burdens oi choice on young pupils and their parents Ihere is widespread recognition that pupils cannot adequately choose well balanced programs of study that parents and teachers cur ieiitly have iiisiifl icieiit knowledge of piipils attain meat and Interests to oilei meaningful guidance liesaid According to Mr orneair the present Iory government is wholly responsible for the decline in standards in our educational system and for the increaseincost II it in when he slid into guardrail on Highway LIT in Iergusonville Ihe IIlmvale man was slight ly Illjlltttl in the mishap but did not gotohospital WUNT ISICtill tntario Liberal leader Stuart Smith will not be the guest speaker at an April meeting ot the ireater Itarrie hamber of ommerce Mr Smith has indicated that he wasnt able to accept the thambciR invitation said Sim coe entre Liberal ssiitlttlltill president lid Iayhew at meetingtcdnisday The invitation has been passed along to the federal Liberals headded Ii ltItIIC llt IH lwo new ippouitineiits were made to the tarrie Iuhlic Libiary lloard by the Sitticoe tounty Hoard ol liducation Irene lciii wile ol Iiiii Ierri history teacher at ICastview Secondary School was ap pointed for one year to replace Wildiiiaii who resigned as board representative Also Larry Slomka was appointed to replace liavid Smith who com pleted his three year term lr Slonika can serve until the elid oi ltiiti tarbara lridell the boards third representative was reappointed ioi two years until theendot ltiit By SlllIlL IcGUVICRN livamiiierStaif Reporter The days of pounding the table and screaming are over says Jim Applegate neva elected president of the Itarric and District Labor ouncil Mr Applegate president ol the lnitcd Brewery Workers at Iolsons said companies and the public are beginning to realize unions are not just militant peopleotit toralight Barrie Iias always been non union town he said with only 13 to 2o per cent ol its workers organied The national average is about 21o per cent But things Iiave changed III the last few years he said and there have been number of certilications He also an ticipates number of plants here will grow in SlI in creasing union membership Mr Applegate said he is con fident when he sees the way tiiiioiis have been catching on lately lhcncvci employees see they are beiig shafted they areturningtotheunioiis lheii are still nuinbcr ot people who are strongly anti union he said but at guid thosc people have never been llitll bers of umon and dont know what they are all about lhc ones who ari bitter aii ttstially the ones who are making $2 an hour and think all union stands for is strikes andwalkoiits citlieiunionsiiorcoiiipaniw like strikes and walkoiits both losemoncyIicsaid llrlltt The president recalled that when lie was employed by Ian slield Iteiinian tew years ailo Iie as an anti union itisiilt dont say that with any pride licsaid liiions in Karrie have been dealt eotiplc ot still blows lll recent years The deccrtilliatioii at ltllliiss hurt lot he said but added he did not litlllt it set the imioii movement back leel sorry tor IIl ilmteil IIlectical Workersi they spent lot of money Two years ago the liiited Steelworkers at Tyler ltclrigcratioii went on strike and while they were out the company folded tut lyler wasnt necessarily abad blow Ir pplegatcsaid as the company that is taking its place Miainitaicy Days of pounding over says council president III IILIItLYlIJ NIIW LABOR llthSlltliNl payintbettii for the laber council Ii pplciate said there are several plans in the woiks but lllitlilll iliiialyct The labor council was lorniid tittiiibei ol ycats iepicsciit locals in Itariic and aim ltlllllil ol thccoiui cil inch cyery tlllltl lticsday to discuss problems and look tor coinnioiisolutions Itclciltito to the council aic usually local presidents and ago and ltlltltItltlll he said and sometime the meetings get tttltli hot as lllt did before Illttttliiliillliy tit Iltittst The lot at council is atliliatcil with the tintario Labor tottiicil and thc tanadian Labor toitgtisslicaddid Itl Illll Iltt lltl there is moral tinancial affiliation with New Iteinociatic laity said Nltl policy and the he IS tllsilhsiil by the council and brought back to iiiiiiibei he said Sonic llltllthls also work oi lll caiiipaiins Iinzincial support comes troni local unions and the national organiations new president Ii plegitc intends to visit locals that liic not been tlttlltltlltf council meet as regularly and tttllvllltlilltlliltitltist He will try and keep the meeting to reasonable length nd pet proyect he Iias is tryinc to convince the federal gmeiittiietit llliSltllt ap ltltllttiSlllli programs rather tliaiiuiiciiiployinciit tliltlllttt usually start out earning to per cent oi what skilled tiadcsiizan would receive It tilt government were to siibsiilire the program he said more unskilled workers could thiltlllt skill and the to unskiltcd position would be ttlltilili ltit Silllltltllt Illltlll ployeil Itinh now most skilled tradesmeniriilï¬inopean dont llllliil working with IIuiopeans li pplegate said but Illtli arc tremcir iloiis lltlltllrl ct people here doiia lioriiic tot lllttlllt they Hiltt itliiltl to ltvi HI tllt iiioizi iippciitici earns tli the tops ironey Mr pplcgate said some unions in llai ric icccic salaries equal to their counterparts lll Ioroiito soine earn poor gtilttlt by coiiipaiioi but not as bad as tirillia on Illtliil labor tlltaii llt iiiiiiliidi ii is lilven six foot tall Ilxaminer photographer Rolf Ivraiker Iiad trouble climbing out of the controversial ltitk Street ditch after taking this shot looking do ii stream LOOKIMI OUT AT THIS lllltll iroin the lyiiient ltoad culvert Some alderineii and residents are afraid child will drown in the seven foot deep ditch when spring riinoil time comes tity councils geiittal tlllllllltltt voted earlier to spend Slttttlttt enclosing too toot stretch ot the ditch with pipe but coiin cil reconsidcrml this week and sent the iiicasiiie hack to coiiitiiittee for ltlltlltl study The ditch is about 21 feet wide iIIvaiiiiiiei Iliotoi