NEWS ROUNDUP senior pub Some OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Trudeau said Wednesday that some pretty senior pub lic servants are named in 1971 letter as suspects in radical socialist attempt to set up an extraparliamentary opposi tion and overthrow the government The letter from JeanPierre Goyer then solicitorgeneral and now supply minister is ac companied by list of 21 names mostly public servants With proper names blanked out it was read in the Com mons by Frank Oberle PCPrince GeorgePeace River who urged that the inat ter be referred to the House committee on privileges Mr Oberle maintained that SolicitorGeneral Francis Fox misrepresented the letter this week saying it simply ad vised that those named be briefed on security responsi bilities and that other ministers lied in saying they had never heard of it The June 15 1971 letter led to the dismissal in 1973 of Wal ter Rudnicki 56 one of the 21 named as $31000ayear policy planning director of Central Mortgage and Housing Corp CMH which was singled out in the letter as employer for small group of former campus revolutionairies The Ontario Supreme Court ruled last summer that Mr Rudnicki was wrongfully dis missed and awarded him $18 000 compensation He now is unemployed and has been unable to gain reinstatement in the federal public service The letter said the New Left 1960 movement had devised an extrapariainentary opposi tion program to mold the un derclasses into revolutionary force capable of overthrowing the present sociopolitical sys tem Now 99 REGINA CP There now are 99 whooping cranes in the world the highest number sin ce conservation program began in 1961 says the Saskat chewan Museum of Natural History Of the total 76 birds are wild and the other 23 are in captivity Twelve young were hatched last summer at the summer nesting grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park in northern Alberta the museum said in statement In 1939 there were only 14 known whooping cranes Mlnlmum EDMONTON CP Labor Minister Neil Crawford an nounced Wednesday that effec tive March the minimum wage in Alberta for persons over 18 years of age and em ployed full time will increase to $3 an hour from $1275 And the minimum wage for persons em ployed full time but under the age of 18 will increase to $285 from $260 Students under 18 employed part time will be paid mimimum of $250 an hour an increase of 25 cents Decision OTTAWA CPI Prime Miri ister Trudeau said Wednesday he will announce next week whether he has decided to swit we ISNANNY Leslie Ellen Kimberley 22 of Toronto has been selected by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Mrs Trudeau as nanny for their three children Miss Kimberley fourthvyear honors student at York University assumes her duties on Feb WP Photo Appointed OTTAWA CP Maurice Cutler 39 Ottawa bureau chief for MacleanHunter Business Publications has been ap pointed special assistant for media relations to Finance Minister Donald Macdonald it was announced Wednesday He replaces Terry Wills former Globe and Mail reporter now working for The Toronto Star Coffee price STRATFORI Pt The it cent cup of coffee is back in this city Restaurant owner Henry Krebs has ground down the price of cup of coffee at the Ali Baba Steak Ilouse to It ccn ts frotn 10 cents with all regularprice dinners Mr Krebs said Wulncsday he returned Ian 17 frorn week end in olombia where he bought surplus coffee beans frotn an independent association of growers Although the beans just ar rived this week he has been of fering 10cent cups of coffee siti cc last week New cabinet WASHINGTON Reuter President Carters 11member cabinet was completed Wednes day with US Senate approval of Ray Marshall as labor secre tary Endorsement of the Texas economist came shortly after Carter attended the swearing in of Attorney General Griffin Bell Gold sold WASHINGTON Router The International Monetary Fund IMF sold 780000 ounces of gold Wednesday at price of $13326 an ounce to raise money to finance special trust fund for developing countries The auction raised $725 million for the fund Closed BUENOSAIRICS iAP Po lice closed lednesday the headquarters and temples of the religious sects Hare Krishna and the Mission of Divine Light on the grounds that they floutcd the principles of Argentine nationhood morals and customs Order issued WASHINGION Reutert President Carter ordered his White House staff Wednesday not to make secret recordings of their telephone calls White House press secretary Iody Powell said artcr keeps track of his telephone conversations by writing notes to himself PMs regret OTIAWA Prime Iin ister Trudeau expressed regret Wednesday at the failure ot cf forts to bring blackinajority mile to Rhodesia He said in news contcrcncc truly regret the fact that Premier Ian Smith ptit an end tothetalks At the samctime he indicated that tanada had been prepared to make about $60 million avail able over five years to an inter national fund designed to stop flight of white technology troin blackruled Rhodesia Language ITAA II Iriinc Iin ister lrudcau said Wednesday his government is considering other ways to providi IInglish language courscs in Quebec llll der federal manpower training despite Qucbic government plan to abolish them He suggested Qiicbcc author itics are being petty by picking on one feature of federal help The languagetrainmg program in question is just tiny part of major system ol federal job training programs in Quebec which arcvaIiiidat $171 million Bagbidd Mail year he said at news con ference Manpower Minister Bud Cul len said earlier the programs will be discussed at federal provincial meeting within 10 days The minister was replying to questions in the Commons from Lincoln Alexander PCAHam ilton West who asked whether Quebec has indicated what its plans are for federal manpower agreements such as jobmobil ity programs and occupational training courses RCMP issue OTTAWA tP Solicitor General Francis liox said chr nesday be as asked the Quebec chief of the RCMP to clear up Quebec Justice Minister Andre Bcdards stated ignorance about the operation of the MP in Quebec And he told the ommons that the federal government will not withdraw the RtMI force from Quebec as Mr Bedv ard has suggested Mr Fox was fielding ques tions froin Ray Ilnatyshyn tPtr Saskatoon Biggar who asked whether any negotiations on these matters were taking place between Mr Foxs dc partinciit and the Quebec gov ernment Subsidy OTTAWA Itl Farmers who grew an early table potato crop in 15176 will receive sub sidy from the government be cause of low market prices Ag riculturc Minister IIugcnc th Ian announced Wednesday Payments estimated tit $14 million will be distributed to growers in Eastern and West crii zinzida IIarly potatoes are defined as those marketed lit loreScpt 11217 Because of different market conditions payments to growers III liastcrii and Western Canada were tilltlllillttl on regional l£lI Wcstcin growers will ltttlc payments of $1 It him tlicrlywight and IIiistcrii grow crsSI 201liundicdwcight Breakins IIt Hnt itlt Spe ciiil teams have been set up to deal with increasing break ins police said Wednesday The said break ms at busincsses in creased til per cent between Jan land 24 compared ith the same pcriod last year Break ms at houses and apartments rose 24 per cent for the some period Ioin effort tllW Itlt Liberal Iiogrcssivctonscrvativcand Independent Ml Ieoiiirdloiics have ioincd Democratic Party effort to force piiiliii tncnttiry rrvicu ol gotirtitnciit wrigcziiidprimcontrols spokesmantotNltllAadcr lid lioidbcrit said Wednesday that Liberal lolin Iiiid Kliitiitiiiiliaiiiy River toii stIVIIIHt Itobcrt oiitcs llllll berlandColchcster North and Mr Jones Moncton signed the NDP petition calling for re view By law the grwernmcnt must put its controls program before the Commons if at Mls petition Speaker James Ierome for reassessment by March 30 All 16 NDP MPs signed the petition Centre opens OSIIAWA tCP John Smith Ontario minister of con lic servants 0n blacklist rectional services was guest speaker Wednesday at the offi cial opening of Durhaincrcst community resource centre Prisoners serving jail sen tences under the temporary absence program will be eligible to serve their time in the new centre Woman dies DRILLIA itl Wednesday that Helen Irciie Brandford 54 of Washago Ont died from exposure She Police said All RSPS are not alike RSP OPTIONS was found dead at her resi deuce Monday Washago is about 13 miles north of rillia Uniforms lRNT stand ard safaristyle uniform for all air army and sea cadets may cause low morale say two air and sea ciidct officials Barney Danson federal do fence minister announced recently that all cadets will wear the new green uniform which will cost $76 million to buy Robert Hendy president of the Navy League of Canada said the countrys 12100sca ca dets want to retain their dis tinct ivc naval uniform AT CANADA TRUST Canada Trust Retirement savriirim stock tionrt Sayings Plans otter yon the Widest range of investment options Pitt your money into one or combinatior tollowrnr itBIllllCilItEl With high guaranteed hit of ten irn on terms III to ten years Canada Trust Dunlop at Memorial Square Ht 18M mortgagor lot the Try our longer hours MonThurs to Fri to 730 Sat to he ntht Rfit would do IIIUIE trigin jttfai SAW yon ri brindle on toms3 It tiil Int ltf tritrirf Ai RSI iii not tilJ llllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg Winter Portrait Special SAVE $2400 IO Colour Portraits with studio setting Adults Family Group Regular $5850 value Now Only $3450 A150 Portrait Package for Babies 21 Children Students $2950 8x IO or choice of SIIES II Clupperton St 72599n IllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllIllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIlllllllilllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg The Barrie Examiner Ihiirsday January 27 1977 To trial RILLIA CP Eileen Sawyer 49 of Rama Ont charged with seconddegree murder in the death of her husband was committed to stand trial at the conclusion of preliminary hearing in provincial court Wednesday rvillc Granville Sawyer 41 was found stabbed to death in his residence on Rama Indian reserve last June It Buyfield St Salami 2V2 lb average inthe IMPERIAL CINEMA De Maria ITALIAN BAKERY North Barrie Plato DELI FEATURES Bread 24 01 Mortudello Siena Edam Cheese lb $149 ColbyMiIdCheese lb $209 Sieno Cupocollo lb $219 Sieno Genoa Salami lb $215 Maple leaf Summer Sausage Lb $209 Maple leaf Bierwurst Sausage MANY MORE SPECIALS HOWARD Joumons For Your listening Pleasure every Friday night lomplighter Room MUSIC BY Harry Leek on the organ Art Ellefson on the sex John Schliesmonn on the trom bone Ted Fry on the drums Every Friday night 930 pm to om 355 BAYFIELD ST 7269641 Constitution OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Trudeau said Wednesday he would be prepared to take the gamble of letting con stituent assembly draft fanny dian constitution But he told news conference such an assembly would do nothing to assure the countron constitution unless the federal and provincial governments agreed in advance to accept its decision 7286321 $225eu Lb$l99 ml STARTS TOMORROW IT TAKES RARE AND SPECIAL MOVIE 7269944 2le ch cabinet responsibility for the 21 mi l1 tl IIII itt ltlLIcl itidicnt cs Ililll in on It Canadian International De velopment Agency from Ex ternal Affairs Minister Don Jamieson to Allan MacEachen president of the Privy ouncil Talks off MISSISSAIfGA Ont ICP Labor negotiations between the Itmember Society of Profcse sional Engineers and Associates and Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd IAECL have broken down Bennett association president said in statement Wednesday talks broke down after AEtI an nounced it had asked the federal government to appoint conciliator The main issue in the dispute is wages he said STARTS TOMORizow WW AdultEritertomment In ll CANADAS LARGEST AND StKNOWN ucono Stoo 1M Wm SATURDAY JAN 29 930 AM on itminiMimi it tsp ping MINI1n II we 11 At lnnk it Li II tttl LIGHTFOOT Beat OI The Wuy reels and mort CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $700 in Barrie 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over $700 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE twwiitlcttnl itl KENNETH CONNOR WINDSOR DAVIES PATRICK MOWER JUDY GEESON JACK 001K AS IOAN SIMS PE YER BUI II IMOHIN ME LWN HAYES PEII It IONES ï¬r ummuu AS mi itiiiiiriiiiiiim inti licittl NM ti frilly Mviiriiii Rum TfiiEanER SIDE QF THE MOU1W Quorum hmiiod TIER IVIANOIY Ono Pu Adult OuAtl are How re THE PINK PANTHER Tonight STRIKES AGAIN Adult Entertainment no 1mm lItInJdliiilltV4144IIIIH EG VAFINEY uDOUBLE TAKE mmqu NORMAN ROSSINGTUN SUE LLOYD DENNIS PRICE JUUE EGE Held Over 2nd Week 705 905 pm AL STEWART DO NOT ENTER THIS HOUSE STEVE MILLER MOXY WHERE DOES HURT PM HY LII An Eagle Inlu Ilu Ycrii OI The Cut ii Ibe Hm ll Irilu It or leave It Wet Suit UP POMPEII 75 Money and Run ind l0 more lor Broadway Hotel more NI is room Al SAMS A1 SAMS AT SAMS room possessed by Albanian 449 449 449 anunspeakabemm 1269944 am room from WIIICII no one has ever returned roctsonp nbv cHivooitl 0qu Amm Myoummuc muunco canonx mutemu sourgo APRIL WINE CHICAGO KISS humour plnur Drum Forever For Now Momn loyi II You leave Me Now Rod HI Roll Over See You ROBERT EVANSSIDEV BECKERMAN medlon Childs Garden more Um or Iwrre Lind more In Your Dreams more DUSTIN HOFFMAN ONLY ONLv ONLY LAURENCE OIJVIER ROY SCHEIDER WILLIAM DEVANE MARTHE KELLER Above item on sale at advertised prices while supply lasts Fri Sat Mon One each per MARATIION MAN INVEST NOW Ult°ji°nlt=r ouor mm mWILLIAM GOLDMAN °° 700 99 No point on f°aaéam EVANS ma SIDNEYOBEHCKERMAN SM ONLY Sami Mod directed by JOHN SCHLESINCER mum and by moan SMALL Shown Daily at 1001915pm AnnHANG If NISUNS II VIAIS Roxyw OVII FACE To FACE aeDUNLop srw 7284681 I0 DUNLOP ST BARRIE STORE HOURS MON THURS SAT 930 AM PM FRI 930 AM 900 PM EVEN THE BUS STOPS AT SAMS OOR IWIWII to ltlitllf NIIIAJNI thrANlAlttm Iii th to MIMI our ANDY WARHOLES DRACULA PM SURVIVE BIG BAD MAMA 850 Adult Entertainment