idsav Ellie Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian NeWSpapers Company Limited to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wilson Advertising Manager Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Thursday January 27 1977 The truth is apparent Levesque means it do The Quebec premier went to New York City to persuade the financial centres moneymen that investing in Quebec is safe and sound speech Tuesday to 1500 of the financial gnomes Levesque made the strongest call United States yet for separation To most Canadians the speech was shock Levesque did not try to convince the financiers that all is well in Canada as most expected he would do The independence of Quebec is in evitable he said we believe we are nation independence for is almost as inevitable as it was for the American states of 200 years ago Much has been and will be made of the halftruths Mr Levesque used in his various New York ap pearances But reciting historical facts is no way to stop Mr Levesques plan of destroying Confederation Levesques strategy in his fight for an independent Quebec is almost textbook example of how small group of people can disrupt any na tion First we had Levesque getting elected on platform that down separation and played up the abuses of the government Then Levesque played down the separation issue and appeared to tell Canadians that what was wanted after all is better deal for Quebec Canadians were lulled The fine Canadian art of political com promise would once again head off an issue at the pass and Marie Us What is Rene Levesque trying to again story que Ad Mare would be safe once And while Canadians are lulled Levesque apparently is telling Quebecers an entirely different And he is definitely telling Americans what might be taken for the whole truth and along the way drumming up support for Quebec Libre The truth is apparent tion Levesque means it when he says Quebec will be an independent na Levesque is going to do his best to Quebec convince the stripedpants brigade in Ottawa that he doesnt mean in dependence he is going to his best to convince Quebecers that he does mean independence and he is going to do his best to convince Americans and other nations means independence and do so without losing continuity which that he constitutes the most reassuring stability guarantee of economic and social Levesques aim is nothing less than complete independence for Quebec with foreign financing wit tingorunwitting This is dangerous man for Canada Levesques importance is played in what he does not what he says Unfortunately Canadians par ticularly those in Ottawa tend to think what man says is the most ped important thing Levesque can be stopped dependence for Quebec can be stop In But it will take not tough talk but tough action and not only by government but by those Cana dians who have no wish to see minority destroy Confederation DOWN MEMORY LANE ray Foster and Bobby Wilson 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Fiveday ordeal ends for Lydia Crawford when she is acquit ted by 12man jury of noncapital murder of her husband John have first to its credit by establishing village branch in Hillsdale says executive 1962 Barrie YMYWCA may director Russ Davey Black of Stroud receives medal Norman memorating 50 years membership in Masonic Order Minerva Lodge 304 Photo shows clarinet section of Barrie junior band Jim Webb Rosemary Hobson Myrna Congdon Ellen Hunter Phyllis Bentley Mur from his son Jan 27 com 42 LNTEBPRETING THE NEWS Congregational meeting of Central United Church decides to send Mr and Mrs Lloyd Strachan to Brazil for missionary work Elected to committee of stewards are Mrs Gillham Douglas Beckett Russel Emes Lawrence Wiggins William Barry Harold Wallwin and Merrill Bernhardt Baldwin of Barrie Fire Department wins driver of month award spon sored by Barrie and District In surance Agents Association Bill MacPherson scored twice for Barrie and Jim Sarjeant and Mur ray Perry scored singles as OMHA peewees trip Camp Borden allstars Harvey Will US concern over NATO force new military spending By GARRY FAIRBAIRN WASHINGTON CPi De spite Jimmy Carters oftenre peated resolve to trim US do fence spending and promote disarmament rapidlyrising congressional concern over NATO may force the new president into huge new militaryexpenditures Such shifting of financial re sources would seriously inter fere with Carters longrange social and economic plans but mounting US political 5hr Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 yearlt yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Number 203815 register 61 pressure is fast presidential options Armed with ominous military evaluations the politicians are also motivated by recent opin ion polls that show majority of the public in favor of strengthening the armed for ces Thetrend in US thinkinghas major implications for Canada which in past years enjoyed the luxury of allowing erosion of its NATO military contribution and its armed forces in general Canadian di lomats have at ready receiv pointed remind ers from other NATO countries that there are military dues to be paid for admission to West ern European economic and po litical decisionmaking VicePresident Walter Mon dale has told NATO leaders that Carter is considering boosting US spending on NATO but other NATO mem bers should be ready to in crease their own contributions as well SOVIET BLIIZKRIIIG Early this week two US senators painted picture of possible Soviet blitzkrieg slashing through weak and disorganized NATO forces At the same time the US defence department called for draft system that can be brought into action im mediately to start replacing the hundreds of thousands of US casualties that would result from Sovietled Warsaw pact attackpresuming that NATO forces could hold out long enough for replacements to arrive In recent months iii telligence estimates have war ned of heavy Soviet investment in arms largescale program of building shelters against nuclear attack widening Soviet lead in military quantity and imminent parity in the quality of weapons systems The most pessimistic inter removing pretation is that the Russians will soon feel they can make big gains with quasiconvcntioiial war in Europe In that scenario the Russians would rely on rapid achieve ment of their territorial goals before the United States could summon the will to make cred ible strategic nuclear threats FAST LOSING EDGE The two senators who issued the grim report to the Senate armed services committec Democrat Sam Nunn and Re publican Dewcy Bartlett war ned that NAIOs edge in uality is fast vanishing and Russians are already ahead in the range and destructive force of tactical nuclear weapons Worse the senators said after their NATO tour is their find ing that Soviet forces have the ability to lautich an offensive with little if any warning while the NATO command structure is so cumbersome that wellor ganized defence may be impos sible The pessimists have their op poncnts who argue that militar ists are promoting vision of Armageddon to get more money Georges Buis retired French general said US for ces still have superiority and the facts dont back up the statementsofalarni BIBLE HOUGHI And will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten the caiikcrworin and the catcrpiller and the pillltltF worm my great army which sent among you Joel 225 Dont go around worrying about the past God can do more for you in one day than you did to yourself in whole life time He is the author of time He can turn back the clock and He will just for you Praise tod little idea to raise revenueyou grams how much he in the red this your FROM PARLIAMENT HILL After parliamentary recess absolutely nothing has changed By STEWART MacLEOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Every time Parliament re sumes following lengthy re cess most of us write about how the revigoratcd Mls fresh from the beaches of the Carib bean are likely to churn into the Commons as legislative windmills ready to spew out copious quantities of bills We should know better It doesnt matter how long Mls have been away froin Par liament five minutes after they reenter the chamber you forget there has been vacation break Absolutely nothing has changed After this 32day break there was Prime Minister Trudeau deliberately walking slowly back to his seat so an opposition MP would have to wait for reply Its the type of gesture you expect at the end of long difficult session But here we were the first day back and the biggest sub ject to arise at that point con ccriied war pensions Soon we would power Minister Mari ul leii have Bud talking about the typical knee jerk reaction which the Con servativc party shows to anything and New Democratic Leader Ed Broad bent referring to the ministers baloney answer That was only for openers When the first item of business came up measure to televisc Commons proceedings Tory Ilouse Leader Walter Baker was ready with his heaviest ar tillery for Privy ouncil Presi dent Allan MacEachcn He ac cused the minister of hypocrisy distortion confusion and other assorted sins and said his party would support the measure only with deep reservations When Mr Baker began talk ing about protecting the ancient rights and privileges of Mls decided to leave With the pos sible exception of old broad casters telling stories of the early lays of radio there is no subject more boring than the ancient rights and privileges of MPs So collected handful of those written opposition ques tioiis the government replied to QUEENS PARK earlier in the day and went off into quiet corner It was much more productive There were startling statistics to indicate that in 1075 total of 2872 public servants had been demoted You never hear of public servants being demoted But reading further learned that virtually all were volun teer or arranged demotions Only five had been arbitrarily demoted for incomtxtcncc or incapacity also learned that in 1975 anada shipped 709 tons of straw to an animal quarantine stationon St Pierre You never know when these statistics will come in handy It was also reassuring to learn the govertimcnt is testing Amaranth food dye for its metabolism attd pharmacoki netic behavior WOMEN LAGGING And while the Mls were chewing each other out about televising the otiimoiis was also learning that of 28 deputy ministers iii the public service only one is woman Further more found out that of 252107 Routine oversimplification mars all our politics today By DON OIIIIARN Thomson News Sery icc TORONTO Now its case of housc full of Simple Si mons Sidney Ilandelmaii made honey of speech the other lay The New Democratic Party wouldnt agree For the con sumer affairs minister directly attacked the party He was talking to insurance people And he said the power the socialists wielded over their industry was the poWer of public ignorance But the NDI shouldnt really bcall that put out For at least in part what he was saying applies to all par ties Ilandelmans point was that the NDI zeroed in on automo bile insurance because there was combination of public ir ritation with and ignorance of the field tile said if the same were true for tennis balls the party would be out to nationalize them Probably the NDP does do this and so do the other parties to some extent But the point goes beyond what the minister had to say Really at root it is probably not so much an intentional play ing on public ignorance as the routine application of the over simplification which marks all our politics today DOESNTSEE The fact is that many of the YOUR BUSINESS Foreign capital harder to find By INIINI1IGN Business aiid onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The year is young but we may not see anything more ironic than the sight of Quebec Iremicr Rene Levesque ad dressing an audience of money men in New York This is the same Rene Le vcstuc who heads the Iarti Quciecois which was forever ridiculing former Premier Rob ert Bourassa for his meetings with those New York money men upuiitil last November Now the shoe is on the other foot The PL and its leaders know that governments oper ations dont run on political passions and slogans And they must surely be lear ning that relations between gchinmcnt and thc invcstmciit community are two sided at fair llic people are not iicc cssarily being victimich by the investors who lend money to them Rather the financial iii stitutions are providing an in dispensable service and are not unreasonable in their cxr pectatioii that the users of that service should pay them in ac cordaiice with the risks in volvcd Whether we like the Ameri cans or not they remain the oiily source of capital that is readily available on the scale needed by Quebec and other governments in Canada HANGE OI MOOI About fourfifths of all foreign investment in Canada comes from the United States Up until three or four years ago US capital was strongly attracted to Canada Relation ships betwecn Wall Street on the one hand and Ottawa and the various provincial capitals on the other were character ized by mutual trust and re spect In recent years however gap has been widening There have been more and more irri tants on both sides Saskatche wans provincialization of the potash industry with its retro active penalties our prime matters of public concern today are over the heads not oiin of the public but of the members who represent them And the consequence is that ignorance is an extremely im portant factor in our public af fairs As just oiic example tolls on the St Lawrence scaway are an extremely important factor in the ccotioiiiic health of Ontario today particularly to iii dustrializcd sectors along our shipping routes Federal Transport Minister tto Lang has been threatening to boost these tolls sonic fotir times or more on the basis of user pay policies which he is trying to introduce into our transportation ministers chuniminess with Moscow and llavana the US tax changes that effectively keep the lucrative international convention business out of Tan ada the Garrison water diver sion in North Dakota that threatens the quality of Mani tobas water supply But since in the field of iii vestment capital the US rep resents supply and Canada rep resents demand the net result has been growing reluctance on the part of US investors to lend to Canada MORE WARY The big US insurance com panics pension funds and iii vestment banks had already grown wary of country whose prime minister has been threat ening to replace the market system and generally ac centing the areas of disagreement with the US Its little wonder then that they should be especially wary of province whose premier is not only socialist but sepa ratist public servants 78147 are fe male But here is what really in trigucd me The statistics are somewhat incomplete because 321B did not supply informa tion concerning their sex You would think the govern ments personnel experts could get some inkling from their names Did you know that during the current crop year nearly 15 per cent of all carloads shipped from lcstern Canada carried the wrong kind or grade of grain Its true Heres another useful lidbit Parcel damage statistics maintained by the post office do not designate the location where the damage occurrtxl This must be good news for careless postal workers Thcrc is much mticli more but this at least gives in dication of the nuggets of infOl mation that will goover the aitr waves after the television catn eras move in guess Mr ItlacEachcn mean it when he said the purpose of broad casting is not to provide other tainmcnt lscr pay is completely sim plistic and unrealistict apv proacli and could wreak havoc in the industrial structure and health of the country But last week asked one of our local members from the Niagara area what he thought of the toll proposal Despite the fact it is vital to his riding he didnt know much about it In fact about the only thing he did know was that he felt user pay was good idea Sure it is in theory But in practice it would be for the birr ds Ilochcr otir member goes for the simplistic approach be cause anything else would be over his head and thcrcby the job he can do suffers When as and if he says anything publicly on this issue through his own ig norance he will be talking to the ignorance of the public It isnt the members fault It isnt aiiybodys fault It is really just that our public af fairs today are so compch that it takes very knowledgeable people to keep on top of them And as thcrc arent that many of these around the sys tem of course suffers Berrys World ©19HbyNtAlnt How interesting Did you always want to be technocrat READER FORUM Intelligent advice for rabies cases Dear Sir The poor little cocker spaniel Rinni may or may not die of rabies but he will certainly die or suffer irreparable lung damage during his quaran tine of three months in an un protected pool enclosure Rather than subject the poor little animal to that kind of pro longed torture it would have been kinder to have vet give him needle and mercifully put him out of his misery The Toronto Humane Society suggests isolation for two weeks and thinking person would have considered at least garage and not the exposure of the outside elements Toronto Humane also sug gests the first thing to do is call the local department of health which the owner of Rinni does not mention doing WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter She certainly called everyone else and unfortunately she did not get the wise counsel she so obviously needed until the Bar rie Humane Society directors finally heard of the situation almost three weeks after the fact In view of the fact that so much official apathy exists in the area concerning rabies and in view of the fact that just the word itself could send one family into such confused terrorstricken melodrama of errors should there not be some educational program for both pet owners and those at of ficial levels It seems understandable that the Midhurst family might panic and not have clue as to the right thing to do It does not seem undestan dable that the agencies con tacted seemed unable to give intelligent advice Perhaps your excellent reporter Mr DePodesta could correct this with another arti cleortwo Sincerely Barbara Lowry Eds note The dog was originally put in garage then the people were told by the health of animals branch to put it elsewhere Who told them to put it in the garage Their vet The case is typical of lack of standard procedures by local agencies in dealing with this problem Says France gave Daoud because of cowardice DearSir would submit that Mr Har brons attempt to get at the basic issue behind the French release of Abu Daoud has fail ed The gist of his presentation is that France has not been that kind to the Arabs over the years and possibly was too co operative with Isracl and therefore owed them France has extradition treaties with Israel and West Germany that would have covered the legal prtxtedings against thc man iii question This person was observed on Jordanian television to have admitted getting passports for the people who murdered the Israeli Olympic athletes It would follow that he could very much have effected violence against French and other citizens and will continue to do so All this of course is against the spirit and intent of French and true democratic law Cowardice ought not to be our guide but rather pragmatic moralism Alex Finkelstein and bouquet Dear Sir would like to send bouquet to Richard Dunstan for his sincere personal tribute to Captain Gary Venahles and his wife Marion of the Salvation Army It will indeed be Barries loss and Montreals gain and Mr Dunstan put it very well My contact with these WORLD TODAY US following defence example By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service There is absolutely nothing new under the sun as that old infallabilc saying has it This applies nowhere so strongly as in military management Five years ago the Canadian department of national defence llllltiflllttd reorganization at the top which placed its affairs under four new assistant deputy ministers each of them responsible in turn to the deputy minister and the ministerhimsclf The idea was to remove the conflicting and overlapping functions of many senior civit inn and military positions cont petiiig in hclterrskeltcr way for recognition and approval of their programs by the inister He in ttirii was baffled by the chaotic way in which proposals suggested for policy reached him via several avenues What he wanted and got from spe cial task force be appointed called the Management Review Group was simplified single passage way for proposals frotii the civilian aiid military administrators to the minister As the task force was forming in thesummer of 1971 its chair man invited the head of United States department of de fence task force called Blue wonderful Christian people was very brief but left lasting im pression am so happy it was my good fortune to cross their paths during their short stay in Barrie Thank you Mr Dunstan for speaking for cast of thousands Sincerely Judi Ribbon to brief the Canadian team on how they simplified management in the Pentagon And now your columnist then member of that national de fence task force in Ottawa in 197172 reads that President Carters new secretary of de fence sworn into his job only the day before is going to corr solidate Pentagon posts and re place host of assistant secre taries and directors 21 in all with three cluster chiefs The expression is ghastly Pentagoncse but the solution is the same strikingly identical in fact with the solution recom mended and accepted by Don ald Macdonald then defence minister from the Management Review Group back at the start of the705 How close Very close ac cording to remark made by the new defence secretary in The New York Times as fol lows It was getting so the sec retary of defence had to see 12 to 14 different officials from dif ferent offices every day and he couldnt keep track Ditto the national defence de partment about 1970 and the di lemma of new and savvy de fence minister in trying to make his decisions Our task force proposed four new assistant deputy ministers for policy personnel finance and material Secretary Brown military scientist of much re pute by the way suggests his three cluster chiefs be in re sources policy and evaluation Our task force felt the eval uation role did not require an assistant deputy ministers rank and assigned it related but subordinate role to the new ADMs Will the new and competent US defence secretary with his very early departmental re sponsc to President Carters preelection promise to reor ganize the vast Washington bu reaucracy look at the Canadian scheme which has been in operation now for five years One hopes so Nor might that idea occur to our new eager and conscientious National Defence Minister Barney Danson unless someone makes it The detailed work of the Man agement Review Group has re maiiicd secret to the defence minister deputy minister and their responsible officials lt we