Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1977, p. 13

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BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON ISION SBARRIE semi2 innit BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 600 2471 I22News 3Starsky and Hutch 524 Hours 9Definition 79City Show News 030 ZGong Show 2479News 11Party Game 700 22Odd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars 4Concentration 5Barrier Reef 710 Tell The Truth 9Holmes and Yoyo 11Show Biz 79My Three Sons 130 22SDick Emery 2Match Game PM 4Strlkes Spares 5Hyans Fancy 7Break the Bank 9Stais On Ice llEin Prosit 800 22Code Debut 2Sanford and Son 35Mary Tyler Moore 4len Who Dared 79Donny and Marie TRIDAY EVENING llZSP 79Mov18 Carnival Story 330 211Bob Hope SpeCIal 35Chic0 and the Man 900 22Executive Suite 35Tommy Hunter 4Sonny and Cher 7Movne Love Boat ll 9Hocklord iiles 10 ZNews ZRockford Iiles 3Celebrity Concerts 4Executive Suite 5Police Story 7News Close Up 95erpico IlUreat Debate 79 Mannix ll 00 22Mary Hartman 23457911News 79CIIY Lights 30 22Opposnte Opposne Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4Mowe Comedy 7Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 1150 1200 72The Pigeon That Iook Rome 3Heaven Can Wait 7Murders in Rue Morgue 9Reflection of Fear llMoVie The Alamo 79House of 1000 Dolls 100 2Midnight Special 5Movie Pride and Pre Judice I225 GMowe Wild Wild Planet 200 9Mowe is Crowd 25 BMowe Ride Crooked Mile I5 IllMerv Griffin 330 9Mov1e Nightmare in Chicago 355 SMowe The Lawless 500 9lron5ide 1135 590 Minutes Live THE DOCTOR SAYS Heart problems often frighten By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson My fa ther in his early 505 had heart attack six months ago Before then he had never really been ill After he was released to go home he could not seem to go to sleep on his own Even sleeping pills did not help him He still is not able to go to work and has no strength left ls it common for heartattack victims to worry and have trouble sleepingSM Any problem with the heart can strike terror and fear in some people Even relatively innocent skips of the beat disturb them It is not unusual for persons to suffer anxiety personally cursed my fate 20 years ago when had mine But resolved to succumb to some other ailment than heart at tack Some persons become alar med even at slight twinges of discomfort above the belly but ton Some make their families miserable by stringent diet restrictionsparticularly in the cholesterol line Some are afraid to stoop over What they should understand is that the heart is specialized muscle and after having been injured by an attack has great recuperative powers The cur rent concept of treatment is more liberal than it was years ago when we understood less about such things Patients are encouraged to be activeWithin their limitations of course Your fathers weakness could well be due to lack of exercise After six months he should be movmg about taking walks About 80 per cent of coronary patients are able to resume their usual occupations He should talk with someone who has done this His insomnia is probably caused by worrying hot drinkcocoa or even hot tod die with nip of spirits might help Some like spot of wine or cognac Does his doctor know of your dads attitude He should be told Checkups include car diogram blood pressure measurement and chest examination They dont necessarily probe the patients psyche Reassurance from the doctor may be all the treatment your father needs as far as his sleeping is concerned He should get some specific instructions about activity He now should be able to come out of his anxiety shell Dear Dr Thosteson Can anything be done about the un bearable gas that forms from instant coffee diet drinks any vitamin especially It has taken me years to pinpoint these foods and it is very dis turbingMrs Ll If you can pinpoint food that makes you gaseous the best thing to do is to avoid it Butare you sure you have found the right ones It may not be the instant cof fee but rather something you eat with it know of no specific ingredient in it that might cause gas Diet drinks are car bonated and can make one burp if consumed too fast or in large amounts Vitamin may cause intestinal gas but Im not familiar w1th vitamin being an offender You probably could do without the supplements of vitamin anyway In fact since they are nonessential to your diet anyway why not cut out all the foods and supplements in your list then see if your gas problem disappears Dear Dr Thosteson My doctor said that my xrays showed calcium in my uterus He said not to worry What does this mean Should do something about it Calcium can be deposited in fibroid tumor or in an area where there may have been some bleeding Its not uncom mon and theres nothing to do about it Take your doctors ad Vice and dont worry It rarely presents problem Dear Dr Thosteson Ex plain the difference between an xray and fluoroscope please Xrays are permanent pic tures made by rays passing through the body and striking photographic plate fluor oscope is device that sends the same kind of rays through the body but are continuously viewed on screen to show movement No permanent record is made with fluor oscopy There is more exposure with the fluoroscope than with rays Former Orillian promoting book ORILLIA Ont CP When Brian Davis left his native Ori Ilia five years ago to see the world he wasnt planning to settle in England Nor was the 29yearold free lance writer planning to spend his time overseas preparing unique anthology of Canadian poetry Both developments he said were quite accidental Mr Davis was back in Can ada to promote The Poetry of the Canadian People published recently by New Canada Press The book concentrates on the poems of ordinary Canadians the miners lumbermen farm ers soldiers and laborers who built the country These poems werent writ ten by professionals he said They dont deal in abstracts They reflect the daytoday struggle people had Just to stay alive Covering the period from 1720 to 1920 the poems include Es kimo songs sea charities labor doggerel antiConfederation polemics and works dealing with the privations of pioneer life Mr Davis said the idea came to him out of the blue in Lon don while he was working on novel MUSEUM HELPFUL He found hundreds of old Ca nadian newspapers and jour nals at the British Museum and finished his research at the tario Archives was interested in getting good geographical sampling and in providing historical perspective hundred years ago poetry was truly popular Everybody read or wrote poetry and sent it off to their local newspaper It was an important means of communication and social com ment Nowadays poetry has be come divorced from the people Mr DaVis said he would like to produce second volume of poetry from the 19205 to the present if his publishers are willing He approached four publish ers before New Canada Press accepted the first volume They all said that for vari ous reasons usually money they couldnt handle my type of prOJect But they steered me to some people who could Mr DaVis said his next novel will detail the reactions of workingclass family in British Columbia to changes in Cana dian life in the first half of this century He said he does not consider himself writer in eXiIe and has no intention of remaining in London forever although he conceded that he has begun to acquire traces of an English ac cent In the end Canada is where lbelong Surgery cancelled TORONTO CP All non emergency surgery at Metro politan Torontos 26 hospitals was cancelled Wednesday be cause of severe blood short age the Canadian Red Cross Society said Doreen Duffin Red Cross director of blood ser vice for Toronto said the shor tage is partly due to bad weather Bernice Bode Osol For Saturday Jan 22 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Those close to you want to do nice things for you today Gratefully and gracefully accept any and all offerings TAURUS April 20May 20 Have fun with your friends today Resist the intrusion of business Levity and practicality are unwill ing bedfellows GEMINI May 21Junc 20 Your judgment is faulty if you feel that allies are necessary to your plans today All you need is the courage of your convictions CANCER June 21July 22 Although it is difficult for you to lean on people today the only key to getting the job done may be able to do so Make orders un mistakeable LEO July 23Aug 22 Put it in writing today if the people youre dealing with are unknown quan tities Be doubly sure to expound on all the fine points VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 There are easy ways out f0r you today but they are not necessarily the right ones Your course of action requires the most courage and initiative LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You hold more trump cards than you realize today Dont abdicate your control in financial dealings when others rescurces are in ferior to yours SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your ingenuity today is limited moneywise flimflam artist could take you to the cleaners and you might even thank him SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 While you might be lethargic about your rights today youre veritable tiger if someone threatens the wellbeing of those close to you CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Friends may make important requests of you today Youll accede even though you may doubt their sincerity Your worries are illfeunded AQUARIUS Jan 20Fcb 19 Although you prefer to do business with friends of long standing today you could be better off dealing with recent acquaintances PISCES Fob 20March 20 Your aim is bit fuzzy today When the real test comes you could miss the bullseye Wont Birthday Jan 22 1977 Take more active role this coming year in clubs or large organizations The efforts you expend will be worth the time and the sacrifice Proposed law MONTREAL CP Describing the proposed federal immigration law as repressive 29 social and labor groups called Wednesday for public hearings on the bill declaration by the groups said Bill C24 tabled in Parliament by Bud Cullen minister of man power and immigration was step backward WINTIIROP NSL 7373880 BORN LOSER BUGS BUNNY QIBHMNEAN II log 05 hi Dtl THIS is marries FINE OF FISH 7TFIE CREEK HA5 Franzen OVER AND TRAPPED NORTHERN STQIRDLERYUD STATIONERY STORE WE HATE THAT BEEBEE 0L17 YOU OUGHTA T0 LEAN Howo BOY WHAT WEVE FIND ON GUY YOU FOUND FOR YOU I5 PLACE THATs WITH ONLY REALLY ONE 6000 FIND PAGEVWVITH L013 QUIETw KNEEBUT OF ROOMS FOR RENT LIKE ACR055 EITHER MOVE ON IT MATEUR Dimmerrun usnion IZI Pollys Pointers Wornout stockings make fun sweater By Polly Cramer DEAR READERS Judging by the inquiries perhaps the all time favorite Pointer sent in during the years this column has been printed was one sent in by reader in Canada who had knitted sweater out of old nylon hose What way to use up those old hose and have sweater for practically nothing DEAR POLLY What do you do with your old wornout nylon hose Buy box of color remover and follow the direc tions on the box to remove the color from the old nylons Dye them seamless hose are preferred the desired color When dry cut off the feet and tops Then beginning at the top cut each stocking into one long strip threefourths of an inch wide cutting round and round Pull these nylon strips bit to make them narrow and wind into balls pulling slightly as you wind will be sufficient Knit into lovely and different looking sweater using large needles proceeded to make such sweater and learned quite bit as went along and want to add that advice to those who might attempt this fun job Do not use hose With wide runs or the sweater will have thin spots The hose should ALL be seamed or seamless and all sheer or all service weight for an even look For another sweater would cut the strips widereven an inch and quarter Those who knit know how hard it is to estimate how much wool will be used for certain project and the same runs truc here so think if is safer to dye the sweater AFTER it is knitted removed the drab tan shades With color remover and found the hose were then varying shades of blue green so not so ugly to work on and AFTER it was knitted it was dycd gay cherry red It was easier to cut the hose evenly when iollcd magazine was slipped inside each one and the strips were tacked together as they were wound into balls The strips curl slightly which makes them more like yarn as one knits The nylon slipped badly on aluminum or steel needles so wooden needles worked best Make four inch sample quéllf to determine the number of stitches to the inch and the number of rows in an inch so you can adjust knitting to your selected pattern not use fancy stitch ust knit cvcry row or knit row and then purl row etc Mine is Chanel type loose hanging cardigan Willi no purl ing at the bottom or to edge the sleeves put on black velvet cording down the front edges around the neck and to cdgc both the bottom of the sleeves and iht swcatcr Black vclvci frogs were added for fastcners Perhaps some of you may be wearing one of these as you read this and we hope others Will be lnSplIfd to try it Talk about your conversation pieces this IS one lIIY DEAR POLLY If you want to paint stairs and must use them meanwhile paint every other step and let them dry thoroughly and then paint the remaining steps Elected WALKERTON Ont Cl nesday at an inaugural council Reeve Andy Cormack 46 of meeting in this community nearby Paisley was elected about 45 miles southwest of warden of Bruce County Wed 0ch Sound PULLED BEER CAN OFF THANK HENENS lTs gmwsiwrrsnl VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN PARTICULARLi WHEM wAeuT AIMWHERE THE NIbHT EEFOIZE HATE THE MORNIIJE AFTER iarruyuu he in us Put on WIN AT BRIDGE First trick spells trouble 21 EASTD QQJIOQ VK9864 O4 QAQ9 10 NorthSouth vulnerable West North East Pass Pass South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby The time to think at the bridge table is when it is up to you to find the right play and not after you have thrown the contract out the window South was delighted with the heart lead and when East let dummys queen hold he wasted no time playing low heart from his own hand Then he was ready to do his think ing but it was too late The contract had found its way to that point in space from which there is no return Just little thought before playing from his own hand at trick one and South would see that if he played his ace of hearts there would be sure entry to dummy Then he could lead the king of diamonds overtake with dummys ace and lead the jack of diamonds West would win with the queen He could lead second heart or spade or club It FUNNY BUSINESS wouldnt make any difference South would have time to knock out Easts king of hearts and wind up with two spades two hearts five diamonds and the smile of Cheshire cat Askthsmo Missouri reader wants to know the correct rebid with AAK765V2 OAK43¢1072 after partner responds two clubs to your opening bid of one spade The correct rebid is two diamonds You want to show this good fourcard suit while you can do so conveniently Hazard OTTAWA CP Wirerope suspended platforms like those used by windowcleaners con stitute safety hazard the Canada Safety Council warned Wednesday The council said in news re lease the platforms had been in volved in two fatal accidents in Ontario last year It said that in each case the suspension cables did not ex tend to the ground and that as the platforms were being low approaching end of the cables When the platforms ran off the ropes they toppled and threw their life lines that all contractors operators supply life lines Secondary support lines or fail safe devices should also be in stallM YEAH ITS élNlMICKYu BUT lT MOVES CARS ANDY CAPP SHORT RIBS WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST I9770y NfAInc TM Reg US Pat OII THE REASON VOU NEVER JUST IMAGINE WRSEI WERE SUCCESSFUL I5 YOU DONT4 THINK BIG Complete Offlce Outfitters DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS lfmeans Whltfleld OFFICE OUTFIT TERS can turn bore room into completely decorated and furnished office Call 7370201 to consult Professional Office Planner BARRIE PLAZA Barrio ered operators could not see the men to their deaths or out on The council said that persons using wirerope suspension sys tems should make sure that the cables reach the ground and or SIDEGIJANCES BUSNESS EXECUTIVE MAKING $200000 YEAR REFUSE T0 READING DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 46 Tax agency Answer to Previous Puzzle abbr Auto club 47 European Cook in an capital oven 48 New England Moppet caps 12 Code dot 50 Mineral spring 13 Barnyard 52 Form of sound architecture 14 Vivacity 56 Honk Similar in kind 16 BI kth Heavenly altar Emu if or 81 Shebear Lat Bang 17 Cuff ornament 62 Penn up 63 Pixie 18 Ezgaurant 64 Hing I5 Metric unit nun 19 Navy ship 43 Snaky letter 20 Scouting 65 ER won prefix abbr 45 Decry Orgamlatlon 65 One racing 21 Oklahoma city 47 Made of 22 Im circuit 24 Re9°5 hard wood paint poem 23 Quaffs DOWN 26 Tim 48 Be adyacent 25 Insecticide 27 Emit coherent 27 Falls back Eves mm light 49 90m 30 Mockup Yorkshire river 28 Old Testament emimror 33 Physicians as 5013 disc book 51 Breadwinner sociation More 29 Stickiness 53 Tenpenny abbr aggressive 30 Rabbit 54 La 34 Appraise Bother constellation Douce 36 To be Fr Drawer pulls 31 Animal waste 55 comic 37 Mediocre Squeezes out chemical Character comp wd Barrel abbr 32 Quiz 39 Rim of jar pt Greek 35 Musical French article philosopher syllable 57 03 Slap 59 Hoosier state abbr 42 Consideration 10 Vats 44 Musical term It Join 38 Over poetic 40 Limb braces MEDICAL accch POOR SLOKES FALLEN IS WOLJAGKIE ES SPARKOUT ltlllIiiiuiii IMAGINEDMYSELF BEING ARRESTED FOR NON PAVMENTOF TAXES 7370201 PAY FOR LIKE THAT ERNIE DOES lHI5 MEAN YOURE LEAVING 151 51RIP watch lixmhull Hi Tum

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