ATMOSPHERE OF EARLY CANADA RECREATED SainteAlaric among the llii runs reconstruction ot 17thcentury French lesiiit Missmn at Midland With guides tours and audio visual presentations the at ATURDAY SERMON styles of the men who once inhabited the community mosphere 0t early ahada is recreated lor thousands ol visitors who View the lite Belief the way to salvation By PHILIP SlEl First hristian Reformed Iiurch Mans most retined and most popular means at sinning is by means ol morality someone has written In other words he saying that the most moral people in our somety those who Il the most decent lives and who are the nicest neighbors are sin mm by their very decency hat isquue statement to make We usually have the idea that when we live decently when wt are nice to other people and give to charity that then we art living good tliristian lives When we tollow the iolder ltule do unto others as you would have others do UIIIt you then we assume that find is really quite pleased with our behaviour and will reward us accordingly But allow me to share with you what the Bible has to say about the most moral ttie most decent the most religious people that probably ever walked the earth hey lived around the time ol Jesus and were called lharisees which meanslhe Separated tines Members ot this sect separated themselves lrom all the ordinary activities ol lite Just to devote themselves to livmg as near perlect lite as was humanly possible KEYED WS lhey obeyed all the laws set torth the illtlt they said all their prayers they gave one tenth ot tIIhllllI they owned tr the poor one could ttl tault them tor tailing short in anything hey were the most decent the most moral and the most ltllLlttlh people ot all time In tact Jesus himselt otten mentions the iigiiteotisiitss ol the Pharisees as the highest ideal that one could ever reach They are indeed to be com mended tor their morality lut then to you know ha Jesus goes on to say tell you unless your righteousness evrtrrls that ot the lharisecs you will neyei enter the KlllLfIHltl ol heaven ilatthew 52tlt Jesus is Itlllllfl iis that these most moral people ever Just don make the grade billowing verses Ill this same sermon ol his the Sermon on the Mount ilt points out the total pertection he requires not rust no Hlllltlll but not even lleeting thought oi hatred is periintled am am no sexual intercourse outside marriage but even the tlashiniz tiioiiuht as you pass by woman on the street is not Witused In lart not only must we not break any tit tmd Im but our whole lives must be positively Illitléitltllttl by continual perilct love tor trod our tellov man Illllttlllstlit Jesus declares that II we ever all short ma mgle point then we will never enter heaven lt we even once sm in thought word or deed thats curtains tor us leriod lhat means Im alraid that nooneot as no matter how decent we are can make it lhat is what Jesus says and Jesus was ods Son who was sent to earth to speak lods word have no better Witness and no other witness ltSE WORLD However Jesus came not to condemn the world but to save the world And the beautilul iood News ol Jesus is that by believing and trusting in him people can have salvation Jesus came to earth lrom heaven He lived pertect lilc tlioiitlht word and deedwjust as God demanded He died on the cross tor the sins of mankind And the iood News of the Bible is that iod ollers us salvation the kingdom ot heaven in Jesus hrist II we need to do is confess our sins and shortcomings to iod and receive Jesus as our Saviour as the one who lived perlect tile in our place and was punished tor our sins And then we must live as saved people as people who show by their lives that they are truly thanklul that God provided us with Saviour in view ot our hopeless situation Now this is where morality lits in with whole lot ol other things léut now do you see what our author meant when he said that mans most relined and most popular iiieahs ot shining is by means ol morality lie was simply pointing out that morality and decency do not earn as salvation or the lavor ol iotl And when we think it does then we are iiol listening to His word and that is sin And along with all other sinners such nice people are sentenced to eternal hell tll REWARD jod does not otter his salvation as reward tor moral living lie otters his salvation to all men solely in Jesus hrist and on his merits Jesth declared am the way no one comes to the Father bill by me tJohn Hit od says He who bclives in Jesus is not condemned he who does not only Son ol God John Iizlttt hats what the Bible honestly says It is serious business to believeor not to believe that is Hitquestion Wouldn it he terrible shame it you worked so hard to live decent moral hiistian lite and you failed to enter into iter rial lite because you didnt listen to iods word and didiit believe MilIIIltW 2t 21 lion let ll happen toyotl Itelive in Jesus Christians have plussign in lives My lriend who despite her 40 years is still atractive ooth in torlorh remark am only human Alter all Will our weaknesses or pro deedJotlnttfltti blems alone on the only human level All the power lor good ol the living iod is at the alter the ISIIIISII liad abolished IlllllllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIlllllllllIlllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIllllIllllllIllllllllIIlIIIIIllIlIIIlIIIIIIIllIIIIIIII IIIIIllllllllllIllllIllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIIIllllllIIIllIIlIllllllllllllllllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllillllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIllI POINTS TO PONDER 1n the year IRIW one year larliament slavery in gTSSJflffl flflVflyflyflVm filltrill fullmarl lutherun Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Sorvlco 00 In Sunday School 945 Irn Rev John Klein Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER STREET BARRIE CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL II om TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reodinq Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs73093opm iei726i662 dflcndtuz MISSIONARY CHURCH 229 Crawford St Barrie 945 am Sunday School for the whole family lIOOom Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Service Wednesday 800 plTT Christian Growth Hour Rev Wayne Domm7268750 Secretary 7285614 Mrs Florence Downing Fellowship of Believers Praise Prayer and Communion in the Lord Jesus Christ Sunday 1030 am Wednesday 800 pm St James Church Intersection 93 and CROWN Hill Friendly Welcome Awaits You For information phone 7287406 On Jan 2223 we will have with us Brother Rodgers Davin affiliated with the Ministry of Charles Sch ST mitt lrom Grand Rapids USA GILES CHURCH 95 Cook St Barrie ST THOMAS SHANTY BAY The Van Basil Tonks Rev John Dowker Status 81m in HUlY COMMUNlUN 1000 am HOLY COMMUNION Sunday School Nursery ST THOMAS 1030 am MORNING PRAYER Nursery Westminster Presbyterian Church l7OSteelSt neurPuget MIIIIGIOI PuulL MIIIS I000 AM MORNING WORSHIP GUEST SPEAKER The Rev Dr Porrio Drillio Presbyterian Church Nursery Provided 313 only Ildli xflxJyryyxyxyx WJJJfSfVyfY Miracle Service From Las Vegas Dont Miss The Opportunity To See This Unique 90 Minute Film At HlWAY CHURCH on Anne St Hwy 400 JAN 16 PM FreeWill Offering For Further Information Call 728 0720 or 72875709 ii ii tlli ta aim itlttuq Illlilt Juli it ilvly Everyone Welcome to Christ Centred Ministry flJYTJZJSflrVflJJJy IRST BAPTIST clapporton Worsloy Rev Ray Woldocli I030 am Family Worship Week llI Prayii Ioi Christian lliiity liiiitst IIIEV lllilll IlllWIltll St lliiiiiiiis Anglican Shanty Ray An Old Fashioned Church We have the old limo IUDSSUQI the old time hyin IIS and the oldtime blessing Joni us and see why lace and ligure sat talking took her hand in mine and With me alter our inidyyeek said You are not only prayer service She told inc human hen told her that that she had lost her temper because she had accepted with one of her children and it had upset her because sl wanted to be the kind ol mother who lived the hristiaii lite in the home She ended with the tihrist as her SaViour there was divine plus sign in her lile hersell and lod Owing to Shrists loving con cern tor us we do not struggle disposal ot the tihristian who desires to please God to pursue lllItLJlIy and riilhteousncss The word ol God tells us It the son therelorc shall make you tree ye shall be tree in Bingo helps in financial survival of city parishes MUNIIIILU itlt levi iiuc lroiii weekly bingo tilllllth providcfi the iiiaiuih ot linaii cial survival loi Illltlly ol the3117 oman tatholic parishes III the Archdiocese of loutical spokesman tor the archdiocese says itev Harry ltill said iiantt GRACE ove St East at Cook St Minister Raw Arthur Storey Sunday 1100 am Morning Worship Together In Hope Church School during the rervice lniont Toddler Nurmry Available Eor Tromportution Phone 7260796 the rioridly EHIIOWShIp costs lor such things as IltiiIlIlL and renovations are the major reasons tor the revenue squeeze Rather Jones said the illtllr diocese encourages coii struction ol multipurposc buildings tor new churches but has run Into opposition lrom OI All St OOIJIOIIJIOJIIIJlltllllllllllll OSTO at 400 tiny 100 am PRAISE WORSHIP 700 pm KATHRYN KUHLMAN many parishioners who want their churches to look like chur chis tUUliSlHth tint ttfli Tanadians must increase spiri tual development and curb ex cessivc material XIXtIllllOllS it the country is to survrve re tired linited Ihurch minister liiiiiiiir 90MINUTE FILM PRESENTATION MIRACLE SERVICE ON FILM Barries Charismatic Centre l1ll IllIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llIlll Jltara trioiii ll tiniiviiiir Alliiii iii it 950 SUNDAY SCHOOL Jamaica 20000 slaves put on white robes and knelt lor one hour wuh their laces turned up ward When the clock struck midnight llicy arose asoiic man and shouted Willi great JOY We are tree We areliee lvcry hristian is tree to live Victorious bristian lile because the Victorious hrist dwells in us Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world says John it Our part is to believe that God Wlll work Wlllllll us Now the od ol peace that brought agam truth the dead our Lord Jesus that great Shepherd ol the sheep Make you perlect in every good work to do His Will working in you that which is well pllitHllIL iii his sight llcbrewsliitmil lrniov éi rttl mumtin t2l ilLli IIllIIItllllalllllllltlllll 1l this is Simcoe Countys Fustisl Giowmg Church ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK AM 2S7 PM I07 MIDWEEK SERVICE 67 SERVICES Morning Service I0200 run Evening Service 700 pm my MidWonk Sorvice Wod mo pm Iastor iberitage iBaptist churrl 323 Little Avo Barrio Ont Iiarries Most IIxcitihir IIiurcli 7264389 72NAIIII7 COLLIER STREET CHURCH COLLIER ST HEAR CITY HALL Bill Fritz Pinto John Howard II pm Message How To Win Over That Walking Civil War Gen 21112 Boys and girls welcome to our Sunday Scho can ALL WELCOME No Knows Where Going Wodnolday 630 pm Program for All Ago Niiiiii IllltlIllltlll Irayei Mieiitius liiiiity Aiiiillcun Clinicli Ilitll I877 One Hundred Years olWitnessr I977 UNITED CHURCH 37 Burton Avenue Allondole Mr Doug Gorrowoy Diretlm ol MUSK Sermon living New Vicionl Tho Sacrament oi Ioptlxm Church School and Nurury can provided EVERYONE IS WELCOME BURTON AVENUE Rev Paul Morrow Minister SUNDAY WORSNIP I200 AM tiliurrh Eirvrtnrg The Barrie Examiner Saturday January 15 I977 mu YOUTH WEEK with It KEITH ELFORD at Eormor social worker Childrens Aid Putor Whitby Ontario M45 ll it 2i SUNDAY JANUARY 16 Youth Reaching Out To God 945 pm Sunday School Hour 00 pm Morning Worship Service Message Keith Elford 730 pm Evening Rally Message Keith Eltord Welcome to these services of inspiration FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rav CARL BULL BA BD Pastor Rev EARL GRIGG Th BCE Dir of Christian Ed 200 BAYFIELD ST SOUTH ANGLICAN CHURCHES TRINITY CHURCH Rev John Spears Rector Conon Noinby Assistant ST GEORGES Burton and Granville 90D HUIY EUCHARIST EPIPHANY II om Holy Communion 930 am Mottins Sermon SS in all departments om Chorol Eucharist Sermon pm Evensong Sermon Midweek Eucharists Tues 730 pm Thurs10300m Week of Prayer daily in Trinity Hall I2 noon Luncheon 75 IU 30 MORNING PRAYER Rector Rev Kove BA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worsley Sts Essa Road Presbyterian Church 59 E550 Rd at Burton Ave Minister Rev SomuelJ Stewart MA Div Organist Cose Von Hemert II pm MORNING WORSHIP THE UNDERGROUND CURRENT 945 pm Senior Church School II pm Jr Church School Minister Rev Gerard Byloord 8A MDiv Organist Mrs Vero Diamond SUNDAY JAN To It om Morning Worship BEYOND THEOLOGY Church School during the scrvice Jr Department 930 pm All Visitor Welcome AI Welcome BAPTIST CHURCHES EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent St Join us on Sunday for the following services 935 om Bible School All ages 00 pm How To Overcome Worry 700 pm Jesus Is Coming To Earth Nursery facilities available during all services DIAL MESSAGE 7371251 oneminute daily message of comfort and help is available for you any hour do not know how God cound come And cleanse my heart from sin Through Jesus Christ His blessed Son Whose love abldes within only know He did Rev Frank Wuest 7283017 UNITED CHURCHES Central United Church ROSS ANDIORONIOSTREETS MINISTERS Rev DorioIdR Joy 80 Rev Everitt Ashton INVITES YOU TO ELICBILAIION OIt WORSIIII I030 om WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED Rev Joy SACRAMENT OF THE LORDS SUPPER Church School at the some hour