vv County councillors to elect 19th wa MlDllURSl Statti Srin coe County councrt will elect its 119th warden at its inaugural meeting at the administration complex here on Monday at ternoon lhree leading prospects tor the honor ot heading the council or 1977 are Reeve Allan Ulasstord ot lecumseth Reeve lngrain Amos ol Medonte and Reeve Morris Darby ol liny Among others mentioned as poss1bilities were Reeve Bill Gibbins ol lnnislil Chairman 01 linance last year and Reeve Alan Johnston ot Vespra but botti said they would not be seeking the wardenship at this Juncture due to the time necessary to deal Wlth an nexation problems in their own munictpalities lhey Indicated they might stand next year KEY COMMITTEES Reeve Ulasstord and Reeve Darby were members ot the key liiiance committee last year Reeve Ilasstord is tor mer chairman ot roads while Reeve Amos has headed the museum board tor ttie past two years and previously headed the roads committee Reeve Darby was among those nominated tor the war denship year ago when he declined in lavor ot retiring warden Orville Hughes 01 West Gwillimbuiy lie has headed liny township couiicn tor stx years and is tormer preSident ot the Ontario Son and trop Im provenient Association Reeve Olasstord is starting his tirst term as lecumseth reeve tie is serving his seventh year as member ot Simcoe County counctl having been deputy reeve since 1070 He moved up atter tlarry Toss last years chairman 01 county socuit services retired in lecumseth Reeve Amos has the longest countv service having served years on the county conned and having served on most committees He succeeded Dalton Jermey as reeve in 1969 and previously had been deputy reeve tor six FORMER R1l£ NS The last warden lrom Medon te was Mr Jermey in 1964 while Montcalm Maurice was the 111St trom Iiny haying headed the county council in 1961 George INGRAM AMOS 15 MORRIS DARBY rn Midhurst All IlSSRI Most frequently mentioned as top choices Lisk who was warden in 1060 was the last lroni lecunisetti litetdenlally the last warden lroni the town ot tollingwood was IA lom back in 1030 and the last trom Midland was Digby tlorrell in 1017 the village ot tookstown is among the ivtniember municipalities which never has had the honor ot havmg representative elec ted warden urrent member ol the One tario legislature tor entre Simcoe Arthur Evans ot Brad lord was warden in 1038 and the member tor Sinicoer Dulterin George Mctagiie ot Alliston was warden in 1000 They are expected to be present Monday along with other ex wardens and other dignitaries The session IS scheduled to start at pm Alter the opening ceremonies election and installation ol warden the county council will ttieii elect its new general government and tinance committee Iront the tloor The members will act as striking committee which will meet luesday to consider recomniendations tor turther committee appointments lhree vacancies on the roads department also will be tilted by election Reeve John tltennetl ot est iIllIIIltlII was chair Elmvale skating star to compete at Calgary Ry PEGGY DOVE ELMVALE Michelle Sim pson Elmvales 13yearold skating sweetheart has won the Eastern Canadian hamr pionships in the novice diVision and is now on her way to corti pete in Calgary Alberta where she will compete tor the Canadian championship at the end 01 this month To begin tier climb Michelle competed in November ot 1976 at Aurora in the subsection tor Central Ontario and placed second in the top tour This en titled her to go on to the Sec tions also held in Aurora and wm the tree skating event and placed tourth in the top tour ot her novice division class Last weekend the Eastern Canadian championships were held at the North ork arena in loronto and Michelle not only placed tirst in the tree skating but tirst in the tigures as well Sixteen top Canadian skaters will be trying tor the title that Michelle has her heart set on winning in the novice section There is no age limit in the novice section so that means skater ot thirteenryearsvotagc could skate against another skater much older But the talent and deter mination ot Miss Michelle Sim Messangers are group ol In terdenoiiiinatioiial boys and girls ages to years who meet every Wednesday lroni to 500pm in St lohrist Illlld hurch Newcomers are most welcome to pan in the tun ItIRSI BABY SllhctXtthlllly lirst baby ot 1977 was born to Mrs tarot Withall ot Wyevalc at the Ienetang Ieneral Hospital llt made his arrival at exactly 333 am on January 1077 the new arrival is Mr and Mrs Ross tithalls third child brother tor tregory and on tNORAIIIIlONS Elnivales leewec team ot the Elmvale Minor Ilockcy AssoCiation are the proud win tiers ol the Silver Stick ham pioiistiip the Silver Stick lour nament was held in the yasaga Reach Arena during the hrist mas holidays lhe coach tor this team is Ross Mct tillIltll the manager is Brian Swan and the trainer IS Ed Robertson he team will now travel sometime near the end ol January to Iort IIuron Michigan tor ttic international competition IIlOttllIl FOR THE WEEK jonceit IS queer disease It makes everyone Slk except the one who hasit OVIJRIIEARI man last year and also back are Reeve Ixen txnox oI Elnivalc Reeve Lloyd Iridham ot Sun nidale and Reeve Stewart ot lenetang NEW MEMBERS The new council has 31 changes in membership troiii last year The new members who Ill be introduced include six troiii towns three truth the eight villages and truth the townships Newcomers trotn towns were Reeve Sam ncio and Deputy Reeve Iiitl Ogihie lroni Midland Depiin Reee Ernie Ihonipson ol isigi Reach Reeve Milton Ilanby ot Itralt lord Deputy Reeve ttarence Lonias ot Ienelanginshcnc and Rcce Eldon Itetl ol Stayiier Mel Hraynian ot tixikstown was one ol the iiew members trom villages and the others were Reeve Ralph MacDonald oI treeniore and Reeve Robiii lalbot oI Iort McNicotI tiro and Essa tiad two new members troni cacti municipality althouin Reeve tloward dlllplttll and Deputy Reeve IIin Mclican ol the tor trier botti had previous cotiiity experience Rccc harlcs lridliam and Deputy Reeve Earle illiains were welcomed troni Essa tithcr new township rcprcscii lllllt wcrc ltcptlty Rcevc Jack lIiwitt ot tllllllit Deputy Reeve Dave Walker oi Medon tt ltccc lc Finlay oI Ilos Deputy Reeve Iiarles Itrown ol West tilllll11llll Deptily Reeve Roy tiuardhoiise oI Iecuniseth Deputy Reeve Ed McDermott ol illit Deputy Reeve harles Smith ol Raina Deputy Reeve ltruce Iinney ol lay and Deputy Reeve Itill ancise ol Nottawasaga Wasaga Beach awarded grant of $14000 $14000 grant to the town 0t Wasaga Beach tops the list ot six Wintario grants totalling $18322 awarded to groups in Simcoe County last week Wasaga Beach will use its Wintario grant to help pay for bus to transport senior Citizens to recreational and cultural ac tiVities The public library in tiny township erI receive $2000 to buy Canadian and French books and materials The Midland midget hockey club has been awarded $1500 to help delray transportation ex penses to an invrtalional tour nament in Sweden Vasey Minor Ball wrll receive total grant ot $456 The Win tario pltS ollice Wlll supply $381 worth ol soltball eqtiip iiieiit and $75 will go directly to the soltball league to help pay tor sweaters grant it $279 erI go to the Barrie Horticultural Society to help cover costs ol extending 50tHoot water supply line into ltHicre arboretum lhe ltradtordWcst iwtllllllr bury womens volleyball teain Ill receive $87 to assist in the purchase ot volleyball eqUip iiieiit tlllllllt DISIRHT NEWS APPEARS UN PAGE DISTRICT NE WS Ilie Barrie Examiner Saturday January 1077 Ca ttlemen meeting MINESINti The annual meeting and dinner ol the Sun coc tounly attIeiiien SOtlillIOI1 will be held here on yedncsday ot next week the meeting will get underway at to in in the Mintsing nitcd hurcli ball ladies program has been scheduled lOI ton in III the oiiiinunity teiitrc the dinner will be held in ttiecoininuinty ceiitrcat IZiioon intst speaker Iollow mg the dinner Ill be MII Donald Macl onald igriculture critic tor the New Democratic par ty iii the Ontario Legislaturc Mr IicDonild IS the toriiicr Ieaderot the NDI in Ontario hilc he represents Ioronto riding he IS deeply intcrcstcd III the problems ol Ontario Illlllltl and IIIS views and proposals should be botti in tcresting and intoiiiiativc the annual metting will begin at to II with the prcsi dciit lack Dyer ot ILlnivalc presiding In addition to thc regular business an election ol township directors will be lltltl COUNTY GLIMPSES currently OltStlHllL IlS tiitid an llltl£tl as an incorporated municipality Rccvc toc lcltord heads the council which is planning tor inorc dcyclopiiicnt aincd at tcr an curly settler ottciihani l11 community in lccuinscth township bclorc iticotpotition iii 12 Inc history ot llll community goes back to Itic pioncci cra IIic tirst post otlicc was established in Hm tount ltoad to links with otlcntiam niain strch and connects with Highway to thc south and Highway liltttillltllttllll Ihc iicarby villagi ot littlttll also as llltttllhillllttl the saint war as ottcnhaiii lttll lulltll URUSIAIIHN Stalli Ihc Marigold lolly Elders ot ttro Station and District will tiotd pot luck dinner meeting III the community hall Iicrc on lucsdiyliii Itt at Ill spitl at tollingwood curling rink IltlS Saturday with cacti Tottenham marks anniversar IttI IIII1 Statt lhis growingSoutIi Siiiicoi iIIagc is participating rink playing two games Sallows is mourned Ry SIIIRIIIY IIZNNIJII HII lult Rev John lliip conducted ttic Iuncial servici lIOIll otdwatcr nitcd tiurch tor Ilciiry Riicbeii Sallows who passed away recently at Soldiers Iciiiorial Hospital in tirillia Mr Sallows waastit Iitlbearcrs were Iarcncc SallowS ticorgc Howell Donald Ilowclt ittoii Ilowctt toy ay lOl and Don Mattby liOlll in Mcdoiitc ownslnp on ltliltlll 1000 he was tlicson ol the late ltttcbcn and Rachel Sallows and spent most ol his tile IIl Medonte Iowiistiip Mr Sallows was toriner employee ot Iaiiicu Industries and member ot the toldwater nittd Iinich Mr Sallows is surv ivid by llIS wile sons yaync oI Midland lsti surviving him is sister Mrs Margarct Rose ol Icsscrtoii Slides shown at Stroud hall lty MRS MlItIiIJ SI ROI Slides dcpciting winter holidays were shown lroin Icnetang Midland Itus Lines to Slroud senior citicns at their tirst meeting it this new year at the local tiatl Mr and Mrs Ed Martinis are conventrs arranging tor bus trip to the Ice lttlllt in Ioronto onJaii 22 the bid euclire held by In IIISlIl ctiaptcr Order it the Eastern Star proved ol par ticular interest Ladies prizes were captitred by Mrs Ilogg CANADA GRADE FRESH CHI BREASTS LEGS ROBIN HOOD FLOUR LB BAG This special value effective Monday Tuesday Jan l7 l8 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF TBONE PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS SPECIAL ASSTD VARIETIES DADS COOKIES I602 BAG weekly specials SPECIAL 69 LB This special value effective Monday Tuesday Jan I7 I8 ASSTD COLORS PLY BATHROOM TISSUE DELSEY TISSUE ROLL PKG SPECIAL ASSTD VARIETIES CELEBRATION POUCH PACK CAKE MIXES 88 OZ PKG Shop Sharp You cant beat Domimon pson should give her good taubaushcnc and Ern ot totd chance to tinish at or end the Mrs It Marquis and Mrs Elmvate kids say the cutest water and daughters Shirley mg mp mph wards things Overheard con SPECIAL SPECIAL Michelle eitleellent leadeiisjtlimilllilfrr trril versation the other day bct RIJM RAHS WM went to Harry Ilortoii Les Dougl 01gb weena little boy and liismother tiIJJNtiwtiiiD Statti nc tMrs liiii Russch ot ttlt tass and Jack Mctiilloiigh while shc was getting llIS oldcr Draws were planned tor and lotdwalcr and tarol tMis Am1mmWrilmmpm ITmtlvs mtl Pi Wm 113 it In ill the ltittics tioii liailcs Iuddicoiiibci ol iiiltiedraw school Alter watching very 77 DIRECT FROM BARRIE Interesting tacts recently published about ligure skating is that it has grown to be one ot the most popular ot televisions spectator sports Skating has brought 12 gold medals to date to Ianada more than any other sport Sanada is the only coun try in the world with over iooo skating clubs and more than 175 000 skaters Michelle Simr pson was one ot the top skaters in Canada to make it all the soup into the thermos the little guy said know why they call that hirness it because it keeps the soup warin right Moiriniief ISycNow intently as his mother piii not Trovelworlds Fourth Annual Escorted tours to Hawaii ti5 direct from Barrie 3a ask TOUR No IS lays Waikiki iii lltt 00an Front LUIIUI Wing the wav to last years anadian Championships London my Jllub HJUIUII Mound All III losivc $779 00 Iarlt placing tenth and now 15 Ml LLIA tSlittlt llll ï¬g TOUR No 11tloy the first twelve toys the Sheraton Moono Waikiki on her way mum in try my pm inglicant llltltll Vtoliitll ol ht iioxt lim day on the Island of Mriiii it the Mom Soil then to Kong on the mp 11m Lllltl mll Island HOWOll it the Kin Koriieho All ElADOR SLIDES meet Ill ttic church parlour USIVO 08900 The mum Mpssungpr room tor an altcrnooii session group tiad very interesting 1WiFJttttlti guest at recent meeting Miss OW lJtthStLIIt Beth Iluddlcston who IS ltlnmr lm missionary nurse in Ecuador Ur Utittltt LHHIS club South nHrufu camp in HS Wlll tiold dinner meeting at win my 5m brought along the River ardeiis restaurant slidcsolthetitiildrensHospital WWW Vtttlttti Jim 17 in Ecuador where she IS nur Slittlttttï¬ltt Ttttltltk tltllvllrKIilllS Departure February 27 COST INCLUDES Bus transportation lrom Trovelworlds downtown office in Barrie to Toronto Internl Airport and return Return air transportation by CP Air jet from Toronto complimentary inflight meals Prices effective until closing Tues Jan 18 Dominion Stores Georgian Mall Simcoe Plozo Barrie se lo hel With her most in KHm Slit Trons ortoti terestinglpicturesandstorystie KltltlltS ttltttltttts otiim on benzveen 00rts and resort hotels mm mug dauphin map biaii Squires ot Orillia will Iiotd Oggoge oridling hm pm pm iyrmlncv Much communion breaktast on Sun it daylan2£0 Accommodotion in airconditioned rooms With private baths in deluxe llCSlHDNSIllIl Mcssarigirs thi pitstntation was so uniquely set up that they RLHA Mitll litttttS hOtClS thought tfaroline was ac 0lel Iltt omer50nd Air transportation tiiallytellingthcstorv Wt bt held at the Oriltia All airport and hotel toxes Tour Escorts Kel and Connie Johnston WWWrld Itie Messangers tielp support tltttts tk Wtdtttettttk MISS lliiddlcstons devoted Jittt tltiï¬tfttttttgfitftzi in work iii Ecuador and at that thhllthbtlil It special meeting they presented Hclrm htltttt lllt tier With collection taken up tflirlmI Ktthtttt ltttt will during Honing 11 hold an executive trierting at the Governors Inn here on Wednesdayevening Ian 10 Illil ltII SKAIINH Dominion llnmll mm 5k wi ttllttVt no Httittl iiiiwoioimmioiui mom Roma tttti IItNttNltHltvttMilllt SHERRY ANYONE Wlll be tested lor prolicicncy In 1958 five lootrtall sherry and awards at the UH skating ll bottle with capacity of ltttltt rink tinder ttic sponsorship ot pints was blown in Stokeon the Oro Figure Skating It on eo Irenl Stallordshirc England Sunday Jan 33