EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 AllOther Departments 7266537 113th YearNo 12 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday January 15 1977 Clint flame Examiner WEATHER FORECAST FLYERS KNOCKED INTO THIR Flyers goaltender Ernie Miller saw his lirst game in Barrie unilorm turn against him in the term 01 53 loss to Whitby Warriors Friday Barrie came up llat at the Barrie Arena and were knocked into third place 01 the Renwick DiVisnon by the PEACE 10 Examiner Photo IIIIIllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIllIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EV EFFECT WITH 11431ng BILLS Barrie water rates gomg up Itll cost Barrie resndents more to keep clean this year city water charges are increasnng They go into ellect wnth bills issued on or alter March The commissnon expects to increase its revenue by $33300 or 459 per cent more than the $725042 collected in 1976 Bill Elson secretarytreasurer sand most residents pay minimum twomonth billing charge which Wlll increase by 11 per cent to$6 lrom$510 Mr Elson said heavy water users industries and large commercnal areas Will be hardest hit With an 1818 per cent in crease for most at their water comsunnpt ion Heavy users are billed according to the amount 01 water used The rates are lirst 3000 cubic leet 01 water 33 cents Ior each 100 cubic leet samerate as 1976 next 17000 cubic leet cents lor each 100 cubic leet 21 IlllllllllllllllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllIIllIlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlIIIlltIllIllllllllllllllllllIllIIllllIllIllllIIIIIllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllIllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Arizona bank robbery attempt foiled two wouldbe thieves murdersuicide YARNELL Ariz AP FridayWhenauthoritiesrushed authorities balked they re IIl call you back and let you listen to the gun go oil th warted bank robber told re porter belore he and his girl friend died in what the FBI calls an apparent murdersur cnde The bodies 0t William Bul lington 31 01 Liberty lex and Johnna Marie Jessee 22 01 Spokane Wash both w1th bul lets in their heads were lound the Valley National Bank in this town 80 moles northwest ot Phoenix The FBI sand the pair had tried to hold up the bank as em ployees arrived lor work but became trapped inside and took manager Norma Dunne hos tage Bullington and essee whom he called Whiskey demanded 395000 and helicopter When 12 passengers killed in RC plane crash TERRACE BC CP Iwelve persons died in the wreckage on lwin Utter airlt cralt which crashed Friday night near the airport at this community 450 mnles north ol Vancouver Names at the three crew members and nine passengers were not released by the Rt MP Police said the plane owned by Northern Ihunderbird Air Ltd of Prince George was on regularlyscheduled nlnght to Terrace and Prince Rupert from Prince George Radio contact between the Terrace anrport and the plane was lost as it approached the airport An air search and ground party located the wreckage two mnles south ol the airport po lice said Two doctors lrom lerrace Canadian Forces paramedics and the RCMP checked the downed plane and determined that there were no survnvors The plane crashed during snowstorm alter it had trav elled about 250 miles west ol Prince George It had been snownng all day at Terrace and an earlier 11 Air llight scheduled to land there continued on to Prince Rupert Ministry ol transport ollicials were expected to arrive today to begin an investigation Willing to go to court PARIS AP Abii Daoud suspected plotter ol the Munich Olympics massacre 01 11 Israeli athletes said today he is Will ing to appear belore West German court to prove his in OOCGDCC Boycott French goods call WASHINGTON Iteuter lhe biggest US outcry against France in 10 years was in lull swnng today lollownng call tor boycott at French goods in retaliation tor the release 01 Pants nian leader Abu Daoud by French court Talks hit new snags MAPUIU Mozambique Reuter British negotiator Ivor Richards peace mission hit new snags today when nmportanit talks With leading nationalists lrom Rhodesia were postponed Another win for Austria KIIZBUEHEI Austria Reutern Franz Klammcr 01 Austria won the Hahnenkamm World Ski Tup nncns downhnll today in two minutes 971 seconds Czech playwright held VIENNA Austria Reuter Czechoslovak playwright Vaclav Havel leading tigure in the Charter 77 humanrights movement has been arrested his wnle sand today cenits in 1976 next 100000 cubic leet 27 cents lor each 100 cubic leet 25 cenits in 1976tor 50000 cubic leet and balance 26 cents tor each 100 cubic leet extra cents in 1976 an increase 0t 1818 per cent Mr Elson sand most heavy water users have historically paid low enid rate but the PUCs philosophy is changing lle sand 100 cubic leet ol water costs the same to produce no matter who uses it It cost about 272 cents lor the PUC to produce 100 cubic leet ol water in 1975 There are nine deep artesiaii wells producing about one million gallons each day to supply the 9601 water customers Mr Elson sand International Water Supply 01 Barrie is drilling new well on lluronna Road and it should be pumping about one million gallons day by the summer leased Mrs Dunne unharmed alter eight hours The suspects who talked With reporter by telephone on and ill lor three hours then sand they would kill them selves But lirst Bultington sand Just want to make sure nobody comes in here and messes me inn belore talk to my mother CALLED BY MOTHER Bullington called back later to say his mother had called him Irom Amarillo Iex but he did not reveal his Situation to her Then he said Me and Whiskeys in here by ourselves Were Just talking hoping they dont bust in on us belore were ready Bullington an exconvnct sand hiskey requested that he take her lite also She dont want to the Slammer en ther He added request lor me and Whiskey both that we be buried somewhere close to gether At one ponnt Bultington sand Whiskey wants me to hurry up and get it over wnth Ouick tell me Did you 399 Prince Andrew and did he ask for dots ONLAAD USE RESTRICTIONS Oro board plans feasibility study 0R0 SIAIIUN Uro town ship planning board will Iook in to the feasibility of extending its home occupations regulations to permit service industries to locate in areas of the township other than the new industrial park Iownship council decided to ask the board for the study af ter accepting its recom mendation that proposed storage building not be per mitted on land oll Highway 11 The land is in an area in which the township does not want lur ther industrial development The township has passed restricted area zoning bylaw designed to steer industrial development to the newly created industrial subdnvnsnon in Guthrie NOT MAJOR ONES Reeve Howard Campbell favored the study saying the in tent ol the restricted area bylaw does work hardship on servnce industries However he added that the expanded regulations should not allow maJor industries to locate out side the industrial park Coun Paul Kitchen said the intent ol the bylaw imposes an unniecessary linancial burden on servnce industries by lorcnng them to locate in Guthrie miles lrom their customers on more expensive land Coun Clarence Smith thought the township could per mit small commercial or in dustrial uses on land near town ship Villages but not on land ad Joinnng highway 11 because 01 possible salety hazards getting on aind 011 the highway Don McKay secretary treasurer ol the planning board cautioned councnl that it could be establishing precen DEATH TOLL 22 dent if it decides to allow some industries to locate outside the industrial park while forcing others into the park Mr McKay had earlier suggested to council that it could accommodate the service industries by expanding per mitted uses under the home oc cupations regulations Coun Smith said the township would have to determine specnlic uses and locations in the expanded regulations and could include the permitted uses and the precise location in agreements with the firms in volved Airliner plummets Foodpoisoning was diagnosis Royal Victoria Hospital report trom Nov says Barry Michael Patrick was sul fering from foodpoisoning when admitted Mrs Patrick the boys mother sand this morning she received copy 01 the hospitals report Friday at ternoon Ihe dnagnosns she sand is loodponsoning Barry was taken to the hospital when he became ill at ter eating some Del Monte can ned peaches He apparently was vomittnng had cramps and was admitted in semi comatose condition Mrs Patrick sand her son now has clean bill of health and is not sullering any atterellects The hospital dnagnosns shows wnthout shadow ol doubt there was lood ponsonnng she sand She said hospan expert told her there is no way 01 knownng what Barry ate to ponson him But she added the only lood he ate which the rest 01 her lamnly did not was the peaches Well never be able to prove what ponsoned him was the peaches she said But the only thing he ate that was dil Ierent was the peaches Mrs Patrick said her son opened the can and started eating peaches she described as looking likea brown moss She said he only ate small portion 01 the contents belore stopping lhe peaches were ordered oil the shell 01 the downtown Loblaws store in Barrie by the Snmcoe County Health Unit By mistake the cans were retur ned to the shell and sold in January The 154 Loblaws stores in Ontario were ordered by com pany ollicnals to remove all Del Montebrand canned peaches in the 28ounce size ames Gregory vnce president for merchandising sand Friday tests by Del Monte lound the peaches sale lon con sumptnon Loblaws Will not return the tins to the shelves he said until the fruit company has sent letter 01 assurance Mrs Patrick sand she is still not satislied With the tests com pleted by the Snmcoe County Health Unit on the original can at peaches The health unit had the original contents tested tor bac teriological growth only and not tor chemical contamination Mrs Patrick said the can had completely rusted wnthnn one hour 01 opening but it was thrown away by the health unit alter basnc test second set 01 tests on other cans trom the same lot number Dr Nancy Armbrusl medical ollicer tor Snmcoe County said Friday has negative results tor bacteriological growth metal content and InsecilCldeS The latest tests were conr pleted Friday by the lood protection branch 01 the national department ol health and wellare Mrs Patrick said an in dependent laboratory 15 still in vestigating tour samples it the peaches including two unopened cans one opened can and samples Irom canned peaches lound by two other Barrie women She said the results ol the tests are not yet available My husband and are glad that no one is gonng to have to go through what we have or that no one is going to have to die to prove point she said Mrs Patrick said it the can ned peaches are given clean bill then cans Irom the original lot number ARSYRWCB should also be returned It theyre so sale then put them all back on the shelves she said There should be no doubt about the safety of the contents Im innocent repeats Longet after conviction on charge ASPEN Colo AP Im not gunlty Im not gunlty whispered sadeyed Claudine Longet Just belore Andy Wil liams whisked her from the courthouse into the lreeznng night air it Aspen have too much respect Ior human lite to have been gunlty sand the Frenchborn entertainer lormer husband Williams at her snde She laces sentencing Jan 31 alter being convncted Friday 01 criminally negligent homicide in the shooting death last Mar ch ol her skichamp lover Vladimir Spider Sabich Max nmum penalty is two years in Jail and $5000 line lielenice lawyer Charles Weedman said decnsnon whether to appeal Will be made alter sentencnng state district court Jury at seven men and two women took three hours and 40 minutes to settle on the misdemeanor homicide charge instead 01 lelony manslaughter convnction the prosecution wanted Ihat carried maxnmum 10 years in Jail and $30000 line The 35yearold delendant cried several times in tour days on testimony that Iollowed week at Jury selection marked by open hostility toward her But when the verdict was read in the courtroom Miss Longet showed no emotion Wil liams 48 televnsnon and recording star rubbed his han ds across his brow MUST BE PUNISIIEI The Jury decided against manslaughter almost imme diately Juror Daniel DeWolle 27 later sand But he said most Jurors lelt they could not acquit her It youre negligent and take someones lile DeWolle sand you should get some kind of slap on the hand some kind ol punishment DeWolle said he hopes Miss Longet isnt given prison sen tence because he feels she poses no threat to society Prosecutor Ashley Anderson was Jubilant We think the jury made good decision he said We think it was lair Jury The verdict climaxed four days 01 testimony on why Sab ich 31 was killed in bath Got off too easily ASPEN Colo AP Aspen the lreelivnng ski town that couldnt care less when Claud ine Longets trial began was talking 01 little else alter it en dedwith many residents saying she got on too easily In bars restaurants shops the reaction was basically the same hopeshegoes toJail Miss liongets conviction Fri day night lor criminally negli gent homncnde apparently did little to ease bitterness that has grown up against her in this small ski community Some residents said they were disappointed she was not lound gunlty ol the original charge 01 reckless manslaugh ter in the shooting death last March of local hero pro skier Vladimir Spider Sabich She laces sentencing Jan 31 to maximum prison term 01 two years think they ought to put her in Jail said restaurant host ess Just belore male belly dancer jingled his way among the tables Ive lived here long time and everybody knows they room ol the $250000 home he shared with MISS Longet and her three children by Williams Miss Longet said the 22ca libre pistol he was teaching her to use discharged accndentally The prosecution tried to show Miss Longet was person who took chances Prosecutors sand she had been teasnng Sabich and pointed the gun at him although she knew it was loaded say some werent getting along the hostess said ol Sabich and the Frenchborn Miss Longet Al though they Inved tor two years as lovers in his mountainside home With her three children by her marriage to singer Andy Williams she was regarded by many as an outsider Clerks case remanded ELMVALE Howard Robin son Medonte Iownship clerk is scheduled to appear in pro vincial court here April on charges laid under the Election Act Robinson was in court Friday and the Judge remanded the case until April Charges ol tailing to do his duty as an election olticer were made by Julianna Hervneux Medonte woman who ran un successfully as candidate tor Snmcoe County Board ol Educa tion Ward trustee Mrs Hervieux had attmepted to Chang her voting registration lrom where she was originally listed to second property located in dillerent poll iii Medonte Township Swedish domestic SICKHIM AP airliner crashed exploded aiid burnied today in Stockholm parking lot tailing Just 100 yards lronii an apartment building author ities said All 22 persons aboard were killed Witnesses reported the tour engined British iscount char tered by the Swedish linnJellyg airline was approching Brom ma Airport six mnles northwest ol downtown Stockholm at about am when it suddenly lost altitude and plummeted ing on parking lot between houses said Roll Aaberg one ot the lirst to reach the disaster scene Several cars caught lire No one was hurt on the ground police said although the parking lot was only 20 yar ds Irom the nearest home in the residential neighborhood believe the pilot made desperate attempt to avoid crashing into the house said Lars Goransson resndenl ol the nearby apartment bunlding He managed to land on the onto parking lot PEA CHE loss Story and photo on Page Aboard the plane pas sengers and three crew mem bers All were believed to be Swedes lhetlight originated at Kristianstad in southern Swe den with stops at VaXJo and Jonkoping en route to Stock holm When it exploded parts 01 the plane llew through the air lan ding in gardens and on the roots ol nearby houses My lirst thought was that the root was lalling down said Birgit Wicklund who lives in house close to the crash site parking livcs almost vertically to the ground It lcll straight down crash lot saying many saw clouds ol smoke and fire was burning outside the house Restricted Winter for dog under rabies quarantine By PETER ll£lli12$l Exalniner Staff Writer MIDHUHSI itll be long cold wnnler this year tor ltiiinn tlirecycarold ockcr Spaniel Ihe Falkeisen lamnly here has the pet inn ter threemonth rabies quarantine alter it was attacked by lox Dec 22 Itinni will spend tlic time chaincdrup in lhc Falkcisens lciiccdin pool enclosure He Just doesnt seem to understand why were toning this Doris inlkciscn said Friday The lamnly has had the dog tor two years Mrs Falkciscn saint ltniiiii was attacked by tan colored lox ll about 1030 iii The lox was never caught even though Mrs Falkeiscns husband aiid conservation authority ollicer tracked it to illow ncck Later that day Barrie police shot dark red lox on Nclsoni Street in tlic city alter it at lacked in dog on ills ourt Mrs llllltlSIl said the Midliuist on looked normal xccpt lol lot ol blood around its lacc We dont doubt it was rabid because ol its actions she Sll llic lox took oll like shot it lightning latci BM IlltlSlNl Alter attacking the dog it apparently tried to enter neighbors house through some glass wnndows Mrs Falkensen said said II we hadnt seen it happen we woiildn have guessed the dog was attackwl by los she said Itiniii had two cuts in its mouth Iollowiug the attack It was the worst hristnias wcvc cvcn pint in shesaid We started the quarantine Dec 23 Mrs Falkciscu said that similar to the Iills Court woman she had trouble getting action lrom various aiithorit ics in the area Alter the attack she contacted the Barrie Humane Society who were really rude and then called the Nottawasaga Valley oni servation Authornt She also called her own veterinarian and the health ol animals branch 01 the lederal department 01 agriculture Everyone she sand continually told her not to let the childrcni near the dog but the thing that bothers me is that no one said to me dont touch the dog till NOT KNOW really thought you had to be bitten belore you could get rabies she said didnt realize you could get it from the animals saliva Mrs Falkeiscn said she realized this alter reading Ihursdays Examiner about Karen ldlicld who is taking rabies shots alter her dog was attacked Mrs ldlield had number 01 small cuts aind scratches on her hands and had handled her pet lollownng the attack cant recall how nnuch contact had with Rinni lollownng the attack said Mrs Falkeiscn She said she is gonng to contact her doctor and see it rabies shots should be started No one seemed to be too concerned when it heppened so didnt get too concerned about it she said It seems everyone wants to solt peddle it aind keep it low key llllï¬lt INCIDENTS Mrs Falkcisen sand tier children told her lox had chased children in Midhurst lew days previous to Rnnniis attack and added there have been at least two more reported cases on Snow Valley Road Ilierc is delinite lack ol education about rabies she said think children should be warned about the dangers Sine sand while the health 01 animals branch may not wan to tell people about rabid animals she has proot 01 an attack her own dog Ihev the health 01 animals can hide their head iii the saiid all they want but its cer tainly happening she said They can deny it all they want but my dog is under quaran tine ut CANDY BOYCOTT Joanne Barton Itll and snitislicd With 1011 own pch Brenda Mcliltm lil soiiiil boycott ellorts they yearold Grade sludleS all have covered the wall it Bilrl5 MWISIlJWI lilll Margaret NastasnllksGrnidc school have gone without it classroom at tlit school chocolate bars Sllltt the re cent price increase blot with ii poster aimed at get ting their lcllow students to go along The poster Just liunslicd took week to conni plete More posters are sclicdtiled tor the rest it the school Exaniiiiicr photo