Beware of those who merchandise faith PEOPLE Mormon le The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints the Mormons is growing in numbers and spreading throughout the world says Russell Barrard provincial president Mr Ballard was in Barrie Sunday to address the local con gregation He told the members to be wary ol evangelists who merchandize Christianity through television He said believing in God and confessing sms is not all that is required to besaved He told the congregation to learn how to pray to live by the Book of Mormon and to always remember the importance of the family in society In an interview following his address Mr Ballard said the Mormons believe the tamily is an eternal relationship and the success of the family is the key to the success of society The church is currently runn ing series of television com mercials stressing the im portance of the family and these have been well received by the public and teleVision sta tions he said The church was also the in stigating force in convincmg the province to set aside one month of the year as lamin unity month MORE ACCEPTABLE Mr Ballard said in the last 30 years the Mormon Church has become more obwous and ac ceptable to the public He attributes this to the number of top executives politicians and seientists who are Mormon The Mormon Tabernacle ChOir is wellknown throughout the world he said and Brigham Young Universny is also well regarded lhe baSic philosophical beliet separating the Mormons lrom the other welllollowed North Taught many local artists Douglas Sheppard dies Douglas Sheppard long time Barrie reSident died in Brockville Sunday alter two month illness He was born near Jacksons Point in 1895 and spent his youth mainly in Urillia and Espanola Leaving school in his teens he became prospector in northern Ontario and then worked tor 10 years in bank branches across the province When he returned to school he attended St Michaels College of the Universny ol loronto and graduated in 1929 He mined the stall at Barrie Central Collegiate in January 1931 During his years there he taught several subjects but was best known in the field 01 Meen speaks to Kiwanis Lions Arthur Meen Untario minister ol revenue Will be guest speaker next Monday at 630 at the combined meetings of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie the Kiwanis Club ol Kempenlelt Bay and the Lions Club 01 Bar rie The meeting Will be held at the Holiday Inn Guests Will be Mayor Ross Archer members 01 Barrie my mum and heads 01 Barrie muniCipal departments There will also be representatives from the township counCils ol Essa Innislil Uro and Vespra Juï¬iaï¬aï¬ith RUSSELL BALLARD cen tre president of the Ontario Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints Mor American religions is the Mor mon doctrine that the priesthood left the earth alter Christ and was not returned until Joseph Smith was ap proached by God and the pro phets in 1820 The book of Mormon is the history of the Heavenly art He encouraged many students to develop their talents prolesSionally He retiredin1961 After the death of his Wile Constance in 1962 he maintain ed an active interest in art and travelled Widely in western Canada He taught tor two years as volunteer at St Josephs High School and re mained close to many people Iocallyandatadistance He is surv1ved by two brothers Tom in Winnipeg and Irving in Toronto one Sister Agnes in Salt Lake City and two sons Paul of Brockvnle and Christopher in Waterloo Pour grandchildren also surVive The funeral was held lues day at 11 am at St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie With burial at St Marys Cemetery Memorial donations may be made to the St Vincent dePaulSoCiety MINT SNOWBAIJS cup icing sugar 12 cup butter cup shortening tsp peppermint extract cups flour 12 teaspoon salt Cream sugar butter and shortening Add extract Put in salt with flour and cream mix ture Shape into halls and place on ungreased pan Cook in 400 degrees oven for to 10 minutes Top With icing tinted pink and green Roll in coconut Vuolmmtk JAN 12 to I8 RESH BAKED DAILY STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE $109 each or $199 1289 THISWEEKS SPECIAL CAKES FOR ANY FESTIVE OCCASION CALL 7287731 5676 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE MON TO FRI OPEN TIll 900 pan SAT OPEN Tlll 600 leI COCOANUT MACAROONS ader tells congregation in mon ViSited the Barrie church Sunday night Check ing over the scripture quoted in Mr Ballards address are Father as recorded by the peo ple ot the Western Hemisphere while the Bible was being writ ten in the Eastern Hemisphere The book was translated by Joseph Smith The Mormon religion IS strict requiring its members not to smoke or drink and City left Gordon Morton local president and missionary Wayne Stucki Examiner Photo maintain high moral standards But the Mormons do not View these as hardships Mr Ballard said but as benefits There are no paid clergy in the Mormon Church and 25000 young men donate two years 01 their time to work Within the church as missmnaries DOUGLAS SHEPPARD PROTESTEII PRICES Ihe lirst strike America was bakers strike in New York City in 1741 protest ing muniCIpal regulation 01 the price ol bread in North AND PLACES JUNIOR CHESS CLUB junior chess club is being offered by the Barrie Public Library to all children up to Grade starting Tuesday Jan 25 from 415 to 545 in the library annex Teachers will be members of the Barrie Chess Club BIRTHDAYS Frances Hubbert and Harold Bowden of Grove Park Home celebrated birthdays an SPEAKER James Mercer ol rillia will be guest speaker Saturday at 730 am at the Full Gospel Fellowship breaklast at the Lakeview Dairy Restaurant WEEK 01 PRAYER series 01 noontime lunches will be held Jan 1721 during the Week ol Prayer for Chris tian Unity This is sponsored by the Barrie and District Min isterial Assoctation Luncheons will be held lrom noon toI pm for 75 cents at Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall FOLK DANCERS The Town and Country Folk Dancers Will meet Friday at 730 pm at Steele Street Public School in Barrie Miss Cecille Ratney will be the in structor BIRTHDAYS Several residents of Grove Park Home celebrated birth days last week They were Maude Hall Jan Selina Martindale Jan Pauline Watson Jan Gertrude Har ris Jan and Isabelle Raeburn and Wesley Bishop Jan MIXED BONSPEII Ihe Jaycees are holding the annual mixed bonspiel at Base Borden Jan 23 The bus leaves the Barrie Plaza at 845 am and returns at pm Cost is $10 per couple and includes free bus ride and supper For in formation call 7284891 or 7371787 Nurse speaks about Ecuador slide presentation on Ecuador was given recently by Beth Huddleston missmnary nurse home on lurlough at the first meeting 01 the year lor Grace United Church Women She was introduced by Charlotte MackenZie and was thanked by Mrs Victor Wildman Mrs Peter Verwey presi dent welcomed members Mrs Richard roxcrolt led the sing song The devotional was led by convener Mrs Wildman MIS lakes read an article on the new year Mrs Verwey conducted the Dusmess meeting lhclinancuil report was read by Mrs God trey Mrs Verwey presented the stewardship and linance report tor 197 strawberry lestival Will be heldJune 21 minibazaar and bake sale April rummage sale April 22 and Oct 21 and garage sale May 14 The Simcoe Presbyterial United Church Womens annual meeting Will be held March in Collingwood The February meeting ol the United Church Women Will be convened by Mrs Bob Porc man lt SPWHALDAYF OR9ZYEAROL Friday was an extraspecial day for Katherine Bryk of Toronto and Bar rie as she celebrated Ukraininan Christmas and her 92nd birthday at the same time Mrs Bryk cele brated the occasion at the home of her son ohn daughterinlaw Marion and grandchildren John Iom Dianna Cathy and Brenda on Burbank Place young friend Elvis Pohl presented flowers to her Mrs Bryk was born in Poland and came to Canada in 1910 She has five other children 13 grandchildren 12 greatgrandchildren and two great greatgrandchildren Photos Examiner sopfa CLIZCZ vent The Barrie Examiner offering tax service The YMYWCA Will oller tree serum in preparing income tax returns and guaranteed income supplement applications tor most pensioners and people who receive government soc1al asSistance director Al Hop per has announced lhis scrv1cc is through the auspices of local initiatives grant received by the rillia The Barrie is working in co operation With the program The serVice is also ollered to anyone With low wage earnings The servtce began Monday With trained workers on duty Monday through Friday from am t05 pm until Apr1129 The tax serVice olticc is located in Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall For ap pomtment call 7269032 if you join smokEndcrs now and follow our pleasant program Until recently as smoker you had very little choice Either you continued to smoke or you suffered the agony of cold turkey withdrawal Now there is REAL choice Sinoklindcrs At siiioklindcrs youll smoke as much as you want while you Iarn to quit WITHOUT hypnosis willpower scare tactics or climbing the walls Snioklintlcrs is committed to making the quitting cxpcricncc easy and rewarding We will enable you to achieve initial success and the means to continue it throughout your life Come to FRET EXPLANATORY SESSION and bring your cigarettes by Feb 25th you wont need them anymore LOCATION Newmarket Optimist Youth Centre Forhan Drive off Davis Ist block Aurora Aurora Conference Centre RR St FREE SESSIONS come to either Tuesday Jan or 18 730 pm of Sutton Road Wednesday Jan or I9 Johns 730 pm Sideroad West Barrie Continental 394 Dunlop west of Hwy 400 Thursday Jan I3 or 20 pm Inn Iat quidin Hogcrs Method 8M0 0388 The My Way to Quit SnioknitJ luojay Crescent Oshawa Ontario 4i6 96I3860 SEMINAR STARTS Tuesday January 25 730 pm To be Announced Thursday January 27 pm Wednesda January 12 1977 PUT ON AIRSTRIP LONDON CP Iwo Vis iting Australian girls bade fare well to Britain after stripping in crowded bar at Heathrow airport here The girls per tormed Just to see the looks on peopleslaces gJAN UARY fashion clearance Save Now on Quality Imports from around the world Pantsuits Dresses Long Gowns Blouses Pants Skirts MUST CYCLE SAFELY Adult bicyclists have fewer accidents than child bicyclists ride less frequently and are more likely to use their bikes in heavy traffic maotov charge Downtown Barrio 1201521 Shop now for widest selection The Town Shop CONTRIBUTE FREELY leaders in Scouts Canada Edmonton contribute more than 315000 volunteer hours which it equated into dollars at an hour would cost 312