The Market Place Wiediiesdayrrlanuaryil I977 15 Lights bright at Craighurst By HANDY CRAIGHURSI The village and community was excep tionally bright during the festive season with many decorative lights The home ot Mr and Mrs Art Dunn was most attractive Holiday visitors at Craigs were Mr and Mrs Handy and DaVId and Lynn Mr and Mrs Paul Culver ol Toronto Mr and Mrs Scholield and Sarah and Derek and Mrs Stranaghan of Hamilton and Miss Barbara Stranaghan and Garry of Toronto Mr and Mrs Carr receiv ed many triends and relatives at the Anglican church base ment in honor ol their 50th wed ding anniversary last month They received many cards and gilts including reclining chair trom the community Handy spent tow lays in the ltoyal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Congratulations to Brenda Lalondc who received her pro Vincial honor award at the re cent 4ll achievement day Mrs Haws 01 North Bay has been Visiting at Ellsmeres ther Visnors included Mr and Mrs Dunsmore Mr and Mrs Wood and Mr and Mrs Dennis hllsmcre Mrs Youman and Brad and Janice ol Sarina spent lew days Wllh Mrs Kendrick Sheila raig ot Peterborough and Alan ol Queens University Kingston spent the holidays with their parents here Mrs lumery spent hristmas with her brother at Sliced Side LAZY MAPLE BACON LB PKG on steaks and roasts cut from GradeA beef We canadalsï¬ finest llillsdale lion ireaves ol Uttawa El brought his parents home lrom hatham where they spent lew weeks With their daughter Mrs Paul Heard and lamily lhey also lSlIttI grandchildren in tallaceburg Sympathy is expressed to Mrs Herb Mowlorth whose lather Mr Morrison passed away also to Robert jreaves whose IlIIlCllnIit WI be buried at raighurst at later date plus Miracles meat feature of the week Bible Society Empire or Pioneer helpEd in Ivy By MRS Ii IENNIIIT SI lVY The sum ot $17305 was collected in this neighborhood tor the Bible SOCICI and members would like to thank all who collected and donated to this worthy cause Rev Bruce lctallum sang solo and the choir sang carols at the wellattended hristinas live seivice In Christ church recently Several ladies and men read lroin the Scriptures and some recited poems Sarah lrice played solo number and Virginia lrice played on her French horn Mrs Richard lrice organist accompanied all SUCED1 LB PKG lhe beautilully decorated Christmas tree was donated by Mr and Mrs Bruce ummings 3°eess TOP Quaity TBone or Fresh Ontario Pork Fresh Ontario Pork 1h hem ROUND STEAK PRIME RIB PORTERHOUSE LEG OF PORK LEG OI= PORK 33311315119Tic333353 pageant which was enjoyed by ROASTS STEAKS LOIN STEAKS ROASTS ROASTS BOTTOM CUT Mr and Mrs Richard Price and laniily and Mrs Bat clielder spent day With triends In loronto Mr and Mrs Gordon Sturgess and Debby spent hristmas with their daughter Iii innipeg LB LB LB SllltllXllKliS HILIJA lSIilIII IIV OI Put from CUI from Cut trom lrillia tax rates during the past Canada GRADE Beet Canada GRADE Beet Canada GRADE Beet BUTT PORTION year were 12043 residential and 13836 commercial tor public vi Maple Lent Famous torQuality PBeg All Beef Schneiders Wieners Skillet Stri leer lb pkg sllcod 16 oz pkg Prido Canada 1701 Top Quality Sliced Sllced Maple Leaf Clffsqe Lunch Meats BoIogna Beef Ples Product OI USA Egrtitlggbaoloygna pack White or Red resh mm the Tropics LB Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS 880 Cut Irom Canada GRADE Beet Round Bone Shoulder or SHORT RIB ROASTS 886 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet The King of Roasts PRIME RIB ROASTS II8 Cut from Canada Beet From the Loin SIRLOIN STEAKS 138 Cut Irom Canada GRAEDEN Beet Famous tor Quality Wieners SCHNEIDERS RED HOTS 88° 1L8 PKG Full Cut BoneIn RU ROASTS II8 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet school supporters lhese rates represented increases ot 3082 and 3380 mills over two years ago For separate school sup porters the rates were 12120 residential and 13923 commer end up 2961 and 3244 over the 1974 levels mam EEHAZItléPs ï¬fgï¬ggggm FLORIDA Large 529 Trout COOKGdkHam Pork Roasts Bananas PM Slced oz Fresh Ontario pork LB LB BAG Individually Mapl Lent lop Quality Boneless amass Golden Fry Pork top quellty north Atlantlcpioductlon LB lb pkg push OMMO pork L8 PTOdUCI OI Ontarlo Wm II To Canada NO Grade BOTTOM ROUND Table PORK ROASTS FRESH ONTARIO PORK 10 LB BAG RED PACIFIC ALL PRICES ECFECTIVE JAN 12 To JAN 18 1917 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED LISTENING PLEASURE every Friday night inthe LAMPLIGHTER ROOM Aristocrate Frozen CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS SOLD IN LB CTN 198 Music by Harry Leek on the organ Art Ellefson on the sex John Schlesmon on the hem bone Ted Fry on the drums Every Friday 24 LB AVG OTHERWISE BARRIE AT BAYFIELD MALL eAYFIELo ST NORTH OF HWY 400 Th mm WV emced Wicc night WE RESERVE THE RIGHT To LIMIT QUANTITIES pm to om THE PLACE FOR LOW PRICES ALA MM ALM