rrv vrrv Concert held at Goldwater WABAUSHENE WI WAUBAUSHENE Staff The local Womens lnstitute of Mrs Leona Brown on Wednesday Jan 19 MEDONTE RANGERS start 1977 regular meetings at the home of Beth Lewis 178 Barrie Road on Monday Jan 10 THREE VACANCIES MlDHUKSl Staff Three members of the key finance and general government committee 107 The Market Place Wednesday January 12 1977 21 parents relatives and friends were invited Kindergarten pleIlS Anna Spence Michael Brown Shelley Adamson and Robbie Gray sang welcome to all before the afternoon kin dergarteners acted out an old lashioned sleigh ride complete With rhythm band instruments and then presented puppet play The classes of Mrs lurn ball Grade Mrs Leather dale Grade and Mrs Braith waitc Grade combined forces to present the musual versmn oi lttidolplis Party Follow ing the presentation children circulated through the auditorium With candy canes for the preschoolers will discuss plans for 1977 at MOUNSTUNE Staff lhe won be back on the new 1LDWA1EH Pupils of meetmg to be held at the h°me Medme angers 197773 county council Sale Ends Kindergarten to Grade at Goldwater Public School held January concert in the school audi torium Dec to which payment problems 5a lllZWlillleII HUNDREDS OF 0R0 SllS Glilllltlh Staff First Uro Scout troop is seeking an assistant Scout leader and hopes to make an appomtment soon The Scouts meet each luesday evening at Guthrie United church starting at oclock MOVES YU IN And then you add $300 month Gasoline BI per gallon Full Service at selfserve prices Claudes Texaco 835333 for months to build your entire Antique down payment of $1950 00 flagging your only cost is heat hydro Restoration work and parts sold 4562300 Lefroy UNEY total family income qualifies you J7 The Friendly Lamp People IIYIIIE llllllTllE useful purpose BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7287242 Gequipment financing home improvements cland mortgages at st 2nd 3rd mortgages 9prime rates abuilders interim loans °lease back 71885 Call collect to International REGISTERED CONDOMINIUM 726262I KOPIT stownhomes in Barrie The builder reserves the right to cancel or change financing and prices at any time withoutnotice 3254334 Orillia 7267861 Barrie annu january clearance tiraysonhelds ON BRAND NAMES SUCH AS ROXTON DEILCRAET SKLAR COOPER GIBBARD LAMPS BY STIFFELL ON ENGLISH BONE CHINA ROYAL ALBERT PARAGON 00 off ALL OPEN STOCK PIECES INCLUDED CathuQQ thgsomliefld Qtagéomlied China 680 Maple Barrie 737319 FINE FURNITURE HIGHWAY ll NORTH HAWKESTONE ONT TEL 4872040 Boyfield Mall prime 7262380