on steaks and roasts cut from Blade Bone Removed Round Bone Shoulder or The King of Route BLADE SHORTRIB PRIME RIB ROASTS ROASTS ROASTS L866 L366 Canada Beet Canada Beet Canada Beet Canada Boat Full Cut BoneIn Boneless Top Quality TBone or RUMP ROUND STEAK PRIME RIB PORTERHOUSE ROASTS STEAKS LOI STEAKS 1111 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet 128 Cut lrom Canada GRADE Beet 158 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet 128 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Maple Leal Famous lor Ouellty Previously Frozen LB lb pkg Illced 16 oz pkg PM Canada 1201 pkg Top Quality Sliced SIICed Mape Leaf CIIIISKIG LunCh Meats Boogna Beef Pes PdeUCI OI EAoenon°I°9na 16 oz pkg pufl 0f RapeI1 Pen Reedy Famous lor Ouellly Lgaeolxggimm up FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT LB BAG Schneiders 118 Rainbow Trout to or pkg Top Round Pork Roasts Fresh Ontario pork Cooked Ham sliced oz pkg 128 Liver Steaks ladlvlduelly awlaul Bap Oukullty Boneless en ry or F5 gm OI SOIe Sausages Schnitzel nonh Allenllcproductlon LB lb pkg huh Ontario pork L8 Whole at Hall RED PACIFIC SALMON 24 LB AVG Aristocrato Frozen CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS SOLD IN LB CTN Top Quality BOTTOM ROUN PORK ROASTS FRESH ONTARIO PORK ALL PRICES ECFECTIVE JAN 12 TO JAN 16 1977 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED OTHERWISE BARRIE AT BAYFIELD MALL BAYFIELD ST RTH OF HWY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 00 HE PLACE FOR Low PRICES Miracles meat feature of the week Farms tor Quality Wieners SCHNEIDERS RED HOTS LB PKG Fresh Ontario Pork LEG OF PORK ROASTS 88c SHANK PORTION The Barrie Ekiaminer WeanesdayJanuary121977235 Sliced Side LAZY MAPLE BACON LB PKG Empire or Pioneer CANADIAN SIDE BACON 94° SLICEDl LB PKG Fresh Ontario Pork LEG OF PORK ROASTS 88c BUTT PORTION Quality Produce Fresh from the Tropics Large Size Bananas Product of Ontario Canada No Grade Table Potatoes 10 LB BAG This button indicates the expiry date of the reduced price RELEASED Suspected terrorist Abu Daoud shown in this undated photo released recently by the lsraeli government was treed Tuesday by French courttollowinghisarrestlast week by French police The Israelis suspect Daoud ot be ing the mastermind of the 1972 terrorist attack against israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics AP Photo When NZ closes Sh0p By iRAIlA 11 Correspondent AUCKLAND NZ CPi lavorite ploy ot Australian air line pilots who tend to regard New Zealand quaint little backwoods plaCe is to an nounce to passengers Ladies and gentlemen we are now ap proaching New Zealand Set your watches back 50 years And American tourists Vis iting New Zealand on crurse ships at the weekend have been known to remark We called at New Zealand but it was closed Both comments are relevant at the moment because New Zealand is delinitely closed tor thcsummcr hristmas and New Year tall at midsummer in New Zealand The long school vacation begins hetorc hristmas and continues into February hristmas Day Boxmg Day New Years Day and Jan are statutory holidays When as this year thesc holidays tall at the weekend extra days are taken in thclollowing week Added to this conjunction an nual holidays tor businesses and incomes are taken in mid summer anything trom three to live wccks EVlIRYIIHM STOPS The total cttcct is that trom Christmas It to some time in rchruary New Zealand almost comes to halt ln tact this year many businesses made llying start pcoplc calling on Christmas live tound they had already closed tor kingsized weekend The shutdown is not contined to shops lactorics and otlices Irotcssional men also take ott Doctors and dentists make pooling arrangements under which duty oiliccr covers dozen or so practices And even the man on duty is usually not pressed tor paticnts largc portion ot the entire population takes ott on holidays No part ol New anland is morc than 100 miles lrom thc sca Large numhers ot people own seaside collage whcrc they spend the summer months IIvcn attcr businesses rcopcn workcrs tcnd to com miitc to thcir holiday home unA til schools rcsuinc in liehruary iiItlts St itllt1 Stock exchanges close and anyonc nccding urgent legal ad yicc is likely to have long search tor lawyer iiimc Minister It Mill doon normally takes otl tor his holiday cottage about 20 miles north ol Auckland It is an ex trcmcly simplc seaside cottage devoid ol luxuries or any secur ity apparatus lcoplc seeking out the prime minister on urgent attairs ot state are apt to tind him in shorts and openneck shut it not bathing stilt To manage thc altairs ol the nation onc cahiiict minister at time is assigned to duty on rostercd oasis Because so many people are out ol town many shops and restaurants closc luistmas Eyc and do not rcopcn until Wcll intoliniiir Housewives lay in stocks ot toodstulls as tor siege ihey arc never quite sure which storcs will be open so they buy up still icicnt supplies to last tor couple ol weeks at least Iliilll PROLONGEI liven whcn stores and tactor rics rcopcn employers are ncycr sure how many 01 their stall will turn up Although Ncw anland is theoretically in the throes ol sharp recession thc lcvcl ot iincmployment still is low by world standards Almost any New Zealandcr who really wants Job can gct one within week or two so employees arc likely to extend llltli vacation possibly wcll lil to February Just when work is getting un dei way comcs the New 7ci land nationnl day holiday on Feb ti winch sometimes means anothcr thrccrday weekend Some workers dccide II is not worth coming back to town un til this holiday also is out ot the way