BUFFALO roiioiito II HAMILTON 000 2441 I22News SMovle The Flying Irishman 521 Hours 0Definttion tlEvening Report ZlOong Show 2479News IIParty Game IlLawrence Wetk 100 nuoo Couple zBowllng for Dollars 4Concentration 5Strotas Coun Fdeenons 7To Tell The Truth llBehind the Scene With Jonathan Winters 130 22McLean Stevenson 2iooooo Name That Tune 3Mch tor the Top 4Striltes Spares Misses sBlufl 7Uotig Show 01tinny Farm llFace The MUSIC 12Editorial Page 12 tI22News 2Name The Tune SLeave It To Beaver 51500 McLean oUncle Bobby Show 12Noonday Report 1220 12Farm News 1230 2Magazme aNews 4Search For Tomorrow 57Ryans Hope 9Flintstones mFarty Game 1245 SMovie Mother Is Freshman 1255 2Magazme bNews nCanadian Cavalcade 4CrossW its sBob McLean 9Dick Van Dyke 7IIAu My Children 12Marcus Welby 000 M7tl22News 3Mowe War UeVlISl 524 Hours 9Definition lzEvenmg Report 03 22iong Show 2+79News llFarty uame t2Little House on the Prairie 700 nuoa Couple 2Bowling tor Dollars tCorlcentratron sMy Name is Harry Worth lIo Tell The Truth DGrand Old Country IIMakem and Clancy 73 aSCIence lntemational 4Strikes Spares Misses 512Welcome Back Kot ter 7Bobby Vinton 9Sanlord and Son IICelebnty Revue 300 THE DOCTOR SAYS The Barrie Examiner Wednesday January 12 1977 21 TIIVISION BARRIE Burrito BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL WEDNESDAY EVENING 800 zzcru Sharkey 2Movie Brians Song 3512Nature of Things duood Times 7Blonic Woman 9NHL Hockey lIHawaii Fer 830 22Here Comes The Future 3512Memoirs of John Dielenbaker 4Jeltersons 900 Hartman 235701H2News 1120 35912News 1130 22Opposite Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4MOVIe Sudden Terror 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 1135 22Monty Pythons Flying 590 Minutes Live Circus 3512Musicamera 4Mowe Cage Without Key llBaretta 01 228128000 Question 2Mov1e The City 1000 zzNews IICharlles Angels 1030 3512Krazy House 9Sportsbeat 1100 22Mary Hartman Mary THURSDAY AFTERNOON 130 225 For The Money 2llDays 01 Our Lives 4As the World lums 5Coronation Street 7Family Ieud 9Joyce DaVidson 200 zzOpposne Sexes SlzAu in the Family 9Alan Hamel 7fl0000 Pyramid 225 3News 230 422luiding Light 2Doctors 3512Edge Ut Night 7IlOne Life To Live 300 29Another World 3512Take 30 4AII In The Family 22Bonnie Prudden 3110 ZZLively Woman 3512Celebrity Cooks 4Match Game 400 THURSDAY EVENING 22A Lick 2Puot souCarol Burnett 4Waltons 9McCloud 7Welcome Hack Rotter 830 722Whats Happened 11 lo Franklyn 900 BSecond City 2llHesl Sellers 3Charlies Angels 4Hawaii FiveO 5Watson Report 7uarney Miller 12Starsky and Hutch 9110 ZZMixed Doubles 5Ielepla 7Iony Randall 9Maclear 1000 2Best Sellers 3Showbiz 4llBarnaby Jones SUpstairs Downstairs 9Sweeney lZMost anted 1030 31aces at Small Places 1100 Pancreatitis 1150 12Movre Jarrett 1200 22Movre The Day They Robbed The Bank of England 3Mov1e Werewolf of London 7Movre Two Rode Together 91ron5ide tlMerv uriltm 11 2Tomorrow 9Movie Fate Is The Hunter 22Little Rascals 2Mowe lhe Destruc tors 4Merv Ontlen 3M0ira Hunt 5lts Your ChOIce 7Commander Tom Munsters Show 9Star Irek lIYbung and The Restless lZHyndsrght 430 ZZGiligans Island 35lt12V15ion On Chtldren 7Mike Douglas llDmah 500 zzDoris Day 3Lucy Show 5Whats New 9Emergency 121 Love Lucy 530 SEarly Edition 422Adam 12 512Hoom 222 llHot Hands 2345791112News 1120 35812News 1130 22Oppostte Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4K0jak 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 11Larry Solway 1135 590 Minutes Live 1150 12Mowe Untamed Fron tiers 1200 EMowe Cops IS Cops 3Movie The Great lm poster 7Movie Lady Ice 9IronSIde IlIrIOVIe Marooned 121 4Movie THA 100 2lomorrow 9Mowe Do Not Disturb 230 llMerv Grillin acute or chronic By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson What is pancreatitis What causes it and what can be done to avord another attack Is it serious ailment SCP Pancreatitis is in flammation of the pancreas rather large gland located behind the stomach and liver The pancreas gland produces insulin hormone that regulates blood sugar and cer tain digestive substances called enzymes If the insulin producing tissue is damaged diabetes high blood sugar results If the tissue producing digestive enzymes is affected severe indigestion will follow The two major causes of pan creatitis are gall bladder dis ease and alcoholism Insulin from the pancreas is secreted directly into the blood stream but the digesticv juices are released into the upper small intestine duodenum via the pancreatic duct An ob struction in the duct network or in the gall bladder stones can cause back up of pancreas juices into the gland There they may begin digesting the gland tissue It is not clear how alcoholism affects the pan creas Poor nutrition specifically protein deficien cy seems to play role Pancreatitis can be either acute with sudden sharp pain or chronic with constant pain that radiates towards the back An acute attack is considered an emergency with vomiting and high fever Several acute attacks may lead to chronic condition About 40 per cent of acute pancreatitis cases involve gallstones and about 40 per cent are associated with alcoholism It also may occur as result of abdominal surgery from virus infections mumps or from use of cer tain drugs such as cortisones and thiazides diuretics Preventing new attacks de pends on the cause of the initial one If stones are involved then gall bladder removal usually ends the pancreas problem Complete abstention is essen tial if alcoholism is involved Fatty stool is often found WILh pancreatitis because of poor fat digestion and thus low fat diet often helps Acute attacks may follow heavy meal or drinking bout Pancreatitis is serious ail ment requiring careful diag nosis and careful management Dear Dr Ihosteson If person has deposits on the in sides of the arteries will weight loss diet and avording animalfats make them disap pear or will you always have them Is there medication to reduce cholesterol Mrs TH The process of deposn plaque formation is long one usually beginning as early as childhood The hardening and hypertension that result usually dont become obvious until middle age and its too late to reverse the situation by then But weight reduction and lowfat diet are important the first to relieve strain on the overburdened arteries the second to prevent further build up of plaque from the fats There are medicines that lower cholesterol production in the body studies in monkeys fed lowfat lowcholesterol diet indicate that some reversal of the plaque formation occurs Whether this happens in hu mans though is unclear Dear Dr Thosteson Our grandson will soon be eight and was born with blue eyes Recen tly his playmates commented that he has one blue and one green eye On close inspection we find this to be true Can you comment What can we expect in the future Mrs This is relatively rare condition but nothing to become upset over It is called hetero chromia Most CaucaSIan babies have blue eyes at birth However brown is the domi nant color and will appear es pecially with darkhaired chil dren if the darker eye genes have been inherited Blue is re cessive but it will persist it genes for that color have been inherited Through some minor quirk in fetal development pigment of the iris can be laid down une venly This may or may not correct itself in time In any event it will not affect vision or cause any other eye problems This is not thought to be heredi tary Smoking OllAWA CP Enforce ment officers seem uncertain how they are expected to apply the city bylaw forbidding smok ing in stores banks and patient care areas of hospitals and smoke is continuing to SWIII 10 days after the bylaw came into effect Ottawas parking control offi cers are responsmle for en forcement of the bylaw but they say they can do little be cause they have no authority to arrest offenders or to seek Iden tification cBemice Bode Osol For Thursday Jan 13 1977 ARIES March 21 Aprll 19 Joint ventures are very promising to day lf your partner is as am bitious as you are the rewards are greater TAURUS April 20May 20 Youll be surprised what few wellplaced compliments will ac complish today if person deserves recognition make it point to do the honors GEMINI May 21June 20 Dont sit on ingenious ideas today They can be of great value to you Theyll not only make your life easier theyll be profitable CANCER June 21July 22 Someone new and exciting may enter your life in the near future The meeting will occur under very unusual circumstances LEO July 23Aug 22 You are very resourceful today par ticularly under stress You may even surprise yourself with your ability to maneuver out of trou ble VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be spontaneous if you have matter of importance to discuss with another today The ideas off the top of your head will be the best ones LlBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Something unusual may develop today that will be of benefit to you financially You must act quickly to take advantage of it SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Perhaps youve never thought of yourself as being inventive but if something happens today where you have to improvise the Edison in you will come out SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Conditions are very extraor dinary for you today Personal advantages can come in ways youd least imagine or expect CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 if you have the chance to go where there are fresh faces and new ideas by all means go You could turn up someone wholl be very important In your life AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Youll be relatively successful in important endeavors today but the best In you wont come out until the competition stiffens Youre tiger then PISCES Feb 20March 20 Keep in touch With friends separated from you by con Siderable distance pal from afar has some good news for you today WOOL Jan 13 1977 New hopes Will be awakened in you this year thr0ugh new con tacts Be miner Take more In terest In clubs and organizations DESIGNATES LANES TORONTO CF The city plans to designate bicycle lanes on certain streets next spring jagged fourfootwide path from uptown to the Lake On tario waterfront will be marked off THE TV H39 50 5HOW5 SICK ANOTHER REA60N ALWAYS TURN lN Tins YEAR COP HE DOESNT C10 EARLY WHEN BUT THAT5 5H0yII6 UP THEN LIPOUT IMEI2AH THE COUREE HEé BY THE PORCH AWAY RECORD FOR ROOTIN ROOF HED HAVE FRQM QUlTTlN FOR THE PERFECT THERE COULD BE GOOD NIGHTI 009 HABlTé ARE ALWAvs 5U5PECT= vans vii or Iv lu OH Poliys Pointers éji Mildew marks mar rubberbacked mat By Polly riimcr DEAR POLLY During years of use black spots have appeared on the back of my bathroom mat assume they are some sort of fungus and have tried pure bleach applied with cloth but with no results Would appreciate some help ALICE DEAR ALICE If the bleach did not work the situa tion may be hopeless If the spots are mildew try am monia suds OR lemon juice and salt Then put in the sun to dry and rinse off two or three times with clear water If the rubber is very dry anything might cause it to crack so go into it with that in mind POLLY DEAR POIIY My Pet Peeve is not only With those drivers who do not signal before changing lanes on the highway but who leave their signal lights on afterwards This is illegal and can mislead other drivers causing accidents that might otherwise have been avoided JANET DEAR POLLY Do tell the lady who ruined her good white jeans in the aluminum boat to forget about trying things to remove the stains just get box of white dye and dye them After they are dyed do not throw away the dye but run any dingy yellow looking whltc sheets through it They will look like new LYDA DEAR lllY My srstcrinlaw gave me neat idea for freezing apple pie without thc crust Line the pie pan wrth foil and put in all the ingredients for the pie filling ovcr with foil and freeze If you have JllllUSSlZ pic pains label which Sth each is for When frozen remove from the pan put in freezer bag and return to the freezer When ready to bake the plf remove the foil and the frozen filling IS ready to go in the crust It does take longer to bake but the crust does not get soggy and add little extra flour too also freeze green tomato pic his way VESTA DEAR lllY When usc dccoratcd paper tablecloths for my childrens IIII1I£I pillIltS llSUiIlI only the center of cloth gets soiled So llI off tlic clczin sides Llntl later use them as gift wrapping paper for birthday gifts thc children take to their little friends MRS DEAR lllY and Lynne use Ii ten or twelveinch IliICkSilW bladc that costs less than fifty cents for cutting plastic fozim ISIHk one end into piIic of Iirnruh add diib of glue and have Ilélflll on 0110 mid Or one end could be wrapped with tape it you do not how II coincob CATHERINE ll DEAR lllY thn hanging lrip dry clothes on zin out door line use two coat hangers that are alike and reverse onc of the hooks to form closed loop ovcr the line llung thesc between other clothes to keep them from sliding or blowmg off the line MARY WIN AT BRIDGE Plays for opponents miscue NORTH AA9876 VAQGZ 0A 4652 WEST EAST 52 410 0105 VJ984 0K107632 00984 $QJ8 ILK1073 SOUTHD 4KQJ43 VK73 0J5 +A94 Both vulnerable West North East South IA Pass Pass 3V Pass Pass 14A Pass 50 Pass 64 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Souths six spade contract is not good one Its success depended on either 33 heart break or mistake by the defense As you can see the hearts didnt break but South brought the slam home Now see if you can figure where the defense went wrong West opened the queen of clubs East played the seven and South ducked He didnt fear that second club would be ruffed he had no play at all for the 13 tricks and wanted to establish squeeze or pseudo squeeze pressure in case hearts didnt break Now came the defensive blunder West continued by leading the jack of clubs There was no reason not to lead the eight spot or to shift to diamond or trump but West just wasnt thinking ahead So he led the jack of clubs FUNNY BUSINESS South won drew trumps with two leads cashed dummys ace of diamonds came to his hand with third trump ruff ed his jack of diamonds led dummys last trump over took cashed his last trump to discard dummys last club and noted with delight that East had discarded the 10 of clubs on the next to last trump and the king on the last one to establish Souths nine spot as winner AskthOMo Tennessee reader wants to know if any one can call for redeal while the cards are being dealt if no card has been exposed The rules provide that once the cards have been properly cut the deal must be com pleted if no card has been ex posed provided the right per son is dealing You may not ask for redeal as whim Diphtheria TORONTO CP public health department spokesman said Monday that diphtheria outbreak may have been checked after 30yearold car rier of the disease was isolated in hospital for treatment The carrier patient of the Queen Street Mental Health Centre is the fifth Toronto resi dent to contract the disease recently If the tests now being done turn up no further signs of the disease it looks as if it may have been checked for the time said Dr William Frank But he added It is inevi table that well continue to find carriers of diphtheria in future people who themselves are not sick but who have the ability to pass it onto others WELLJTHNQS HAUE BEEN Imus sLow AROUND HERE oIM 22 Actor Ferrer IDAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 52 Cerfs Answer to Previous Puzzle trademark pl Arctic 55 Fall in drops expanse 58 Male horse Novelist 60 Push with the EB Bagnold head Baseballer 62 Here Fr n8 Slaughter 63 Coin of Italy 12 Famous uncle 64 Paradise mm 13 Affable 65 Astronauts lane 14 Swearword all right 15 Type of jacket comp wd 16 Legal claim 66 Squeezed out an 17 Note Lat 67 Haul up an 18 Evening in 68 Compass ltaly point 20 Vicepresident 26 Opponent 44 Baseball sl DOWN 27 Facilitate officia abbn 28 Canal system 46 Lysergic acid 23 Merriment Egyptian deity in nonhem 25 Burning Torte Mlchlgan diethylamide 27 Eastern Beginning 29 513er 47 Place for g9 gm prwlx fong 5h 30 Word of drama critic ositive po nnocent 32 Inner pref Phrase of un 33 gigaféon 48 $199 on 34 Companion of derstanding 35 La odds wds 9d5 49 Toughen by 38 Venitian Force unit 36 Eggs exercise 40 €233 5132 matena 50 Colorado par 42 Those in companion abbrl 53 Over Ger office 10 Aquatic 37 Compass 54 Unclothed 43 Motor noise animal 00 55 Hoy mage 45 Seaweed 11 Type of rock 39 Enwronrpebnbt 57 Road 47 BeSIde naut 19 Wing agency 50 If not 21 Small cushion 41 Sodium 59 Mom 50318 51 Author 24 Compass chloride SI EXDIOSIVE Fleming point abbr abbr SIDE GLANCES Hill FOUND IN INII Diamond mining originated in India between 800 and 600 and for the next 1200 years Iri dia was the only known source of the gems MY FAWIER WE HCNE WEARING NEW TOUPEE VELEERDXY WINTHROP RESOLVE TO BE KIND To AxllMALs NSL 7373860 DONT ORNK 31 LISTEN SYLVESTER YOU bUMS HANeiN AROUND our HERE Is 6A0 FER BUSINESSfl in NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St BUY WHEN 00 SPOKEN BY MANY Iolisb which belongs to the language group IS the native language of more than 30 million people western Slavonic SHE THOUGHTA PACCCUN WA6 EATING HI5 HEAD VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN STATIONERY STORE l977bvaA Int we us or Dear how will pork chops aid a7u gratin potatoes go with ron ite HELLO THERECAPD AND HOWS MY EXPUPIL COPING WITH LIFE IOLDIN MY SUPPOSE vou COULD SAY MISTER Is IN way ALOERSON ANDY CAPP In the Iab Dr 6ng sees the swarmof yam DAD Knows EVERY plms anmdm me wound on his leg THlNG ABOUT ans HE WAS JUS WYIN YE5EVEN VAMPIRES THEYLWK PIERCE THEY SURE SCARED aur may DONT BEAST CANT WAka To U5 75pm BITE ATTACK HUMANS To SCARE U5 fagMI NEED mu UNIL55 WEZQSEIWO NEED HEI KERRY DRAKE Never Miss Call PHILIPS CODEAPHONE OFFICE telephone answering device OUTFITTERS BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 Plcli Up Manager from any pliorio Remote and Nonremote oewr TONIGHT Bin IIrir NW WC my FOP tomorrow llerlITlNC ANYTHINC WINE ltL DIE TOMORROW ABOUl iN XI FlévHTING aowcpuAizr lt ï¬r Vin ii My FRANK ERNEST HT rll Ii ImMAKE THE MAN IIIEï¬l cl Ndl Bul Suns suRE MAKE me anveR THNLJIIQ