WW CEE kw Bit2 re co tli If jAtkinson RR Sutherland RR Stroud Keith Sanderson RR Shanty Bay is elected president of Barrie City Concert Band Vaino Kukk is new presi dent of Barrie Hunters and Anglers iConservation Club Dan Cherepacha suggests in report going to public works committee that citys bus service do away with loop routes and adopt linear system Ald Hersey wants Mayor Les Cooke to seek increased police patrolling and neighbor co operation program to cut down on thieves terrorizing elderly residents Num Elli Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wilson Advertising Manager The Barrie Examiner Henshaw Managing Editor Monday January 10 1977 Chairmans first speech had an interesting topic first Board this year Vince Eagan elected chairman by his fellow trustees last week brought up the most controversial appearances anything things are going to be in teresting at the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School mean who still think school and homework are synonymous Mr Eagan asked for return of homework as signments for students Many parents of both public and separate question in education in his first speech as chairman it is time to return to the fun damentals in education said Mr Eagan The boards motto should be to go forward with fundamentals said Mr Eagan and separate schools will have to stress the fundamentals secondary in elementary and grades School boards havesaid all along that the fundamentals are being stressed But Mr Eagan certainly implied last week that the fundamentals have not been stressed enough by his board and he is going to make sure they are in the future Mr Eagan even went one step fur saying essays from Grade 11 students which he had ther read were atrocious Then to the surprise of those of us school students have wondered about the very things Mr Eagan talked about The separate school board at its first meeting of the year last week decided it only needs one public meeting month The move appears to be sensible one the board claims it will save money by having only one public meeting month and some of the public meetings held in the past have been very brief But public meetings are held to give ratepayers chance to appear cerns before the board with their con 1here is the danger that cutting the number of public meetings might further limit access of some ratepayers to the board Only time will tell if this is so if it is it is hoped the board will go back to two or more public meetings every month DOWN MEMORY LANE FIVE YEARS AGO IN TOWN Tfie Barrie Examiner Jan 1972 Simcoe County milk producers are in Toronto for annual meeting of Ontario Milk Marketing Board include Barrie Local delegates Mrs McMullen Consultant 11 councd works Gordon Fraser schools Baseball Bobbette WORLD TODAX reckoning is coming and no plans are ready By IIINIIIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Where are the longterm studies the industrial strategies for Canada needed by industry and government and promised by both What we hear from the ex perts are flat traditional one year prognoses where Will in flation unemployment and in vcstmcnt go in 1977 Such agencies as The Confer ence Board the Economic Council of anada and the Ca nadian Alanufacturers Assocr ation have made their annual predictions So what its the decade ahead we want to hear about But in country where so many of its industries may be endangered species by the 1980s our industrial leadership and government planners seem to think we still are in the 19505 Eli Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 63 Queen St West Toronto 8644710 640 athcart SL Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir cufations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original arlvcr tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration r203815 registerm That was the decade when the world couldnt get enough of our resources We shipped out uranium wheat Oll iron ore wood pulp and newsprint to the world The lesserbreedsWithouf thelaw out there in the foreign markets were natural roCipien ts of our raw materials and whatever manufacturml goods we could manage to export You would never know from all those cosy and uniinagiiia tivc yearend pronouncements that our export industries are in Jeopardy BraZil for one is movmg as fast to increase her newsprint making capaCity as we did in the 19505 new Spanishownul newsprint mill to be bunt ncar Sao Paulo Will export all its output to the European Zom mon Market SOLTII AMERICAN ARS Car parts from the American auto SUDSIdlarlCS in BraZil arc exported to Canada as com ponents in the Canadian auto plants of the same American carmanufacturing multinatio nals How many of our industrial ists are aware that the Bra11 ians have an identical plan to our own for diversifying their exports southern hemispheric fhird Option The Americans want to de velop the nickel nodules at the bottom of the worlds oceans in competition with the increas ingly more expensive deeprock extraction of nickel in this country in 1973 Marsh Cooper presi dent of ralconbridge Limited told me as he had told maior and Widows in the city Hersey will chair finance committee of city Macmillan city development and Del Cole public Mitchell former Eastview Secondary School prin cipal and principaldesignate of Twin Lakes secondary in Orillia tells board of education about two week study he did on Russian Nick Owen of Barrie featured in sports section in story about trip to Cuba to play on Cana dian team in World Amateur Championships Ron of Barrie is traded to Toronto Marlboros from Ottawa 675 in Ontario Major Junior hockey deal Barry lurnbull returns to his scoring form with 29 as Brass Mens Wear stops Base Borden Bruins 9542 in county mens basket ball league play at the base minerals publication in liech land that he would get out of costly deeprock nickel mining inflanada as soon as hccould Hence the drive of that firm and the giant international Nickel to develop the surface latcritic nickel mmcs found in the worlds tropical belt in the aribbcan lndoncsia and the Soiitti lacific Heard choiigh Why then are many giant coiixiratioiis most seriously affected and our huge federal government With its chrlay of economists propct planners and liifurists not movmg on loiigraiigc plan ning Probably because it is deep set in the Ianadiaii character to soldier along thinking that an economic Ariiiagiddoii Will never Olllt Olll Wily British tfoluiubian pulp and paper industry still the hilhlf for that coastal llflVllltf1 pros pciity has ixpcriiiicid about the worst strikc iccoid fit that industrys history JlSIASIlAIi The Oct 14 fly of lrotcst of the supporting unions and membership of the Canadian Labor Congress last fall solvcd nothing except that labor management like its cor portitivc counterparts has no plan no contingency arrangement for thc liitftis Just try to beat the system reckoning is coming to us probably before 1980 as our nu tional competitors cut into our markets With their better price and product Finally neither lrudeau nor Clark seem to have any anr swers Rights laws can help says western official VANCOUVER CPi Em ployers should treat human rights legislation exactly as they treat health and safety regulations as logical part of eftiCient operation says British olumbias director of human rights Kathleen Ruff told recent industrial relations meeting that busmess has economic reasons for obeying the Human Rights Code as well as moral and legal ones ma ge discriminates among em ployees Will let lot of irrational irrelevant things get in the way on thejobshesaid and evaluate employees on the basis of prejudice not their ability to do the work Elimination of discrimination means getting the most from employees on the job she said and that is what human rights is all about RfMOUSKt Hello International Uonetary Fund The wife and licoiildï¬like to drop bvfor little chat FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Views on personal privacy vindicated by King diaries By STEWART acIEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Through all of these dreary arguments concerning the put lics right to know have ten ded to argue that politiCians and particularly prime minis ters are entitled to great deal of personal privacy And you have no idea how heartening if is to have these Views vmdi cated by the diaries of Mack enlieKing Mr King was perhaps the most successful prime minister in the history of Tanada for 21 years And this was largely due to tfie fact tfiat the press stayed out of his hair and allole him his privacy You see if reporters had been snooping around Laurier House in those days like we snoop around Prime Minister lrudeaus swim niing pool these days the people of fanada might have gained the impres sion that Mr King was jUSt bit wiiigy And since wmgy priiiic minis ters are not lllt in thing Mr King might have had to resign Instcad of going down in history YOUR BUSINESS By VthlilNl ICUAN Business and onsuincr Affairs Analyst lliomson News Service Buying life insurancc policy is the first llllfjtil financial iran saction of many peoples lives And for substantial IIlllIl her it remains the only my vcstincnf Nobody knocks on your door selling stocks bonds or ltngltltfl ictiicliicnt sav mgr plans but insuranccagcn ts iiiiinagc to canvass just about cvcryoiic liitiiirniici biiycrs and cvcn llllllitlltf iigciits arent always financially itiplllblltillttl lcoplc dont in vniizifily gcf tlic policy they NA AS Sl 1ny Land offered settlers lty BOB BOWMAN Altcr ffic Aiiicricnii lfcvolu tioiiiiry Wiir United States cifi ricns were welcome to come to Canada and scltlc it they Wished lhcy Wcrc even given frcc land lhilciiioii Wright onc of the founders of Ottawa was among those who took ad vantage of the offer and brought his family from Massachusetts in 1800 The immigration campaign was spoiled by the War of 1912 when citizens were prohib ited from coming to Canada for several ycais alter the war cii ded statute to this effect was issued Jan 10 1815 although the peace treaty had already been Signed in Ghent Belgium The reason for the prohibition was that the British govern ment offered free land to sol diers who agreed to settle in Canada They were given land as close to the US border as possmle so they could be mobi lized quickly in the event of an other invasion by the Ameri cans Better ways to save than life insurance should have and some people have no real iiccd for iiisiiraiicc at all Those who scll lllt lllSllldlItt lllflkf the point that bcsidcs providing plottctliiii III th something fiiippciis to you iii Sillifllit is good way to savc lor thc pcisoii who has no self liStlpllllt insurance is in dccd ii form of forced saving So too is the purchase of taii ada Savings lionds through payroll deduction But anyone who is rcnlly dc tcrinincd not to siivc ciiii cash in thc Slls at any time tit ting your iiioiicy out of tifc in siiraiicc policy on the offltI hand rcipiiics that you wait for lfic policy also led to tho first govciiiniciit immigration plan People living Ill Britain wcrc cncourngcd to come to unadii and wcrc givcn lrcc passage across the Atlantic and 100 acres of land They also re ccivcd licc food for ii liiiiitcd finic and farm cipnpincnt was supplied at reduced prices lhcic was Sptfflll proVIsioii for salaries to be paid to school fcachcrs and church ministers who zicconipaiiicd fhc sctt tors The plan brougfit large number of people from Scotland to iiniida An important arczi for the new sctflcrs was wcst of thc Ridciiu River and led to the founding of the town of Perth near ttiiwa OTHER AN ltl EVENTS IN Davul lhompson ar rived at tolumbia River after crossmg the Rockies in wmter weather ItlITASelkirk settlers recap lured rort Douglas from the North West Tompany as remarkably successful prime minister who led our country through tfic Second World War the chubby little Spiritualist might be remem bered only as father artist ou probably read that bit about how he described wiping the shaving lather off his razor The father winch placed on tissue paper made perfect picture of my mother seated with book in front of tier niucti as in the Master painting but with her feel much as thcv wcrc whcrc she is sitting be ncafti frcc at Kingsmerc at many yeais by fiicfi time the value of your savings has been sharply diminished by HIV llfllltill liltt llISlllitllft IS Ollt fly in Sil tlltliliill but not iicccs sarin the best oiic 11m II1IS ithll flic liittltgtl ratcs availablc on othcr financial as sets says tiic Bullctiii of thc lucoiiomic touiicil of tiiiizida low yicld and thc un ccrtaiiitics associated with standard litc insurance policies makc fficiii 4i relatively poor in vcstincnt fitiiig discussion plllkl iNo 52 by liitt staff economist Jucqucs Babin tllt bullctiii givcs tticsc rates of rcturii on the major types of standard insurance in iioiiparticipating pol icics which do not shurc in thc iiisurancc companys earnings rcturn is about per ccnf mun cndowmcfif policies which spccify ll date on which cash surrciidcr value will ltltllll fucc vufuc yicfd is about pct ccnt Although tfic fact is not 1011 lioiicd by Eft and scldoiii iiicntioncd by life insurers lhcinsclvcs people who have had standard life insurance pol iciis in force for number of years can increase their yield fiurfy caisily by usmg little llI itiiitivc in older policies it is usually possible to borrow an amount equal to 90 per cent of the cur rent cash surrender value at iii tcrcst of SIX per cent year txtlicyholder who borrows on that basis can safely invest the money at say nine or 10 per cent in trust companys guaranteed investment certifi cute While the overall yield on the policyholders investment in life insurance still wont be re markable it will be slightly better than it would fhchisc have been CoriSiderations such as these however tend to obscure the fact that the primary purpose of life insurance is to prov1dc finanCial protection for ones surVivors the time of her last illness it was very remarkable bit of sculturein its way onsidcrmg the manner in which the music critics ham mercd poor Margaret rudeau for her songwriting efforts in South America imagine what the art critics would do it they had access to Mackenzie hing bathroom There is lot to be said for privacy STY StANl And then there is that nasty business about Mr hing being given 813000 for his personal use by senator who was later forced to resign over scandal ff noscy rcportcrs rcv each that it would have caused no end of cmbarrasxiiicnt to our most successful prime minister Now had no syiiipnthy for Mr lrudcau when in his bach cior days tic swcpt into the Na tional Arts ciitrc with hunk clad Barbara Stricsaiid on his arm complaining that he had no privacy the mink iiiv cidciitafly was white it all sounded like Lady fiodiva coni plainiiig that she couldnt even go horseback riding without ficiiigstarcdat By assuring li king of his privacy the prcss of the day permitted him to walk unmo tested on streets frequented by plOSllttlttS He could visit his friends for swuigiiig scssmn of scaiiccs without anyone know ing his whereabouts and he could stand in Lauricr House and have scintillating con vcisations with his mother who died iti years filllltl And no one suggested that Mr King was devoting too much at tention to his dog int lfis diary records that gave liitlc Put partial bath so he would be presentable tonight at diplomatic rccep tioii if that happened today With the resulting publicity there would be hell to pay All animal lovers would be iissiiiling our prime minister for not givmg his dog complete bath instead of mere partial If the press had been as pry mg as it is today if is difficult to estimate fiow publiCity would have affected the war effort through disclosures of Mr Kings noncamera photography or kneecap telegraphy imagine what the enemy would give for such secrets KARSII UPSET bet some Canadian scicn tists would even have been up set if they knew that Mr King could see images as clear as anything Karsli might make on photographic plates that had never seen amcra omc to think of it Mr Kaisfi might be bit upsct too Its quite aiiiiiziiig that Mr King during it littti visit to Lon foil was able to Visit ii coupli of spiiifiinlists Without being noticed Mr liudciiii couldnt cvcn slidc down ii biiniiistcr in London Without turning his cl forts into it photographic cx travngiinzii and that didnt do his image iiiiicti good IN RPRETING THE NEWS Soviet refusal to pay stuns diplomats at UN ByGEORGEKITCIIEN LNllLl NATIONS iCli lhe Soviet Lnion has given the LN the shaft by reiusmg to pay its share of the costs of policmg the 1975 Egyptianlsraeli dis engagement agreement lhe action stunned diplo mats Since Moscow had given no hint of dissatisfaction in the 16 months that have elapsed smce Egypt and fsrael agreed to second Withdrawal of their troops in the Sinai desert east of the Suez canal lhe disengagement agree ment called for additional LN peacekeeping forces to police the zone and an extra assess ment was levied on LN mem bers to cover the cost it is this additional assessment which the Soviet nion now refuses to P11 Diplomats expressed fear that the Soviet move would establish precedent for other members to refuse payment of this and other spectal assessments This has lot of people wor ried said one senior diplomat Once the Soviet Lnion starts it and gets away with it where do you stop1t JOIN IN ItIIFLSAI this fear was quickly realized when the lkraine and Byelorussui two Soviet provin BIBLE THOUGHT And herein is that saying true One soweth and another reapeth sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour other men laboured and ye are entered into their labours John43738 Only eternity perhaps will reveal what and who God has used as instruments for bless ings that you are enjoying and the victories you are experienc ing Give God the glory and give respect to those who have gone before you ces which hold separate UN membership are also refusmg to pay the extra cost The total amount the three refuse to pay is unclear UN of iiCials say the amount depen ding on the interpretation placed on the notifications received from the three mem bers falls somewhere between $51 million and $12 million One practical effect of the So viet refusal would be that the countries which contribute troops to the LN forces in the zone would have to wait longer before being reimbursed for their costs Canada is one of the main troop contributors lhe LN also would have to ask the rest of the membership for voluntary contributions to make up the shortfall SIGNALS WARNING American diplomats regard the action as diplomatic Sig nal to express Soviet dis pleasure at being left out of the 1975 agreement engineered by LS State Secretary Henry 515 smger They also took it as reminder to the incoming LarA fer administration not to ex clude Moscow from future Mid dle Bast negotiations in their brief note to the announcmg their reinsal the Ruwans said The Soviet ion had nothing to do with this agreement concluded on separate bass and actually Cir cumventing the Geneva peace conference ion the Middle Basti lhe Soviet Union has ex pressed no objection to paying its $6 million share of the $16 million bill for the upkeep of the two UN peace forces estao fished in the Sinai and on the Golan Heights in 1973 and 1974 With Soviet approval More than decade ago the Soviet Union and other coun tries undermined the UNs peacekeeping capacity and threatened its finanCial sol vency by withholding funds for UN peacekeeping operations in the Sinai and the former Bel gium Congo Berrys World Niifint It im Every everybody EVERYBODY beats me at electronic TV tennis