HELP WANTED LOCAL SUPERVISOR required to distribute tlyers catalogues and adver tising material In Barrie Should be available late afternoons and evenings also havestorage space and be In terested in working with and supervising boy and girl carriers For further In formation write Box 113 cm Barrie Ex aminer STABLE HELP required in 20 horse barn Must be good strong worker and have some experience with horses Abili ty in English riding an asset but not essential Character references re quired Small bachelor cabin available 7260192 MATURE reliable person to babysit preschoolers parttime In my home No evenings or weekends For further In formation call 7262806 STOCK CHECKER office clerk Three days per week Must have own transpor tation and willing to travel in surroun ding area Reply to Box T14 co Barrie Examiner SOCIAL WORKER The Royal Victoria Hospital of Barrie in vites application for social worker psychiatric invpatient service We are progressive dynamically oriented general hospital psychiatry service maintaining close links with Universi ty Medical centre Please reply with cur riculum vitae and references to Dr James Henderson Dir Psychiatric Ser vices Royal Victoria Hospital of Barrie 7289802 ext 140 EVENING WORK pleasant telephone voice 9000 pay and office position For interview call 7371903 Mr James MATURE RELIABLE babysitter re quired immediately mornings only per manent position Georgian College area for child References required Call atter pm 7370956 CLEANERS Parttime MondayFriday to hours nightly Must have commercial cleaning experience must be bendable Top wages 7289881 SALES HELP AND AGENTS SELL CALENDARS ad specialties labels office supplies top commissions advanced New catalogue available Write sales manager Alexander 30 Ltd 1275 Wellington St Ottawa TRADE SCHOOLS FREE SAMPLE LESSON HIGH SCHOOL Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario MSN 2Z4 TF EMPLOYMENTWANTED RELIABLE BABYSITTER will look after children in my home while mother works days week Phone 7287956 atterS pm Death Notices Engagements Births ANNOUNCEMEN SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7202414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display ad vertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words $500 additional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 With verse per count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis count Rules apply il paid within days One or two insertions per word in sertion Three consecutive insertions and one hall cents per word insertion total $612 Six consecutive insertions 8c per word par insertion total $1152 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to can collation when satisfactory results ob tained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial ab breviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement im mediately alter first insertion in order that any error or omission may be reported before pm in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsiblecfor only one incorrectly printed insertion of any ad vertisement and then only to the extent of portion cl ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classily revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 7282414 NOTICE deadline for classified w0rd ads pm previous day J90 Solurdw TS $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events $3 22 per column inch BIRTHS IN MEMORIAMS Mondays Child is fairot face Tuesdays Child islull of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child has tar to go Fridays Child is loving and givvng Saturdays Child works hard for itsIIVing And child that is born on the Sabbath Day Isfair and wrse and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information Ior your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement Will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other Vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 72872414 DEATHS HOLMWOOD John Douglas Wanda Stocker deeply regret announcing the passing of my beloved husband John Douglas Holmwood alter lengthy il Iness at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie January 1977 Son of the late Walter Holmwood and Florence Hol ledge dear brother of Mrs Della Saul Donald Holmwood Mrs Dorothy McAr thur and the late Pyllis Heideman Dearly loved uncle of several nephews and nieces Friends will be received at the Steckley Funeral Home Barrie Monday evening from 109 pm then to the Humphrey Funeral Home 1403 Bayview Ave at Davisville Ave Toronto from pm Tuesday Servuce from St Cuthberts Anglican Church 1399 Bayview on Wednesday afternoon at oclock Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery Remembrances may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society 22 DaVisville Ave Toronto or 15 Clapper ton St Barrie OMALLEY Alma At her residence 20295imcoe StNorthOshawaon Satur day January 1977 Alma Cham berland in her Blst year wife of Ken neth OMalley mother of Patrick of Montreal James and Norman both of Oshawa Father Leonard of Barrie and Joseph of Oshawa SISIOI of Aurore of Montreal Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home 124 King St East Oshawa with Requiem High Mass in St Gregorys Church Tuesday January 11 at 10 Interment Resurrection Ce metery ROWE Fred At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday January I977 Fred Rowe in his 88th year Beloved husband of the late Rachel McDonald dear father of Beverley of Barrie and Emery of Aylmcr Grand father of four grandchildren Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 WorsleY Street Barrie Complete schice in the chapel on Wednesday January 12312 30 interment Barrie nion Cemetery SHEPPARD Harry Douglas At St Vincent de Paul Hospital BrockVille on Sunday January 91977 Harry Douglas Sheppard of Barrio in his 82nd year Beloved husband of the late Constance teller Shiell dear lalhrr of Paul of Brockvule and Chris at Waterloo Sur VvafI also by four grandchildren two brothnrs Tom of Winnipeg and lrvmg of ioronto and one Sister Mrs Aqncs Ban nistcr of Salt Lake City Predecoascd by one brother Charles at New Jersey Resting at the STECKIFY Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Funeral mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Tues day January 11 at 11 Interment at St Marys Cemetery if so desired memorial donations may bl made to St Vinrentde RaulSocicfy ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service ALFORDnln laying memory of dear husband father and grancftather Charles Henry Alford who passed away Jan IO I976 Calm and peaceful he is sleeping Sweetest restthatfollowspain Wewho loved him sadly miss him Buttrustin Goa to moetagain Lovingly remembered by NIIC Ben trice sons William Donald and families COMING EVENTS IOF Court Kempenfelt No 1337 Installation Dance Sat Jan 15m 830 pm at Sunnidale Community Centre $800 per couple Phone 7288260 4872503 Installation at pm JIO1214 rhea St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF NUTICE deadline for classified word dds pm previous day noon Saturday MWFTF Now homeless LISBON AP More than 429000 refugees from Por tugals former colonies In Africa are homeless official figures released Saturday by the government show Refugee ommISSIoner Ooncalves HIDCIIO said the figure 15 ac curate to Within 10 or 15 per cent ltibciro said there are plans to build 11700 prefabricated homes during 1977 and that twothirds of these would be used to house some of tho refugees Itcsnfcnts altcmpt to push baby black IIlot thilc back into the ocean Friday after it was driven ashore at WilIIlS bands State Park In ltye NH Later lelS braved ButterflyBright Add sunshine to room with butterfly afghan or spread JIFFY Use knitting worsted for 8inch squares in single crochet then attach multicolor chain 10 butterflies and border Pa fern 7255 easyfo follow directions $100 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 15 each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Deptt The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Ave Scarborough Ont MIP4P7 Address Ont resldents add sales tax Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address Value 225 designs to choose from in NEW 1977 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG free pat terns inside Send 75 now Stitch Patch Quilts $125 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fifty Quilts 100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Money Book $100 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Giff Book $100 Book 0116 Quilts 60¢ Museum Quilt Book 60¢ 15 Quilts for Today 60¢ Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans i12 60¢ LONDON Tli Ribbons and straps set lcmininc mood for spring and summer loot wczir In 15177 The leiling for soft shoes the espridrillc type has grown even stronger Slll last summcr Everything this sczisnn pour is to morc IIrfcsprczid lit ccptzmcc of Olllltll loos and higher heels says Christine Cooper 21 SI100 chIgncr cum mcnflng on the now lfylcs at the recent London Infirnntibnzil Footwear Fair Imthin hccls arc film tin zil tracfinn of thc lclicatclbuking shoe range by Ivory unolhcr British shoe firm This firm continues use wcdgcs ale though in slimmeddown form for Its summer ranges preferring to create dainty Impressmn by making sandal wgéymï¬ STUBBORN WHALE heavy surf snow incl and gzili forci wmds and tried to swun the whale out Into the pounding surf In an attempt to save It but failed research team from Bostons Pointed toes higher heels Stripe Knit Liven up all outfits with this stripehappy pufover New Colorful stripes in dif ferent designs add eyetappeal to this sporty topping with fasseled fie Knit of worsted weight synthetic yarn Pattern 7112 Sizes 1016 included $100 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 15¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scor bOrough Ontario MIP 4P7 Address Ont residents add 7¢ sales tax Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address More than ever bcfnrc 200 de signs plus free printed In side NEW 1976 Needlecraft Caf alogue Has everything 75c Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fifty Quilts $100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Flower Crocth Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Money Book $106 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Giff Book $100 Book of 16 0uilfs 60¢ Museum Quilt Book 60¢ 15 Quilts for Today 60¢ Book of 16 Iiffy Rugs 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ straps superthin COLORSPASIIZI Its color range for summer 77 IS primarily pusfcl wuh lots of struwbcrryIci pinks and light I1Ill IOlltS Sonic bright midblues arc In cvufcnco and some of the fun footwear prce scnlcd Is hzinrfpzunfcd WIII1 czir loon IPSILJTS of cuts and but tcrllics Scwrrwurk cllging OII Sillillill straps IS Ilililll charac teristic of more conservative stylcs It IS much used by Mon lands ti company famous as wmlor Iriulwczil producer of ShOCpSklllIlnfd boots bill which this season has introduced some subtlycolored sandals In sucdc In tones of muted IIIYTO olch and lcnlm blues New England Aquarium zir rived and lilll the whale for shipment to Boston where an attempt WIII be made to saw its life AP Photo Bomb squad master retiring MONTREAL OP Sweat ing over lethal packages con taining dynamite time bombs grabbing meals on the run and having some crackpot invite you to your own funeral have been routine In the life of Can adas most decorated police man But at the age of 40 Lieut Robert Cote is retiring as Mon treals master bomb fighter A1ter14 years In the Montreal Urban Community police tech nical sectionaduring which he personally dismantled 40 live bombshe wants to go back to being just an ordinary cap want to be complete po liceman he said in an inter view To pursue career and not be known JUSI as Mr Bomb Squad It Is lime to move on and get to know what being po liceman is all about member of the Order of St John of Jerusalem and an Offi cer of the Order of Canada in recognition of his work he shrugs off the honors saying he was in the right place at the right time FRIGIITENEI BY JOB have been performing the Job that would have done In an unpaid capacity know was Involved In highly dangerous Situations and was scared as hell more often guess than most policemen He recalled how he trembled In October 1968 while dis manlling his first dynamite time bomb under truck parked near the premises of strikebound company Youre scared because youve seen bodies dismem bored by bombs he said but you cant say This IS dan glerous call the police Youre Knowmg how much time you have to dismantle bomb can be as ncrvewracklng as not knowmg One afternoon In tho fall of 1968 be half er11 about bomb that was going IO explode Within 13 ITIIIIUILS In down town dcpurlmcnl store That was the most dramatic experience because we dis manllcd It Willi two minutes to spare he will WEIGIIEI 150 POISOS In 1970 hc and collczigiic lu bnrcd liver the largest bomb ever found 111 Tunadzi 150 pound lyntimilc fence lhcy worked with w1rccultcr for 30 minutes wondering whether they would deactivalc it In time The black day In Licuf otcs career occurred eight years ago whcn his Wife IIcrrclte sul fcrcd miscarriiigc and lost twm girls hours after hll husband was called out at arm todismzinllc ti bomb More than 350 bombs have boon plunle In the Montreal zircu Sln lltlil Ihi bomb squad safely dismantled onc third of them No police officer has dch while taking bomb apart Sincx 1072 there have becn ill least 60 underworld bombs and Lieul tote suspects tbcrc may be bumblinclnry Welles draws 2000 fans IIOSION lAIl Orson Welles actor and IIIOCIOI be came Orson Welles racontcur and ICCIIHIISL for what was IIIA fed as his IIISI stage pcrlorm Inco In 17 years He drew an estimated 2000 fans many of cullch ago in Symphony Hall hcrc ITldily dc spitc storm that dropped more than 21 1001 of snow on tho ClLy Welles 61 won standing 0sz LIOIIS at the beginning and 0nd of his appearance by what he called dauntineg large ail dicncc of North Pole explor crs Hc warned his audience that although his appearance was advertised as an evening of drama and magic he would Simply tell SIOTIOS and answer questions lie did Just that for 90 min utcs dressed In black and car rying black came But when the audience called for him to read or recIto he gave In and rentedm YIIlt fish accentrertwo speeches of the VllluanUS Jew Shylock from Shakcsrxzircs Merchant of Vcnlco IIRAlY KIM KELLY SAYS SUPER SUPER VALUES FIRST COME FIRST SERVED parts picture tube l9 RCA Portable $288 22 RCA Consolette $349 19 GE Portable $388 TITANTIC TOSHIBA PORTABLE labor $419 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS TILL APRIL 77 KRAZY KELLY BARBIE PLAZA Portraits of Mahmoud Salafi the former temporary head of the Palestinian Liberation PAYING HOMAGE Organization delegation in Fans are displayed by friends at his funeral at the WORLD TOUR SHOWS Travel sidelights important By GRAHAM Correspondent AUCKLAND NZ lltfl Sidelighfs sometimes reveal more than headlights In ctdcnluls noted while travelling might be SlgnlIICilnI or In SIgnIlIcanl pertinent or 1m perfmcnt Herc arc some sufclighls from IOCIIII world tour It 1511 mISIiIKOIO b0 lured IIIIO spending too much of VlSll to Italy In Home Its attractions are many but Itomc Is not Italy ffumc Is zillbgclhir too gran leSC and overpowering IlIc vast statues and IIOlIl out croppings of stucco ill cvcry turn maki humans lccl zinllIkc lhc shccr prixfigiility OI an Clenl remains throws tlIc lSIlOl Info SPEND11110 shock and r0 pooled Visus only Incrcasc IlSA pair at being unable to grasp It all Home Inspires awe and won for but docs nut givi 1110 To 3150010 1111 II the spirit 11 other Ililllilll cilics IIOTII and Vi lOllil to nzimc but two urc 0n II more OfllplllllllhllfIl sculc and how Is llgfilncss 111 colors In ilrvfulrrlurv Ill Illl wry III that IS missmg in great grey Home TAKE IlBHl TRANSIT Inc of the worlds travel bar elns IS the trip by public bus to csolc In the hills above Flurcncc It takes about half an hour through enchanting sconcry Fiesolc has ILS fine Ho mzm theatre and glorious Views over the Tuscan hills The fare tlicrc and back 15 about 25 can ts lmvcllcrs taking the tourist buscs pay $6 Watch the pcoplc thronglng an Italian art gallery on Sun days when admissmn IS free Language shows that they are Italians and they are really am 1111I in their reaction lo the pictures lhcro IS none of the glassyeyed plud of foreign tourists Italians Show as much cnyiymcnt of art today as their ancestors have through the cen IlIIIlS in the other hand watch the people In tho iucci boutiquch the V111 nndntti In lfomc whcri shirts can cost $60 Many Languages can be heard but the Aboriginal art seen unique ByIIRISIOIIIICII1131 DARWIN Australia Ifculcri For something Ilk 110000 years Australian aboriginal 11 lists ILIYI puintcrf thi myths and legends of thcir country and tho plCIIlllS llrivi stuycil hilIdIII on 10 walls of wives or In scclcf IIITIOIIIEII plziccs N1Lr£lllllilllIIILpiIIIIIIIILZS of II1 grczil aboriginal artists are Iiimg soon as prnnc cxnm plus unique art form illlll tho great 0qu slzibs ziri hung proudly licsrdc Idurupcun czin vtiscs Ill October 1110 Australian National iullcry bought it col Iocliun mori than 100 bark paintings of thc Izimous ziblirr glnzil illlISI Yirziwtilzl YllilWillil who Iiiif last April has I111 llSlllIHll by lhc IIIllllII of llll Mililintil Uzillcry lzimcs Mollisun as Olli OI the must rcmtirkziblc allAustralianiiilists In July it I112IJOI cxliibitiun of aboriginal painting and sculp furc bigun it prolonng tour of lhlUlllllllSlilllS Iclor Britkcnshu gcncriil manager of thc newly csfub llslicil Aboriginal Arts illlll Crzills Ltd said flicrc 15 In Eur ropc ill thc momcnl an upsurgc of IIIIlrosl III aboriginal illl VALUIC lNlRIZASlNG Aboriginal Arts and rzills Ltd IS gllvllllllllnlSpOlISOlilI company sci up lllfll the Gigantic January Public Sale Save 30 to 57 All merchandise must be moved at up to 57 OFF STEREOS COMPONENTS COLOR TV BLACK WHITE NEW USED DEMOS FLOOR SAMPLESCRATED UNCRATED MARKED SCRATCHED DENTED This GIGANTIC JANUARY PUBLIC SALE will do on exclusively of KRAZY KELLYS 165 Wellington St CHECK THESE FANTASTIC PRICES 26 PHILCO Full Console 5439 20 ZENITH Portable $393 26 ZENITH Contemporary $693 Full 30 month warranty on all PHONE TONITE 7371182 DELIVERY TONITE 7371182 Aboriginal Arts Board OI the Australia louncu to actively promote illl11ll111£ll art ISIOklIlSIIiI said that astdc from the intrinsic value of aboriginal nrl thcrc had lately Ixlll an Increase In IIS mono fnry Illi good aboriginal bark paint mg would ill tho moment he zipprcciziting III value In tho sumo way as it laurorxan ill1 ilS lunc by recognized and valued hll Australian artist licsziid Hut truo ALISLIEIIHIH aboriginal £111 15 not pilllilOfl with any llIIllltiiIL purchaser In mind Ihori is no word meaning artist In lhc aboriginal lair gungcs lhc zirl IS done by men power and Influence In tribal community and it tells the stories of Illt drcumluno spirit world 1111ITI1LCllillIOn llrokvnshti said the ncarcsl Wcslcrn parallel to the art of Ihc aborigines would be early 11IILVZII rcligiuus art EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 The Barrie Examiner Monday January 710 II IN TO DEAD LEADER PereLachaise cemetery Sat urday Salah was shot last people paying out hard cash are apanese and Arabs New luxury note In expenSIve Italian shopping areas all weather carpet along the Side walks OLILSIde prestige shops sure Sign of high prices BOOTS ARE IN Fashion notes High soft leather boots are compulsory uniform for elegant women in Europe this year They are worn even under slacks al though tighl pants tucked into high boots are favored by the younger set Scarcely Sign of long dresses on Romes fashionable Via Veneto In the evening Pants are favored for evening wear In southern Europe and long dresses In northern Euro pean countries but midcalf dresses are In vogue everywhere Be warned banks In many southern European Cities close for the lay at 130 pm Shops close at varying times from about midday for up to three hours Some do not reopen until Government offices often close from to safe rule of thumb Is that whatever you want to do it is closed In Spain some restaurants even close for lunch rurther fashion notc When German women reach certain ago fclf hats become obli gatory Often they are smartly styled but they are shade In IlmldflIInE WAIIERS IMPRESSIVE Ihc dignity of labor IS no whch better shown than by the elderly career waiters of many European countries Im prcsswc in bearing sage in ad fluent 111 many languages they lend splendid air of authority 10 their establish monts NCIII1OI scrvtlc nor supcICIlious they demonstrate that only lifetime of ex porioncc can produce the fully Monday In Paris by two uni dentified men AP Ihotm trained waiter National habits die hard in spite of the Influence of tour Ism commerce tclcwsion and the blending of cultures The bI dot for Instance still proclaims Latin SOCIOIICS Ger mans cling to bed covering conSIstIng of an eidcrdown qutlt In maxipillowslip plus soft threefootsquarc pillow which bears no relationship to the human anatomy In modern superheated ho tels the quilt tends to be far toc warm qmck remedy IS tr lake It out of the mampillows lip which then makes an ade quate sheet RENT NEW Power Tailgates Commercial rates Featuring GMC Trucks TIEDEN RENT TRUCK 341 BAYFIELD 811i iAi Hayï¬eld 3011000 or new 7370800 Includes all facilities of Club Instruction whirlpool and showers weeks 17 7201951 rxr Indoor Tennis lessons hour per week for wks $2950 courts FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT GEORGIAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS the Barrie Indoor lennis sauna sunroom STARTS TUESDAY JAN 25 430 to 530 or 530 to 630 for TECHNOLOGY 401 DUCKWORTH STREET CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION BARRIE ONTARIO 317