Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1977, p. 12

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wwwvw UNCLAIMED FREIGHT LTD ARIICIEsronsAIE Anrlcusronsu 50 lZTheBarrieExaminer MondayJanuary10 rim ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assurey0u of the finest job possible SLEIGH RIDES HELP WANTED IIth WANTED Evenings Weekends an hOUr OPPORTUNITV miles west of Barrie mu you nu Leon Morris 7286076 315300533 1M or and more in future years tELECAREWhviigm your problem We °°°° Most peo Ie think that livin in alone Let triend help Call Telecare an in 57m Year Of small City or town means 7267922an time busmess Because Of our limited earning potential This ALCOHoLleANONiMaus7iiirssltiii mendo y0U drink thats your busmess It you r0 grow we Is NOT rue Wlh Kem Manufac turing flan to qruittgriats ours Call any time Kern is 25year old manufac dla Hrenchuk Certilied Electrologist ARE YOU ygillance Discreet and contiaential AmbiIIOUS mes Because our broad he of 179 Bondable with ood referen ALUMINUM DISC JOCK NANDYMAN PICTURE FRAMING 513 DIALAVDAI We Hth be trlife ces quality products are used in In DFCSCII YOU CVCI QVC OUTSE INOMSONITURNIAEIES Mzsic lorgill cca EEJAEPICSEHCQOLIAfi jl°cr° P° OATES 82 Dunlop sr East Custom 737 3610 Freetotravel duzlrml nsmlon° Lmyncpal sioris ages mme iote 00 iii 00 tittiter lemurs an commerCIa mar our moilablalntwa 96405 fPracltgzlgnggggotypfls We stock many sizes WANTED ride or to min car pool Own reliable car require 15 additional represen 737 2671 spofls minded turer of industrial specialty HAWr 900mg to Don Mills and Eglinton Ave salespeoples income depends UNWANTED HAIR removea satelYi games NTERNAHONAL Investigation 0He90age chemicals that has big earl COUNTRY 10 Disco Brian Hiltz Disc WENT PANER V0°aitW° do ARTIFRAM Custom picture lrurhing Wide Eastmeatorottice hoursCalI726 4797 IF YOU QUALIFY YOU upon their effort and ubililY permanently medically approved Ly Vices civil criminal divorce sur ners in both large and small jockey entertainment for Banquets c°ll77°3°7 selections Fast service Half price 7288633 LADY WA gainceszweddlnrgs 71263808 HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carpentry Loave en forééfiéggrgy fillL BE where they live DRESSMAKING Senoralmariiieiiarice etc etc 487 5339 and Rosr St return between tour thirty wo wee ommg We are looking for person HOME IMPROVEMENTS and V9 PM expenses p°id with th rive an ambition to DRESSE5 m°d9 bY 105 AQUINO Vrmngs 28 46565 day Wee Established accounts to servrce Id Specrallzing In pantsuits gowns and altera INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec BOWLERS WANTED Couples Singles bt eve Op lernory Cou oSiding Eavestrough 193 ZQYVPfiflivngEtQOVO rooms Call Russ d36368l alter 30 in Teams ladies mens Start now Call onhnuous on lo rammg provide $1840 000 in the firs or Re erencesavallablo KempVIew Bow72fl976I 0Hig commissions iofl wmgm Pfll EED MORE llvlng space rec raorn extra DECORATIVE REPAIRS HORSE drawn sleigh rides Weekends unimired advancement op sf°°pqu°¢ and magma SUb OCIO aors SPECIALIZIN edroom play room laurIdryoIfILe storage and evenings Duncan Murdock RR an 10 In succee Ing years oping and exmed spray SPOCe Also painting wallpupurlng Murray portunnyl no senlornY Op Shutters Awnings 5595C°IT¥i775°7 Ball728a9oo JANUARY FEBRUARY Bammné wevemngg portunity to advance into we Offer generous dein9 AdditionsRooIing EAVESTROUGNING CUSTOM REC ROOMS Coiiipliic basement INSTRUCTION mono emem as idy as our CICCOUm of Up to $250 per week planning and dmoroiirig privacy erroriii against an excellent com OTC Enclosures GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHWG Eaves and patios alurninurn door The number for ENGLISH RlDlNG insrUClion we ObllY warronls Ad IOdoy Stonework grgfllflngifimhgtC779673 °Y°95 778 8°06 home horses Indoor arenasmmms insure tomorrow Call now for misson rangamen an me SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Ice SPECIALIZING IN Turk poiniirig cl Inge benefit IOCWQe FOI free estimate and snow removal from rOOIs only Free rieys waterproofing brick and storm caulk ORPOH men an persona protect YOU and YOU PHIL SP asttmales Call 4244956 New Lowell Windows and expansion Iotnts Work Wm Mme vvim r7e InterVIew coll Bob Lamont LING guaranteed458 9346 NEW WORK on You re lockng for he op 726 6907 ELECTRICAL It Holiday sewer Los GERMAN Shepherdmale black collect 7895I6I Monday to ht cutting camp lit iun all cltiruorn and Cream CORreal It Years Owl por Unl You oug lettuvallurl LIUIIIII lilr BIIUIID Answers to Boomer 5mm plaza OY pm Local Famyly Busness PETER GAMBLE Electric CamrneICIal YOUR LOSS 58 47133 Please phone 7261 WOUIan eXIST TOI someone We do Hie Sigdggqurdusma SOIOlOM ond 59 HUI PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM living in small town lets get 156 ALTERATIONS 500m HElP WANTED UNLIMITED togetherandtalkYoullbe glad rrt EARNING dd the LADIES AND gemlemens ohemhons 26 slaymannqoyyrmm LICENCE MOBIL add ss ystrnlavallablc You move Mary St Telephone 7373137 or residence mmw muw oummm CITY TO arrange IOCOI interview 728846 Pcuudnalilr 7281145 us no ommercro WIMWM RENTALS we are on mernohono WorldWIde supplier of In Home at the Holidaylnn Jon APPUANCES Re5deml° F°rms CelluloseFtbwlrsulluttoii WW rrrrr View compan offerm on buildings and grounds main 13cc2 EIEchOLux Canada Ltd authorized sales Lighllng deSIQI Rem mm lenance PTOdUCS seek 59 alldservlce I8Alllance l31vd 7289392 Electrical consulting LOCAL AND MODERN IANY PARIY HLNIAL 1Y starter salesmen We offer Al Watson Collect APPUANCE REPAIRS 20 yrs experience INSULATION Everything For Enlertaining oggresswe and dedicated easytosell nontechnical in Peterborough LAAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS Do or Cly MOSerSLC 7266392 Tables chairs dishes glasses individual who possesses products for all seasons You 705 7437272 same work Quorum mg 7283234 etc managerial abmty can sell them without previous Monday and Tuesday replies 726438I ask Ior will ELECTRICIAN NCOME TAX We Deliver Reserve Now experience We ship directly 9am tab pm specla Irlrig iri AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS renovations additions Also repairs tr for 737 388 0m C°°d° Worehouses any rnaor appliance Fret estl INCOME le IclultiSIHpnltlt Bil WE REPAIR ariiisli European and Japanese 737 0966 rie orio 55 up Dolitmi 474 still rrflltr 248 Tlffln SI Barrie necessary Increase Your present earmngs cars Coronation Auto Serv I7 Mar St Sand wuekitlils or seek Secure 5095 career on 726 544 EXCAVATING RIDING INSTRUCT It l3l2 Bl Cl II 0N om ete trolnln In commission asis wit UII 00 REPAIRS CONVERSIONS Engine Rebuilds df 1t air Small or Import comes Safely ROBERT BOVCHOFF Excuvctittgd houlog RIDINGINSIliFIITHI lrliltiw mono Hursru Toronlor 65 my ARm SSSSOUQOI orlo Cl ii l2 59PM 515 OKHu 0° WO tit Mirit Br ii rm rite hm 577L533 our owe mg gravel 43¢ l556 436 I757 uf NW expenses paid we compony Dept CI 3080 Carter Street BULLDOZING small and lar obs Eason BIRD NOUSE and Sons RRZ Mineslng 77697638 Complete Accounting ROOFING P°lenh°l earnings bel Cleveland Ohio 44139 of PURPLE MARTlN Houses lar sale Apply ai97 WEST GROVE AND Rimrrlir In mill riIrI law ween 774 7W 7W Melrase Ave Barrie oriolephorie 72s 5283 CONSTRUCTION Bookkeeping Serwces tr 31 tlw tit $l 5000 to $25000 an TIME AND MOTION STUDY CARPENTRY Backhoe EXCOV Yeo and SEWING MACHINES nUany DRAFTING Opportunity AND General Contractor Kitchen 19 Financial Stole allr II it 3nl it irwiw nll Manufacturing company roams renovations additions fireplaces Trenchlng TAS rim rirlir tl Il it mumi7 Stli tit To QUOth requires me and moion sudy Enter queen company aranteed 7371507 inii in rl Artitrrtu 8i trim Sim OARPENTER Specializing In rec rooms in Horzonto Augerlng lnconle Tax lUllls All llw onOIYSl wlh l0 Years ex ls seekng represen li Pl ll ac roun gracierearetzfiefbggm 8° For an appointment lake tulves CEDAR DECKS rec roams extensions elE Your OWOHMVO WI iIfflAllf tl slum lrlriwliU liltvtvrnyr on we Top pay nin experienced no 9002 776 260 rim rrrui roll Mr 717mm Don oHove positive menIOI feamngsr BOSC drowng Complete training supplied CABINET MAKER European trained xii ounude Pererce l5 secondary Pe Noinvestment hens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Cornmercral reqUISle BlJlldlng of standard oMUSI have own car 776 79s lAlll irirtriltlzrmut rut Iir it iltvt ave re car domo delme 59 Must work 630 pm to 1030 Ulr LICHENCED CARPENrERs Custcgm torres Specializing in mural one Mm in My 0Able to start Im Please send complete resume pm Monday Thursday Ho ages renova ions Dpalrs is at tort lr nu ri rim guomneej RundJCOMHUHIO 726 onlque but MU 1M tlIillHl lirirrltlii1llir rillIll tiilhlttlll ned0lely Incde SOIOPY requred to the day salurdGY CARPENTER wrll do rec rooms renOvattnrts Cusyom bum and designed ANDSCAPING no v7ovrrirl ion Personnel Dep For interview call Mr Hudson ternodelltng etc NoIobta small 776 l27l IUIIm Only those who Sincerely IMPERIAL EASTMAN 737 1904 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters war mans tp guarantee PRltHSIOIIAI munii AIIIIK rlw r37 WNW on ri rrrrrrloIltr Iur renovations additions homes OIIOqLS II1 ll llli ll IlUrl ll Cir In in liril 31d JIrlrrw Ht ftOl WISh to ge1 ahead need newsman 35 was PETER HENSTRA 737287l trimi Hittlw tli rw litil CO nd CANADA LIMIIED 77Cmc CARPENTER do an small of Spec al TF rm 9350 1llltiiluh VlépllTilH sr 0y 75 DYMENT ROAD WI itrlr lltl rl ll II Tilly lTII rng III remodelling and renovations Phone AII 177i riltiu Ir tomorrow Dunconr BJ°° 77° 8708 °e 33Joérlifgrflifeill1sfillzfalllfs7723 itan MASONRY DAN sriuwvilrwlio Nisitinlrul rIIIrI 7286l91 Barrie BARREENOCZINLARIO MAsrmtir lrlt ii iii ll hint IIlll ril IIr Wittiii CACRPEIEENIN rln I0 tin wrw Vrtlm not it Itt JIrlI BlitrlflllIAlthli rill 71il7r JI3 J1 reqwred mmedlalelt bY molor 737 3357 777 We vv lor sIARr YOUR spring cleaning today tnl iiriwnumtlr rm rot Pta oe in rl to area $113339twatWW °° AEIEESSLSEIEES MICROWAVE OVENS 1313 mm WANTFLm be commensurate with ability CERAMICS Dru MKRTJIrAiT Amt Stucco ondexperence Apply per kg Anion saint rl it son WINTERICKSCERAMICS rider and walltilirrq CANDLE AND WI lw Chef Rost arrdtepalts 77o ozoa COPPER HOUSE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENr it tr rim Illt It taxipmw overnors nn CNAIR CANING GUTHRIE om Wm Represeniahve to id ANttouE CHAIR CANlNo Over 35 years 4873442 TAILORS Our Company Canadian leader in the Food Industry requires 00 ve penance Tolephone850mers 435 2299 MUSIC INSTRUCTION Ml MIUW Im WNW air enthusiastic irtleldual in the north central Ontario area on he CHIlD CARE AND MASONRV Spvtltflrlrtrq in run WW Ht WWW my North Bay Barrie and Orillia With proven sales ability high Jlo fireplares tiara triopturi Irlx Winnr vtm llt Vimll vAAc WEEK END SERVICES how supwmmn Phone 728 5673 Mar rm ii will 71 dm school graduation and kcen desire to progress Within meals entertainment Lounq are OWN lU am TELEVISION LEASING growtng sales organization 050°be°€ 47 673 FIREWOOD Company car paid expenses and salary plus sales incentive ivfiirivrw ill rlI COMMERCIAL AI SEASONED MAPLE Aiti Elm approii lb rt tt hum lv bIWSv Ombm Ol he ompensmon POCICQe Very rA Io gm to $3000 IlAHT IfrJJII IM COMMERCIAL ATIIIST Logo design arl 0918798 3775M 737 3653 Otirw 0H MW 3rm tivr IUI amcune inteicstcd in career in sales You find You never looked gglstprout etr Plrise all reflect all my 15 fliiaso forward your resume to so good No experience cm HOW REFINISHING OFFICE SERVICES rumor CLUB nous rooos no mess C0 728 or HARDWOOD ILOOR Installation mill Vuuiltu BrtrpIIIH rI if Ae°w°°d eve wrlte AVON BOX 485 refinishrnq old and IHPW qualntltlHrIIil urn INS rillriiiut III iiirri HIM lr Ii Dale sune Ontario lrJIllp or pril 3718Ill rirrrirliti ii wit Minismuga omgrio J3 Custom Screen ANDYMAN PAINTING no if rA Process Crests me pAINIiur nun is $900 5300 Der monht extra income llllillllllll llll lililfiifillltlll WWnumosshasaDartttmeoremne Crestlng On Garments 155mm ErgonagZbitlTTOEIIIOIIS couplendivrduar arm ervtew Chenille Crests FREE WW Low mm WELL row lit Club Jackets Garages cIeaned rtIJOyIIIIi mm 77 mm 0C UN erla ope or amlnrlionudsggsvfigsganrs33122 ERNIE ROSE 1286338 Trash hauled away tItitrtitl ipill runnym it iristriuflt reqUIres young aggresswe ambitious person for your own ntouirs and ea1rn82rstagsc3veaver in riir ii in min agewage eoptoned it Ch ll MWFJYH JUST GIVE US our it t71tilir engan multl purpose function Should have or be CONWOL CLERK responsmle sew CUSTOM FENCING YOUR CASTOFFS no lyllIylltlti in litlr wry By DIBVIOUS In final year of recognized accounting course gtotlvateo an honest person Dunes wit titiil ltilttt ljil iit ll at Inven ories payroll records wflflg tittwttl iiilltltltlliitt Wl Reply lo BOX Tl2 employee tiles statistical reports RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom IIILISUAII lilrriRAllrlt Inninn dr Training pravraea $300 per hour to wood Ienres Improve your property trrriiri wrillwyynrvrrry iIllItlI rrrrir1 yyrxll Barrle EXCnTIITer start reguIar pay rages my medical 737 l507 Nnn 530 riiirtroiliiiryu lulurllurrrr Tlli ii ilII lo rl and dental insurance Please send resume to 80x51 BarrieOnt ARTICLES FOR SALE HARTICIEsreRSAIE VARTICLESVFORSALE FARMERS MARKET INCREDIBLE fii2¥ii33¢znitMt DOGSANDPETS LVESTOCKFORSALE tar Iiisl $3 50 wrtekly you ran own this WWNIS UM IIILI iirgiiirair witnlrrllllli ill an ltiIlinNi at Unll illIl rm nvw RCA Arumom XL 70 IRE FARE tor sprintl Hiivt your Itltl JIIIIITi rIll ill trI It Winnwt Nils lrIrIi iiiiil rim Ari rpm or tortiiblo ITIEVISICITT on our superb IPTII rir lent IrriIIrr rriniiirrrl rir rrrnwtrmg pr Ir rt 11 Arrhmii Isrr In Irwin illlll tllIrll liyl ndl DUTCH Dlm Phone IOWthr nrlw Wt also make ruvrri Iflr tn0WIW IAIJHII Itill irilrilr rtiiiIIlIiiitirrNI llriliNI ri ll lttlld ltiit Mr tiillip MW msmm MUr and Your hlw mm ll 31 and rllltrlillil tit ill llflill Ir iiiitrli ltlllf tiriirr iiIIIllIl illtlt lii it llrtrrrlrr mne Putno manedown andstrlrtyaur trurkn anygirrt BrITYIl ItnIfllTIWH rum 17 illl irlIllItI rittitIv il lrlllli nitrrtienti in April Ktalv Kellrs Biirritt ind lhlIlVl Poml no rialm no atlllt er ll ill 737 57 IUllll IIJIMMIHM irrilllrilil AM RM trark stereo rereiver recon BLACK AND thllh lv IOIVIanrIIIOIt qrnrirnrriri iIll ltItilli rm Ii llIl iIIIlI ii trim Hulltl It llily ciili iinl pm rer speakers Exrellent conrtilion W1 50 965 ChmY mim WW lllm W1 lw film lml mm It0 llDh0ni77861411958CHEV ton WV 50m limit Work Urititll MAY Iltl IIKWI lrriiit rrrlrk dual wheels wrtti lmtwoo lldrh 7Hafltllf50m lIIrl lllpIIlllll rlIIlI IIIIOIIIIIII ltlr HI tilyll lJl fillllll null 71 IIIIIIIIIIi 5° WW0 56 IIIIrIIIIlIrIII ltIiIlllrtllvIerIIMl llll iitt fillstrItllllrl IIIIlilIltI$blll imnnrtor construr tron heater in good WANH UN Itliltllil 434th with My rlatc Ialrt In Wm DOIII IJMAIJi irt rilriiiiliii WrIIII Iii Hmmmnl onearmscnoomnhmwawr VIIIUIII II yttiil irwri IIIIIIIIIr riviilliililr ll hllll III yi Itttllllill lrrtllrI IIIII II IIIISTfr With IIIOWII motors I955 57 hm miw lm 3060 mlwr now ill 105415 iytirlil htllllll TlVIIIlI it Hit wrul Wltl Ir iilm wlrilltltill crittv Ion trurk motor and rdniInIS all Rrqrl mew tllllvtlllil IltlIlIi Iltlll irrrr tIIIIltII rill tIo Mtl inn tor 230 engine hytlrriulir bAVE Miltlrrts sale Ali 84 10 up It Itl gnawplow lrlt niston Phone UK 6798 34 arid iile rolitinrntal IIi Iroln s79 95 NO lsEAu IFUL hand CralIirl tironlare k5 0m Ill Hm WV 7m POULTRY AND CHICKS rrrrk wooarlnrl reunrlck artiIICIal RdlSv Pmm 78 7M3 nlllvtllelillllllVlnl Hump mu IY ll II run It tl il li ml It long hearth SI7 must to see 10 PHILCO 90 prr rrtnt wolirl stair at ll HI rum IN IHphonpna 0387 our mmqnm WWW rpmmp SH killNr itllH pllmllwrllm id ltlll llll Ilhlllllll ll wpyxhrlfl rl flIl rIil rvr till it RA pg th5 mom ma tantral Wiln wrlrrrinty rIIUlUS plr tilrr Commeroal bumm deFxrIrrI as or $71 pm wvok 90 rm itirit lti IIiuIi Itlrllt tiiiri Illll ill FARM MACHINERY WUFKIOFIHSIIIIIrISISlrVIP SimIan year l°wmllllBIKMY KMWV liulnxllftyal nt slo CI rks H0 nlon ll MIDI pawn 38 78 mt Furnishing wkl IlpdllIIIIHIUIIII11ilill BROWN AND BELL PAYMENTS START IN on wits snow iUttS truck tnrpaullns Bar DHAVAL my 10m any Awmnq no point CASH FOR OldiUTnIIUDOUISIIIII$ HI Iii My yiriyrry irii AND AP 16 6417 or 176 6138 matures lmlsi mmi IOIIIJII lrull ylllltltr Iir lII illlriirlr rt SAIES Vl Jm UUM CLEANER woman Ivsoitrtm 278 MIN IIIUIltr Al tortililiiili Aukiilrl Willi Complete Line of Dairy rflondlllonefl Clean in rondlnon FULL SIZE 1m lfl0 Ilmlmfll Mmv Farm quipmoritarid Supplies Itllphonp726 4338 wantedTelephone1H 141 HE rri GARDEN SUPPLIES amnes HOHY HWY 27 HAS ROUTE OPENINGS SHANTY BAY ROAD WELDUN CR GUNN OAK AREA ELMVALE HIGHLAND CRESCENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE CPU Al Il ANli All VitfllIlli lIlrI 1260338 or 728 6766 FWCAWWAA We plants rul rer irilly tlriiy tiIIIIIII FTF IIIIrI 7M IFIIlIrIIl tr INl lvil ltdU lI IHl IlItI lliitl ITIlIIIlI 3000 IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIlIIrItIllttT lIirIIIIituiIl MACHINERY lli IIIIIII Il lilllk IIrIlI full IlIisvl IIItIIt7IIIYIIIIIttiIIn1i6l5lnlng lVl will lililt lrliynliivlJruitlit illhiltlil low TA WE ACCEPT CAMPING Alll Apply Ilt unlit iIIIlI brill II REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS EQUIPMENT rivtrriii iirri lanny littllr Iirwil WOODS mm IlllllllllIHIlilIl VI NIIIHIO 75 Ill Please DUI apphcauon and return It to relIinl nnrliliull WIIUlli tIttt Irll mm MINI llumlm Imam ymdrbh THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Baylleld St Barrie PERSONALS PRESS PLATES Wiiiiliiiiéjfiiiiiiii MONECA 0F Phone 7265539 202 DUNlOPfST WEST 23x35x009THlCK jfiffifffflfjjfjfffffjm CARD READING it SIOtplnTI Itilgt COIIIIIIII slave trollii uthrr ilrroirttrliH PHI l1illlIIItllIlIIIiIIIIIr thliliIlvtI Nil5H wntir ontillnrr unly IlitTI wrwk rIIllI lUlA Hill llltllllr illfttttllll some 7269809 iti HiltIll IRUCK CAMII£ IUlly 4IlIlIII iul ilrrlilml Altrlltrl imy WIII myrrl Counsellittg 30c 250117l3lhly Psycltli Iallllius 22$ 7288868 IlIlilitrlilIlliii IIIIIIIiIIlH Um Ian UVESTOCKWANTED MIWVFIJIO HI RI AlliiirlriIriIlliikrisriiiir IIIllllty it TF 27313l L9P99 A99 ALAMW

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