Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1977, p. 5

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WSROUNDUP Report says hundreds died in China province uprising BONN AP Man hun dreds if not thousands have died in an uprising by support ers of Mao lsetungs widow in Chinas ricebowl province of Szechwan the West German news agency DPA reports from Peking DPA said Chinese sources re ported fighting in at least 10 provmces mostly in south China The armed forces crushed the centres of the rebellion but bloody disturb ances are continuing the report said DPA reports The sources said no new pockets of resistance developed alter the arrest in October of Maos widow Chiang Ching and the other three ultra leftists on the politburo This in dicated that the rebellion broke out before the purge But the sources stressed that the government and army still have the task of liquidating the Widely dispersed rebellion The stronghold of the rebel lion was in Szechwan prov ince in southwest China with population of 68 million Ihere many hundreds if not thousands of persons have died in civil warlike disturbances the DPA report said Benefit boost OTTAWA CP Benefits payable under the Pension Act the War Veterans Allowance Act the Compensation for For mer Prisoners of War Act and the Civilian War Pensions and Allowances Act were increased Jan says the veterans affairs department Disability pensions and wid ows and orphans pensions were increased by 86 per cent to match the increase in the Con sumer Price Index the depart ment said Similar percentage increases were made to pensions paid un der the Civilian War Pensions and Allowances Act and to al lowances paid to former prison ers of war Press problem LONDON Reuter Only two of Britains nine national daily newspapers The Daily Express and The Guardian were published in London today following dispute over Christ mas holiday pay The major printing unions are demanding extra payment for time worked over the Christmas period oneday strike on the issue last week disrupted publication of most national papers in the capital Hotel fire SBAMOKIN Pa AP fire at hotel here early Sun day killed mne persons in cluding the hotel owner who was trapped in an elevator au thorities said Longet trial ASPEN Colo AP Claud ine Longet whose trial on charges of killing her lover opens today may learn Within as little as two weeks whether she goes free or faces up to 10 years in prison her Judge pre dicts But the defence says exten Sive publicity will prolong the task of picking an unbiased Jury to try the 34yearold singeractress CBC proposal OTTAWA CP The CBC has proposed industrywide talks with the television actors union to overcome boycotts of shows employing British and American talent The proposal was made lri day when the CBC announced it has cancelled production of show which was to have gone into rehearsal Monday and might have become l3or 26 week series employing 30 Cana dians Industry aid lIAWA CP The federal industry department an nounced fiveyear program brlday to help the Canadian television manufacturing in dustry Under the program the cur rent 15percent tariff on im ported teleVision sets will be maintained for the years 1977 to 1981 inclusive the department said in news release Smut squad IORONIO CP As many as 100 additional customs offi cers might be needed in the To ronto region alone to control the flow of pornography into Can ada says one of the regions three customs intelligence offi cers Officer Angel Stambolis de nied reports that pornography is entering Canada unchecked but said the 100 additional offi cers would have to work full time to control the flow Oil concern LANSING Mich AP Michigans top conservation of ficial says he is concerned that increased use of Canadian tank ers on the Great Lakes might result in an accidental oil spill Howard Tanner director of the department of natural re sources said Priday that the Canadian government has de cided to make the Great Lakes connecting link in its program to expand transport of oil and gas products from its western producing areas to major cities in Canada Fishing limit LONDON AP Britains new 200mile fishing limit be came effective Saturday but government officials said en forcement will be delayed British naval vessels have been told not to fire warning shots across the bows of un authorized fishing vessels oper ating within British waters of ficials said RENE LEVESQLE Man of Year TORONTO CP The Globe and Mails Report on Busmess has named Quebec Premier Rene Levesque its Man of the Year The newspaper says the Parti Quebecms leader was chosen because his rise to power shook stock and bond markets affected the value of the dollar and could change the structure of Canada Irish ambush BELFAST Renter Guer rillas ambushed British army patrol in Northern Ireland on Sunday killing one soldier in uring two others and sending ClVlllanS diVing for cover as they left morning mass in Roman Catholic church The carefullyplanned am bush of British armored car in the border town of Crossmaglen in County Armagh caused the first military casualties of the new year in the Britishruled territory Church knock ROME AP rive leftist members of the Italian parlia ment demanded Sunday that the government stop the Vati cans masswe capitalistic op erations In parliamentary motion the five deputies deplored the Vaticans busmess deals and the Roman Catholic Churchs huge real estate holdings re ported amounting to at least onefourth of all property in Rome Hunger strike MEXICO CITY AP Eight US citizens Canadian and 22 Latin Americans say they are continumg hunger strike in prison even though MeXIcos Congress adjourned Friday without passmg law to permit parole for drug offenders About 100 prisoners began hunger strike Dec to protest the MeXican governments fail ure to push parole legislation Dozens resumed eating earlier this week after MeXican con gressional sources said the ses for great entertainment SIMCOE HOTEL At the Points Finest in Canadian sion would end without passing the bill Suspect fire CHICAGO AP rive per sons were killed early Sunday in suspicious fire in an apartment building here au thorities said police source reported that cans of gasoline were found in the building Officials said the victims in cluded three adults and two children Authorities originally had reported that at least six persons and perhaps as many as eight persons were killed in the fire Milestone DETROIT AP For the first time since 1928 the city of Detroit made it through the fir st day of new year without homicide police said Sunday Detroit sometimes referred to as Murder City recorded its first homicide of 1977 Just 45 minutes into the second day of the year Woman priest INDIANAPOLIS AP Rev Jacqueline Means celebrated communion Sunday as the first regularlyordained woman priest of the Episcopal Church in the United States At tendance was down at the ser vice in All Saints Church We have lost some mem bers said Shirley Bradbury member of the churchs vestry Some today are missing for the first time to my knowl edge Arson arrests NEW YORK AP Two men were arrested Sunday and charged With arson and murder for the alleged setting of tlie revenge fire that killed 25 partygoers in Bronx social club last October Charged were Jose Antonio Cordero 40 an unemployed salesman and Ilector Lopez 17 also unemployed Economy first SAN JLIAN AP Ignoring President Fords statehood pro posal in his inaugural address Puerto Ricos new governor says his first priority is still rer Vival of the islands sagging economy After he was sworn in Sunday as Puerto Ricos governor ar los Romero Barcelo pledged to work to eliminate the intolcr able conditions in which thou sands of Puerto lticans are still forced to live Sadat wedding AIRO AP President An war Sadats 16ycarold daiigh ter Jihan and her bridegroom Mahmoud Osman an architect celebrated their wedding Sunr day at modest reception of tea and sandwiches The reception though considered big social event in Egypt was described as modest because of the counr trys poor economic condition Warm welcome IOKYAP hinastagcd layish welcome Sunday for the military leader of Banglar desh MayGen Ziaur ltahe man Pekings llsinhua news agency reported China and Bangladesh formerly East Pakistan opened diplomatic relations in 1975 Bangladesh broke away from Pakistan in 1971 after CIVII war Help on way CLEVELAND AP US and Canadian Toast Guard cut ters freed two US freightcrs Sunday and were on routeearly today to free at least five others stuck in Great Lakes ice Last years Winter was fairly mild and it looks like lot of the shipping companies were expecting the same this year said ID William Gilbert of the US Coast Guards Rescue Coordination Informa tion Centre in Cleveland Bum 7269944 CINEMA This St Bernard pooch in Ed monton appears to be sulfer ing that human complaint HAPPY NEW YEAR after New Years party major hangover The mm the cask carried around his neck JUSt was too good bet to pass up to celebrate the advent of 1977 CP Photo Business community uncertain about the prospects for 1977 RylllSlllT MacDONALI lhe anailiaii Press The spectre of uncertainty haunts the tanadian business communitys WlSh for pros perous new year Wfiile some predict 1977 WI bring modest economic growth others are apprehensive about energy problems antiiii flationary restraints and an un favorable investment climate Alan are taking cautious stand in view of political changes iii Quebec and the tiiiited States and how they might shape the course of thingstocoine Here is summary of lore casts for the year from ii selcc tionol lllllllt spokesmen Bernard PanelRay iiioiid president anadiaii hanibcr of Commerce anada is ex pected to experience less lower economic growth than in I976 This decrease reflects mostly expenditures in the housing sector slowdown in the rate of consumer ex penditurcs and the likely ab sciice of real growth in business investment in plant and equip ment Rowland Franc president aiiadian Bankers Association The anadian economy is likely to continue modest growth pattern during 1977 Inflation should moderati slightly but the unemployment level Wlll be major problem ne of the brighter aspects is the outlook for anadian cx ports especially those to the United States which should bi major source of economic strength for the year Real gross national product should increase by about percent Diphtheria patients in Toronto hospitals IIll hour per sons are being treated for diph tlieria in isolation wards at two loronto hospitals as medical officers continue to run tests on others who may have come in contact with the disease To ronto board of health official said Sunday One case of diphtheria has been confirmed in Bilyear old woman said Dr Willard rrank director of coni municabli diseases for the board to year old man and 22 yearold woman have been con firmed as carriers of the dis ease biil are not sick and Zill yearold man lctcr Benham is suspected of having the disuse lhe23l7yeiirrold woman day patient at the Queen Street Mental Health Zeiitrc iii the city was admitted to hospital and tested for diphtheria liics day The two carriers are also out patients at the mental health centre and were among those in contact With the woman They also weretestedliiesday STAYED AI HOSTEL Ihc 4ycarold man known to have stayed at mens hos tel was admitted to hospital and tested for diphtheria lTI day Dr Frank said it is the clini cal impression of doctors that 715 pm ITS NOTHIS NOSE rim or iiu ititiifit THE EROTIC ADVENTURES OF Restroom Starring ALEX ROMAN DYANNE THORNE TECHNICOLOR One Show Each Night of pm the man has the distuse but tests ill not be concluive until liicsday Dr Frank said Ilii lilltiffl swabs have been taken by llli board of health on people iho may have come in contact ith the four victims He said there are five other known persons still to be tested who may havi lxeneximsedtothedistasc The Ontario health ministry first announced the presence of the four cases Saturday Dr Frank said about no per miine to diphtheria because ol inoculation at infancy and booster shots given to school children The first symptom of dipli theria is sore throat and it is spread by coughing and snie ing Rod Bilodcaii president aniiifian Aliiiiiifiictlirrrs ssociation If we were to at tempt to describe the outlook for 1977 in two words they might very well be bilow potential he recent lillll lll Qiielitc and III the generate very large question marks for boili the short term and the long llllll ll the near fiiliiii the intiintlzilion program continues to be the giealtsl sourccol llllttlltlllfl Hatch chairman anailian IIport Uluililli lllSpI for iiiiarlii export trade in lilT have been illlllllillili the recent decline in iiliiroi llietiiiidian dollar bit Itllliflll lilihllli to llil llil vill dcpciiif on tile ccoimiiiii Illilltlts to fit ittoptcrl by the latter irl llllllllliiiitf lllll lfic way in which be economy pond tltll inuifri ex cm ll ohm pair ioimt polo llb kl lt ii limit iliilli If Iliiltoii pllllillll in Ilia lII iwc il l5 iiiinilizin Iil NsINIfllltHl The ociiitmu lll of lic or i1 iid iikiioiiii riliil prolrlciir toil inict llfllttl belozc lioiitici Illlltllllt can be iilllli but llltt must nliikv baliiiicc fittween the nation nciil netifs and oul and iiironnieiitiit ob Itillif delay Ill deciding xliwc illis fiilinic In liiilis incrca an dcpcndincc on foreign oil III titpen ftiiccuccallIllziflolrl Ill tostillo assistant iiizinagiiig director liiiiiig soclution ol taiiatla Hlllc ports of our leading lllllllll will show ¢ILIIIIIitlll volume increase this will not result in comparable increase Ill coin pan earnings Ixploralioii programs iniiior plant ex pansion or new niinmg develop iitltil Here it is again ments are not likely to be what they might because of various domestic uncertainties not the least of which is the political situation in Quebec ieoffrey Jackson chair iniiii aiiiidian Institute of Steel onstriictioii Another lacklustre construction year comparable to 1976 is forecast This is based on the assumption of continuation of the current unfavorable economic and political climate lor investment in anada Any improvement will depend largely on early ac tion by our governments to restoreconfidence Howard Ilart president iiiiadiaii Pulp and Paper Association Although market demand for most pulp and paper products will increase in but it Will not be up to 1974 lil Industry shipments and Hitthiilflf lii the ntlllx ilc pilcii to stay close to their princnt levels during the first half of lilfi Significant IIll pronment is not anticipated before the second half ifetiriindprc chair man Bell aiiaifa aiiada is tlltti to exixrience slight deceleration in the rate of eco nomic growth in 1977 The econ omy major strength will come from further increases in cori suincr spending and modest iiiipiiivcmeiit in exports en couraged by lower value of the iiiiadian dollar and contin lied economic expansion iii the James Robb president aiiiidian Real Estate Associ ation Willi properties being placed on the market far ex ceediiig demand coupled with large unsold inventory of new homes at least the first fialf of 1977 will be buyers market The Barrie Examiner Mondaylgiariuary 1977 Weekendtoll 40 across country By THE CANADIAN PRESS widow and three of her children killed Sunday in car truck collision near Iruro NS were among at least 40 persons who died acmdentally in Canada during the New Years weekend survey by The Canadian Press from pm Friday to midnight Sunday night local times showed 19 other traffic fatalities 10 fire deaths three snowmobilerelated deaths two men killed in dune buggy ac cident one drowning and one person who died of exposure The fatal snowmobile acci dents bring to 29 the number of snowmobile related deaths this season Quebec reported seven traffic fatalities including five per sons in cartruck COHISlOn Friday two fire deaths and one snowmobilerelated fatality BeSides one drowning and its first snowmobile death this sea son British Columbia had six traffic fatalities and one death from exposure In Ontario SIX persons died in traffic accidents nineyear old boy in fire and one person in snowmobilerelated acm dent Nova Seotia had the four traffic deaths near lruro and the two men who drove their dune buggies into hole in the ice Five persons three of them children were killed in fire at an Indian reserve in Alberta lwo persons died in fire in Manitoba No aCCidental deaths were re ported in Newfoundland New BrunSWick Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan The survey excludes indus trial deaths known slayings and SUiCides Mutiny story was concocted LAS PALMAS anary Islan ds Reutcrl New Years Eve story of bloody mutiny on board Cypriot freighter was exposed Sunday as hoax by sick radio operator The coast guard commander here said the situation was nor mal on the fi225iton Papa georgis off the West African coast and no one was killed ADULT iuiiniimniui Warning Some scenes may frighten Theatres Branch Ont nextmg 7284681 GDUNLOP ST iMPERiAL CINEMA Adult Entertainment IMPERIL CINEMA you THE NEEST PINKEST PANTHER 0F All PETER iSNELlERS LOVE ACTION CONIEIDY SUSPENSF EXCITEMENT Before Rhett kissed Scarlett Before laurel met Hardy Before Bube Ccissidy met the Suiidunce Kid Before any meme ever likitlt lhwc was titiricltul of fveiifuicis who iiititlc flickering pictures you could we hit iiickcl The Ontario dead FRIDAY Edna Eamer 64 Long Sault when struck by car in that community eight miles west of Cornwall Joyce Irumble 48 Sutton West George Hearns 39 Cobourg in twocar collision about 25 miles north of Toronto SATURDAY Frederick Donald Logan Wallaceburg in house fire in that community 15 miles north ofChatham Frederick Devries 19 At wood when the snowmobile on which he was passenger over turned and struck pole near that community 20 miles north of Stratford Heather Munro 29 Arnprior struck by car near that com munity 30 miles west of Ot tawa George Harris 41 Ingersoll when his truck hit tree six miles east of London Gary lorensma 21 arvis in twocar collision near that com munity 20 miles east of Sim coe Investment carries on MONTREAL CPRodrigue lremblay Quebec industry and commerce minister said Sunday that $330 million in vested recently in the provmce by Americans is concrete eVidence investors are over coming their apprehenswns about the Parti Quebecois government Mr Iremblay said American investors With whom he recen tly spoke were enthuSiastic about the economic future of Quebec think the period of uncer tainty thought to be long pe riod in Quebec is gomg to be very short one he said in an interview on radio station Cl Cr Mr lremblay did not expand on who supplied the $330 million other than to say that $175 milv tion was invested by the Ala bama Professors PenSion lltund Mr lremblay said however lull industrialization of Quebec could only be achieved through political sovereignty Shown daily at 100 930 pm Ends Thursday Held Over 3rd Week 705 pm pm nun HERBERT IDM mo CDIIN BLAKE IEDIIARD RDSSllfli ltSIlefflf mVIlt Illfllllbofl by memo WltIIAfAS sruoio Mum aillEliltY MANCINI lsmnt Precinct TDNY ADAMS Come to Siain iilDM JONES Inth By FRANK WALDMAN mi BLAKE EDWARDS Produud ind Dimitri ht BLAKE EDWARDS filmed PANAVISJDN CDIDR iii Deluu Hold Over 2nd Week pm 910 pm nmmum iiiiiu Elftltlllltttl Itiugb or cry in in love 347 Bayfield St Barrie Chinese Cuisine Daily Buffet for under $200 42 noorii to am entertaining this wee lo tum siiiii Itllft imm II II Mn Till III If It Ilflllll Mllimthh IIIL ui II immnni Wl MIIMIrM IIIWklllll PI II IllllMll1l Mkl loll IN IIIIASIIVII5IINIUIIIII iwilimnn JASININBMS iuuiiniiiIIMiiiiiilumnmni NAMMMISHMI ITWINHMIHIAIIIIIMIIlltlt iIiiuilitiiiwium illil mm ivA From Warner Bros

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