Barrie Examiner, 4 Dec 1976, p. 2

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it was phantasmagoric Film enjoyed at Gilford By RUTH SAWYER GILFORD Annual con gregational supper of Gilford United Church was attended by more than 100 people Art Wright showed pictures of Southern Asia which he took during recent trip there with Mrs Wright Mrs William Kell ex pressed the thanks of the gathering to Mr Wright There were 14 tables of euchre at recent party when prizes went to Ella Meredith Wilda Cronan Ben Steers and Ron Smith Harold Cronan won the5050 draw Winners last week when there were nine tables included Doug Watson Elsie ONeil Harold Parritt and Lou Cronan Mrs Jean ONeil Won the draw Won pools bankrupt WARWICK England CP couple who won £333000 on the British football pools in 1971 were declared bankrupt recen tly after admitting gross liabilities of £40000 $62400 Mr and Mrs Don Wilkes stated in court that after win ning the pools they spent £33 000 on holidays abroad parties donations to charity and per sonalgifts Wilkes 15 told how he and his wife Joan endeavored to turn their fortune into suc cessful business empire They formed demolition company with plant and machinery wor th £200000 But within 18 mon ths they had suffered losses of more than £80000 The couple bought farm in Warwickshire for £110000 and spent £15000 improving the house and further £35000 on an indoor swimming pool They bought beef cattle for £15500 and sold the lot six months later for the same price Wilkes told the court iiiey then invested in gardei en tre In 12 months on tumover of only £8626 the centre lost £31000 Later they operated market stall and aobile teashop They gave i000 to relatives and put £20 in trust for their children Answering the official re ceiver Wilkes attributed his business failures to bad man agement and agreed that they amounted to an unfortunate and remarkable catalogue of fi nancial disaster King Kong opens this month By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES AP First you see the eyes dark gleams of brooding menace under huge brow Then back view as he shoulders his way through towering trees Finally the full frontal Kong all 40 feet of him as he stands ready to pluck the white maiden offered by the island natives as sacrifice Thus the first theatrical reap pearance of Kong back after 42year screen absence The Dino DeLaurentiis production of King Kong will be opening in 1200 Canadian and US cities this month and it may well make Jaws seem like min now That was the impression gained from watching couple of reels of the $24million film with John Guillermin the 50 yearold director who has seen it through 18 tough months Guillermin was in state of exhausted elation the day he was interviewed he had put the finishing touches on the twohour11minutefilm feel good about it he re flected in his office at the MGM studio where most of King Kong was shot havent made too many movies that am proud of but like this one believe that even thinking people will be able to enjoy it When Guillermin who got his start in films in England em barked on King Kong in sum mer 1975 he had his first and only viewing of the 1933 origi nal hated it he remarked The special effects were well ahead of their time but the rest of the film was potboiler And yet the theme was fascinating non sense but loved it The story touches on all areas of human emotion It deals with every fear that women have and it also ap peals to mens masculinity Kong the innocent in ra pacious world is sacrificed at the end Its absolutely Shake spearian BURTON AVENUE lNllEl IlllttlL BARRIE POINTS T0 PQNIQER Mrs Mary just didnt think By DOROTHY KILBLRN Mrs Mary thought that she was good Christian after all she went to church on Sunday looked after her family and didnt hate anyone In the fall she was very busy setting out her garden with tulip bulbs In the spring it was really something to see Her neighbor down the street was old and ill and lonely and Would have loved visit from Mrs Mary But shejust didnt think At Christmas she helped with the parcels for the poor of the church who were on welfare and faring well but the plight of the homeless the starving in other parts of the world never crossed her mind She just didnt think KAPUSKASING Ont Cli Cattle travel better than pas sengers who use the rail service in Northern Ontario says Ka puskasing carrental agent The coaches are so bad they should pay people to ride on them said Richard Rathbone in an interview The equipment is old In the summer the air conditioning doesnt work half the time The coaches are dirty attlc travel better Joseph Blackburn motel owner said good train StIVICt in the North is necessity rather than luxury But the fares are going up Exploration up in NS HALIFAX rCPi Explor ation companies are becoming more interested in the possi bility of finding uranium ore in Nova Scotia says Mines Minis terWilliamGillis In the last year some 240 he cences have been issued to companies for exploration rights on 623000 acres covering almost all areas of the prov ince Dr Gillis said uranium holds special place in the concern of the government in province where oiHired generators produce almost all electrical power because of its longrterm importance as an energy sour ce The search for uranium had been carried out in Nova Scotia for many years on sporadic basis but the increasing de mand for and concern about diminishing energy supplies had placed the search higher on the priority list Dr Gillis said the exploration companies spent last summer carrying out prospecting gco logical mapping water and stream silt sampling and air borne geophysical programs The information they lis covcred had encouraged them to plan followup programs Preliminary results have been encouraging but great deal of work and evaluation still is required he said She loved to drop in on Aunt Ruth who was always so kind to her kids ller hot scones were just out of this world Aunt Ruth would have loved return invitation to her home but Mrs Maryjust didnt think When Mrs Mary lcft church on Sunday shc shook the pastors Iiand and answered his query with Oh yes pastor we are all well At that moment the Dr of Divinity was discouraged and inwardly drained from listening to other peoples troubles It only so mconc would say we apr preciatc all the effort you put into our church or that was fine sermon you prepared But Mrs Maryjust didnt IIllIlk And when she wcnt to bed at Good train service in north necessity and up suspect that they arc doing it on purpose to get pas sengcr seivice down to nil so they can closcit Thc anadian Iransport ommission conductcil hearings in Northern Ontario communit ics recently to rcyicw 1909 application by anadian National Railways to discon tinuc passenger service bcl ween Toronto and North Bay and ochranc and Kapuskasiiig lhe scrvici is operated Join fly by thc Ontario Northland ltailway tthlti and Nlt The commission ruled against IIIV continuation in 1072 awarding subsidy that allowctl tlictNIt to recover up to 90 pcr cent of itslosscsonthcscrvicc The application has bmn op posed by such groups as thc Northeastern Ontario Munici palitics Action lroup com posed of thc mayors of seven communities from North Itay to Hearst and thc tanadian Brotherhood of Railway lraiis port and lcniral Workers in North Bay LACKS IMIHOVIINIICNIS Mayor Itcnc liclic of Kapus kasing chairman of the action group told the commission that while air and bus scrvnc has been improving tlicrc has been no attempt to upgrade railway equipment or its method of op eration Meanwhile the provincial government which subsidizcs most of thc ONlts losses on passenger service has pur chascrl four rcconditionco Swiss trains for $1 timillion as part of proposed upgrading of service Two of the trains arc scheduled to be in service by Iatespring Gerald Illllltill town ollitr ciIlor said thc additions cant be anything else but an iin provcmcnt Itut Mr ltalhbonc is lcssopti mistic about the purchase of used European trains which come as undctachablc unit You cant add to it you cant subtract Iiisaid thn all the students come home at Christmas and the cars are filled you cant put more on It sounds like waste of money for stopgap CHRISTIAN EDUCATION YOU WILL ENJOY AT AM our guestis Eastern Pentecostal Bible College Directoi of Development College alone has seen over I400 groduotm with 76 of all liltllt pods Pastor Roy Running Asst Howard Courtney HiWoy Pentecostal Church Ann St at Hwy 400 950 am visit our EXCITING SUNDAY SCHOOL serving presently in pastoral ministries LES MANN tlii Bible PM DYNAMIC SERIVCE Rev Running speaks on Why the notions no in Turmoil Lutheran Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Service 100 am Sunday School 945 am Rev John Klein Pastor FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 229 Crawford St Barrie 945 am Sunday School for the whole family llOOom Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Service Wednesday 800 pm Christian Growth Hour Rev Wayne Domm7268750 Secretory 7285614 Mrs Florence Downing Friendly Welcome Awaits You At Cundles Heights Public School night she never forgot to pray iod bless the and my husband and little Mary and John and dont 10 the cost ol tlit logs operation bi tooliigh lIltll Now Mrs Mary had read somewhere in tlic liiblc that thc Lord was looking for pcopli who would tlllll lIim Ihat word worship is the ltllllll ltrcssion of loyci ltut thc 11 am thought that God dcsircd her at Reformed Church in Canada fcction and warm loving out Cundles Heights Church 7285869 of Christmas Season pouring of her hcart toward llim ncvcr eiitcrcd licr mind llc had given Ilis choicest gilt His Son to cleanse licr and in her Ich and Iiicause lb was od Man llc was human cnoiigh todcsirc lowin ltIlllIl Iiut slitJust didnt think Land becomes election issue ItNIlNlliii il slli acrcpicccol land at thcforksot the Thames Itivcr has bccoiiic thc focal point ol con llttlltl tlttlltlll issui that thrcatcns to oust Mayor Iaiic lligclow who has held Illt top municipal post sincc lttil Ihc land sct aside by city council about 17 iiiolillis ago the site ol an art gallcry has become an cliction issue Wicldcd by on Frank Mat lllt Mr Matthews 33 lillslllcss man iIcttctl to council in litTJ says hc wants thc land to llt IISHI as park Ms Itigclow la yots tlicait gallery Mr Matthews has IHtll liaiii iiiiring on the park gallcr is sue claiiituig intrigui and cricy titl thc matter ll lilktl Mooic chair man of thc board of llillll Iabatts Ltd has ottcrid to donate his private art collection to the gallery on condition the city build gallery Ollitlht it Plans call tor the city to do Hate the land which Mayor Iligclow says is worth about $1 million The $3 million cost of the gallery itscll is to come from the provincial and IciIiial govciniiicnts and lIlVillt Iimd raising Ventures have no apologies to make for not supporting an additional It acrcs as parkland Ms Iiigclow said recently adding that she tccls she has worked hardIorparklaiidintliccity decision on tbc use of the land is to be made at Ontario Municipal Board iiiocttng pcctcd to be held Iltl lirbru ary LeRoy Pennell Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER STREET BARRIE CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL ll am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pmr Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 726I602 WE ARE NOW IS MONTHS OLD Last Sunday rec0id CIOWdS attended the service with 253 in the morning service and I60 in the evening We baptised six and many responded for other needs Come and see why this is Borries MostExciting Church Services Siiiiilriy IO 0001 Morning Service 700 piii Evening SEPIVKO IuiHtlny 30 am Ladies Bible Study Wodntrsrluy 30 in Midweek Service Ihuisrlny 00 pm Visitation Friday Saturday YOUTH Activities IIiII TO IIIITIIS tlIVti ttI IIic liltslicl will not be used as the unit of grain sales clIchIVc IVtlt lflll IIii taiiadian thal Iioard will llt llic llltlllt oil as thc basis for paying gram pro Sim countyurum ilrullllll mmli duccis aiiil sciI will bc pack 225896 ZaIW agcd in metric units by spring plaiitiiigtimc Christmas Special Sunday December I9 HERITAGE BAPT ST HLRCH 323 LTIIIL Central United Church ROSS AND TORONTO STREle MINISIERS Rev Donald Jay BA BD Rev Everill Ashton BA ED INVITES YOU TO llilllltlllltAlION OF WORSIIII 1030 am ADVENT ll NO ONE WILL BE THE WISER Rev Joy 400 pm CGIT Vesper Service Welcome To Joyful ChristCentred Fellowship COLLIER STREET CHURCH 112 COLLIER ST NEAR CITY HALL Pastors Bill Fritz John Howard HOW TO HANDLE NASTY PEOPLE 730 pm Youth Choir Musical SUNSHINE AND SNOWFLAKES Bring the whole family Your are also invited to Birthday Party to be held in Honor of Jesus December 1976 Sellwood Singers Special Music Day Sunday School 945 am For bus transportation ph 7267821 or 7372686 Morning Worship Service OO am Childrens Church 100 am Evening Rally 730 pm Free Methodist Church 200 Bayfield at Dalton St Rev Carl Bull BA BB Pastor Earl Grigg BTh BCE Director of Christian Education PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Westminster Presbyterian Church I70 Steel St near Puget Rev Essa Road Presbyterian Church 59 E550 Rd St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worsley Sts Minister Poul Mills Bum Ave Minister Minister Rev Samuel Stewart Rev Gerard Byloord MA MDiv 8A MDiv Organist MORNING WORSHIP Organist Case Von Hemert The Bible Word of The living God Nursery Provided lulivnt Church Glitiltt II ii iii Iillti ti Stltnol Mrs Vero Diamond Sunday Dec 1100 am 1100 AM The Sacrament of the Lords Supper Question of Presidents Dec 12 945 Whit TV same Senior Church School Church School during the II Om Everyone Welcome too ChristCentred Ministry Junior Church School All Visitors Welcome Jr Dept 30 All Welcome ANGLICAN CHURCHES WM TRINITY CHURCH Rev John Spears Rector Canon Noinby Assistant onrm ii White Gift ST GILES CHURCH 95 Cook St Barrie ST THOMAS SHANTY BAY Holy Eucharist The Van Basil Tonks Rev John Dowker 1030 am st GILES tai M°9 my 83H HUIY COMMUNIUN III ill it llili IIIIWNIIWIIIN it ivatLt lMatnrisl Sunday Srlionl tt Nursery SU 51 moms G0 It in Mass ST GEORGES Burton and Granville 900 am Holy Communion 730 pm Congregation discussion on Communion Rector Rev Kove BA llt Iiit Miliivtlvt iIntii Ntiisetv BAPTIST CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST clappcrton Worsloy Rev Roy Woldocli 1030 am Bible Sunday The Man Who Changed the World HIS COMING ANNOUNCED Wednesday 630 pm EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent St invites you to join with us for the following Sunday services 945 am Bible School for all ages 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Family Service Mr Gordon Watts of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship will be leading team of missionaries during the evening Family Ser vice Come and learn what exciting things God is doing around the world unomiiiuie daily message of comfort and help is available for you any hour day or night PHONE 7371251 FOR DlALABIBLEMESSAGE Family Night Decoramo Mission Bond Explorers Nursery Provided Begin Your Week With God Rev Frank Wuest 7283017 UNITED CHURCHES GRACE Grove St East at Cook St Minister Rev Arthur Storey BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH 37 Burton Ave Allondale Rev Poul Morrow Minister Mr Doug Gorrowoy Director of Mucic Sunday Worship 1100 am Sermon Light In Our Darkness Advent Nursery and Church School provided COME AND JOIN USI Morning Worship BEHOLD Church School during the service Infant Toddler Nursery Available For Transportotlon Phone 7260796 The Friendly Followshlp

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