EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classlied Advertismg 728 2414 All Other Departments 7766537 12th YearNo 260 Auctioneer Archer Colwill wound things up for the Sim coe County Emergency Mea sures Organization Saturday with an auction of EMO equipment good crowd at tended the auction EMO was forced to disband when the EMO EQUIPMENT ON THE BLOCK provincial and federal governments decided there was no further need for the organization The auction The Barrie Examiner was held at the Simcoe Coun ty garage at Midhurst Ex aminer Phot0 MP Fortin succeeds Caouette as Social Credit party head OTTAWA CP Andre For tin credits his organizational talents for his victory Sunday at the Social Credit leadership convention and he plans to use those talents to rebuild his par ty Mr Fortin 32 MP for the Quebec riding of Lotbiniere beat MP Rene Matte SC Champlain and five other can didates headed by Edmonton lawyer Martin Hattersley the partys national president Social Credit is national henomenon and not just Que phenomenon Mr Fortin told cheering crowd in the Ot tawa Civic Centre after results of the second and final ballot were announced All 11 Social Credit MPs rep resent Quebec ridings More than 80 per cent of the con vention delegates were from Quebec One of Mr Fortins first acts as party leader was to meet party activists from the western provinces to map out plans for setting up strong organizations in what was once the heartland of the partys strength Social Credit forms the gov ernment in British Columbia and the official opposition in Al berta but is weak federally in the West NUMBERS DWINDLE After the 1962 election the party held 30 seats in Parlia ment including several from the West But its strength has dwindled since Former leader Real Caouet te who has been in failing health for several years wat ched the convention on television from hospital where he has been since suffering stroke Sept 16 Mr Matte accused con vention organizers of Meter feeders ignore changed parking rule Free downtown parking on weekends is hit with people who know about it but lot of shoppers havent got the mes sage yet Doug Cherry chairman of the Downtown Improvement Board said today check with about 10 downtown businesses Arson cause of major fire TORONTO CP Police say an ars0nist was responsible for fire which caused an estimated $850000 damage at an importing company Sunday The fire destroyed recentlyfinished twostorey building at Olvi Importing Ltd in the borough of North York Saturday and walk along downtown streets revealed that some shoppers are still putting money in the meters City council adopted last month board recommenda tion to provide free parking into downtown metered spaces Friday evening and all day Saturdays The experimental program will be reassessed at the end of the year Mr Cherry said the mer chants he talked to could not yet tell whether the program is improving business but cus tomers asked about the free parking were pleased with it People who come in and are asked were very pleased he said think the impact of it hasnt really hit home yet there are still people putting money in the meters Demonstrate in Ottawa OTTAWA CP small group of native demonstrators in cluding children began 24hour vigil on Parliament Hill today to support efforts by American Indian Movement AIM ac tivist Leonard Peltier to gain political asylum in Canada Halifax Volvo plant reopens HALIFAX CP Volvo Canada Ltd reope plant here today following loweek shutdown assembly ned its car resulting from the lockout of longshoremen by the Maritime Employers Association Ford workers back on job By THE ANADIAN PRESS Almost 28000 hourlypaid members of the United Auto Workers at Ford and Chrysler plants in southern Ontario were back on the job today after agreements on new contracts were reached Last sextuplet dies in Naples NAPLES Italy AP The last surviving babya boyof the sextuplets born to Pasqualina Chianese died early today her doctorsreported Ship awaits tugboat NEW YORK AP The container ship Seattle disabled 600 miles out to sea by fire that destroyed its engine room awaited the arrival of tugboat while its crew rested today aboard another ship Fighting reported in Angola SHAKATI SouthWest Africa Reuter Heavy fighting has broken out in southern Angola refugees who poured across the border during the weekend said today manipulating delegate selec tiOn to Mr Fortins advantage and pledged floor fight to gain accreditation for some sup porters who were not official delegates But he refrained from inter vening after Sunday morning meeting of the partys broadly based national council Mr Hattersley said he be lieved Mr Fortin would be able to develop rapport with the western wing of the party He also said he thought the new leaders reputation as an organ izer Would help the party The other candidates were Ralph ameron of Calgary John Long of Cambridge Ont Philip IIeleIIambly of Montreal and Alex Barker of Saskatoon TOOK STRONG LEAD Mr Fortin took strong lead on the first ballot with 532 votes Modest parade marks Bolshevik Revolution MOSCOW AP The Soviet government marked the 59th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution with one of its smaller military parades that included no new weapons It also received message of congratulations from China that seemed little warmer than usual It took only six minutes Sun day for the armored personnel carriers artillery pieces and missiles to roll through Red Square For the second year in succession no giant inter continental ballistic missiles were shown and no tanks or other tracked vehicles ap peared The hardware on parade was mostly defensive including five types of antiaircraft missiles loomillimetre anti tank gUn and the Sagger anti tank missile on an amphibious carriage The several thousand soldiers sailors seaborne com mandos and cadets who mar ched past the reviewing stand dropped the traditional goosestep for lessmilitant step ELARIHNG IIZACE The Soviet army and navy are reliably guarding the cause of revolution socialism and peace Defence Minister Dmitri Ustinov told thc march ers llc accused aggressive imperialist circles abroad of trying to contain thc onward development of the world rcvor lutionary process After the military paradc brigades of sportsmen and more than 100000 workers from farms factories and govern ment offices marched for two hours across the square somewhat friendlier IOIIt was added to the message from Peking by the inclusion of this phrase The hincsc pcoplc have always chcrishcd thcir revolutionary friendship with the Soviet people North team is eighth at high school races Barrie North Collegiate midget girls team placed eighth at Ontario high school crosscountry championships Saturday at Brock University St Catharines It was the best showing of the Barrie teams entered in the provincial final North senior boys team was 16th with Eastview Secondary School finishing 20th in the midget boys division The teams entered were the top two teams in each age class of the 17 associations under 0n tario Federation of Secondary School Association OFSSA Barrie belongs to the Georgian Bay Secondary School Association GBSSA Collingwood finished 23rd overall in the midget boys Orillia District Collegiate Voca tional Institute ODCVl was 14th in the junior boys division and 14th in the senior girls event Henry Carr Secondary School of Toronto took two of the six titles Carr students won the midget and junior girls divi sion Torontos George Henry high school took the senior girls division and Manitoulin high school captured the senior boys title Lockerby high school retained the midget boys title Debbie Quail led the North midget girls team with 29th placing Karen Keating was 63rd Sue McNabb 81st and Vicki Line 119th Dianne Ricketts of Barrie Central the only Central runner to ualify for the allOntario place 62nd There were 225 runners in each of the girls events and 221 in the boys events Gary Stewart of North GBSSA senior boys champion was 31st in the 7200metre event Leslie Black another North student finished 59th in thejunior girls race Kevin McCron of Eastview had respectable 36th placing in the midget boys race THEYRE OFF and running at the Ontario high school crosscountry championships at Brock University St Catharines Saturday When Barrie Ontario Canada Monday Nov 1976 Cite flame Examiner 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly WEATHER FORECAST £lt 14 Pages Snow takes county by storm Sunday was good day to stay home in Simcoe County About 15 inches of snow fell causing slippery road condi tions in Barrie and area Barrie OPP report 16 minor motor vehicle collisions over night while Bradford police responded to five and Alliston OPP had three minor ac cidents Davis Arnold patrol super visor with the ministry of transportation and communica tion MTC in Barrie said snow plows and sanders were out at 830am Sunday Mr Arnold said Work con tinued until late Sunday even ing on Highways 400 and 90 There were lot of slip ery areas he said ut OMB hearing into day The professionals took over again this morning as the tario Municipal Boards hear ing into Barrics annexation ap plication entered its eighth day Planning consultant Bacon key city witness was on the stand again facing crossexamination by lawyers representing opponents of thc citys annexation bid Mr Bacon and the lawyers got rest Friday as the day was devoted to listening to statements from members of the public not represented by lawyers Barrie has applied to the MB for permission to annex 20000 acres 13500 from In nisfil Township 4600 from Vespra Township from OH Township Since the hearing began Oct and 2100 Good grief Its taken Johnson hostage 28 the city has announced it no longer wants the Oro land but the original application tech nically remains in force All three townships well as Simcoe County council have opposed the application Last week the board turned down an application from John Sopinka lawyer for lnnisfil for montlrlong adjournment to permit opponents to adjust to Barries change of heart on Oro The hearing also faces judicial review next week when Supreme Court judge bears an application from Mr Sopinka backed by county lawyer Rober Lawrie asking him to stop the hearing and pro hibit the givingofa decision Mr Sopinkas application argues that the hearing lost jurisdiction when Barrie substantially changed its ap plication by dropping the bid for thc Oro land without pass ing bylaw to change the an ncxation bylaw which the hear ing was originally called to con sidcr Carter aided by Idi Amin NAIROBI AP Ugandan President Idi Amin is taking credit for Jimmy arters clcc tion as president of the lTnitcd States Radio llganda reported Saturday The broadcast said Amins endorsement of artcr ensured his victory by winning him the votes of blacks and white rcvolutionarics Labor Council head running for alderman Robert Dennis president of the Barric and District Labor ouncil and member of the ci tys housing advisory commit tcc announced today hc will bc candidatc for alderman from Ward 21 in the Dec ti clcction Mr Dennis 30 said he hopcs to help implement the housing policy statement drafted by council this year attract more industry to Barrie and kccp taxes as low as possible whilc maintaining an adcquatc lcvcl of scrviccs ilc said he bclicvcs council should be composcd of cross section of the community and not be restricted to bust ncssrncn and professionals An unsuccessful candidatc for alderman in 1072 Mr Dcn nis is member of the boards of directors of Royal Victoria Ilospital and of thc Simcocr Georgian Bay Region rcdit Tounsclling Scrvicc Ilc scrvcd on the mayors task force on housing in 1000 and was nicmbcr of thc Littlc Lake Park dcvclopmcnl committee resident of Barric since l047 Mr Dennis has bccn employed at Mansfield Dcnman icncral Ltd for 18 years He is married and has three children Mr Dennis will face incunr the final race was run two of the six titles had fallen to Henry Carr Secondary School of Toronto lop two teams of the 17 secondary ROBIIRI DENNIS bcnt llrnic Rotman and former aldcrman and mayoral can didatc Ross Stephens in the race for the wards three seats Incumbent Val Bruckcr has an nounced that he will not seek rceclcction while the third in cumbent Aid Janice Laking has made no announcement gnaw it school associations in On tario were represented at the meet There were 255 entries in each of the girls events and 221 in the boys races everything is pretty good this morning pretty well wet and clear He said there were no serious problems in the area In Barrie city police responded to about five minor collisions this morning Neil Fox public works superintendent said plows salt and sand trucks were out Sun IAtK RAMSAY left direc tor of education for the Sim coe Tounty Board of Educzr tion received an honorary day evening and early this moroning Most of the major routes were salted before the rush hour traffic started this morn ing he said Mr Fox said the city usually has one salting run late in OC tober before any major snow storms hit the area But he said this year the doctorate of laws Sunday af ternoon from Wilfrid Laurier University The university held its first convocation in public works department has been called out for four salt sand runs The crews and equipment were ready he said The only problem now he said is completing some of the road construction work which has been delayed by wet cold weather in Barrie this year Simcoe County with over 40 students receiving bachelor of arts degrees Examiner Photo Wilfrid Laurier Universiw has Ist county convocation SIIIII lctiOVHRN Examincr Staff Reporter Barric cntral ollegiate auditorium was filled to capaci ty Sunday afternoon as more than 1000 people attended the first university convocation held in Simcoe tounty More than 40 students received bachelor of arts degrees from Wilfrid Lauricr University Wll during the ceremony ilowcvcr most had come to see Jack Ramsay director of Hiucation for the Simcoc Coun ty Board of Education given an honorary doctorate of laws Most of the graduates werc tcachcrs Ncalc Taylor who introduced Dr Ramsay said Dr Ram says great interest in continu ing education was one of the reasons he was selected for the honor He has encouraged the more than 2300 teachers in the 100 schools undcr his direction to upgrade their education in order to exemplify the best in their chosen profession Dr Taylersaid This passion to raise the quality of education in the public schools has earned him the respect of thc Simcoc oun ty community Dr Ramsay was nominated Barrie had respectable showing against thc best in the province Photo by Bob Walker for the honor by the elementary school tcackers DEPENDS ON OTHERS In his thank you address Dr Ramsay stressed he has always depended on help from other people He also noted that with the ministry educations decision to return to core curriculum in high schools education was getting off of the sidings and back on the track The main address of the con vocation was delivered by Frank Peters president of WIU Dr Peters began by review ing the history of Witi in Sime coe County The university came here more than 10 years ago at the request of the elementary school teachers The program began in Orillia in 1964 with five courses and 165 students It has now established permanent campus and offers 29 courses to 520 students in Orillia Barrie and CFB Borden Dr Peters also discussed the importance of education Education is not for work it is for living but work is not for toil it too is for living he said The speaker outlined four main objectives to education First he said is the cultiva tion of an open mind Education is more of the mind than it is an amassing of facts and data the aim of education should be to teach people how to think not firstly what to think he observed The second objective he said is to assist each student to develop his own abilities LIMITS TOARIIJTY As students progress in their learning they must realize there are real limits to ability perhaps we should be more concerned that students acquire wholesome view of themselves as fully functioning people than that they be driven by insatiable ambition The third objective Dr Peters said is fostering better human relations What good are all the academic trappings when the student fails in the basic skill of community living he asked The final objective he cited is helping students find value systcm He said people are convinced public schools are not the place to exchange dogmatic ideas but this may be giving young people the impression values are not necessary For century now mankind has moved into thought work where scientific questions and scientific methods have dom inatcd As result we are part of an unbalanced culture that is laigcly interested in questions of how rather than why in quantity rather than quality in parts rather than wholes Hostages being held in two institutions IRdlESIER NB CP Prisoners in twu federal peni tentiaries have defied the new gettough policies of Solicitor Ieneral Francis Fox by grabb ing hostages and holding them to back demands for transfer As two convicts from the Laval Institute near Montreal headed east toward the federal penitentiary here Sunday in ex change for two guards released earlier in the weekend three others in the psychiatric hospi tal at Dorchester held hospi Its girl for Clurks OTTAWA CP smiling Joe Clark distributed cigars to reporters Saturday at the en trance to Ottawa Civic Hospital where few hours earlier his wife Maureen Mclccr ave bir th to their first chilt girl named Catherine nc tal officer for two hours until they were promised moves to Kingston Ont Mr Fox pledged that charges will be laid against Gordon Lus sier and Bertrand Janvier for cornering the Laval guards on stairway in the segregation block Friday and threatening them with sharpened bedposts and homemade knife Lussier and lanvicr released the two guards following 11 hours of negotiations Friday and Saturday About 630pm Sunday at Dorchester prison officials se cured the release of Grant Mac Donald when the promiscd pris oners Leonard Pcckham Mark Joseph Doiron and Leslie Pur vis they would be moved to regional psychiatric unit at Kingston as soon as possible However rider was at tached that the three Dorches ter prisoners would not be tran sfcrred pending an RCMP in vestigation of the incident 41