Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1976, p. 5

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hllIllUQéHIWY LJuIIU1IJ ItlluIIAlarNIIll fic than gt UUO NOT KLEHBSjgglI $5S315 SEESBEER lt rm WGFYHO In new 3PI are law w0i dim and hou The Canadian Heritage barbershop quartet will be featured Saturday at pm at Barrie Central Collegiate auditorium for the premiere Show and charter night of the ITS THE CANADIAN HERITAGE Barrie chapter of the Society for the Preservation and En couragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America Quartet members are Ed Russell Wayne Atkinson NEWS ROUNDUP Bob Wiffen and Ray Danley Also on the program are the 90yoice Dukes of Ilarmony chorus from Scarborough the Sotiiid Proposition the Iritity Stickers the Barrie hapter Chorus variety and comedy Tickets are avail able at Sams the Bands tand and Music World US voters go to polls today WASHINGTON tCPi 77 For the first time since the scandals of Watergate swept Richard Nixon out of the White House voters make their own choice today for president of the LnitedStates About the only thing certain was that no matter who winss President Gerald Ford 03 or Democratic challenger Jimmy Carter 32 hell be working with or against ongress that will remain dominated by the Democrats As for the presidential race itsclt publlcopiniotl polls which once gave Carter 33 perccnt edge closed out the campaign with the declaration that the contest had become too close to predict winner The only valid forecast was that generally good weather would prevail across the coun try factor expected to favor the Democrats No matter how it goes this might be the last hurrah for the loser It is considered unlikely that Ford would make another try four years from now ar ter in television interview Monday night said defeat for him would mean he would be unlikely to make another try at public ottice of any kind TV motion OllAW Pr Prime Min ister Trudeau said Monday the government intends to reintro duce motion to the ommons asking that proceedings of Par liament be televised Mr Trudeau told Mitchell Sharp former cabinet minister it is the governments wish to have the debates televised before the end of this session of Parliament within years time Layoffs Ol1WA tPi Temporary layoffs of textile workers will continue in the next several weeks until the full impact of restriction on importing tex tiles has been felt Industry Minister Iean hretien said Monday Mr hretien was answering question in the ommons raised by Flora MacDonald IPt Kingston and the Islan dsi Miss MacDonald said 200 workers from textile com pany in Millhaven Ont were laid off during the weekend and about 40 workers in south western Ontario had been laid all earlier last week Bomb blast MLHOA lReuteri homemade bomb exploded Monday III the LS controlled Panama anal Zone damaging two houses but causing no casu alties The explosion was the third in the zone during in two days Officials said the bomb was apparently thrown from car 34 killed JAKARTA tAIIi Thirty four passengers Were killed and 23 others severely injured when tourist bus collided with minibus in Itogor south of Jay karta on Sunday Monday res cuers were still trying to re move bodies from the wreck age ADMIIVAMVI 5106 ll us A14 DUI dftzllllllzt 77 468 WIL11111S considering Nurse issue TORONTO vtPi Premier William Iavis said Monday lie is considering holding meetings with the heads of those public health boards still involved in contract disputes with public health nurses Replying in the legislature to question from Opposition Leader Stephen Lewis Mr Davis said he does not know whether such step will do any good but added that he would consider it Mr Lewis said 28 or 29 boards have yet to settle contracts with their nurses Mr Davis said he is hopeful solution can be found But he would not say whether he far vors compulsory arbitration method suggested by Robert Nixon BrantrOxfordNor folki Big auction LONDON IReuterI Naptr leon Honapartes sword pistols and carbine will be auctioned Dec 14 spokesman for Christies the auctioneers said Monday They are expected to bring about $00000 The French emperors set of weapons bought by an English lord in 1833 will be auctioned by the peers descendants Three jailed NEW DELHI llteuteri Two members of an outlawed Ilindu sect were jailed Monday for 17 years for criminal conr spiracy to murder Ajit Nath Ray Indias chiefjustice They were charged with throwing two grenades into Rays car last year The grenades did not explode third person was jailed forfourycars Probe on TORONTO r1i The On tario Labor Relations Board and the Ontario Iluman Rights Commission are investigating allegations of racial dis crimination in the firing of number of workers at Mis sissaugua plant Labor Minister Hcttc Stephenson said Monday Dr Stephenson told the legis lature that she expects report on the situation at Milrod Metal Products Ltd soon She said she hopes the minis try can offer some suggestions Shown Dally At 100 Nut Attraction Mad Dog Morgan for settling the problem complaint was made to the human rights coininissioii after 32 black and two hite workers were fired troiii the plant Oct ltt plant spokesman said they were fired for working too slowly To expand DETROIT Reuteii hrys ler orp said Monday its Aus tralian unit plans to spend 5H million by 1080 The unit will expand and modernize its com plcy in Adelaide at cost of $17 million tor production of new fourrcylinder engine Fun ds will also be used to upgrade other plants develop new mod els and improve quality con trols hrysler said Insurgents SINGAPORE ilteutcri Ilanoi Radio said Monday that Thai insurgents had shot down one government aircraft badly damaged another and killed 11 policemen The radio iiiotii tored here said tlit insurgents attacked police station 51 miles nortll of ltangkok last Friday and Saturday and am bushed government reinforce ments Was chief MOSH Reuteri court imposed the death sentence Monday on Soviet collabora tor convicted of running Nazi jails where more than 10000 people died during the Second World War Sukhachcv was chief of prisons tor theller man invaders at Roslavl near the western Soviet city of Smolensk and at Robruisk in Ryclorussia Tass news agency said New terminal STOtKIlt IM IReuteri bZIIIrIIlllllOll terminal capable of handling 3000 passengers an hour began operation Monday at Arlaiida Airport The build ing provides covered access to 20 airliners and replaces tcm porary facilities used since 1902 Drug seized SAN SIMIION tahf tAlt Sheriffs deputies arrested 14 men Monday and confiscated about five tons of concen trated form of marijuana valr The true story that has captivated over 8000000 Stariing JULIE HARRIS EILEEN HECKART ARTHUR OCONNELL IIIIIUdtK ing JEANNEITE CUFF AmuwumMnAutfi v¢lll llul Bay Mall 1269944 cmm Pl Int Stunodor tied at more than $30 million Four of the men were arrested after fourhour chase by coast guard cutter during which the inch may have Illlll ped some marijuana from their boat Fish warning ININ Hill It The Ontario ministry of health is sued warning Monday that yellow pickercl caught in the Thames River and in Peter Long Lake about 110 iiillcs IIOI ill of Siidbtiry should be eaten only occasionally because they contain high mercury levels The warning says that preg naiit women women likely to become pregnant and nursing mothers sliotild not eat the fish Richard Loblaw biologist with the London office of the ministry of natural resources said Monday recent study shows that €03 per ccilt of the Thames River yellow pickcrcl tested contained 21 parts per million of mercury Sentenced OWIIN SOtNllttli 17 year old twen Sound youth was cited for contempt tIl provincial court Monday for making dc rogatory remark about the court after bciiig sentenced to nine months 111 jail and two years probation for car theft Hrucc Robert Jackson was scn tenced lo 13 days til jail con secutivctohisothcrscntcnce Wins prize TORONTO young Kitchener Ont couplc who arr rived in Ontario five months ago from Ride Arin small community on the northern tip of Newfoundland Iias collected the third of five $1000th prizes in last lhursdays Wintario lotr tciy draw Wade Reid 22 and his wife Maisic 21 picked up the money Monday Off tracks MONKLANI Ont 101 15 car anadian Pacific Rail way freight traiii derailed Motl day while travelling east through crossing on Highway 43 in this community about 20 miles north of Cornwall Provincial police said no one was injured in the derailment the cause of which has not been determined Elie Barrie Exaiiiiiirr Presents Musical entertainment for the anti famin NOVEMBER 800 PM Barrie Central Collegiate Auditorium Tickets Available At Sam the Record Man to Dunlap St Muntx Centre and PJs Audio Master Baytleld Mall Radio Shack Georgian Mall The Barrie Examiner Io Bayfiold St Sentenced to three life terms WASHINGTON Pa AP Aubran Wayne Martin con victed of murder five years ago in the assassination of United Mine Workers UMW rebel Jo seph Yablonski was sentenced Monday to three consecutive lileterms Martin 28 was the last of nine defendants to be sentenced in the 1969 deaths of Yablonski and his wife and daughter They were shot while sleeping in their Clarksville Pa home three weeks after Yablonski lost bitter union election toW Tony Boyle It is my request that this de fendant never be made eligible for parole or furlough Wash ington County Judge Charles Sweet said in sentencing Mar tin In 1973 Sweet sentenced Mar tin to die in the electric chair but that order was later over turned by the state Supreme Court Testimony at Martins 1971 trial by Claude Vealey who pleaded guilty in the murders after turning states evidence indicated that Martin Vealcy and Paul Gilly were hired to as sassinate the union insurgent f0r$5200 Vealey has been sentenced to one life term Gilly who only admitted his guilt after he was convicted was sentenced to three concurrent life terms at the same hearing in September Two middlelevel mine worker union executives Wil liam Prater and Albert Pass are serving life terms as is Boyle former UMW presi dent who was convictcd of masterininding the plot UN action urged on apartheid INIIICD NATIONS tCPi anada urged the lliiited Na tions on Monday to miss no op portiniity to apply relentless pressure on South Africa to for ce it to abandon policies of apartheid In liardrhitting speech nadian delegate Robert Stan biiry told the General Assembly that change must take place now not five or 10 years hen Ce if conditions of chronic turbulence which risk deterioration into civil war are to be avoided Outbreaks of racial violence in South Africa during the past year demonstrate clearly that the time remaining for peaceful change is growing shorter day by day said Stanbury Liberal member of Parliament for York Scarborough and mem ber of aiiadas lN delegation OBITUARY PALLSMITII Funeral services were held Oct 12 at the Steckley Funeral Ilomc for Paul Smith who died at Royal octoria Hospital Oct as result of an accident Ile was in his 2oth year Mr Smith lifelong resi lciit of Oro lownship attended Shanty llay public school and East view secondary school He was active in hockey and baseball He is survived by his parents larcnce and Fay of RR Harrie three brothers Alvin of Harrie Leighton of RR Midliurst and Ralph of RR Midhurst and one sister Lois Mrs Rill Ioffant of RR OroStation Burial took place in rown Ilill Cemetery The pallbearers were Steve Griffin Glenn Ilickhng Neil llickliiig Gary Johnson Ross Iermey and Rob Toffan Flower bearers included ineinlxrs of the Oro Juveniles and Harrie olts hockey clubs COVER LARGE AREA Canadas 3851809 square miles make it the largest coun try in North merica Ghosts goblins and other unspeakables were on Bar ries streets in force Satur QUIET HALLOWEEN FOR BARRIE day night The traditional call of trickortreat must have been greeted with treats at most homes for there were few tricks Barrie Police say Halloween was ex The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov l9765 ceptioiially quiet Examiner Ihotm Two of top prizes in lottery won by Hamiltonarea people TORONTO tCPt Two of the five tilmillion first prizes drawn Sunday in the first Pro vincial lottery were collected Monday and all of the big win ners are from the Hamilton area len Hamilton and district men employed at Firestone Canada Ltd were the first to collect Slrmillion prize The second $lmillion cheque was picked up later by Richard and arol Rice of Stoney reck Ont Another Stoney Creek resilt dent Wilma Yurko collected one of the five $250000 second prizes Sixteen employees of The Canada Trust Co in Loli don Ont also shared in $250000 prize Mr Rice who is selfemf ployed said he almost had heart attack when his wife told him they held winning ticket The family had purchased three tickets and won $50 with oiieof theothers The couple and their four NDP to push for amendments OTTAWA IPI New Democratic Mls will push for amendments to toughen pro credit legislation Ioliii Rodri guez iNickcl Itclti told the Commons Monday During StLOlltlrlcutllllll debate on the bill Mr Rodriguez said New Dcinocrals consider it an important tool for giving lowincome earners more opjmrtunity to get credit and more protection against high interest rates But he said the bill hailed by the government as way to curb ltiilltSIltilklllg and to pro tect Ixnrowers from unfair in terest rates does not lIo far enough tinder NDP amendments ceilings on interest rates for small loans would be main taincd government powers un der the bill would be toughened and penalties for breaking the law would be increased rcdit advertising would be eliminated and replaced with credit education such as debt counselling service Low income earners could get government guaranteed low interest loans Under the bill borrower who thinks the interest rate on loan is too hiin can stop pay mciils on the loan The lender then has to adjust the interest rate or take the borrower to court to prove the rate is justi fied Mr Rodriguez said Iic cant imagine person with modest income from his Northern On tario constituency going to tease court over such dispute with big financial institution Instead the NDP said he will propose that credit ombuds man be established On the ombudsinans recom mendation charges against the lender could be laid and the government would cover the court costs As the bill now stands aii ad ministrator could collect any information lmrrower or the government wants or needs from lender fundamental shortcoming of the bill Mr Rodriguez said was that borrowers still would not know what criteria were used to determine an in terest rate The bill recognizes that the borrowers background iii cliiding previous credit age health and occupation are used bill the borrower cannot get the lender to spell that out for his individual case Mr Rodriguez denounced as unfair to lowrincomc earners plttHSlOIl requiring borrowers to pay fee before seeing gov ernment information on len tiers Mr Rodriguez said New Democrats want the govern ment to guarantee all loans with reasonable interest rates for low income earners Penalty provisions of the bill stipulate that lender who breaks the new law is liable on summary conviction to initi imuin fine of $1000 and max imum fine of 310000 or two years in prison Its hilarious outrageous road race $1 Hi Mlll HHS AntS lS PRODULHUN Ht iUMlItll Hill Citron MlCHltl SNUIAIW 4iIN1111NTMANllITT GAHY IItle JtlHN DlHHFN SUSAN ANN IIY Slf HM M1 WWI JOANNE NAII Pill lMAlltt NfCHUl AS PRYOH Aym IlAtl JUI IA out wtmu1lmlttmllwHUfKAll thIVtIih lfON CAP MNHS Slut CHUCK 8AM and EON CAP lANOS in mm erupt IIHSI ARIS 7S lItt lllllt RUNSMoot IfMlN WRON harlcs Bronson IS Ray St Ives Ics Clttlll llcs mean Ics tlic gohctwccii main mu Iltltltlltt CHARLES BRUNSUN 51 IVES Allfllllltll BECKIRMAN CANIIII PRUDIICIIIIII HNti tilt luwmisii when wan4 mu ltilllt NOUSEMAN HltflltUUtVDltlo itiiittismim iitiuiicnt Mlltfllltltlt SCltttt Iltllltl Klltlllfll lAClIlJILINf BISSII SIANIIY CANIIR BARRY IlkCttEIlMtN III IHUMPSUN lrulura of Matacumbo Apple Dumpllng Gang 715 childrenaged 16 14 12 and llivwerc up all Sunday night phoning relatives all over the world Mr Rice said it is one phone bill be will not mind pay ing The family has just bought new home and new furniture so the win could not have come at better time Mr Rice said Earlier in October the family won $1000 in Wintario lottery draw Feeling lucky they then bought tickets for the Provincial Grant Stillwcll 65 of Ham ilton who has Worked 23 years for Firestone and is retiring this year was spokesman for the group when nine men from the company arrived to pick up their prize He said all but one of the group works on the night shift at the plant where tires are made All of the boys have differ ent plans Mr Stillwell said Some of the younger ones who just rcnt their homes plan to buy houses For myself know my $100000 share will be pretty nice to have for my retire ment One member of the group Al bert Ward 30 of Caledonia nt did not come to Toronto to pick up the prize because he was away on hunting trip The other members of the group which has been buying tickets together since the first Olympic lottery are Albert Ward 50 of Cale donia Peter Mijic 36 of Sto ncy Creek and his brother Srccko 26 of Hamilton Adam Szewczyk of Burlington Ont John Barkovich 39 of Stoney Creek and Drago Seketa 30 Edward Mizzi 48 Pat Royston 26 and George Maclnnis 53 all of Hamilton CONSIDERING ACTION Mrs Yurko housewife said she and her husband plan to put the $250000 in secure place and then think about what to do with the rest Earlier in October Mrs Yurko won contest sponsored by Hamilton radio station which offered 100 Provincial lottery tickets The $250000 winning ticket was one of them HORSEBACK RIDING IGHO at RN RAN CH mile north of Brentwood 4246186 IMPERIAL CINEML Now Playing 705 pm What It thoroyooreia list list thatsaid Our finest actors werent allowed to Our best writers werent allow wnawquia ti it there Were such aillst It would be like Americoio Adult Entertainment UliAtiligt1tyAujgtnl to WOODYALLENLiiriiElittoral wn ZERONSTEL HERSCHEL BERNARDI it mun mu iNtthA to IVMAHINHA Now Playing 70 905 pm CHARLES moan nd nu IBEIJIND FRANKOVICHSELF Production FROM OON ILL THREE iccuplavIwIIIANK It till ROY Itascll oiiilu llttyil by RANK till ROY Diicttcil bvl RANK ill RUY Iiotluuil by RAM tVIl Iliull HAM full Itr Music va LMI II Ill ItNti II IN IIIINAIJNt11lthIIIII li III Rt MAN

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