Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1976, p. 16

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out 16The Barrie Examiner Tuesday June 15 I976 THE NUMBER on this briefcase only shows up under special black light Once the drivers license number of the owner is written on all valuables with an invisible ink pen police can trace its rightful owner if it is stolen Local police forces were pre sented with the special pens by the Barrie and District Independent Agents and Brokers Asso ciation of Ontario recent ly From left seeing how the black light brings out the number are Innisfil Police Chief William Brown Barrie Police Chief Earl Snider Don Spencer local insurance association president and Cpl Wes Prosser of the Barrie OPP ExaminerPhoto Invisible ink latest in fight against theft Police and insurance com panies are advising the public to mark valuables with special invisible ink that will make stolen goods much easier to trace and identify and return to their owners The proper identification of stolen property for trial pur poses and so that it can be returned to its rightful owners has long been big problem for police People who dont record the serial numbers of their valuables and possissions are making it easy for burglars and thieves say area police and local members of the On tario Insurance Agents and Brokers Association OIABA Both groups are endorsing the widespread use of invisi ble ink pens developed by Brinks Security with which homeowners can write their drivers licence number on all their poSSissions The pens costing about $395 in stores are available to the public through members of the OIABA and were presented to Barrie and Innisfil police chiefs and the local detachment of the tario Provincial Police Friday SPECIAL LIGHT The ink only shows up under special black light that all police departments will be using from now on on all confiscated property found in the possession of break and enter and burglary suspects said Don Spencer president of local branch of theOIABA The ink is considered per manent and waterproof ex cept on furs or clothes which have to be remarked after drycleaning 0n glass or metal the ink will wipe off afteratime But on just about every thing else the ink is an invisi ble sign of ownership that will make the polices job easier The insurance agents and brokers had been using elec tric engraving pencils to mark ownership on metal items such as childrens bicycles In the past 10 months they have engraved more than 1100 bicycles in the city to help identify them if stolen said John Nixon chairman of Operation Identification But the metal engraving had its problems and didnt receive the widespread public support hoped for by police and insurance com panies he said Friday WERE RELLCTANT People were reluctant to engrave expensive furniture and costly jewellery ca meras and silverware Fur thermore this method of identification was useless for marking items such as fur coats china paintings coins and stampsother favorite targets of housebreakers Operation Identification if it receives enough support will hopefully reduce the number of claims for stolen goods and reduce the amount of warehousing of goods for which police cannot find the owners As an example of the amount of reCOvered proper ty for which police never locate the real owners Barrie Police Chief Earl Snider cites the annual police auc tion This spring more than $2900 in bicycles and other items was disposed of by public auction because the police had no place to store it hesaid Main prey of thieves and break and enter artists these days includes lOspeed bicycles music tape decks and tapes marine CB radiosall of which can be invisibly marked to give the owner an extra measure of protection now Stickers also come with the pens These state Warning articles inside are invisibly marked for identification by police When attached to windows of homes or cars they act to discourage burglary at tempts according to police and the insurance companies The pens cannot only be used by homeowners They are also handy for banks businesses wholesale outlets and manufacturing firms Whelan answers questions from Steele St students By SHEILA MCCOVERN Examiner Staff Reporter If Grade students were responsible for choosing Canadas government Eu gene Whelan would probably be prime minister with Bryce Mackasey waiting in thewings At least that is the way many of the students at Steele Street public school feel As part of social studies project the students spent several weeks studying the makeup of the federal cabinet and collecting newspaper clippings related to the various ministries Each student selected minister he or she found in teresting and wrote letter questioning the minister on various points Recipients included the prime minister 10 federal cabinet ministers one opposilt tion critic and one provincial cabinet minister Four gave personal replies the prime minister sent form letter some had their assistants answer the letters and others just sent en velopes of handouts But Eugene Whelan min ister of agriculture outdid therest PERSONAL REPLIES The minister sent personal replies to the three students who wrote to him answering all their questions One letter took four pages and he refer red to the students by their first names Enclosures included photographs biographies pamphlets on metric conver sion and small handbook on how parliament Operates But Mr Whelan would only come out ahead of Post master General Bryce Mackasey by virtue of Mr Whelans letters being longer Mr Mackaseys letter was also personal and included biography along with booklet on the history of the post office information on the postal code and list of the postmasters general since 1853 Close behind Mr Mackasey was Warren Allmand soli citor general who also took the time to respond personal ly However is handouts werent quite as nice Unsurprisingly Allan Mc Kinnon expert on national defence for the Progressive Conservatives the one op position critic questioned replied to his letter personal ly But the majority of min isters had their staff answer theletters Among those not answering the students personally was Thomas Wells provincial minister of education ASSISTANT ANSWIIRIII letter written to Judd Buchanan minister of Indian and northern affairs was answered by an adminis trative assistant who said she was replying in the ministers absence She also answered all the students questions and enclosed booklet on how Parliament operates and material on the James Bay Agreement The office of the under secretary of state for extEn nal affairs answered the let ter addressed to Allan MacEachen The letter did not answer the students questions directly but the office enclosed two brief press releases neither full page long outlining the govern ments stand on the Angola situation Manpower and immigra tion headed by Robert An dras did not reply with let ter but fowarded an envelope full of printed statements The handouts were pages and pages of white paper and black type full of statistics and tables including state ments from the minister policy statements and pro grams departmental assistant replied to letter addressed to John Munro minister of labor saying the minister could not answer the ques tions as they involved provin cial matters She enclosed copy of the Canada Labor Code MAILEI BOOK Marc Lalonde minister of health and welfare and Allastair Gillespie minister of energy mines and re sources had assistants answer their letters The two students who wrote to James Richardson min ister of national defence did not receive letters back but were mailed book and len thy statements Tie enclosures which were involved and technical were enclosed in envelopes with cards reading With the com pliments of the Honorable James Richardson minister of national defence at tached Some students did not receive any any answers but teacher Ted Coldrey said it is possible Some of the letters were not mailed Mr Coldrey said the pro gram helped students learn the functions of government They also learned to locate stories in newspapers skim to find the main point and check for bias in different newspapers The students write roper business let ter an improved their public speaking skills as cabinet minister or opposi tion critic in model parlia ment learned to With Interest Token ANNUAllY Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation WCYURM and GREY TRUST COMPANV SINCE 1869 MIKE BENVENUTI Manager LEO MIRTITSCH Accountant 35 Dunlop St 7371411 Radio team was busy during the weekend The BarrieBorden Emergency Radio Team may have been the busiest in Canada last weekend Team members handled The ultimate midsize personal communications for three area events involving bikes horses and canoes Saturday check points were manned by team members and communications handled for the Creemore Minor Hockey BikeAThon which raised $1800 for hockey Sunday team members were at work for two events Communications were handled for the Stayner RideAThon at which $6200 was raised toward construc tion of swimming pool at the Blue Mountain camp for crip The Cougar XRI7 is like nothing youve ever quite experienced unique breed Deliberate Proud Beautiful With bold design sumptuous wellequipped interior Theres spirited performance Precise handling And smooth ride in the finest Mercury tradition Track down Cougar XR7 at your Mercury dealer Find out how form and function come together In very unique way Let Cougar XR7s special flair express your individuality lllmtmtttl Cougar frruun imm illustrated uri optional tltltlllllllltll tmt pled children The Nottawasaga Boy Scout Association held water weekend Sunday featuring 20mile canoe race from Angus to Eden vale And 15 radio team members were spotted along the river bank providing com munication At the end of the race the radio team canoe emptied of radio equipment but not operatorswas dumped in the river by the scouts STRAWBERRY SUPPER Grace United Church Wo men will hold their annual strawberry supper from to pm on June 22 The church is on Grove Street East at Cook Street Now with The Confident Offer the hunting is even better If you buy am new 1976 car or light truck between now and July 31 1976 you FAMILY LIFE The Famil Life Associa tion is hol in eneral meeting Th one 17 at 730 pm in the facult lounge at Barrie Central Co legiate The guest speaker for the meeting which is to members and the pub is Dr James Henderson direc tor of psychological services at Royal Victoria Hospital could win your choice of $12000 Grew Boat or $12000 Funcraft Mini Motorhome or even $10000 in cash Find out about The Confident Offer at your Mercury dealer

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