wvagflll Innisfil hit in the guts STROUD Innisfil township has been hit in the guts by provinc1al govern ment rggort on growth Coun Bill Tipple saidw nesday Council discussed the report at public committeeofthewhole meeting It is the governments position the report states that except in the Barrie and Orillia areas significant urban development on the Lake SimcoeLake Couchining shoreline such as that propos ed at Alcona Beach should not proceed Growth at Alcona Beach is pillar of In EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classdiad Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 nisfils ro edofficialplan The iegdft titled TorontoCentred Region Program Statement Design for Development was made public in early April Generally it promises special govern ment assistance in fostering major growth in particular areas in Ontario The re rt says the SimcoeGeorgian Area Tas Force report submitted to On tario Treasurer Darcy McKeough March 16 has been approved in principle EMPLYOMENT In view of prevailing economic condi tions and the continued need to encourage gowth in centres outside areas such as Toronto where urban development pressures are high the report states the government will give priority to those measures for carrying out the task force recommendations which are likely to be most effective in creating new employ ment Referring to Simcoe County the govern ment paper says steps will be taken to begin attracting the various types of economic activity required It also says the government welcomes and supports the task forces recommen dations to preserve the countys prime agricultural and recreational resources After seeing just portion of the TorontoCentred Region report council in structed clerk Richard Groh to obtain full copies He is also to obtain copies of the task force report because council has not received any The government paper represented In nisfils second blow of the day as it learn ed earlier that Barrie hopes to annex 13500 acres from the townshi The city recently asked die provincial government to delay decision on In nisfils official plan until new city boun dary is decided official plan calls for half of In nisfils population to be located in Alcona Beach by the year 2000 anticipating 17000 people in the 8th Line community Simcoe Centre MPP Arthur Evans said today the development of Alcona Beach would need tremendous sewage treat on Alcona growth issue ment plant and we just dont have the money for that right now The government is prepared to let Bar rie go ahead and apply for annexation and leave it up to the OMB Ontario Municipal Board to decide Mr Evans said Barrie is the first step in development of the area Construction of sewage plant to serve the Innisfil shoreline is planned the ministry of the environment but an ficial said recently the project is at least three years away WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy with sunny periods today Showers Mainly sun ny Friday Low tonight year No 95 Barrie Ontario Canada ThursdayApri 22 1976 Ulir Ziarrir Examiner The Barrie Examiner high Friday 17 15c Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 124LPages Even youngsters are in terested in crafts these days evident by the expres sion on Mark Arnolds face CRAFTS INTEREST AL while Stella Baker demonstrates bellpulling Mark accompanied his mother Janet centre to the hooking craft display Wednesday afternoon at St Georges Church Hall AGES sponsored by the Barrie Hooking Craft Guild Ex aminer Photo Citys annexation application to delay Innisfil official pla By JIM DALZIELL Examiner Staff Writer BRADFORD Barries application to annex land in lnnisfil township will delay consideration of the town ships new official plan Sim coe Centre MPP Arthur Evans said today feel Barrie is the first step in development of the area he said would say that as soon as hearing is held on an nexation lnnisfil will be able to have the official plan ap moved cant say if it will be in its present form or not Mr Evans said he is pushing for hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board OMB in August or Sep tember lnnisfil may be very disappointed in this but we are working to get hearing as soon as possible he said Barrie council has ap proved proposal to annex 20000 acres of surrounding township land to ac lhe Barrie Jaycee floor hocke team found an easy reme to calls by referee Jim Perri during game played against the nursing staff of Royal Victoria commodate future population of 125000 Barrie now has 31500 people in an area of about 8000acres On Tuesday this week most members of Barrie council met with Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough in Queens Park and received the goahead to apply for an nexation through the OMB RECOMMENDATIONS On Wednesday the city development committee made three recom mendations concerning an nexation that an application be made to the OMB im mediately that meetings be arranged to discuss the proposal with the councils of Innisfil Vespra and Oro and Toronto lawyer James McCallum QC be hired to represent Barrie at the OMB hearing Council will consider the recommendations next Mon day night Mr Evans said both he and Mr McKeough have read AWAY WITH REFEREE PERRI Hospital Wednesday even ing Ald Perri is being carted off the floor after an offside call while one of the Jaycees right mas querading as candy $40000 annexation study by Proctor and Redfern con sultants commissioned by city council For the public view however Barrie has released only sevenpage precis and map describing the an nexation area At cost of $30000 lnnisfil completed its new official plan in January and sent it to the ministry of housing for consideration lnnisfils plan says Alcona Beach should be prime growth area with the 8th Line community growing to population of 17000 by the year2000 That would represent almost half of the townships total population which is ex pected to triple to 33000 in 25 years Excluded from Innisfils plan is 6000acre area which the township agrees could be annexed by Barrie The citys annexation proposal is for 13500 acres in Innisfil striper to fool the opposi tion moves in for goal The final score was 28 to 23 and half in favor of the Jaycees Examiner Photo away ARTHUR EVANS sees problem BARBIE TRA CK NAMED Racefixing charges heard by By PETER LESNIAK Examiner Staff Reporter TORONTO There ap pears to be lot of race fix ing at Barrie Raceway sulky driver told an Ontario Racing Commission ORC hearing into charges against four drivers Wednesday The statement came from driver Reginald Gordon who does not face charges He was called as witness because one of the defendants is alleg ed to have attempted to bribe him think theres lot of that race fixing going on at Bar rie Gordon said couple of my owners and some friends thought racing was little funny there Another witness driver Douglas Brown told the hear ing he is afraid to testify because of what would hap pen after The hearing into possible racefixing at the class track enters its second day today Defendants face charges of interference bet ting on horse other than their own and offering bribes to affect the outcome of race Wednesday the eightman ORC tribunal heard evidence about two of the charged drivers Eric Langen of Holland Landing and Jack Wray of Schomberg Langen faces diarges asking driver Edward Till to drive and not win in the 10th race Sept 15 1975 Aconspiring with driver Michael Jarvis to affect the outcome of the same race and failing to report fraudulent proposal made by Wray FlVEtHARGES Wray faces fivecharges attempting to bribe Gor don prior to the first race March 1975 attempting to bribe Brown to fix the 10th race Aug61975 attempting to bribe driver Kevin Cunningham to fix the fourth race Oct 29 1975 vattempting to bribe Brown to fix the fourth race Nov 1975 and making fraudulent pro posal to Langen Also charged are Jarvis of ollmgwood and harles Black of West Hill The OR has the power to impose fines or revoke racing three Health unit waits on nurse talks Simcoe County District Health Unit officials are still waiting to resume negotia tions with Ontario Nurses Association Local 37 Gerry Skipwith business ad ministrator at the health unit said today Negotiations broke down March 12 following concilia tion session with provincial officials but Lilian Fralick president of the local has said the nurses are not con sideringstrikeaction Mrs Fralick who could not be reached for comment Sky Shop prosecutions in Ontario and Quebec OTTAWA CP Quebec SolicitorGeneral Fernand Lalonde said Wednesday night Montreal judge will hear formal complaint of in fluencepeddling in the Sky Shops case against Liberal Senator Louis Gigurere under an unusual Criminal Code proceeding known as pre enquete The announcement came within 24 hours after the RC MP following dispute with Mr Lalondes department swore informations here against Senator Giguere 65 and four former officers of Sky Shops Export Ltd in cluding Clarence Campbell president of the National Hockey League senior official here said the outcome might be prosec utions in both Quebec and On tario The allegation in both 0t tawa and Montreal is that Senator Giguere received $95000 in 1972 for using his in fluence to get Sky Shops an extenswn to 1980 on its duty free shop lease at Montreal International Airport at Dor val Que However in Ottawa con spiracy charges were ex pected to be laid against the senator Mr Campbell 70 who was Sky Shops president in 1972 Montreal executive Louis La inte 65 who was board airman Gordon Brown Freeport Bahamas former vicepresident and James Lavery Toronto for mer treasurer LONDON AP An ambulance transferred Princess Anne to London hospital today for rest and further ex amination of hairline crack in vertebra suffered when her horse fell and rolled on her Fredericton police back FREDERICTON CP City police voted early today to end twoday strike and accept the latest contract offer from the city Sheldon Geldart president of Local 502 Canadian Union of Public Em ployees CUPE said it was close vote but he declined to give specific figures Pound sinks tonew low LONDON AP The British pound dropped nearly and onhalf cents to new low of $18075 today then eased 251t the today said March 30 nurses are waiting for word from association headquarters in Toronto before resuming talks so that bargaining at 35 health units in Ontario can take place simultaneously Issue at stake are wage parity with hospital nurses and voluntary arbitration clause both of which are re jected by the Simcoe ounty District Health Board The board has offered an increase of six per cent which Mr Skipwith has said follows increases of 25 to 27 per cent last year He has said increases of 24 to 27 per cent would be necessary this yearto achieve parity Nurses say they have fallen almost $4000 behind hospital nurses The Cantabile Choral grou from Thornhill had par in the rarely performed Beethoven Choral Fantasy during the CAN TABILE CHORAL JAtK WRAY charged licences of any driver it finds guilty of racing offences Till testified that he was ap proached by Langen before race He Langen said he and Lyle MacArthur another driver could get the exactor in that race Hill said and he wanted me to just more or less finish back Langen who denies all charges said his horse Ed die Clark was the second bestinthefield Why should have to ap proach youl Langen said to Till Your horse would be the last horse had toworry about brittle rather easy Jarvis told the hearing he never saw Langen approach anyone about fixing race including Till He said his suspicions were only aroused by one race since he came to Barrie WON RATHER EASY didnt figure had shot in there he said but won comission Ray Jeffries another driver said Langen had once warned him about racing at Barrie and told him to stay away from Wray However he said he was never asked by another driver to fix race or to not win Langen denied he ever spoke to Jeffries about Wray was only warning Jef fries about the owners he said told him not to let the owners talk him into taking bad race horses Gordon said he was once approached by Wray He Wray said he could win said that could win Then Jack said he would help me win Gordon said Gordons horse Fearless Fare won the race by three lengths and Wrays horse Last Shot placed second think theres lot of that going on at Barrie Gordon said Gordon however denied Wray ever attempted to bribe him Brown whose testimony varied considerably from statements he made to the ORC in March broke down under questioning and admit ted to being frightened Are you frightened of him Wray Commissioner Hardy asked YesI guess about what would happen after Brown said Frightened that if on gave evidence at something will happenl Mr Hardy asked Yes Someone phoned me that things were going around that would be in some danger if gave evidence against Wray Brown said Brown 20 is top 10 driver at Barrie Raceway In earlier testimony he said Wray offered him exactors but later changed his testimony sayin exactors were never offer The hearing continues today Chrysler strike into 11th week The strike at Barries Chrysler Canada Outboard plant entered its 11th week today with no progress in sight and signs of increasing bitterness on the part of union dficials The company has taken completely unreasonable stand throughout the negotia tions Frank Berry inter national representative of the United Steelworkers of America said today He said the firm is hiding behind the federal wage guidelines and the plant is the lowestpaid union shop in Barrie Plant manager Don Critton declined to comment on the plants wage levels The 38 members of USW Local 6834 walked off the job final concert of the Huronia Symphony Orchestra Wednesday evening at Cen tral Collegiate PERFORMANCE Auditorium The evenings performance featured solos by Craig Winters on the piano and Stanley Feb 12 after working without contract since Nov 30 Chief issues in the strike are wages and length of con tract Local president Wayne Green says workers have been offered 72centperhour hike over twoyear contract but want higher increase on oneyear pact He says the plants current average wage is $327 per hour Union officials have not revealed their wage demand and company officials will not confirm the union account their offer The Davidson Street plant manufactures Chrysler out boards and boats for the domestic market Elliotson on the Trumpet For review by Muriel beeper turn to Page Examiner Photo