Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1976, p. 14

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t4The Barrie Examiner Monday April 1976 mucus Eon SALE mu Mm am itan Amman ARTICLES Fall SALE noes Alto PETS LUTE PUPPIES weeks old free to good homes temaie males Telephone an or after prn 4872293 Fine Rooms of Furniture iiivii midfmiiédmlfi¥l beauties apartment slxe pets PRIVATE I972 Cougar XR7 convertible Automatic ower steering and brakes tinted win ows excellent condition Tele e7264144ofter6 Farm supply managers DoIt Due to rapid expansion Ontarios largest farm supply cooperative has openings for retail managers who have proven records at suc cess 1974 DODGE VAN 127i it iba 318 cubic Inch automattcnomx3mg No paymems ll June 76 Those Incumbents will be expected to direct all functions of the Dlrectory Of BUSITIBSS serVIceS and PrOdUCtS ztmlodl3eg gangs $25 or camping No money down imsiore financing CAMPING WWI branch operation which includes the retailing of seed feed fer WWWd twp cuevv ton rmtt Md camp tililer chemicals hardware petroleum and the marketing of grain WWW flogged ammo mud ZMrold Crickt tuir lowd 009 Grass sales2 to million dollars Branch staff to I2 3750 Tele hone 7261058 condmon May Form IWSCORCETTE convertible 350 hp Power Wm Locafions mggggfgxahfgzfimn FREE DELIVERY Newmarket AluMINIIM FIREPLACES ESSA MOVERS and Cottage 7283311 at ngvtstlmitén Consisting of 7piece bedroom suite 6piece kitchen suite 4piece lo mun AIIISIOTI PAINSWICK ALUMINUM ngcwvgggbelind Humor himnws omMuflc EMERIMNMEM 5W 5°brg livin room suite consistin of hi back chair rockin swivel SoffitFacia criteria gpodhconidi chm cheserfield and OOSQOM macaw 501w Immcmyorga Preferred qualifications several years retail management ex AND MASONRY sputxlllztng WARREN BROWN Mom no who oréoflonmfin or ur or 1a lcrgdm5tJoephs llgh Schciplglyzléaalter perience needed agricultural diploma degree plus farm loves r°j9 233sg5° like to dance Good rates 72995 top from do and 350 Vt background are decided ossots F° MUSICIRSTRIICTION on one power steering an brakes Irn float11m 7284040 Id er sa cry range of $15500 to $22900 Plus TU r0 OI 1A UNCLAIMED FREIGHT I965 PONTIAC4cl ed 288 EMm month trial Vlnstrument loaned or hrme runs well gaadogztéy°2500 113533 2020UNLOP ST WEST Please submit resume to BRICK BLOCK stone war Irep aces WW 7Ph000 4240725 bOtWMH mm and 230 was Barrie Arena specialty Free estimates Stan Kitalt New lANO LESSONS at my ome Stu lo devtIop pm LowelI42A 5158 technique and joy infilaying Mrs ELIRNITWSHING Altrows 17a 17 GUITAR LESSONS Classrcal and popllctr New and used PHONE A8 chmkm ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and servtce I8 Alliance Blvd 7283392 Staff Planning Coordinaior United C0 Operatives of Ontario 1968 DODGE DART GT 270 cubic inch automatic good condition 5650 Telephone 4562952 agtflépm militant etmuhlngm Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7261489 SerVIce PO Box 527 Station Au OREPARS to mount Iuvmshnos sold 321372033 WE REPAIR British European and Japanesr €397 1957 Pontiac Grand porkiemm two doc Tw CYRII MISSISsaUga Ontario L5A3A4 ggzssgprortotion Auto Serv 17 Mary St ANDYMAN mnymwwgpe WW rgfiop$Lngimklucitset maggmsgm Sroud 4364510 A5 ture iramina 82 Dunlap St nit3270 radial tires Immaculate Confiloitian $850 Wili MWFJUI6 v4 SALES REPRESENTATIVE ETTE CONVERTIBLE paper ungin peren tee ing brakes windows tilt AIIfle7gP929i puma on Cleaned estimates Jack Richardsgon 72620 3756 Iilftmit iiia°°i° BROWN AND BE CARPENTRY °°° °w L°°2°LPL Form Doir ui ment Exterior aintin trash hauled DON SESLNG p°°l°° P° 1973 FORD RT REPAIR TTAG iOfiadigfinfigggggfTm ES OUTBUILDNGS DELAVAL Rapidly expanding company requrres competent am gitffiffilET1°L3 313312 and small moving jobs 311305553de gfigfitugnffiaa new good condition certified $1200 asonablo 436 4789 HILLSDALE DECORATINGl mm mm WW ML and LINE GRAINARIES BINs 0R BUILDINGS wmt SALES ANT SERVICE bittous person With mechanical apptttude knowledge Days 726 8424 Evenings 436 wallpapemg mm mane vwzl gird Complete Line DOIY of piping industry an asset Must be free to do some 303 £222 Dfiii$f $323 2387 995 Teleph°ne7°5835ablt km 374 GRAN TORINO 302 engine deluxe Farm Equipment and Supplies evening cabinetsaspucialty 726 564i S27 VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratt in mper group automatic go my Whigs wattspog 33 Dame Holly Hwy 27 If $35333 lc tLZ°Tail°Ji¥i FREE EilagltsheZBOeyrgrs 7263209 9730 nva origina owner 66831 726 0338 or I28 6363 OpPO 1y or se starter cry COT GENERAL mam enowmm eueahon Garages cleaned Trash hauled Painting Interior exterior establish mensurate WITh ObIIITy Pension medlCOI and groUp roams framing trim reasonable free away 25 v0 Free immes work one CARS WANTED TO BUY nce frin benefits Car nd 900 776 770° 7237696 ll 5U expenses ROOFING Carpentry alterattons all work guaranteed and reasonable 436 1540 ZHOLSTHN cows to hinawd In wrl Ing on glvlng resume GENERAL CARPENTRY rec rooms tiling Ol Burma Newest Car Dealer and the pth the end of March good milking No phone calls or visits letlagating dbrly wall butltln clothes closets 30C om °° 56 50 L050 726 3853 between 10 am and 530 pm All applications strictly confidential Mr Evans Co Tillsonburg Pipe and Supply Ltd FOX AND Hound Tack Shop Englisthiding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec roams Call Russ 4363681 after 630 prn Reference available GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES Tr PAVING STORM WINDOWS removed eavestroughs ORV HARDY MOTORS and General contractor Kitchen rec 303328lggtbr WI gode 0OVIIIIEd I7OBRA RDST 72 °u OX 00ms renovations ad one 28 dltlons fireplaces guaranteed 7371507 ION Huck move unk or an kl tt 2951mm onppullts Alwtarrn fresh 99 Cookstown Ont WNW 376 ratg unter ou try Farm Stroud 43618I 3mm Mme LOL no CARPET CLEANING All work guaranteed 51A Pmnting etc easanable labl Tor PRICE tor top cors Toke Motors Ltd In TV AND RADIO mo sun to cum A10 newton 33$5333ZfiTZfpetifiiit loo smoll 77o0038 FREE ESIMATES 3f°dl°rd 30 7239l Barrie TV lnHome Service to all makes of cleaning 726632I HOUSE CLEANUPS leaning mum JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid televisionszcali 7284297 PRIDE SEED CORN tar sale Telephone General repairs painting add tabs etc it Some day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 RECONDITIONED color TV from S295 used w°ii°3jj3Ih°mt°n 77676 CUSIOM FENCING 457 3607 7370I 79 mn FIG id WW 550 5°ri° TV C°l SPECIAL FOR month at April hog can 07 L7731W ratattadi cistern mug50s low as 599 or HUM frjgLNg ond Suaimlles hone Ctor VES on an arm on mm You no Ivory arrte once PRA VALLEY heating new forced at 25 5M0 FOOd Doaler 7288726 Anten Mills 776 3068 Lamb 778 7670 system renovations humtdll ers All ifeiiv mum AND TRAILERS Barrie TV for best value on Canadian mode QUANTITY OF cob corn and straw wIlwn 728 0733 7281286 CUSIOM IRON railings pom hm re FORD Window Vam low ng color Leprbplctue tube warrlyflnty TgfitiortofilAilbr7759rjvlv garden pool fencing gates tireploce ac cellent condition radio power steering 23 mi pafi RI W2 DEAL WIT Didasflgnber Ctéstom mdod home cassettes Pralndustnes 7265546 srrr it on riser °°° °° °°° ESPBLSEaflgLEhPEEIZEQflC 8574 °°° WY sowN conv no compoI TRAVEL SERVICES um Acumny budde services Spectaltzlng In homes I973 carom tonflwggstlgé boo 52995 Also GET THtst naissmutmc alterations renovate 5926 74 or tan Da ge Vs tan wit CUSTOM SPRAY For onty $670 YOU can buy it ING corn and muted grain 1308 CUMBERLAND am late bathroom It MAM 26 Zenith console colour television And it APPIWIW liqUd W090 WIOGI DRESS made by JCS AQUINO the enovulIOns lngudln erarnlts Sprtlaltrtnq In pant suits gowns cler altslo 1974 INTERNATIONAL tan Travelall Van You phon onigm YOU con wk dlivfly ground Financing available for seed fer ktchen ositions available at MC Mosaic Illing also rec rooms 4364179 on part lime coun er an Irons 76 Warsley no C000 VBbsautomattc 34000 mules Telephone 25 ZENITH Ch tonight With no money down and no lh° P°Y9 36553 Id 737 25 romaco or payments til July Krozy Kellys TV Barrie 47 Ono eSIOUranl gs patio turnlture 0107371182 garden pool ienctng gatos tireplace oc TOW TRUCK for sale I96l Chev ton in 7CM unis Pondui 5546 Pold breaks free lood unllorms supplled schedUIed pay ose spicmuzmo tapmg and QQuye ELECIROHC sane reduce dus good operating shape clutch operated win Ak relieve allergy symptoms Vespra Vaileyl ch 76 $795 $600 Personal intethews Will be held Monday Tuesday and Thursday 0W7 07 Heating 7280733 7281286 Doknown Fin0972375v n9 26 Inch RCA Spanish Buys beautiful 26 RCA colour 590ml FRUITS AND VEGHALES to 530 Mr Adair Professional installations taping an Tr OUT I974 CHEV TON truck standard box with L°w B°Y 39 SHLEfioiTERI APPLES Kool 50 A7 lh9 Fm ippw 95 INCOME IAX cap heavy duty Telephone 7263265 Only Deiver tonight Krazy Kellys TV Dame Ora 7229907 7283439 ciorgdogjrtayf and dywalllfpm 777 25 INCOME TAX RETURNS do YOU WW inch Plato737l182 77 if your contatngr heme Personal and small busmess Prompt 127IGMC VAN new frfint and engine Toshiba color EAMw in 77777777 79 undeowngble 364828 ui new exterior exce am running con dition $600 or best otter telephone 728 Only $450 week buys brand new 18 Sylvanla PERSONALS HELP WANTED SUSTHOR EAVSIIROUGHNP Spffligzl4 tgrxmIzhdrhsarsfpnjlliiell Ebrbk I539 ask for Kevin 100 Solid State colour television or pay test on Snow lelrtoro tom too on 18 Inch SONY lrInttron wrth litw lowoll 899mg 59M 796 7973 wiserno mamtum too emme no rohot ego crowht mm NCOM SEWING MACHINES ttan Scout complete wrth blade and NS 32 Plmglgrzug roxy UNRESTRlCTED ELECTRICAL Busmess and personal Experienced II sgwmc MACHINES ndustttal and dome hydraulics Telephone 4562727 wtth trade on $599 Essa 20 inch RCA XL 100 no is Accucolor 1975 model 302 FORD ENGINE Crane cam and lifters th Node Owen 51 Battle 726 l2l6 sewing machinery expertly repaired $400 WEEKLY MONEY rJHEELER ELECTRIC industrial commercial WCOME Mx WW prepmed 462 73785 astrtartttol also appliances hours service buys this 19 RCA Accucolor televisran with pummfl punmowu now 073 JUS dd 25 Edgehlll 726 307 INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared Angusi mg on stares allice and apartment no moneydown and no payments July bullding motels hotels restaurants in IMCOF EliCTRIC lndustllal Commercial Phone tonight and take tree delivery and set duui Horus Hunt chool it ttut cum hm nmnymmme Barrie area 55 up Dabson 424 59l0 RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY flterior stuuo gg7tgnt892ht Krazy Kelly in the Barrie Plara banks hospitals etc to sell our nationally 775 373 afterfiand weekends ii and ceilln Fr Mdm tenor texture wt 9° so7 m7 Marind IonggrIite guaranteed lighting INCOME TAX RETURNS done tram cu estimates Dale Russell Mldhurst 999 carb Ford dual point distrt utar ssoo 7263775 products no barrier car necessary haste Personal and small business Prompt 7784392 oro UOSOT Sdel II commissions re bl 48 1970 3st CC CLEVELAND high out put 1932 mcd you can buy this new 20 super Zenith Rellobl plus datusgitklanmtaveLoazbrdspoidevry one 28 $35m Implant Prlc 5325 TOIOPhOHO 487 mo Chromacolor portable colour Ialevisron Ken nsured day are HITC COHSIOTII SUDOTVISIOTT Tuesday on automatic yourround repeal ter7 p11 wyh trade Now for only Sting week No money down business No technical knowledge needed as wey Rod BARRIE ONLY House at Leasng Leat no payments til July Kraxy Kellys TV and creative training for babies Infants and Iodcllprrgt 30 our Sales Manual shows you how to make SIMCOE Economy Insulalion Ttbregluss blow your new color from $12 month at Barri Phone tonight tr deitypry tonight 737 monoy with your very itrtt call Thtl our Marine Radio mg and b0ln9 Free estimates Scott Mulr TV 29Coller Street 728 4297 728 I267 INNISFIL JANITORIAL Services Floors MOTORCYCLES 1974 61550 Suzuki 6000 miles immaculate condition some extras Asking $1450 7264850 tter SZ°KE° twig 1973 Image waabughlt in Iatroginbliidtiill $733 7227532 TILL JULY l975 evenings for further information 1974 650 YAMAHA 20 miles certified $1800 or best offer For more information one IOTIIghI 82 Tr 32nd year in Canada and our biggest Choice We om es on Sethce HEAVY DUTY Communal pain wle ed 50 mdUdes R09 NUISOV protected territory at Barrie and district éibrlggéggi Iraloghgw ustQLBe ltlledllmmoedzately Write Daytron TV AND STEREO SERVICING windows alltces general cleaning BARRIE ELECIROVISION INC Repairs SEARS KENMORE Kwtk Sweep Deluxe two of on 9E SIMCOE PLAZA 7267282 WEEM makes TVs and sound equipment 7283606 speeds on pulse edge cleaning Dust cup BARRIES LARGEST Taxi Company requires A3 empties like an ashtray Used times 23 dw and 13 moi we originolly560 Selltar $40 Please phone 728 TE°37é6 °° pp NEED MORE Iwmg space Rec mom in 80ttl TV In Home Service to all makes at 0559 atter5rt bedroom play room laundry otitce storage televISIonS Call 728 4297 TN bfd on WATKINS PRODUCTS reauitesfs people for 5°53 whfiZio£LiZfino tiémmsiioo door to door whine odm mdlwtd pmmg Hmpmg MW Ball 728 8906 WATER HAULAGE BTU VlSlt the appliance department 29 Cal Ointment pepper etc Write Mr Barber lter Street 7284297 504 Limertdge Court Hamilton Phone LAWN CARE THE WATERMAN Letroy 4573qu went Telephone 4246460 ellvery tonight 74Ah 14163582530 stems wm I914 CANAM TNT Converted to MX spore 19 COLOUR $359 New Canadian made TV Wfi in than mowm lyean sommg mlng peas ed rts and tires ready to race or trail Ex sets Barrie TV for best prices best value we Boyfleld PM ME untd Mggfirnan Specmllzmg naural sone 0rd gseedmgp Wilmaable 391 9° cellentconditian7284548 after 630 service whatC wle sgél Cgmpare then shop qu bdzrrzztgem rl onfique brick imaes Greenwew Lawn Sewlce 726 ST KAWASAKI 500 l97l it EQTF2Y9J° 91 GELv ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING ecolStSl All cIassarttid parts available Teslephotre 20PER CENT OFF cylinders etc for Arctic Cat REQUIREDIWCWWOW WW Min9 Custom butlt and deSlgned game ANle emlmn weed homes mammemsmdmres rzte$hénai 7372848 and Kawasaki mowmobiie mom in ml to live In Irorn March 8th to June 23rd to care 9t 728 mu mg mowing hedge trimming etc Vic spart Haven Marine726100i M0 On090 WI 00 All workmanship guaranteed 1973 SUZUKI GTI85K Ius extras Excellent éFEVdEESCK on 4589709 Trtemstra 726 0427 dto en on summer 33°C AK arson nc osurospoa ers tn Enolrlesl$750gdllafter 5Yprn7284963 ches wide 27 Inches high I4 Inches deep are EXPERIENCED Meat Cutter wanted Good oL 0°C hand 0th mahogany mm och hours and working conditions Salary com USIng only qua lty materla RAILINGS GATES Irreplace screens room gfihomflgum gneNggggog Ming tidemélo9pvm 12 inch speakers Asking price saoo pair Babysmers are EXPENSIVE pgvggéhzfl appsyn Mm 3313 niggggg P°° Wms 9° PETER HENSTRA iaan225ltsdt condition 06p 171 GXS dygtm 150 and are MATURE RESPONSIBLE help requireddon TRY BARRIE ExAMNER odern beef farm Must be experienc in 1974 KAWASAKIZI 900cc lete ith flfl9fif9179 COMPLETE heating plumbing mun Cray wddl bag can of mg Borne pldrt LADIES GUAM lowing to Babysflters are pxfirllgrlg2taauoénachtnery Telephone Doug Systems air conditioning sheet metal WANTADS guards never been ridden months com Parr Plfase call7737W77Iarrinformation7 Bob TObICOtan Service and maintenance 24 hr PonY W9°Y YI°Ph°° 4291 BARRIE TENT and Awning provides complete ers $30 senice 737 0909 PHONE 72824I4 19724500 CC SUZUKI only 9000 miles 00 Mann IF repair service on tar tents trclller covers Babysflers NOTTAWASAGA INN Crmfivc condlttan $1200 at best alter Telep one ondfzmngs Bog7 worming Huvo your roqwm band lt°ltk° HELP WANTED up WANTED 4241028 war one new core rus arts ree estimates gladly giv7ngn new metal or Babysltiers 3349T222 gur mangitwgy lEPILCPWHQSEt Ber SWEJYPbfli 4355501 Alliston SNOWMOBILE GAS STOVE burner Mollat S35 New tire FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE CALL 60mm NT WM ban bggo jg and rim 695x14 525 Car Radio AM FM up LOOK 25 uphom 726 0955 Kdd household duties Worsley sabarecl to therintormatigntptephonel BELOW COST CLEARANCE 3000 333 rg°n°f IS 00 OPENINOS FOR tall and part time experienc an OF NEW 8t USED white enamel casing $4500 Telephone 728 Babes weeks up PrESChooers apatitth 511 SNOWMOBILES RENT TO WN 83ot73691 69 BAYFELD 5T 36 DONALD ST Fridaybetwben9and5 I976 Arctic Cat Panther $1 588 ANTQUE SHOW and Sale Sunday April 7287081 7286330 ExPEltlENCEO SNINOLETT ranitid tlease 930 om 06 cam E0 Apply Laurier Sheet Metal alter pm I976 Arctic Cat Panther SI 399 TV Vofingeg Richmonddwill25 Dealers Bargains gt MWF 1phoninb3n9472th A7 1976 Arctic Cat Jag $1195 514 E9f919i£9 hre of mo won 1975 Arctic Cat El Tigre 44o mom do St 295 One hour dellve COLOR TV er pe°P knowv giant 20inch portable 100 per cent Solid 975 Rupp Nlro I295 State only $366 WT Proowned Unclaimed 1974 Men sR 838 Freight20270unrlap st West 7262900 °5°YF°99Me BARRIE DISTRICT THE BARRIE EXAMINER 1972 Rupp Electric 549 1970 Arctic Cat Panther 399 1969 Skidoc 375 tion Asking 525 Telephone 7283463 93939 LOVEYOU NORESCO RECEIVER model SAT 460x Chan FOREVER We are looking for an exceptional man or woman with drive and 11 dt 1968 snow cruiser 225 20asilygw°ldr3f7£ £3943 73777357 JOHNNY ability to move rapidly to management position in topranking Csiggfiwgfh Ask if EHOB or AB and still growing company The position is particularly attractive to In The lOllowmg areas mi eos of Barri onl shanty FOR 52 travel arrangements Try per person early In his her career development Boy éoad anralzotllnbwrzgaq mug Liftnavigazz senIce Hays 10 mm 728 If YOU believe YOU quality call Mr Dale Mgrro at 726l6280b0n 85 we Eficiléfiififiaimjiafs 17 riI or urs ri et Phone 726 00 or 7269005 RCA 26 nChv per monlh $2 VORK AIRconditioner 25 ton compressors minutes from BarrrierecIllmdyn idgalfrm IUQSdaY has ay ST ween 930 am and 600 pm N5 RCA 19 pe mm YOUR INQUIRY WILL BE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY NOAM HEATHER AREA Philco 25 inch per month SI water cooled 283 Phila hYdV°v mod 265217 INS Iqilnform°°¢°7261 TELECARE Wh tight our problem alone I975 EYNDRUDE 650 HP HP General Electric 25 Inch pe morons httytllmafiond pi cal more 679 A7 timers eectric starts 25 30 AND no WC tanks with trailer Askin or bgfylgg month $I INCOME TAX returns personal and small fer Telephone 7370954 agar 25 FOOT Ex ten Cruiser This boot loaded business also bookkeeping tor contractors 20 MIL er month 514 with equipment priced to sell For further mllflrmiflojagq WNWAVA ARTICLES FOR SALE Odels ened °° l°m°°°°° 7735693 °3777 PERMANENT REMOVAL at erfluaus hair SANFORD JOHN AREA RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY ECCLEsWELLINGTON AREA CODRINGTON NELSON ST AREA IarT FIBREGLASS boat 1973 with 1974 tdto it Humth mm lwroyagm 150 hp Mercury outboard has top power n137267 trim power tilt and trailer Excellent con EARD READING an gna dltlon Asking $4200 Telephone 7263984 mmmng By appoimmcm only can 728 after6pm 8868 baSls Short term Slightly LADsz QUALITY CLOTHING ill TO to l2 Please call 7210067 for information er THE BARRIE EXAMINER one hourdeliverv tl Mo Mrs WM NOT HAVE CORES Open daily 1100 am9 00 pm 322i°°£t°1t flaringtttplgfipriiitggni mfifjgfizfiom Whjfé Two days week to start Experience an asset 28 DONALD ST AREA Saturday 930 t06pm $353200 W5 °°P°° 77395932 APPLY To AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA 0F NEWSPRINT LETITIAST WESTOF MR MACDONALD ANNE ST AVAILABLE UNTIL mm yum TAKE BREAK Registered nursing assistant will care for FURTHER NOTCE arl1j3ih imitfiJiigitzRimragga ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD Please fill out the application below and return it to rrie itamlnerw UY bod 0d hi In Toronto etc Reliable competent care 149 DUNLop ST EAST BARRIE $23334 7233 scurry mtgiizzifilsiéSipafiimiphi23 zoosoy A5 IIHE BONNIE EXAMINER 79C°i577° Barrie Piaa 732932 lrcu anon Wiflifsiffw enigmayiiiziaizitorrrtit m5114515Lw torsoot Bawed 33 on GC Rum 50 to to SHOP SUPERVISOR figure3i°rlraztn OR PHONE 7286539 om FURNITU amps FIGJJTINGiNFLATKZN$977hlz1bszmzz gflfi°flttfifiillt£l9 19573419753i ex erienced ELEtthTIIPIST Iar Ilnanclal institution in am Is rox ma it on taught attimraitritium nee Must hove class gigagfijjjfffitj°5 Name mooon SHOWROOM full sized pooh on Imp in good condition Will pay up to $400 mec antcs memo and be able to supeerse l4 bay ser coax HOWARD Johnsan Inaw Tin dlgplg come in today or call 7164606 I01 New Unlglll for both Cot726tt760lt9f69A vice de conen viewing candidates for the position at cook bpookiet or infirgzenchptfg Th 11 WW EPHm prhmd apply Pmon Address 00 ioneer oal INDOOR SHOWROOM full sited pool on display Come in todo or call 7264606 for CENTENNIAL PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER itiiciifddPm33mm tial stead full time employment good fr ee3 gebookleto ingtOUfld 009 95° and grooming reasonable rates Telephone inge bene lie re Iy to Box P58 The Barrie nggguqmnrme PRBEUILD YOUR OWN 239991 Efiqgtlnfi16991195thBertieHM Telephone Age PlANO SALE Mason and Reisch apt elle goofing ARIA Aquariums ilsh OPENINGS Foptunand pm Wm $995 with MM N° 300 FURNITURE lants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ar ed race oghlgrg In to 3221602 PPY Friday SaturdOY °Z Now anyone can build beautiful turniture daghRd726OO94 Fudos Food Hi hway 11 North Monday to up Amp ms WAND Am manta ram and AthnerTIHCPmPl Pits easy because its alyoody pfu BARRIEVPOOOLESalonShaMEoolnaand ctalp Ellitjlwt9ENEWC éF re lr service on tar tents tra er cover rice start at $6595 Write for FREE color Ping at all breeds Sophia Street East PART TIME typlst required with invoicing and LOOKIN OR the security secondincome manlms Dog Hf 5133 fiufiaslziwfiloplol Titties Dept 01 500 LN WW Bradford STreeT Barrie tortillaLatviaI eiiperlance Appllcuxtl min UnnfikLiMMBbEP fiESLiLEEBmHO provlde Tao path to security In only WANT ADS work one now are as ater oo Ont POODLE thMmG proiaulonat groom ave goo to ep one manner mat emotica nun ounnoho omwok and how Ilion on phone call away We Mtimo 9le 93V mm USED OILI 1i II and dell 7268792 skills able to operate electric calculator Show you how Telephone 72654664pmto biggewwyfiwfltléflfl rimtrnfa°rj°° Emmi lll€llll lit lAilLSttN stout Sails Ltd ttpto 7269631 for f7lggggflggg7mlgfifigmblno CP 7133 7282414 rm 74 vr palntment ltr

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