fhilnrtal flag of El MONDAY DECEMBIZR 31 1951 1y we must halt inflation before it ruins econl omy and thereby gives the Reds what they want without full recourse to war locally we must endeavour to continue the progress of our community in sound manners Looking at the broad picture The Hunting don Gleaner commented It is not cheerful picture that we can paint of 1951 for it has carried with it all the way through threat of inflation that would smother us The government in its endeavors to meet the situation has apparently only succeeded in making matters worse Higher taxation has tended to increase prices all along the line and the cost of living has steadily increased despite what has been drawn off by the government shows in surplus The increase in sales tax has added to cost of almost everything we must buy Thus the inflationary trend is still there and the strain on the pocket book is greater than ever It is just p6ible that the dropping of foreign exchange regulations will help busi ness somewhat but importations are not go ing to help the unemployment situation We must find more markets for our own goods before we bring in more goods to sell on the domestic market Restrictions that would be industrial and street lighting an actuat period or war dolliales of Hamilton took the position of manager and held not seem to work under this new system of that Place for several yllS peaece and war We are spending money andI taxing for money for possible war and at the same time we are trying to live to peace time economy How long can we continue llvlngrunder such burden without the hub ble bursting Instead of strengthening our position it is just possible we may be weakening it Rus sia may be causing the apprehension with view to having us spend all our energies and money in order to weaken our resources and to lull us into sense that no war is intend ed The Soviet is capable of carrying this sort of thing on for many years if necessary for it costs her nothing She does not fear that we will attack her thus she can sit smugly by and goad us on Without this apprehen sion it is possible that the year 1951 could have been called successful one but we can only go on building up our defence until we are sure we have the upper hand and can really do the dictating OPINIONS OF OTHERS Elected Representatives Should Plan Years Ahead Midland Free Press Herald Barrie Completes 98 Years Municipal Corporation Today marks the completion of 98 years of progress for Barrie it was in 1853 that Barrie had enlarged to degree warranting separ ate incorporation Prior to that it had existed as ward of Vespra vnship The year 1870 witnessed the elevation of Barrie to the dig nity of town status llowever it must be noted once again that 1033 will mark Barries 100th year of muni cipal incorporation That will be the centen nial year and it is to be hoped that the town council will start plans at once for suitable recognition possibly in the form of an Old Home Week or at least weekend and which The population of Barrie has changed so much over the past decade that We thought it would be interesting to print here at the conclusion of the year fewearly historical facts about the community in which we live on the shores of Kempenfelt Bay tip to 1870 For theSe facts of course we are indebted to lred Grant The history of this town and township tak es date from 1819 though prior to that year the highway now known as the Penetangui shene Road but formerly passing by the name of the Military Road was cut through from Kempenfelt to Georgian Bay by the British Government which event may per hapslwith propriety be characterized as an epoch in the history of Vespra as the road named forms its entire eastern boundary workable during About the time of the commencement of the 1812 AiigloAmerican War the site of Barrie figured in the military history of Bri tain by the establishment here of depot through which military stores were shipped by portage to the waters of the Nottawasaga River en route to the posts of the upper Lake Huron and Georgian Bay TheSe supplies were conveyed hither fr0m Holland Landing in small craft which effected landing about where the dock is now situated the store house referred to standing about halfway be tween the shore and Dunlop Street of the present and west of the railway station In 1825 this place was honored with visit from Sir John Franklin who was passing through to the North Pole by the northwest overland route Teacher says this is the way lol do my sums We dont multiplyl that way My teacher and soft brown eyes Wlnll nice voice could what weve got for ll11lllSllOS terrible old crpsspatch She has and she laughs at joke as if it really was funny to her Boys anti girls come home from school with all sorts of comments iabout their teacher They like or jthcy dont like her when they are ivcry small As they get mill older they see some things they admire wish you pretty blue dress store and tavern were opened in Kem penfelt village in 1831 by William Mann who subsequently owned and operated brewery for several years post office was established here early in 1834 with7Mr Sanford as postmaster the mails beingtiarrled from Holland Landing things What hap pens when they talk to mother Midlands municipal elections are now over forgand dad about their teacher another year but similar contests in the villages and The parents attitude to townships of the district are yet to take place Selecting local candidates for municipal office is still one of the most important tasks of the Canadian citizen At Toronto and at Ottawa the seats of our pro vincial and federal governments the administration of affairs has become so complex that the solution of many problems is left to socalled experts in the civil service Most of theSe menand women fortun ately are intelligent honest and unselfish servants of the peoples interests In local government however ledged and constant need for guidance from clerk treasurer solicitor and other local civil servants most of the major decisions on both policy and ad ministration are taken by the men and women we elect to office More than at perhaps any other level of politics they are responsible directlyfor the actions taken and also directly responsiveto public opinion The beginning and ending of most of the prob lems with which they deal is within sight and the pros and cons of each question can thus be more clearly evaluated There is however perhaps too frequent fend ency on the part of municipal politicians and rate payers to sacrifice longterm objectives whose full implications maynot be tooreadi1y apparent for immediate ends more clearly recognized While the influence of veteran civil servants on policy at Ottawa and Toronto may not always re flect fully the workings of democracy the heavy re liance on the opinion of such civil servants has one decided advantage it leads to more balanced long term planningpolicy inihe interests of all cit izens Municipal co and they WCIC some different Eteacher is important child is sure to feel that mother is inter ested orzindiflerent to his com ments of this other grownup in his life with whom he spends so Mother may not say senses The facilities for reaching Barrie were not the best in the early days Prior to 1820 schooner traversed Lake Simcoe which was kept in commission by family of Johnsons United Empire Loyalists who resided at Hol land Landing In 1832 steamer was built at Holland Landing and was named in honor of Sir John Coiborne The first trip from Holland Landing Barrirconsumed ameek steamer trayelled around the lake touching Beaver tonandgoing near Orillia and stopping all along the way before reaching Barrie many hours very much but child parents reaction hostile He quite quickly if his parents just dont care whether friendly knows teacher is little hard on mother who has been the most important person in Juniors life to have to and give teacher starts despite the acknow move over room Once Junior school what teacher says and does is of rst importance His glassroom guide is new and different adult whom he is getting to know Teacher speaks with all the authority of the school behind her whereas he has be come quite used to mothers ways and mothers voice It is very easy for parents es pecially mothers to becritica1 of instructor make allowances for the idiosyn crasies of their friends and ac quaintances But far tOo often parents do not know their childs teacher except by name One of the very useful func tions of the Home and School to provide meeting place for parents and teachers Every mother and father should make real effort to attend and support the Home and School gatherings Once they have chat with her most parents discover that their is quite human The first schoolhouse in town was built on the site later occupied by Central Victoria in 1836 In 1853 Barrie was placed in communica tion with the frontier by the construction of the Ontario Simcoe and Huron later the Northern Railway to Allandale The county had taken stock in the enterprise to the amount of 50000 pounds one condition of which was that the road should be censtruct ed to Barrie The efforts of the company in seeking to avoid the obligation of extending the line from Allandale to Barrie resulted in several years of expensive litigation School their childs People Clubs uncillors elected year by year some times forget that while their teTm of office may be of only 12 months duration they haveno less re sponsibility to plan the affairs ofthe electors on five 10 or even 20 year basis Midland forexarnplekhas suffered in the past from the understandable but not always commendable reluctance of some of its elected representatives to think 10 years aheadin terms of hospital and school facilities The good the new as kind Year Ahead Brings Problems That Free World Most Face The year 1951 has been one of apprehen sion inflation and tension For the coming yearfour greatest task on the World front is to control the trouble spots and keep them from turning into greater dangers National childs teacher old yearils with the past oh be Wiillam Gullen Bryant clip Emir Emmi ClassJA Newspaper ed Monday Wednesday Friday at The Wilson Building Post OffIce Square Barrie Ontario Canada by THEEARRIEEXAMINERLMTED of Gloss Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Quebec Division of CWNA and the Audit Bureau of Circulat Chittick VicePresident for Publish Subscriber to GP Seryice RivettSecretaryTreasurer ions rowan President TODAYS PRESS RUN 7400 COPIES ost Office Departinent Ottawa mall outside earer zones 00 yearly outsi new Authoer as secondciossmail by the lrlcrlrtlons variable insodvnnce by in email irlntho months 812550 cents single copy do Canada weeks $000 year Antonius $300 mo I4 HIGH ST hr Earrir xttmtnrr BARRIE GAS WORKS AND STAFF 1835 ETIIE BARRIE GAS WORKS was originally erected in 1878 by two local contractors Messrs Stapleton and Stacey and shortly afterwards the town had full supply for its domestic use when Mr Thomas Little Those in the above picture are George Taggarts son Lorne and his pony Ben Smith Mrs Edglc King Miss Lily Little hales Sam Ratcliffe Little Ben Smith Dick Goodyear Thomas Shouldice Tom Somers and Tom Caldwell INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY FRED GRANT For Parents Only New Years Resolutions SqIIareLIlcal For Teachers By Nancy Cleaver person with problems and diffi cultics just like any other grown tip Of course parent should feel free to go and see their childs teacher This vlsit should not in terrupt regular leaching session It should be at time which is convenient for both teacher and parent it isbest for mother to phone and say am Johnny Does mother and would like to have talk with you When would this fit in with your schedule The sad part is that so often parent who seeks an interview with teacher has complaint to seeing teacher problem tention extra work the new way Newcomer Glad oft jZero Temperatures lcC oieph Ivsro Jilwllli TORONTO Nolli Ing yuppie lflhl makes than l1lik btllllllUl and when balmy breezes enthusiasm and blow both lllllill Incli Jut arrived ill Canada frein his Edlbauer early Joseph over Bavaria Willlltfi lleciniblls lllllli Weather but now that the nurculy has taken lip he an co job hunting irolng knows Unable to speak word of Eng lish Etilbaucr has nevertheless ob site for his llcgcutly he has beenI pllii his trade on the front lawn of University of Toronto girls ritiince facing busy liloor street in the central ittlltlll of the city Street cars slow down and pas scrs by get lllt show as lIdl friends build llfcsic team of four hor ses pulling chariot bearing an angel of peace tion of 1052 Canadians Iliilltc lce sculp only profession tainiil an exhibition handiwork batter and couple is his concep Alncricans first met llll1111tl in 19311 at the will itr Olympic hill and Germany the United States thrilled with to the the United States the following year and winter carnivals Paul Mimi and Milwaukee but the war cut short any plans for permanent settlement Edlbauer considers his work real DD art having studied in the Munich Academy of Art Following grad Onmm uation he toured Europe building mm licy figures at winter carnivals and exhibitions lirllbatlchs lvork is hard too Intlst be done in freezing temper atures with watcrsaturated snow bare hands slush on the right places paring here and there with knife slow and its cold but he loves it Edlbauer holidays too sculptors Gaines time members Work urged him come Stairs lentil visit Pleased to Read AboutPeople Lik Capt EdwardStamp sculptored at St Wise John Lennox lcnmarvian Home llcv ltllis lhursdav To lle Editor liarlic Examiner Dear Sir was delighted to see the pic Examiner Slump Tire With slaps Ilarric Edward lure The Captain and short history about the Stamps and that been Stamp There River Edward Stamp after bus scorns Unlike some he doesnt chase Joseph mens snow named Capt SOlliC llll llllLCS INCREASING AILMENT Montreal rClIu Deaths from lheart diseases have quadrupled In line Montreal area in the last 25 iyears said Dr Lucien llubrcoll of lel the City health department llesaid Edlbauer temperatures early diagnosis and tleatliient often may odd years to the life of Suf fcler from heart disease The miracle of Canada is the reward of its thrifty people it is standard of living wrought by men and women who belieyehinm tpending and saving wiselyth average Cmadian for example owns his own car and his own home He pays his bills when due His pattern of living in excellent Who the pollen bred But unexpected emergencies in break the pattern Usually the energetic Inquires more money tliaiihe has available This can happen to anyone Then help must come from dependable outside service col of llloou Honcho HFCHousmrotn FINANCE4 specializes in making cash loam from $50 to $1000 to these basically thrifty people Be cause RFC service is prompt friendly dependable out Vol Canadian families prefer 10 borrow from HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Your phone book list office nearest you MONEY WHEN YOU NEED snow around the earth When sum mer comes he takes holiday and up the sun hes back tors which we are proud to name to our lilting not because of the fact that we are in sortie vay re lated to thcm but that they faced something benefit winter the coldest soaks When returns and job on earth been hardships which great to succeeding generations When was boy in Scotland remember alongthe Ayrshire coast used to talk about getting up at 230 am to dig the gloried in telling about the an cestry of hard work and that it was to the fact of having Worked so hard from six years of age that Hillylived to good old age died You the Stamp race if you are living in social comfort you are there on account of the historical back ground of hard work few days ago was reading about some people who gioried in the thought that they cottld trace their descent from great men of the past One said am proud of being Scotsman Another said am proud of being an En glishrnan proudli of being Another declared with great em phasis am proud of being Welshman It was the Welsh who gave the Bible to the world and promoted the great revivals of re ligion PUZZLE SCHOLARS REGINA LICPI rAldcrman Robinson didnt coated mounted policeman standing behind him when he told school safety patrollers green is the color of safety red is the color for dang er 110W 01 10 notice red early potatoes They ii FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTQMETRIST rut STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 3338 290 who belong make Seldom does mother take and time to see teacher to give her compliment or to ask her about something which is puzzling her Some issue some grievance in the teachers handling of her child is usually the occasion which spurs busy mother into Once in while parents write note to teacher to voice their dissatisfaction This seems sim pler and quicker method of com munication to many mothers But it is poor substitute for face to face talk in friendly atmos phere The writer of the note does not immediately get the other persons reaction to the said Irishman Another PROFESSIONAL DIR Canadas older and largul Coown Flnonu Organixolion HOUSEHOLD llIlIIIcE 23 lllxobolll Siro0 iocond lloor Mono IAIIII ONT ORIIIIA llANClh Mlnlnogo SI Eon 2nd floor Phone 1194 Noun lo or by oppolnllull ICON nod to mldcnh of Marla Inn 1119 no mu son 1870 W906V305N DUNLOP STREET BARRIE ONIARIO But MayeL AJtothschild steps inmto have his say He said trace my ancestry back to Moses who talked with Mount of Sinai and gave to you the Ten Commandments not be verbally correct but one thing we can boast about that Jesus Christ born of Virgin has made greater good than all his predecessors cast no reflectionupon the but hope you in this Christmas and New Year to come in Jesus Christ our Lord hope The Barrie Examiner will continue in its good news with characters Stamp LEGAL RAM outle Nourlu Parents need too try to put themselves into teachers place Then they will likely see that she has demanding job on her hands with room full of children She is trying todo her best With twenty or thirty or avenfmore childreneach different and each needing special thought and at BOYS SEAG can risten Solicitors Public Conveyance Etc MONEY To LOAN omen 13 Owen sto larrlo Branch Office aOvs now God on the may Ontario suonm COWAN COWAN Solicitors Comitlna Hunts 10 am to pm Monday to Friday ou Cowan claws ouILomo Barrio Ont Eimvale Nourlu impression for whim It ishquiie true that methods of teaching various subjects espec ially Arithmetic have changed in recent years Parents who at tempt to help their child with his homework may only confuse him But this is not the teachers fault If child is getting be hind inv subject the teacher will be only too glad to suggest ways in whichihe can catch up with his clasismates by doing little Stamps relations all glory $3 CollhlI GLADSTONE CURRIE KO IanMar and Solicitor MONEY TO LOAN 91 Dunlon $0 Barrio DONALD MaoLAREN EC Hamster Solicitor Etc Money to Loan Masonic Tomplo Building Ianlo unison SMITH Successor to DUNCAN MocuAloy Barrister Solicitor Ito Barrio MONEY ro LOIN VETERINARY on 31on Veterinarian and Bunsen Elmvole Phono Elman 3411 DE FLEMING vmnmman and ammo Sophlo St Barrio on SPEW MARIAN and BUROIOI $0 Ionic like Capt Edward Yours sincerely JOHN LENNOX and school are partners in one of the most important tasks in the worldethat of training the next generation For yOur childs sake er square deal tCopyrightI VICE IIIstiller cIIIIERS GOrmentslelt not Implantoffice bolbrp 11 am Will boexperlly cleaned and pressed roody foryou to pick up or On the Rapid PickuprandDehlivelySGWlel boy or girl will benet if on parents look on teacher not with critical eyes butwlth un derstanding and appreciation The teacher is the childs friend and she takes on denite shape as ahelpernothis enemy Thehome GHOUR on Block give teach Ontario Plum soul MINUS LIFE INSURANCE ammo 111 ms Chartero lilo Undowrita talmimm Proooton FRIENDLY V00 Llll IMIIURANGI III Phone 55 or am memos London we Insurance ico OPTOMETRY honour InAnnlt use DB Pammums ram 60 NOF pl Pl Pongnhlp who is Po Ind Group and sol Burl culkorltAcronf 080 Jr ELSE BURNS Inc Thuopiat dlp mm and Thorn License run amigo hallo III Duan HARTLEY ruox no vigorous Ion I1 Phono 3010 llrrlo mm JAMES vmo 130 Doctor of chiropractic BY Amrolntmont rum use Allnoct DIAL 72471 CHARTERED ACCOUNT TB 43 Collier St BarriN 67 Youze 80 Toronto Resldent Partner MacLAREN BCom CA BADGLEY LICENSED PUBL 33 Dunlop Street ACCQUNTANT 2511Telopllono4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE HERBERT Fl HARRIS Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrio my Home Office Wilson Building Post Office Scum Telephone 3397 Resident Munster NEEDHAM CPA Phone I113 SAMUEL ROSE chartered Accountant WELcn ANDERSON co Chartered Accountants lrock lulldins zoo lay silifeisrfrlg mssm It BRYSON our Modern Methods Studio Indian ANGUS illness Imimotion In Piano ondloor Preparation for Conservatory examinations all trodes If desired Instructions In piano and Voice muou iuILomo III so nullls no Home It Inqu nwum 33an ow noun to pump on 18 AttendanceIrma 53 Dunlap SteMl an Bourl 9030 031 or Aeeouurmrs WV ARMSTRONGrMaeLAREN CO Iarrio so Collier street Phono 494 MUSIC LESSONS TEACHER or PIANO SINGING om ifsiiyihPaltiSdo fit Toronto on cradenlixoludllhyg 03111 Mo Punloo st Ionic Tol 5m warranty MacLEAN mu Owen so Barrio Phonp 41E OSTEQPATHYJ wILson omenrole mo me IImo manor new 80