ROXY HOUSE OF HITS EVE SHOWS 650 and pm HOWARD HAWKS production 011mm RK PLEASE DO NOT REVEAL 114E SECREI or IHE IHING AIIER SEEING 111E PlClUREllI MKKWXRKWKWKKK EC COLOR CARTOON zzizzxzxzzzzzmzzmmeztxczmzzzzztxwzw NOW ONTALE BOTH HI M0 Ell MINING 090 KKKKKKAKKKEKKKZCKKXKVKKKKZ HAYES KKKKKZKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Eves dc0000lm0 gt 01111110111 uosicir Haitian mammmmnmmxaxzzxmumxzzu K5sz Ellie Titanic xaminrr Section 24P39e 1516 0ScairTIiHner Declines Top tomedy Role iAlI II 1111 EDNESDAY DECEMBER 19 1951 Hydro Children FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINLOLIS snow SAT 230 pm Santa Meets Rural fCASA VIRGINIA WELLES ROBERT CLARKE lilIIY1UI LJLL ICIIille Tietor UH for lilollytmud actresses mill certainly Lll1 elet only tune that illil gadmil iii llillltlis llrat Ill tiaine lltllil1Il LItIUIiul Iliilljvyoiti lllllflilltlw 11f tlliillltllllt ltwltisid illii SIIL part run Icarin lrt ii Ilt turned Thltt edy bariu eiitly Slltptlttl sltl bought the farce just for her explains iiasiii big enough 1riie for the hotvs sta Bedroom inducerhus ppai ife gain down For made Milton tired around Bren SAT It Bren Illllt But 1ir1 just from 070 ward lIltist AUlllilll tloiiiIIiatts about tillll over YouI never get male name like Cary Grant or Gary ooper under those ciieuiirstaiiees And as the product1s wife picture why Gloria Swainon did it director par one where pletiiri Iixllihmhhaihmhlhuhh the man You are said Wyler did ff want sell Ihats EmAEETLEE SANTA CLAUS merry laughing and jok ing breezed In from 1115 North Pole work shop Friday afternoon for short stay at the Legion Hall on Owen Street Santa was meeting all his llttlc lrlcnds whose Daddies are Ontario Rural Hyd district Santa stayed with the children from it un til 430 Oclock to flnd out Christmas re William ego credits with dellatiriil and also starting her on the road to Iiicoining the iiiuvies iiiot suc ttfllIl pan mull for tth role of IL society girl in Dead End wine years ago Ier asked Iii1 if 111 hail ever done Ill pictures Hl crushed she had played the sweet young thing iii Lll pittlllts and Wwa liad nev 11 tlIl one of them Figuring that was the end of the laire La ruo So Iaire turned down the cornl part when hrr puckouwokl Dawson in the Yukon Territory oiittalked her heart to take the wheicthu coldest month average feiriinine lead in Hoodlum lZm In below T0 I135 Ctrded IIXI mum temperature of 951 degrees qulrcrucuts and then hurried back to in striict lils Elvrrs and working staff on fur ther Clirlshnas supplies for his huge pack Illic jolly Old frlctid of all the children is seen iiiccting some of his vast family at the Legion The children were eiitcrtaincdl for an hour with real Christmas party illl eluding cats candles and games Slie auditioned iitl What does she play Well Claire answered tliegiiiia lfills testimony before part is based somewhat on Virchfauvci committee 10 employees In this any Hi eca lls maxxmmxzzanmaamxhaxuixau CRAIGHURST lllZt llillie Institute card par AND SPECIAL SPORTS SUBJECT FOOTBALL HEADLINERS vov1 uoooooouHIooonNUIoo GALA CHRISTMAS SHOW 40 YEAHS PROGRESS NURSING edition llcrald commences its 110th year of district country was just being settled and optini ism ran high To say that the o1 day was unwar ranted would be gross iiiisstate 11aiiiia Altar Ilerald 1139 CItIZCII ENCOURAGE An Invitation to All Graduates An animal month for each nurse in training would not impose an undue 1y 11 Mrs luiiiison Friday even burden on the govciniticiit but it hit was much enjoyed would go It loin way toward cu couragiiig young girlsto take up lriuce George Itll Iiilktl on Saturday subsidy and the Hanna ago service Forty years IIItlllilN and Bert Illlniiero Iil tiiiiisiii of that isited at luru IIISlllLlt yup ixlt In the profession COLLEGIATE BAND CHRISTMAS DANCE Friday Dec 21 $100 per couple BDCI GYMNASIUM meiit 343139313J $7 31 TIM sympathy of the village is extended to Mrs Elmer Butter and Mr Bukcr died in Tor Ilonto hospital on Sunday 914131 lfatiiily 51 mu wuI 1132 We are sorry to report the scrilt Zous accident to Mr the loss of his left arm in II stone lie was employed with company Greenwood iii CltlinLI road construction Thornton alJJI Christmas Day Starts 515 pm xmmmammxasaanaaxhamxxmaxkazazxzz JaguakdsgmLA FRIDAY DEC 21 at 815 p111 15 GAMES 25c THREE SPECIAL GAMES FOR TURKEY ONE SPECIAL GAME FOR CHICKEN EYIiSIRBIEVFQIPEI13k512131 312 1131 31 is Fraser Carr Oiillia has beenl home for few days Clifford Bell Orillia was home at the weekend Barrie BllkLl Gieaves sister Miss Janet visjting DANCING ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Sal1ce22 music by George Wilsons Orchestra Mrs 271 increwemacqumaximumtoxxrgmmgxxrmmwwg GET YOUR GIFT TICKETS HEATRES 25 CHRISTMAS DRAW FOR TURKEYS CHICKENS BINGO Every ThUrsday Market Hall Sponsored 11y BARRIE CITIZENS BAND 50272139171 M4474 In 91 gm 1M of BTARRiERECREAIIQHCDMHIIIE AEEEBEII rarer Adults only to be held in the Barrie Arena On Tuesday evenings of each week It is anticipated that the club will begin oc sdciy January 1952 if suffic stliwtm TH EYRE mam HANDY DIBIMRFIEIDJIHEIDEMMHNZRDIEMEEEDrRDIKERRENDEEERDZPDLREEGEIEEIBIE RANADA FANG mucus VIEWERS am on Tue warnizzmmazIxazxxxmzama tivities THURSDAY ERIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS snow SAT 230 p111 Membership fees for 10 weeks Single $300 Couple $500 Please complete the entry form attached and return to the Secretary Burton Municipal Building Barrie onor before Friday December 28th 1951 IIIIICLAMATIUN hereby proclaim Wednesday December 261951 REGISTRATION FOR SKATING CLUB would like to enroll in the Skating Club foradults BOYS HOCKEY SOCKS $175 liupon all citizensio Observe the some accordingly MARJORIE MHAMILTON Mayor GOD SAVE THE KING Name 9nd Col Address Phone Please state whethersingle or couple ATTENTION or SIMC0EcoH be discuss 1HgP11ces 2gcerfrirai Maerringi Agncy Friday December 28 HILLGRESI PUBQQSC HOQLBARRIE 42pm COOKsrowN TOWN HALL Bpm Speakers Pres andGeOJJOhnslon Sec ONTARIO HOG PRODUOER5A55001ATION 001011 31 TECH ECOLORI PLUS a3 CARTOONS 86 NEWSI STARTSMON BIG CHRISTMAS snow Make Your Reservations Now Tickets areavailableuntil pan the day of the game at the fol one 9057 Jacksons 111101100089 Bradleys phone 9052 Whittys Drugiore OUT OF TOWN Smarts Smoke Shop 0111113 Bank of Commerce Camp Bord EEEEVED SEATS $100 $125 tax inol Next Home GuniKilchen1erWd Dixies p11 FEATURING IHEt RIO BROTHERS MITII war KARNES ON SAME PROGRAM ARIZONA TERRITORY WILSON ANDY CLYDE NANCY SAUNDERS 111513 IMPERIAL COming MY FRIEND IRMA YOULL SAY IvlNNIEST PICTURE 01 MY LIFE IltltIYlt sltt ualkeii out of the door tiillfilly turned around and ilkrlli Whos gore to plot lIaitcieIW WU THU Greene were Mrs Robert Elliott And vhv William Elliott George Elliott Mr lrancie of course was thetund Mm Nutman riiealy rule of tin prostitute originpip and Currie Gan fallen ioiiiaii roles culminated ml the 11140 acaileriiy award for thelspeiiduig few days at Mrs Desi supporting aciress in Key Greene has returned to Guelph 1I lt wuuo1v voooal iris BINGO Wednesday Dec 198110 pm ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM 88 MULCASTER STREET Admission IZIILILILS you to 15 games for chickens and also extra games for cash door prize 25c 50c keys SPONSORED BY CWL FOR CHARITIES 1wipgigyztzlg15051315pgtiyiigtzuilggiD5133liftnglgvgflgrgrvigynr Lax STETSON HATS $895 $1095 BROCK HATS $595 The easy way to give him the hat of his choice Give Hat Certificate MEMS TIES Boxed SLZDD 50 $20 MENS SOX $100 $150 $195 to $300 BELTS all sizes $100 to $150 HANDKERCHIEFS boxed $100 $125 $150 GLOVES lined unlined wool SPORT SHIRTS $395 to $695 SHIRTS Whites and Plain shades $450 to $595 PYJAMAS $495 $600 $695 SWEATERS $695 to $1050 BOYS HOCKEY SWEATERS $325 DRESSING GOWNS $650 to $2300 SUITS OVERCOATS STATION WAGON COATS PARKAS WILF ll T00 55 DUNLOI ST mountainous MENS BOYS WEAR mmmnnmaanmmmnnmaazmaaaaamrnManama SI CAIHARIIIES IELPLLS AYERS pvs Artur rei we TWO BRAND NEW PICTURES NIAHANA Mrs Bruce all of MN Florence Till who has been NORTHERN HEAT Erititles you to Special games for turlt Iu lll1lUAAL 699 nausea ixmzmztxzmazmzzmmzmzzwaamxzma 3552 9amzinwmzmzmaromasmzaarsaamsmm 393333231 ecemherQIs Reserved SeofszvaiIObtc lowing agenciesIIJN P110110 3323 cnanEEN20tu iii