pkMamWw wi In 1882 he fortncd partnership of until his dcccasc Obituary Former Barrie Lawyer Passes John Hood 93 On Friday etalung Nov 30 til one of the oldest tfnitlvllls of Stin cou County resident of Stayner for over 50 yea Johti Ilouti bar rister passed away at his Main 51 itsidciice in his 94th year Mrllood was born Oil the east half of lot 11 in the 2nd concession of the Township of Essa on April It 1858 on the farm cleared by his father the late Joseph Hood where his nephew Russell Hood now resales The late Mr Hood attendtd the nearby country public school Allisloti high School and ollingwood collegiate institute the latter under the principalsliip of llie late William Williams After graduating from Coiling ood collegiate institute Mr Hood attended Model School in Toronto and then taught public school at Lisle for three years He was re quired to return to Toronto to atlt tend Normal School iii order to cott tinttc teaching and at the request of the public school trustees of Lisle he returned to the Lisle pub lic school and taught there for further term of two or three years before he took position as clerk in his brothers grocery store at Banda While clerking in the store at Banda he boarded at the Wilcox Ititi at Batida owned and operated by the late Joscph Wilcox before the latter moved to Stayner where the Wilcox lint is now located After clerking in the store at Batida for comparatively short time Mr Hood returned again to Toronto where he read law under the late Charles Miller He grad uated from Osgoodc Hall in 1881 Hood Jack Fraser and Sullivan with offices ill Barrie Stayner Tot tcnham and Creemorc Mr Hood was in the Barrie office Mr Jack iii Stayner Mr Fraser in lottcn ham and Mr Sullivan in Crccmorc About 1901 Mr Hood came to thc Stayner office oil the death of Mr Jack aiid had practiced law in Stay ner continuously until short time before his death While in Barrie Mr Hood served two years on the Barrie municipal council was member of Kerr Lodge AF and AM No 230 of which he was master in 1893 and remained memberof that lodgc In June 1944 Mr Hood the oldest past master of Kcrr Lodge was presented by the lodge with 50year past inas ters jewel In 1895 he married Minnie Ap pclbc of Barrie who predeceased him in 1934 They had three chil dren Mrs Young Annie of Born Raised in Simcoe County US Doctor Passes former Simcoe County rcSIdent Lynn 80 passed away re unit at his home in Desert Hot Springs California USA Word was received herl recently of his death Nov 16 Death came sud lenly to the physician who suffer from heat trouble but who nevi let it be known heart zit tack took his life shortly after he attired home from speaking at zoning meeting iii that town The funeral was held Tuesday Nov 20 and was conducted by Rev Lloyd Gibbs if Desert Hot Springs it was held front Wiefels and Sons Mortuary iii Banning sortie 13 miles distant and interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery Whittier California The funeral was attended by his taniy friends and relatives both from across the United States and trout Canada Dr Lynns only sister resides on L1 farm on Highway 11 just south of Churchill She is Mrs Mary Mis caiiipbell Also surviving is one son John Lynn of Santa Barbara USA Dr Lynn was born at Churchill Ontario oti his grandfathers farm the old homestead of early Innisfil settlers His parents were John Lynn and Catherine lyei He was educated at Cherry Creek public school Innisfil and at high school in Barrie He later studied at Ulti versily of Toronto and took post graduate work in Chicago once more returning to Toronto for fur ther postgraduate work He also studied itt Germany To quote the Desert Hot Springs Sentinel Dr Lynn studied all over America atid spent nine years abroad studying In his own mind he never grud uatcd but kept investigating new discovcrics and methods to lic end Dr Lynn had many practises among them practises in loronto Idaho New York Chicago and his final practise in Desert Hot Springs 101 miles distant from Los Angelcs He was Methodist iii belief but patronized and aided all churches and faiths In his youth he was an expert boxer and took part in many athletic endeavors He was always aiding various sports especially baseball and in Desert Hot Springs forwarded bascball to great cx tent Several quotes from the Desert Hot Springs Sentinel referring to the death of their beloved citizen and benefactor serve to point out the esteem in which Dr Lynn was held by all who knew him The town was quiet Tuesday morning when practically everyone went to Banning to pay their last respects to our beloved fricnd Dr Lynn The display of flowers was mute testimonial of the love and esteem everyone held for Dr Lynn Anything but novel does the story of Dr Lynn an injustice One might say he lived the life of 10 Sault Ste Marie Ont Mrs Rita Mac Conltcr of Toronto and Joseph at home Liberal in politics Mr Hood never sought political honors In Stayner he was member of the library board for seven years and member of the local school board for nine years the last seven of which he served asits chairman In 1910 he was appointed clerk of the town which position he held until 1945 The funeral service was held at his late residence on Monday Dec and was conducted by Rev Jak Of Jubilee Presbyterian Church Stayncr of which Mr Hood was member Rev Mr Jack took as his text And cer tain lawyer stood up saying Mas ter what shall do to inherit eternal life interment was in Stayner Cemetery Pallbearers were Duncan Macarthur Hawkins Somerviile and Dr George Watson The floral tributes were many Among them were those Sent by Kerr Lodge Barrie town council the council of the Township of Nottawasaga of which municipality Mr Hood was solicitor for over 30 years the Stayner Busi ness Mens Association and many former clients of long standing as well as his neighbors and friends Mr Hood leaves to mourn his passing his three children and five grandchildren lt Lorenzo Caswell Oldest Resident Of Coldwarer Passesl 90th Year COLDWATERLOrenza Caswell Goldwaters oldest resident passed away quietlyearly Friday morning in his 90th year He had been con fined to bed only two days Mr Caswell was out occasionally up to recently In the middle of the week he walked downtown for shave and had been out to vote on Nov 22 The fneral service was held at the United Church on Sunday af ternoon Dec where the service was conducted by Rev Hold en assisted by Rev Charles Carter of the Presbyterian Church Inter iment was inColdwater Cemetery Mr Caswell was born in Cold water and operated lumber mill on the lower reaChes of Goldwater WhenlourBACIIf Beginslo Attic REACH rot Ct nontis urinary irritltion and tilmtillhllimflfm Jury ytnve nlielfmm backache by stimulating the Iridium Gel Doddc Kidney Pills at any National look for the blue box with the II ml ml You an depend on Dodd up the Staynor KIIIIIEY mcn his was so full Though we walked With him in the village we never appreciated his greatness River many years ago He also managed William Sheppards North River farm for number of years He served on the village council and regularly attended the United Church Nine years ago Mr Caswell was predeceased by his wife the former Anastatia Murray One son Willi am was killed in action near the end of the First World War Surviving are six sons Milford Caswell in the hotel business at Allin BC John withthe CPR at North Bay Vane Kirkland Lake contractor and Lorne of Hunts ville also in the construction bus iness Garnet who farms on the outskirts of COldwater and Lyall with Toronto Elevators at Water down Two daughters Mrs Willi am arvtero Egan of Bend Oregon also survive Please Make Reservations owe Phone Launch Huge Stood amid swirling snow and James Norris slide down the ways Mrs fumes Norris Sl the sponsor christened the freighter as it slid down the greased skids Many officials and dignitaries were pres 311i at the launching including Mr and Mrs lames Norris Sr well known Chicago JUST 15 MINUTES after Midland Ship yards had launched the biggestfrelghter ever built in their yards workmen of the shipyards laid the keel for sister ship of similar dimensions Length of the freighter is 363 and one ltalf feet At noon Monday over 3000 spectators Freighter in Midland Waters Mrs Ray Lawson Whitmcll managing director of Midland Shipyards Ltd Gordon Lcltch president Toronto Elevators and Upper Lakes and St Lawrence Transporta tion McLagan president and Frank Sherman president Dominion Foun watched the rain magnate Lieutenant Governor and BOND HEAD DEC llRcv and Mrs Morris of Elmwood visited the formers sis ter Mrs Smith last week Mr and Mrs Ron Grills anti Mrs Grills Si of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Shortridge on Sitti lay Mr and Mrs Hipwell of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lcd Hipwcll iii their new home to which they moved on Friday Congratulations to Percy Rey nolds who was successful in being elected to West Gwillimbury coun cil iii the clcction Monday Bazaar Euchrc and Tea The bazaar euchre and afternoon tea sponsored by the Anglican Guilri on Saturday was well pat ronized good display of fancy work aprons homemade baking etc was soon sold Mrs William Ritchie Marguerite Ramsay and In great cities he garnished wis Mrs James Bateman were winners in the ciiclirc On the lucky draw Mrs Armstrong woti the chicken Mrs Love the Christmas cake and Mrs Switzer the doll Show Well Attended 01 Saturday night large crowd attended the show and dance put on by the Calgary Range Riders During thQ evening they conducted an amateur show with prize win ners being Darlene Gravcnstonc of Toronto tap dancing arid acro batics Bruce Madill and Dclcmor Kischuk violin duct and Billie Batcman piano solo Institute Hold Euchre The third euchre sponsored by the Womens Institute was held on Monday night With 13 tables of players Prize winners were Miss Mac McLean and Ross Lang Con solation Mrs Council and Jack Ramsay Lucky score Mrs Gould Lucky couple Mrs Fish and Keith Knccshaw The draw was made for turkey winner Mrs Mc Cullough of Beeton and chick dom but it was the common man who received his service Lynn sought out the places where profes sional men of his knowledge refus cd to go He was associated with the fain 0115 Mayo Brothers and they beg god him to become partner but he preferred to seek out remote places where medical science such as his would not be possible unless he gave it In Idaho he worked some times24 hours day to re lieve suffering humanity display ing more heart for horses than he had for himself Through blizzards and subzero weather Lynn an swcrcd the call and arranged for relays of horses to make the jour ncy He never refused call or asked if his patient was able to pay Money was not his god but service He always was fighting anothers battle His last words were in de fence Of another His hand was always in his His light on Second beacon for all in tries enterprise Street was went ou DIN NOON DINNER pocket to giveTOzfnycommunity iiientswerermet Special New Years Day NOON DINNER SORRY SOLD OUT EVENING DINNER tq8 pm en winner Mrs Dove of Schom berg Mrs Watt member of WI for 31 years and who is leaving Bond Head was presented with an Institute pin Bond Head WMS Meets The WMS met in Memorial Halli last Thursday for their December meeting with 21 ladies present The meeting opened with prayer and hymn 64 Christmas carol service in the Missionary Monthly was per forated with candle lighting by Mesdamcs Andrews Brethet Knee shaw Glassford Robinson and Wait The 10 commandmentswcre read Mrs Andrews told in few Well chosen words what faithful member Mrs Charles Watt has been to the Society and MrsSutherland presented her with lovely cup and saucer Mrs Watt and her husband are leaving Bond Head take up residence in Toronto They will be greatly missed in the com munity Minutes and business fol lowed It was decided to send $300 to headquarters for Bond Head allocation which is much more thar the were asked to give Arrange Mrs Sunday School supper ER TheDining sRom Hours NEWYEARS DAY JANUARY I2 noon to pm EVENING DINNER 4453911 730 pm Your Early Barrie writertrot MPHOTlvf Ontario prize Ul dries and Steel The occasion was rather fitting as it was not only birthday of new freighter but also the birthday of the trcighters sponsor and the man whose name it bore James Norris Shipyard officials hope that the sis ter ship whose keel is already laid the Gor don Leitch will be launched in July 1952 IVY IWMS Meet DEC lImJlIlO Presbyterian Wo mens Missionary Society recently held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs John Hogarth with 12 mem bers present The meeting was in charge of Mrs Fred Nelson After the devotional part of the meeting Mrs Nelson conducted an election of officers for 1952 They are Pres ident Mrs John Hogarth Vice Iiesident Mrs George Carruthcrs Secretary Mrs Jetinctt Trea surer Mrs Wes Cochrane Expense lrcasurcr Mrs Harold Gibson lad Tidings Secretary Mrs Bert McLean Social Welfare Mrs Earl Reid program of readings atid Bible quiz followed The hostess served lunch and all enjoyed so ial hotir Mr and Mrs Jennctt and Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennett spent Sunday with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Pratt of Tor llt0 spent couple days recently vitli Mr and Mrs Harry Banting William Coxwotth is visiting with tis parents for couple days The Union Sunday School concert of Presbyterian and Anglican schol Sutlterltrnd and Mrs McIlwain arc to be hostesses for next Mission Band meeting ficcrs resulted in the old officers cing reelected Mrs Alvin Smith will be First VicePresident and Mrs Glassford Second VicePres ident Roll call was answered by Christmas carol Rev Mc Ilwain closed with prayer Lunch was served suite FURNITURE n4 DuniopSI An election of of Make This Homey Christmas Buy new Kroehler Chesterfield suite the finest selection ever of lovely covers and colors and the reasonable prices will surprise you Trade in your present suite on new Chesterfield CHESTERFIELD SUITES $13995 To $34500 LOUNGE CHAIRS Lounge chairs rockeis and Lazi Boy chairs inabundance Repp frieze velour Covers in all the stylish decorator shades Pric IIBARRIE iLEONARDS BEACHI Many people have not heard of our little community here on IIlt western shore of Lake SIHICUI four miles east of Strond Eightcrnlon visited Glenn NiXon in Omen inappy families and 20 lllldltllSitlijd Sunday game of school age make up util otiimunity the year round The men of our community are gentler retired or summer lJlSlIltS Illicit while few work the year ground in Barrie or Camp Bilitltli lIhe youngest member of our LHliir tniinity is ont year old and ler ultl test 86 years young We have our own Etahie Club which meets each Thursday tVtllllt tin Parsons dance hall Vlllii the children are left to play in the hall everyone njoys himself or herself at the card ables Right now everyone is busily pl paring for Christmas And kttp ing in the spirit of Christmas the Euchre Iiib Its members Ilt planning Christitias party for the children nothing excluded even Santa who will ii llltit big as life with gifts and ZilllllI3 for the kiddies It goes In want without saying that even iii small community such as our life is still enjoyable llili EDITORS NOTE Leonards Beach ncwx and happenings will become regular member of our correspondence family Your correspondent is Mrs Parsons Stroud RR If you have any news Items personals or Items of local interest con tact your correspondent lin mediately She will look after the details ars wil be held in the Orange Hall IyDec 17 at it pm Admission 35 cents Mr aitd Mrs Cleve Patton and Banting spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harold Woods at Sitti tiidale Lindbctgs transatlantic flight iti 1927 covered 3610 miles to Paris in 33 hOurs 29 minutes 30 seconds wanted tapestry and AESMITH taJw STOVES still Mr and Mr Morgan Edwards 75th ANNIVERSARY SALE Cloth Coats Suits Fitted and Box Styles Plain and Fur Trimming See these bar gains today your Opportunity to save on winter coat Use our layawayplan small deposit holds the garment until SIMMIIS 00 THE COAT STORE SIGN or THE BEAR Phone 5557 BARRIE mm gluon Dim Vs DEC llMtt and Mrs Eldon N1X shawls ltoy Edwards Pearl and Ilonald Iisitetl ieialives in Stayner Sunday ill lininielinc Edwards Mid land lrllexl with Mrs Etrown armmwwmmlta Mr andMis Motley Clemth and um cum to nmvm Perry lpfroy spent the weekend bun v313 big up Ihmmumhr Donnerpm loom WCV my RTJim WANT Anl wUhibiieu 117323 rinuuJou Pram NitBARB MMUIEQHTZ mag2 PACKARD SUPPEBS The Only Kind When Giving Slippers WOMENS Cosy Quilted Satin in blue black and wine $2 50 Wedges in calf leathers wine blue and green $335 to $495 Romeo elastic side ill black brown and wine Soft cosy leather soles MOORE OPP POST OFFICE Quality Shoes BARRIE Esra 1876 lE BARRIE $38$97 For gifts for the home visit the new Smith store Youll find gift selections in wide valuation from the fine stock of tables lamps desks mats hassocks in fact everything for the home FOR THEQIIILOREN KINDERGARTEN SETS DESKS TRICYCLESQWAGa ONS WHEELBARROWS BLACKBOARDS ETC DOLL CARRIAGES glansp Ito IIIOII Petal