Llie Ekalllull Wonniis Iggigzrc Annual St Marys Bazaar Held Under WL Auspices ii thoday 81 M7 the Ul TL SI iii rpxilbolrt 17 large llglliui cI lblluto 86 Years Old PHELFSTON riieis rt the ctrcnrr ELI went were A1 Kelq and ONeill cchclzil 55 Te av Lialalvcri glrlil litlru lZIHE BARR EXAMINERTRDAY ii an LIld pitit DECEMBER 1951 UTOPIA rota iiuii Thursday ha Ill of last neck Juan toync ltLASt Camp Ladies li Celi was wri by Mrs liliiriit tintii friends over the All Duridm 9le 3161le High LUlt by lllciul Alsziil Their foiiltvay De the low bare Following fourhand game Tiitllli Auditeiiizlii for iu aller In Hum IM Wk liclio Hurrernauis reoil budget Juice canned minii i4iv14iie1rs iiili his lltliiiti Adrian the quartet Wagtllll in tie Ilicr lintinn rioft iiilriizablc at liii hue cannul pine in Mpl in sudden death playmtt Land Show brought up gm Um Hipp of mienu or it new ii gt1Llt Mm VI yml 31 Um an 10 Raviiiorid Muir Angus was wiriLcl iir Hit LA5 811d the lalcbt Hr that All 33 ml tr Im im gt that can make gnarlsued cieiii StL catsin tlii 1t or tDU Mr and Mrs ll Dcncy illd trails at Mount Jimmy are clcalctl iiiina wilt snow 03 ta pi de WM Hwy ymbw it rump with Em lm lHm mil MR and MW Edgar DC in Ui illgtl and the club is ready to go stint ic HDCI staff 11 Hl ialw tltlll to pay lowwgraui taki uni no mid my and children of Baxter spent HWU Nullltll parin taru cnpl Kathi My 15 fths RLrljr 12 1m ii CUM mm Ilmnwm up Tonga stringy neit1lqriiri from lwllctl vegetabiis and Nhlddl Mill stl Ell IxirstSLriuialpiuliir mc tm yar the lac Imnub luai Uni lawman will riv toward the ii Ml bouillon cubc ki WM lvw Will kinskmr lift it lgiilisI Eating inrri tgiina iirrzrii part GHUHMHV Ami hrmmm pg it giriu He at iiv price lbmmnr gm mun STAGE REFORM isaiiouiie vii tgti tcr an etare ie mm mm mm mill mt splqu lll pd ol Altai iziiul Eli Sam hlititli of Silk in Viklrt llUl forms the hiibitl WW Kim NWT Urlm mp my liineh poet ltrcnzie Jodclle bun NM II 1mm Em will Lttilr iv llli ll gunx tiul tn iri ll the intimiar itl who ciiibratcil her lititliet tlkkiillg meat that are good 11 who died in l373 aimed ill substi Hulls vMILHriul 41 real rd It Iltlllr ttvl ll iii him and in mp bit oil MU NM iiiiiii tliisstCiil drama for the my ENIle J1 ll MWW ll is fit llltlll ol ll in an iiricovcictii is ho mm to tame couple of ski 41 in mm 19 Tilzv Khtwri has mittitaincrl bv UV Wllln Fm 1134 idi vgtlll llliligt 11 Pllmlm ll Ll hl 1le HUM Vd lW fir ril llll ii lculcrloin llZH llt tenthr pm mp ml Nailed tmnatucs rskillet the ineat lll lose its tins sum in ie rc EL at 11 lgt 1i lt all tubs lsrlml torn uldvlJIltbs Meat also loscs color mph ml my mum Mm nm It THnu hull illrl lltl ltl1ll mm thm It all in itiioiting whirl $0 hp chm mm imli if COMM lung dz CALL THE AMTNHK F03 il ii do lli lint er cuts hour writ ulirn rial uis mizi wan if iiIIllllll cm mike food trilll mill rum prime 100 lush tunrmnturc PRINTINGPHONE 2m Skill LAN ill their bu tliiistnnn larzlay it pump gw mi 319 Hl Md HAHVI huiwlhlgr ml fut Ellisps iiiipprrru gt MM Jimmy on Sunday to part an ila mm mam Hm WI native of Om ml aij nail hi Um iv on Lia rope on in to and itlilllt niti Haw hi Hllltl illgt 1i Lil Jul Mp as tough rltll MU HM llsli 315 rimcimi an lillll lilttttl it llilll pixiilid lrip ll lr psis irc rcallr stew ll Saute onion and beef cir ml cellanly gtt her What ilcil out to the hill lri ii inntri yrtr covi on Either leftE trill slur lion or ill Litm irri lirdi lilll uni inlcusl lii Lit unil biovilied Add lt tVOll be xiiizn skiin rl til rivm llrips of my Tu lv i71gt5l1r Hl Nllml lllkill Ur cuts of rawhonlmr Cm imd bulmu She it keeps up illi ii tho liktll fillllrl blhlli Willi OI hl lilllll iminr Il llouglis lhmili ln Blend fat Tll flour and stir into lid lv NdM llhld lil luin lis lrnrnett triiariagli lmx WI mam llLlriil mixture Cook until thickened for brancst in pitlumber it Liirssinias dinner but the IYk1i red ulmmpp Ml mgrmm mm ltltt intn grcistd casserole Rolli rarne rho heme and school llilllllgt ilim riirii airs Jack llarnilton in fully 10 way by out pic dough to ill casserole Baktl ie 0n mmmln mmiug Mlth till iru rlii lllill mini li liiry ll Is it IM Ilindtltull 1i Lin is tirrots on pruhwm duh MC 1m pawl much tLll Hut imi ltti wirirli irid lacl ls ltl Mrs lalricit gt Myle in hrwm Chad WW MW lmukg iirrsinns iiirl not tll in up mp Uirl Mrs arilty Mi in Miss Agnes li iv Ililgt been lilYt never known family as presents nd the children who llllilWl In bur on me zijrri tis tlcill lr itlltll tisisnient of the ulieln turned up its nose at anyi ltlk bldm llt mu bpmwd Wmng Hi ilrll li Murphy and Mr Comm LHiml minih really gone meat pic Men like taint kidneys during the whole year get lrctle rs Mil HM xsucrwd Mrs Ralph new 1m iri alluii biscuit crust or iidii ll 1llllllgttilk books than the ones who liareri lt NWH headed the vuineis grout iluririu fllllml Willi tlhll illlll lilldci 511W been so good King lidwarii Home r2 Vt bar is 5am and Miss hate mg mfm rrrcly of toppings vlll always be tbSpS fut and School members learniil about 38 608 WM 37 1l ll NV mm mmyu HM appreciated and these inclndei HIPS llllmilr hristnias customs oi other lands at Mill Wm my Wk liliifty niaslicil potatoes or turnips lgtll Hi mm Nomi iiii Monday wtHill kmll HI mu md lcllltlllpnt Rm Yuri andlilalvy pastry cracker crumbs or tbsp VhlttsterslllIe sauer from five new Canadians who llil 11 kl fjl Yunputiiipmr 2mm Wk irnnplirrrrs llIlli WT lltt lllklllll hitlt1 lZHLlISll llilrW Mrs llrelrna Tompkins was ii limldlll ll llnl ierciirv lrs Irir Viklil cowl TM Hm biscun lv HK the qolleerate and also had 4th rurthv Hepl 1ipii ll IXpHD Irwiiiiiu WI1 Add cxtra llllltl to ntcatl Soak pale and sliti kidmys gt vr Agt brought hemv tinm by the HH star Loni 331 llltllsrll he Wm niiiirur tiei llltl ilt Vulllllll Ml kl WWW Mm ii mi rv fr cs lt rw7w ll THU 11gt Illllllll lmm lllllgl li ul iiieillliL Iitltl Mrs tiolils Mrs John 51mm Hales crimp converter Mls Dan ikuqk blo thb and on on ries some of the true meaning of Anumiuh 0mm lv gt RPM md mm Vi ytbsps trit Add water and scasnn hrisumh irtir were in Luge II it gt Vi my lm Him lasi 31llfrss SM yimiih or lllt iimiltv lmnih and My iirrii coriirnritic Mrs Ethel Logan dl le One of the speakers lltl new hour Mix kidnevs with meat and Iiiiiiheisiin iiipd ighrmi an ltlll Mrs lilllt Mrs pianist and Mrs llll Hillllllsrrll seen an official CLltlllllilull it wth oring to boil Cook niins stir Chqmm Id HumpY HW it in tie tllrilt llltl installa pi Hulda irp fis Ho rs all plants In umwmuyh PM in holiday ms country Uk kioii of officers sql by mlm MMLIL llchsic tinsi gt tole Ch INN lurcascd baking utensil CNcr nhi rainc had been suppressed since Mm pfllhll1x hlxillmn MT llllllml Will THU eer ibiscuit dough cut in circles Hakul mill Hill my Ilabnshka which is lirer officers elected for lllfi INllll riziv evening in the Sunday School rm Hour MT 01 rpmice mu 10 Uklimllm il Sillllb Ililml SIgtu1 Lottie Bull immediate ll room ol the church The evening lliliilc Womens Institute mim sprvm ma has olteri described it Our last mistress Sister Agnis not PM ihmlx took llll form of pot lirck sup1 ielri its annual lirrstmas iiieel home was located in lull count on deputy mistress lasl Mistress Mm 5H 21 Hx Kipper ilIltl members exchangedHM ill lllt hIm 0f 3111 Rlll bl1herds tl andby hrrstniris llllli winter lliltl sister liiinelu MthUIv ltuiinu 12qu MC ll mil herng gm mm mm FWDMMCd to um your also desuves set in the leniperatirre hail gum EQTWUJT pas MN SN hlwwur Mhhldulm 111ml During the evening Miss Rhoda ll Chillch of gifts Tllt 151 51m mm to 20 degrees ltlll Zero and snow immip Tlipgqillug nancial NUT md 51 was Young entertained with reading iiirtirlay bov was opened and the cups ground cooked meat Te lea mas f05 01 lllllils larv Sister Alma lirrxecott treas Misg AmM MmihuWHWW and Miss Marion Pickles sang an money it contained is to be used lllD HWld 01110 Ivc no fats were eaten at the sup 11 Sign an um 1mm mum My Nd TH cnjnyghlr min hiistnyglg 11115 for Christmas hecr boxcjs tsp VoiccStcisldrc sauce per lt1tiliitirgtii lof whole and down mishws 5N Mumuwt limmnm ImdkuilN Tu v1wmv WWI mm 1050 Mrs mm md Bow gi2 Cuph gravy sr ll was tic iin tll caizunlmll mull 11 linking chaplain last Mistress conviriers ol the lancy work booth tles ltave report on the recent Flu Mqu Pmmos NR PURmER on Tug GIMME Hzu Sister Annie Biggar guardian The sale of knitted goods was in MR lljvrilvn mum WM winner orivcntion and Mrs Wager gave 5mmle Sut and WW CLEANER AND W1 istii lava liklllg director of eer charge of Mrs Albert Ionr and pf hamper of apples donated bv ii very interesting talk on her trip real and mix yull Add on You euros branch cruici re itivcs ind firini summit 5pm Mm Monmumwy Mm mum Kmy and 1th mm mm inpisogls 5hr mid 1m membomilori and Vorccslcrsllllo sauce then gun to invu my mm Hum will llCllHel Sister Marian MCKWN imd MISS ll llllmilh basket of fruitddonatcd bv the that the People in lCnQIand were hm gravy and bring 10 bon tunadul hmted allgllirn Tl iir il li 115htcliiik junior lecturer Sister lilIkLd HES llH UUUIHI Sierr MIS Carirsofarnil was won by Miss icitlv in need of staple goods lshmng conslmmy Pour mm as mil gncs vynes pianist SLstcr Lu 11 Hook and Mrs noiLl ML Ixanc and Mrs Iony Saso was wrn suci as tea butter sugar and mm msuoh Splead 11m bimud Tm had W1 null Rtlllml inner guard Sister mm lmmlS SWllIL rier of the draw on bride dollThe meal lmushcd potato Op lmwng 119vpryoltuln the best of spirits mm out guard sister will Drama mygtw puckagu donated by the Tm mum mod with opening for escape of steam Bake1 and music was made by mop who uwim Cop second Commith the quilt draw tickets were in Sisters of St Joseph was won by Vitrihlful 1pm 1an thclm themed 010ml plIitq the flccoldton Violin Mid 5mm anmp McDougau third Chill Mrs SCXIUH and Mrs Miss Elizabeth Slianahan Mrs T1 jdcgrees for 20 mins Serves balalarka the men and women Ommmw gm Faith Howe Lliarlts Vickers and Mrs Harry Doomi0 Wm winner of the mm on gonna HL TL Kelmi Jereat 05lmUllltll lflhwroiirui committee Slsttl Violet lfl1h W54 our donated by MISS Flawlty mi 69 inn91113 ItfSDVIIZCgk Jule Qultstg Please also enquire from your Electrolux representative an mu Wier H0 mmo he up dm 155 as 0w en tire mm mm wmmlm 5N0 an am on onsc onatcd nd iLuLlla Rentner Sicieik Mqriqii Miss Margaret Handy of Shanty by Joseph Quinlan mm or pm wk supp Wm hot gravy from bmlmg regarding the Elecmlux Floor POIISher on two womm sumo bmim thwchuk and Sign Fm HLmVv Bay was winner of the draw prize dine has biill Changed JaL 0f 11 meal D107 the Dometic Refrigerette CldlddlCD 011 lhl itll lildlfsy HO of table lamp donated by Miss NUT BREAD Answer Insert one or two egg vansw 7WArvi that Went down fighting in Ontario hm Rm Bildie Hinds 151mm lurk Tm camp form of brad igl Hm municipal elections on Monday In North Bay it looked for while as if former Barrie resident Mrs Jl Mills might be among thefirst in thraidgmanic race but shc bowed out to the men inrl visiting eomi the baby opposu r140th of an ounce The round of Christmas parties is now well underway and on Tuesday evening two clubs held their annual Christmas dinners At the Community House the Sorop timists were hostcsscs to the Get Togctlicr Club the group for Senr ior citizens organized and spun sored by the service club Enter tainment for the evening includx Lloyd Tufford Mrs Del Pugh of Shanty Bay entertained the club members and their guests with two of her hulnbiOus monologues CheercioirUp and Husbands ta childs version Christmas car ols were sung by the gathering and to close the evening slides of HUSBAND SON son and Sister Irene Howie sicki nitvtce IINIEST BABY The smallest mammal at birth isiA pair of chickens donated by Mrs averaging in weight Errrlriiri donated by Mrs Itolston was won by Mrs Harry Tomlin and Jack Myers won hamper of gro cerics donated by Mrs Coffey iJack OIicilly and Frank McBride were won by Mrs lIy Lanson and ii furnishes nonirritating energy gtEXXgtltX Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass sets guy in their design of pink and Iblueribbons oro SWEETHEART All the men in your life love shoes ioo BUT how many of the door boys never do get around to buying thoLI SPEClAl PAIR theyve always wanted Maybe itsfor sports Maybe Iorlooling Andwliot about After Six Oclock does he haven real nice pair of dressy lilodc shoes to rlionge into Remember rizoisno problem when you givo HIM shoerfor hristmos Simply puuhose or Christmas Gilt Nutrition for any omountlyou wish litogre it later to make his own Solomon from on 3er of fine 4v nh wwwmmsswm ii iii ct to us lrrrcrrl irr Compocl lull ol surprises in wonderlul ibelieved to have been prepared from acorns and beech nuts soormso TREATMENT Sugar is prominent in methodslI of treating stomach ulcers because Xxxlt rt iiAs each lovourlle Blue Grass Hopd Lotion and Blue Grass Both Mil $290 BlueGrads Hand Lotion and Blue Grass Both Soap Blue Gross Dusting Powder and Blue Grass Flower Mist $440 Blue Grass Hand lotionBlue Grass Flower Mist and Blue Grass Both Mir$10 Ilue Gross busting Powder Block Grim Petal Wofors and Bide Gross IothMitr9 IWCUSDENS PHARMA WELLINGTON Honor BLOCK ram DELIVERY 3710 It DIALl ATTEN NEV RCBEF Regular $1298 LADIES ORE SEENciNB TIN Nows 798 AT TOWN Ci niecting nEGULAn or fro $6500 13f ELIZABErn AS AS uu to 1898 TALK $V Regular $2098 Al TOWN to $2638 tum Regular $2893 AT TOWN to $3498 AS Low TALK Regular$36983 Ai TOWN tom iASLQWAS=r TALK