THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 14 195111 LIFE AND lIVING tConlinued from page ten demuuig Ililll then any alteration of that action is in ltIlirIlCt of jus lice and is 511119 expediency 1211 our part latiniits marl now more interested in OUR SIDE than 11 right It comes Ll1t surrender of the 131111 at Code as far as national life is concerned If we che wrong then Ill judg 111g him brculilrS apparent lliat the trial 1111 nialtcr of Ittllilrlll alum on the part of the victors and llic whole hypocrisy of war trials comes into light For the best legal brains of the country know what they are doing or ought to How could man be tried and sincerely sentenced to death when the argu ments for the defence arc so plenti 1111 as the papers are currently sup plying us with Or do we place naive and innocent their 111 charge of these affairs to adminrslir jus lice and dclcrmine the length of mans life If we cxcluim Better Ilt should illt lzczrgthcnrngI the crane of 11 111 11 Iirrlln bear arms against the common en cniy than rot in prison we side step the whole moral issue and be come mere opportunists Some thing is rotten in Ilcnmark here But beyond and above Meyer anti his trial whaLis all this talk about the rules of war and crimes against peace What are these rules of war Who drew them up Who accepted them an you fancymiybody fighting SERIOUS war with rules Let us not be childish in our idealism There are no rules when two boys are fight ing mad there are only rules when they are at play There is thing called The Ar ticles 0f the Hague Convention of 1907 Most Western nations sign ed it and agreed that iii an occu pied territory of hostile slate famin honor and rights the lives of persons and private property as well as religious conviction and practice must be respected Private property cannot be confiscated Ill lagc is formally forbidden But this was before the time of modern For Merry Christmas in the home NuScrvicc Cleaners ner drycleuningl Amazing what liner dry leaning does for your 311011 Fabrics are so much despotcolors so much brighterEverythingswrin klefreecrcascresistant Give your home that spar kling Holiday Looktry our liner drycleaning 110w DRAPES BLANKEIS BEDSPREADS SLIP COVERS CLEANERS 14 High St Dial 247 world wars clue Ilrl him whal earthly judge is going to pick Iwindmills which do not exist and Barrie Is there anyone who Canadlan soldier all1 talllr back loaded the limit with hot Not every soldier of But where did all those last ifltI watches Lttliit from VIII are 111 11er 11 ltizl war Vrti hi Nhitl 1311 Itftilllv I11 11 Ilili ilr 1111c pla 111 If prisoners gci 11 the way you shoot 11111111 Better thrm than you if its not conven 1111 you dont take piminri If its good strategy you drop 11 1111111 which ipcs out 7110011 111 Mic blast Nagasaki If 11 Won ILIL you anywhere you riorit use poison pin The scci ct gt1tltt cheats bribes Is strals klIIS or what have you to 1111 its goal Who II that talks about Inoruls codes and ctillttll lions win11 the cxrstrnce of nations is at stake In the next world war out the Ittcycrs from both sides and evaluate thcir conduct This is the dilemma Christians are 111 when the rumble of war rises sharply Ihcrc is guincd by pretending that it istit so had Christian is not foggy idealist he must look at IlIt real istically War hell and that is Illlltl statement Christian carii Illtlllltl parlicipalc in war nor slay altcrna oul of 11 What lcrriblc IIIVtSI nothing to be llicn who is it that is responaiblc ifor the slowly rising tide of pro jnagzinda for war Who started this lMcycr revival on the front pages lWho supplies all the copy for lliesc gISLtMItS about the man ltidcs that this matter shall be news for popular consumption Who wants to get hirri back to Germany and into the German army And why AT THIS TIMI1 The Russians were right years ago when they said that with in generation the WIIOIt economy of the West would be geared into an effort to destroy their philos ophy and way of life They said we would quickly and easily forgive our their enemies and turn them against our then friends That is the reason they were so determin ed to get Iiali of Germany within their own control liut the second part of the predic tiotl goes like this The communists Ido not have to fight the capilzilisls iAll they have to do is keep them keyed up for war until their free cntcrprisc economics begin to crcak at which point the antiSoviet bloc will fall apart and eventually turn upon one another When the smoke clears away all will be liv ing in Soviet dominated world without the USSR having lifted finger We should pay strict attention to lhis for these follows are good prophets Can you detect ally strains in our economic system Do you see the beginnings of any rift betwccn alic capitalist coun tries It would be pity to arm ourselvesQuixotc fashion against then findth we were armed against each othcr It says in the Book that Jesus needed no one to tell him about people for He knew what was in man And looking at the perfidy and deception the cgotism and self centrcdncss of the world around Him He said You shall IlCle of wars and rumors of wars but the end is not yet See that ye be not troubled watch and pray He that cndurcth to the end the same shall be saved Read Matthew 24 and 25 and do some Christian witness ing This is challenge to all churches and toall Christians Royall Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDWINTER All NS I1 If Applications and fees must gt reach the Conservatory not later than JAN IO I951 I35 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO 2B ONT 110117001111 195i Who dc fivc win $9 mnriavgWo I1iZIltl belts Variety of colors wrdllis All SIZtS From $100 to $350 up 1511111111111 111 Handsome Bills He lan Wear Accessory Gills Hell Irire See our huge collection of gifts far Him and whatever his build whatever his tastes youre sure to find iust the gifts hell give happy thanks forfor many month to come Wonderfully Our top quality group has budget wary price tags Lined 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