AN INDEPENDENT mun Serving THE TOWN or BARBIE AND COUNTY 91 BIMCOK Since 864 MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Sc single copy Uh IIIEIIItP Examiner Autumnd and Clan Inn Inna Pout om Department mun PagesTwo Sections lemon Clue Walls of 011mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY DECEMBER 14 1951 WMMW mum mlmggmsrm Manglcd ln Gravel Crusher Effective Saturday Del 15 the piice of milk 111 Barth and 111 niostl rm in lift 1111 87th YearNOT l08 Officially Open New Tecumseth Offices yllic1 place across 1111 piotiiue cues up two cent 21 11111111 1111 11111 111111 pint That is 1I1 piisent price of standzud milk 11 Inch 1115 yin111 191 111111 will 111come 13181 Iilltl the pitsent price 111 lie pint 111ll becomi ILC This Iiiiiouiiceiiieiit was made 111 day by the Milk Control Board 1111 Ontario and eiified to The Exam 11111 this 1111111111114 by Willard Klnzie l11gttltlll of Barrie Milk Illslributors sgt111111111 llltclill of the Ontario orgauilauon and chairman of rillia one 11 om Aurora to Paiiy 511111111 Under the new regulations Mr Kinie stated 1111 producer will get $100 per lltllldlt1ulill for 34 1milk Until now he had been get1 11111 $1412 Over 34 milk brings 111111 producer premium Mr Kinrie said there was consul 11ablc confusion among the public about the reason for the increase in milk price All dairies 111 the piovmcc had to submit finaneial stamuents 1111111nl11io Milk 311111 trol Board he continued in whichE auditors found that their rm CI llt sales dollar before provision for IilX This was very much lower than the average of most other DIMi inesses 1111 the liutiltitl tilllll It Fellow work crushir but it 11 runiciucy lptltltllll 11 11 111mm Hospital Thursday the Iteenlioiiiai 111 111 1111111 Victoria puilm 211 1111 Borrie Doctors To afternoon Sh Three Rooms 11ml ISI 211 Li11l111 f11111211l if my In HOSPIIOI unlf 113 1111211121 LafitllllL 11111 IIdmon 11 111f hour before ircetr 1111 Albeita hail hi left arm 1111lti=1m1I could be ltlLitLI The bell p111 of l11 left liouldcr amputated 11 1111 111111 an axe and the pulley 1111 12111 11111181 Illtlititllltl 111111 Medical Staff of the RV composed of all members of the medical profession In Barrie announced Thursday evening that they have undertaken to furnish three doctors medical rooms In the new hospital unit They will furnish rooms 53 and 235 In the new Memorial wing and room 33 in the present hospital building Total cost of furnishing the rooms is approx imately $1000 The three rooms Include one sitting room and two dressing rooms The announcement was made at the RV hospital meeting by Dr Doiilge President of the medical group lli 11tlililnll 1i peiforziml by i111 1111 tinef 511112111111 of l11111111i11111l Ilospital allvt 111 um Inuaie 111111111 111p 1111111 111111311111lili111 Upon 111111 freed 1h victim llltll to hospital 111 Barrie and emergency 1nfus1ou were 11lInIIIIF 11111111 When it 1v1lt seen an oper 111o1 was 1eceaiy hurried call 111 1111 into loronlo for Dr 111111 plmma 431 11111111 1111 Illgtlilll 111 the aftei 1111 had iii 11121 111111 1ivil e111l11 at Thorn i1111111111 RVII litlid In 1111 on IlliillAii 27 yiwtiIila l111 lploywi train the 1111315 1111tI11r1 11111111111 111 Oe llllm 11 i11111w11o1i was knockiugtobez 10111 111 tollien Campbell of trout itllll off the Llillitl wlieIivKiswiclt and they have one son 1l11 11111 11 caught in tllllltlllll1111Junteilwnuwtllll The 111111 tLtllHW Tlil conveyoi llll ll1111111l 11 1li1it only one in 11111111111 In 1111111111 111in 5111c ti llr lr l11171e produced some coinl parative figures for the ptlgtl lllu years Price increase to the milk producer was lllllI cost of supplies iltll 1710 labor cost was uplAPPOInted Mgr llll but the price of milk to lllLiNelll unlock 1ic ieai door of the Wil son 111111111111 found it open Com 1111 mail 111111 ohm and store 111 math into the long hallway 1111111 of the llobert Sunpson 11 llciwiIi Simpsons offices Chain 1111 lmt Office Sumac 111111 made 1111 of ommerec offices and The 1111 111111 11 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 limiiiiner Mr Glenn found new comforter on the floor bun llcrl about II1lItl1gt etc 111 1111 gt11al 11111115 111 this 111111111111 culprit broke into $111111 111111 consumer had llrtli only 711 In tliis comparison also overall food costs were well 11p over 130 Oliver Pettlt school area maintenance man and was pre 111 50 plunging sealed to the municipality by the Tecumseth School Area 11111111 has 1111111 1111 more than 21111 of bull vIllA sliotll OFFICIAL OPENING EXERCISES were held last evening of the new Tecumseth Township offices situated in Beeton The office building consists of council chamber clerks office washroom and basement It is finished 011 the out side with white stuCco Following inspection of the building by ratepayers and guests the program continued at Beeton Memorial Hall Shown above is thecouncil chamber looking to the head of the room The large council table is of solid oak natural finish with heavy plate glass top The table was made by uncovered oelock this Glenn care lluildiniz in III III cult11 before was II1 1111111111111 by 11111 Halter of the Wilson ll1 innuediately suspected sonic 1l1111 aiiziss and upon further in 1vctiati1111 found the door to his which the Simpson ofIiei 51 are muipmpm mum fumed opt and cater Mr Glenn preparing 1the double doors in the rear of HISIIIIIISIIHK storeiooms broken open link of Christmas parcels were lseatIeiid and strewn about 11 tlllllllltlllll school he Lllltitl1 M11 Itll llllmClllilltly HOIIIICd the employ of the late lIt11l1lIgtlIll illll MISS MilllIZIILI Park gtlioi merchant and was with the Illillldll llll Bllllc NICE Ofce 111 In your luciemgulllotli l1gttllllCl to the call and thorough grounding 111 lltel11iIIIUEHI office officials in Toronto 111151 in that 11citlhbor tbwn WCII Ulllllfl IIUWLVLI bQCUSG In 11113 Lorne enlisted with tl11flhe lw lush ChHSlmas Itoval Canadian Electrical iiilllllws lnlll551b1to make 5a gtpot check and determine what lMechauical Lnguieeis and seivediwm mwmu This will not be illl1 that unit until 1910 on active until the staff has been crvlcc known lulllk to check all invoices No Board Chairman of the board is John Bartlett secretary ll Kill511 Still Frank Houghton vicechairman Jackson Glassford Sit Iliilifiilirifi iiiiliiniiliii Hug members MaxMitcnell and Ira Matson the paistllfl thziisl Shown beside the profusion of flowers sent by well wish Mr Kinzie emphasized 1111 111131 ers are left to right Councillor George Lisk Clerk Thomas Syrians 5111111110 in CHIWIH 11W Robinson retiring at the end of the year Deputy Reeve lll lfdfflul mill Albert Gilroy Reeve Leonard Ransom Councillor Edgar mu pm last decade Milk is getting very PICICY and Councnlor William Nevils scarce in Ontario he said taniiiy 1111111111 to Urillia lltlt lie was raised and educated William Orr Deputy Minister Group Property Owners Protest Municipal Affairs Speaker at lb Vespra Council Tax Increase Opening Tecumseth Building in twrp I1 An adjourned meeting of Vespra yslem prepared by him were be Township Council was held on Dec i111 copied in the county assessors with 111cmbers iescnt olfice and it was 1111 ossible for him Most of 111111 time 11111 icni in lmoney was taken by the culprits omcmls rutcpayers and guests Qum numb of 5me propertv iliy give details in connection with Europe particularly in Holland township Tecumscth Township jolned to gether Thursday evening in Becton to officially open the new town ship officcs situated on Beetons main street Following inspection of the new office building and signing of the guest book everyone proceeded to theBeeton Memorial Hall where official opening ceremoni took place by proxy The opening program entailed several short speeches and address cs by officials exofficials and guests combined together withl music and presentations concluded with lunch andkoffee Highlight of the program was an address made by William Orr deputy minister of municipal af fairs fpr the Province of Ontario Among the many speakers were Reeve Leonard Ransom and town shipclerk Thomas Robinson also cochaitmamot cevemng ev Cooke minister of Beeton An glican charge Warden George George Shepherd Rev Downer MPP county clerk Fred Hunter and John Bartlett chairman of Tecumseth school board At the beginning of the program King township treasurer pre sented bronze plaqueto the town ship on behalf of Mrs King and himself to commemorate the open ing of the municipal hall Mr Ran some received the plaque on behalf of the township In return coun cillors Piercey and Nevils pre sented Mrs King and Mrs Ran som with bouquets of flowers Rev Mr Cooke then conducted short service of dedication of the new building concluding with pray er At the close of the program Clerk Thomas Robinson was pre sented with cheque from the in appreciation of his many years of faithful service to the township by deputy reeve and reeveelect Albert 11er Robinson received bouquet of flowers Mr Robinson after 42 years ser vice in the mbnicipalily is retiring at the end of the year He began with the township in 1910 and for the next four years was auditor Turn to page two please beau and George Mead WILLIAM ORR Twelve COniesl Six Pelnelang Council Seats George Kerr received an acclama tionas mayor of Penetang at recent municipal nominations Also re ceiving acclamations were Reeve Cage Deputy Reeve Archie Verriere and Robert VBeaulieu to the Water and Light Commission Mr Beaulieu has been chairman of the commission for the past 22 years However different story un Society marking furled in the race for six council seats Twelve men were nominated arked bYTatepayers at the polls next Wednesday Qualifying were Jerome gig nae Gerald Martin Befnard St Amant Harold Ulrichson Harry Halton Mansel Allewell John Des champs John Watson Larrence Desjardins Phil Odesse Orval Am Dancing every Saturday nlght Music by George Wilsons Orchestra 104108b Every Friday special modern and old time dance in Churchill Hall to Norm Burling and his Kings Men orchestra Good prizes Starts sharp at pm Admission 500 104tfb Dancing Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admission ladies 50c gentlemen 75c 48tfb School Christmas SS 17 Oro in Guthrie Community Hall on Tuesday Dec 18 at 815 pm Admission Adults 350 Child icn 20c 108109p CUnccrt CaEJBuiIHing the said ra cpayer ElmVole Doctor new cancer research labora tory in Alberta is to be named after former Elmvale physician lthe late Dr John McEachern gThe famous Canadian research doc ltor devoted most of his life to lthe study and trdatment of can cer which later caused his death The honor of breaking ground for the laboratory went to the doctors widow Mrs McEachern Also present was daughter Mrs Daily of Vancouver The sod turning ceremonies were attended by some 00 mem bersand guests of the Alberta division of the Canadian Cancer an important stepin Albertas cancerlresearch The laboratory made possible laud all qualiedto be n4habaum==i by contributions from the people of the province willbe situated north of the medicalbuildihg on the UniversitymiTampus It will bring together for the first timeall Alberta cancer research The $150000 building will com memorate the pioneer workof the late Dr McEachern rst president of the Alberta division and famed liloFEB contribution to cancer re search and therapy in Alberta At life sodturning ceremony IDruAndreWQStewart president of the university termed 1111 build Hing fitting memorial for Dr MI Eachern great reprsentative of 911 great profssion Th doctor opened his rst med ical practice in Elmvale PRICE INCORRECT war HTODD AD Througha typographical er rot in the Will Todd adver tisement in our issue of Wed nesday December 12 the price of Stetson Hats appeared as 895 to $1000 This Is incorrect oddfeuowg TTmplc owners from the Vicinity of Cun11y particular assessment dies and Midhuist attended to pro test against the increase in tax ation caused by the use of the new tion Reeve Earl Richardson offered rcasonal explanation and pointed out that the school tax comprising the largest portion of the taxes was Some ratepayers with property It was explained however the plowing of when the township manager llllltl this argument could claim that Dunk St about wwks L00 Richxn Vespra as township had no right ago 10 contribute to Ecounty roads ihad only very small portion of under the new manual considered lcounty road on townline and the to be of equal value with farm icontinuation of Elizabeth St West buildings when imposed upon small gto the 7th concession line and south holdings ito Highway 90 The township clerk explained that This seemed to take considerable his duty was to tabulate the name air out of the sails of the snowplow and address of the owner together contention 011 provincial highways with an understandable description and helped to impress the fact that of the property and to make out lwhcrcvcr situated in the township the tax bill in accordance with the Iall were part and parcel of it and assessment fixed by the assessor and las such were responsible generally reviewed by council on appeal 101and that back road was second1 revision by the liary 10 provincial highway 01 LL LECOL Mr Raikes assessor for Vgpral some For explained the workings of the man inot received an assossmcnt notice ual and that under the cilcum10r 1931 to Show the amount on stances it was intended to give IVhlch they mild 30 assessed more equitable adjustment of tax l1952 54 ation which is based entirely onl The New Slmplhtllcall 10 assessment minded them that there was name Unfortunately the curds of incl Torn to page two please St but when he was quite young theion one of his later voyages Wonders 01nd Beauty of London As Seen Through Canadian Eyes Described by Barrie Traveller description of London as sheent of the BME club and was it on her trip abroad last was saw summer Canadian Club members by Miss Margaret Sinclair at their Christ mas meetinghon Tuesday evening different wonders and beauty spots which had appealed to her in the British capitol dwelt on various historic sites in the ancientcity given to Womens lintrodced by the president Mrs thto Rawson At the opening or the meeting in the library 11111 Miss Doris Kearns led in caroll LORNE CRAIG who has been in 1xpcriowcs on zlughway thought that they had with me local branch of Neill no right to contribute to the plow counly manual and its various class 111 of roads on the back concession ilicalions and asked for informallines Prior to that he had been iiiflirst Baptist Church where he is partnership anymond Thomson at 29 Elizabeth church work name of Store which was later changed to Thomi son Craig Shoe Store for four years under the original he Wide Awake Shoe He Was born in New singing accompanied at the piano The speaker who described thelbY MISlnge1rAa1son London Hospitality The hospitality of Londoners is wonderful at all times stated the and at the same time gave desIBarlie traveller who went abroad lcrlpfion of the present day Lon doner as seen through the eyes of Canadian visitor Miss Sinclair is former presid witha closed notebook and any open mind On every hand in London is something of wonder to see and something to stir the visi tor she said describing the citng as teeming with the movement oil peerle London is an oldfashioned city Ils people are different to usJdmy have 1a quaintn 55 of their own and styles area ed Over million people travel on trains subways and the tube every day she explained in the city that contains 10 million peo ple onequarterof the population of England Its government con sists of 2000 councillors and aid1 ermen to 30 councils representing the 27 boroughs and two cities Westminster and Kensington with one county council over all The lord mayor rules over thesmalli kindom of London City ost oldfashionv IIIC Billllt 810 Illlthcy have one little son Richard wit Big Christmas Tree Goes Up in Post Office Square land Belgium with many apparently Shortly after his return to Cane lhe culpiits as they fled the ada he was married to the former 590 lll55l llml 101 became 11 Limited since Oct 22 was made Miss Mark Wilson of Midland undlalarmetl and made Olft hurriedly manhole leading into storage lspace above the carctakers equip Mr Craig is valued member ofllmnt 100 WEI Opened The in Irudcrs apparently tried entry 11 mam1w nf here hole was drilled through an adjoining wall in the upstairs storeroom searching for method of entry Cpl Jack Ice and Constables and Oxncr of Barrie ctivc in nearly Anns Bay in Middlesex Jamaica 1s the reputed landfall of McClurc Liskcard Christopher Columbus May 1494 town detachment OPP are invest vigating LJVA 51 mifmpqrr JIhe t0ltfulllllnd other boot abandoned by THE BARBIE CHAMBER of Commerce Mm and devastaion in London still it Ch at th 11 ms ma re 05 LONGESIHER told the sp alter and Londoners rats ng go time everything from the night Office Square on Thursday Afternoon At and should have mad SE95 to 1095 There are evidencesof bombing Chamber of Commerce and Omenfrom board of worksiend afhelplng hand 011 lSouthend Eng stretches 13 The giant steel andtimber pier at Inow longestpier In the world MISS 111101111 YOUNG Di res May 111 1941 The city is right Secretary Reg Welham gives the tree hoistpwhile Director 12 Griffin of the tTurn to page We please