largely responsible tor thr ideasiwas contacted after eight Oclock 30T Orhlfpeclls PqubIlrFIlllIEIlsII Mrs mumimn Slutubly vahhcd 10 lillli=lt1llllllii Sililllmi by rat J1 for floats and costumes in tile on Friday evening and Some or $333013iheccghlv tuwlch 10 imlOdllCliOH Slillllli 1111 She lxullmllmmr mpmly Winch Following short iiliciiillt of the sum Claus mmdc tells us that members didnt know Dom 270 illdividuals were elamilicd by Mt it wry mu runemmwd MM mm hmkv was Cwm Ulliml planning has already begun for their trip to Barrie on Saturth docm fmm Mugkukq mpmi As mayor of the county town stillll llllllI ISIPiRIulid 1051 phdwzuh 50 thh bv 1c of hours 11 WWW nLX years It wc comt am morninggt untl coup Uh mi hid hm as app 111 sina pm 111 Nick She is hoping to 5mm work late so the Chamber of Com ICIIIIVLHI 11 mum She smiled mm 5m had In II III II on costumes after the first of the meme sends out heartfelt been DWSlnl ill 10 Opttlinit ill the lilidtn Slllilhlld thanked coullr Ins II on that we can ycl 311d has OIMXS lined U1 thank you to the bovs and girls MiSS Ann Sayer pllbllC lltllll walrdcns picnic at tho wardcns cii for the watch and for thclr co llllp V011 with mi who are Wining to work at home of EhQO who wen hrought gllIiSLIhomcllhyidonll10IOL$U hanqutt and now as 11 thc clos opclatlon throughout lllt ycar until NOV 287111 and Mrs Nixon Ii to he make no years We an along the own drum mhwrones Iilppc ll rcnbI lsltILI It mg for tllc ctroperation of otlllr coun llsttcd Glenn Nixon at OWlil Soundi for th even bigger success People who add 10 the paradox spmhdm Itlllmy dullan OUOIILF Bull lr Mrs lIllllnlllOIl extended hcrIcon 1y officials oiiliclliilrs ri also on Sunday 19 room would hko hhh phm or the an orthopaedic InuiIslIng consultdllt grand1110118 to most CUUHCIHOIS town souvcnn of 1931 county Mr and Mrs lliii Millar Mount hi in the year of 1001 chim No snowballs were welcome 001111110 SOClcty VlSllSIth mtho who would be rcturmni next ycarcoiincli in tllt form of shaving St Louis yisitcd Mr and Mrs t0 PTOTCCT TUTDITUIe mime of rho 1951 pll1l The Medic cases 111 hcr dlstllct vlth upon their iccilmliions lilfl hrr kit 11 111k Ruinnu Sundn 11 28 1gld51 died itlnosmcre cach innso on the health unit staff best mum 11050 1wshn UPHOLSTERING 9h ff 111 wayby PlOVldlllfl ClOlll ill links 5pc uncorr II II II Allliljy other 11101111113 if MN09in ovou mwn mum utilize Such as 10 the all1m of Santa Cluusutlsl Sh IytnIlIspoql IlIon IIII IIHIIWIIII III II UIIIIIIII menus 131111119th 13mm and RUhIVI 5h Evening gowns that Could hu year but some of the 110111 POI50 15 ill hm wmhmph Tm hm 51an Ml ltd MIR llilllk FINN Midl made 01 mm sh book COS he fared badly as they arrived at happy to be vlsncd by any of the wound up mm WWW II Big land Sllltdy tum the centre of town in drenched County counmhnsI chug an In IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII Mm RI mgmhm WWW 3W er honor to how them 111 our midst cd Mr and Mrs Orlilal Editaids fo Ohtumts and bad hum an be Councli Wlt 1dl Vi OHWH Mm welham wen has hopes ing pched with snow by the on 01 In 1c con plo II II wth OI hys SI 0th Scntcd Mrs llalrlllton With bcau 50 ill that macho heads for walk Toms emoute Mn isi ms 111 mdMis tf AMHHHT rug gt1 0Ultllltl NUS bl lUl 111 Nathan Romney and Mr arid Mrs mi 11111cs an on personnc II ou could he made locally so that next one thing that Finlay LVOmllgb BIarrch Kiwanians entertained 0f ll LQllllCll II IlllEMllll Cdldlrldn Piaf ms qt the hi 1d 1h skl Followmg Mrs Hamiltons zld as 11121 111lti of the gunmen1m yemns parade can he buggy and conlimencemcn defechI im the 11 1011a 260 etc mil dam MI Miadkmn pmsumd pinnhip iiiil1litltS 1t ltllt Mlll WW rlnl c1ng ov ommunly hm Thh 393 mtg 1111 he col chate seivu II II II repainth and fixed up for 1952s attention of large portion of the House Presrdcnt Fred Smith Wflldtn ShLDlKId 1111 11 gold ulto illm 1111 lull hilt ihis NIL was hhm wind wrist watch and Cuunmllm fourth your ill row that lllil chnstms and more mm are to public was the lack of seating 11 an Lum BOIm KIWI IMIIIIIUIIqh IIIIWIIIII IIIIIIII mu III II II is vIii iI he added perhhpS mm more commodatlon 1n the school iludl Lxcchcm musmal sclocuons were mad and presented 3010 to M1 wmhI tOllumI EachIgraduiltC was 11 OW rendered by Jane perkinSI pianish ShCIhCIId on bChIlf If III III id he vents and lillLil cd to 1ng his1 Flption Imd and John Rice Viohmsi of Bamo extending councils thanks to the Advice III Ihc IOWImIn II Ih frien to gratin Cone me F1 AI large part of the auditorium Ken $11k hc phrnkgmledwllhc 73110an his leddCIShlP lhltlllgh oldcst syndicate feature 11 news easy Its Simple JHSt h0p at the Baywew Grocery WIIS needed seat the participm Sings out the year paplirg Monday enter your name In the draw and you may be the qtudemg many of me guests winner of pound chicken If you are not able to call at mg LtCol Lapoint officer th had to be satised With standing commanding Royal Canadian Army 0V MONDAY DFC 10 0113 one your order take advantage of our free de room at the rear doors VhllO some Service Corps School at Camp BOP livery serv1ce and the clerk will enter your name Draws for 150 were turned away chickens will be held NOVI 26I Dec and 10I Draw for 20 comic book while waiting for the trary and lots of other costumed hHI whh onlyw cases honed they have at the November session hhhhmn huh hhnhwwd Ih WM mr big Cilcbmiun md 11mph 1m Frday NW 30 clowns and llonts to appear around floats for another year Maybe hm momh Four cases chfh of compcnsatcd for this by finishing in hm hm huh hum Jr M011 dlllglllld EKQIh hm 11 11khi 13 hr ive Points another half dozen is the cstim three days whcn normally four or tllc audience 11 ith two solos The hf is mm of chitkmpox and mumpu um also 111151 11111111 and Hudson Bay mu Mi liltl Ml lolu hit111 But it wasnt his outfit or his ate reported to the health unit days llmyi linl11z Al Wildlard Shipyards on vlnd HUN U353 TMS mum With rcldin matter that were drawln On hand for closin= corcionic Ar gt RWl ll had Conlfnrlablg The Immune Trumpet Band Semiihghhmillilildgieihlticlhill as for opcninu ccitliliorllcs 1tfstitii pithfiliuliiiaillllildiliilillhlllll villi M5 Kllwlmi Wl ilks Hr Mi Mi Iiwfguml EL is ii at ir so that wally prmwdod birds blrsditelc thitIthIocsIIlIiIf Slzilcltltala mu preparation and exec Mayor Mp5 lllilrjlllli Hamilton ufj 111 hp gthhhhh mh hiflcd Stewart in IgttgtlllILI inIIII1IlIIIIIIIiI11 llttl or gt pm Com 11 nirill Townshi lt osnl uni lye vnu straddling th Shed tion of the immunization LllillLS 11 WU 011 JIM taint Lakes is gtLllttllllltl kccl 11 1111 sign on lilo corner that rcadslldit 1th gm 252233 gsnld held throughout the county rcports ililyirclcct for 1932 Mrs llillml laying of anuihcr bulk 1111121 ls Plllml 9mm MM 11d Yb U1111l$bl1 mli Post Office Square In Imfm Irumhdb 0L whh the thc director One hundred and 41 30 ilhulmIUhlillltd BlmlntlllUII millc for lin sanlc day lloih ships Full 55Wl mm by was visits we made by my nursing arncs art ccvc of ariic 11111 arc fol lppcr Lakes St l1 ilrovillcial manual Looks like Grcy Cup day llcrtllllu51cal cud of the Santa Claus staff during Odom concerning also rccvruloct for 1912 laldcn 11 11h11h llon llczltiy Hob owan andl llli Wnincns institute Will lllttli The pan for beaunhd was Frank Taylors caustic rclnzlrklwelcome and as arrangements were some aspect wmmunhhhh h5 George Shepherd of Crccluon cx Frank Murphy 01 hhhnmhu tin homo of 11s Manicy id as he dished out but cups of coffceibclng completed the two expected has tended to Mrs llainilion his toll In IN INDOW mmmimic Hurwhnw my wh mild ycilncsllay ilcc to chillcd paradc watchers lallny and air force bands from III 93 HI II gmmhumhs and he mum1mm lliown in aniod hm uhs mhm humps uHmli lcamp Borden had to Cancel the mon homo Hills lions of council on her 1932 ac lllllUWl one of the Short ourscs to he OOmM uh WPf3 Mr and lzallon program of the Simcoe IIII filly Anny mm 550 dill 131d delight SUllburi and aldngJspml 96mm wm H11 gtil rs Cuunty hcdllll unit got under no IIIIIIIII III II iIiI $th iIiRIIIIs hump 1th I501 30 My MD ymhIID and amp Kenny 13 1d WWW 36 Wi MI II ILI the absence In president Penctang Dennis Sexton 11 as in Toronto for 11 lltlll$ 11111 iktlc gsponse by the parents having their 5lilzplii ticcplcsltiila liaril IS the weekend mums and pruschool children 5mm 0mm mum mung film In WW 51 Allmrw Murphy bummed 1r Ll fir Mr and lli llussev Van II vI II gt 1tccted against whooping cougde 115 bJ Ll hEM li 91 H1 like 10 hm hm mm yfleluborate than those whipped upi lcss for 1951 lcCultl limo this 11 rim 11 1111 ln 1ls til 11m am is an the little boy who was making in hurry for Saturdav Ship fm Fl p2 km 51 whwh gm 4111 istlVDlWUmb mks ll hp pp who Tl 51 days full all the soda fountain clientele next lm just getting over one and asset hirigm NW Wlli lhlosflay Illlillllg rind1 LAlNtll TWO SHIPS illallic new shown and 111111 of hm Tu Hi IvJIInIU Mr and Mrs 1111 McLaughlin and it 5m Mrs Ou dim 8511 child for lhultin of lllibil JthllCiilt had llir pitlistin of ltlld KWUW lUUL and Lie passer by crane inking and 1er TI numb of Id WIS fhursdny JlltlllllUil spin 111 ihrw Kltths Hlll Mrs their necks on Saturday morning Welham But she has ideas for nclhd Jm humml llgi=l Wlllli WM Brown 13 UVWd NW T0 communlca lscases 121s ccn sun sh 1nd 111 hm 111st heroic the arrival of Santa Mother Goose Mary Had Little mm mm the coming It 00m an vashyg 511111 he IIII II IIIItIIIIII WIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII lIII In Isier 1111 tihn kidIIfor takmLI MII IIIId MI NIIIIIIIII Edwards 1011 11 itid iis bktllufl Ch dressed up in parka LamhI Cmderdh or he Show Imth The polio SIIIIIIIIOII It hmgg To us mum COW III IIIll IIIuIAIIIIIih II III lI iitst pic tins in Iillzcns and mm mm MI and The last medical clinic for this II ll Tii 11 ll Ir the parade he was readmg QueenI Mary 1113in Quite Con ned presumably became of TIP mmed mm duh HIMWHI IIIIIIIKII innl til uppitHdlL muting this r1 Am InInhmI Humch Friday term talus ploct in Htildrit School Bestknown home remedy to relieve distress is mey on aw 65 Elizabeth 51 and at savings Eli uldany Tepid Mrs Re Ethan ICKS VApoRua outbilfdf THE GIFT OF LASTING PLEASURE garlic inellded frEShlSream but This Christmasfor as little as $695y0u can give gift whose every line An appomt termilk dairy butter at 65c 1b If carrot marmalade fresh raspberries proclaims its quality and conrms your good tastea beautifullySty mem made now qt jar 65c pickled beets pt 25c will assure pro Christmas delivery PHONE 5440 LsCowper PHOTOGRAPHER Price PrizeValuest Palm 419 vacuum norm DAYS youropportunityto may your urchuse or small terms can bear ngedtovsuit anybudgetl and bear in mind that Tin Milan sumo MONDAY cum limor PHELPSTON Centennial Film Innisfil Parade lmmunizaiion PrOgram in SecOnd Round Toronto spent the weekend with Mr andl Mrs Grofgr McCloy Miss Yorke Midland visned Miss Eleanor Edwards last wrek Miss Gwen Robinson County Council Sets Record The second round of the lnimun at Shroud NOV EllMrs OHallorun mutt cabin Toronto Miss Catherine Arr flan SERVICE Stroild Vslnrilurlity Hill well ONeill 40M Alizifltflil 011s first 1111 Vl1013gtinpucaranCCSThElmlillPAM by urging 5m 553 clamutwn PW iln immlils of 1151 Hk llclfl 11 AC furlull ll1 11 in den mystified and entertained the gathering with his inimitable feats of magic interspersed with original humor He also performed on the musical saw and had piano assist ance from Capt Don Glover of Whitehorse Yukon recently rc turncd to Camp Borden on course The school gymnasium was looking its best for the annual commencement dance decorated with crisscross streamers in the school colors of red white and black pound turkey on Dec 17 VOTE Mrs Edythe Redmond TRUSTEE BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD LISTEN TO CKBB TUESDAY DEC at pm To Mothers Teachers FRIDAY DEC at pm To The Voters BayviewGrocery CORNER OF CHARLOTTE COLLIER STREETS PHONE 4500 FREE DELIVERYTWICE DAILY 1030 am and 330 pm GREAT DESERT The Gobi Desert covering per haps 300000 square miles in Mon golia is believed to have been an inland sea centuries ago FARMERS MARKET SATURDAY DECEMBER One of the largest crowds of the year greeted the Barrie Farmers Produce Market on Saturday morn ing Much interest Was taken in the displays of choice spring chickens for which prizes had been donated by Sparling First prize of $6 went to Mrs Lange and second prize of $4 to Mrs Priest Judge was Brennan Chickenswere 55c 1b fowl 50c b1ill0k5 ll prices were etime oncl still give gift that lasts lit ighyw owerw1 It to 75c doz according to Size and qualityf Fresh pork cuts were on display at reasonablemrices and number of vendors took orders for delivery later by the quarter larger than GVEX variety of pro duce and work shown from honey dependable General Electric or Telechron Electric Clock Illustrated are but few of the many models available Make the people on your giftlist happy this Christmas and for long long time to come Give these medleratelysprlced lifetimegifts that beat the high cost of giving all kinds of home baking and number of gift ideas hand knitted SOckS some of hand spun wool carved walnuts jewel and glove boxes tatted earrings tatted edgf ings for pillow casas and some linen handkerchiefs with tatted borders Vegetables werepientiful carrots 40c to 50c basket potatoes 55c to 60c basket or $325 to $3 50bag apples 50c and 550 One load of soft maple blocks was Barrie offered for $10 Funst GENERAL mu Mwa GE WAITBLER Alarm Pleasant bell alarm signal Striking case of richlygrained mahogany with soft brushed metal bezel $1250 nmmvi onions loll rvm toolM rtrulnwilrnrvlk nuntelllrrlllucrlull solo4 wt illicth Allow sings pull FIRECHRISTMAS 45 sometimetarot your choice 4lt v==v him Richly Agt lt VI Tolochron BUFFET Kinkn TolochrouADVISOMKINhon GEMAISTRO CI MNK mum Wid Maximum readabilify and Easy to Colorstyled in blue yellow or grained mahogany case Pull West Gl CHIEF Aldrin 5111 modern lines with an additive 95 some maroon plastic case Rili db 95 minster chimes Distinctive blinds polist men to all use green Also red dialwith white andnumetals $84150 keep sparkling clean White ivory case Pierced numerals $995 redorgregnS795 ivory case$6 vas II III CANADIAN GENERAL ELEcilucjcoulpANY no gravest Lid nxtbtiaoadigu Gmrafl Radio Sbawfcatmng LeslieBell Singers Horner Cable and Orr cumWritrIJME an