Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1951, p. 6

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THE BARRIE EXAM NE nits iOR ADIEI counts 3c div0rd minimiun 75 Following Consecutive Insertions 2c 21 word minimum 50c ADLEIS MAY BE TELEPHONED TO OFFICE CASH RATE 2c Following Consecutive Insertions 1120 word minimum 35c MUST BF PAID WITH ORDER BOX NUMBERS or replies directed in this office 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50c IN MEMORIAM CARI THANKS IN APPRECIATION 2c word minimum 75c Rates and type styles for se obtained through The Examiner NOTEThe lavrie Examiner will not advertsemen taken over the telephone alter the first inserton Deadlines for opy Saturday itlr ul Hill lhtizsllay F1110 HELP WANTED RivIIIISAIIEHMAN zlillill Hillt opczi 5day cck uionp unmann Apply Ntlllis llniry Ilmflr iiiliia ltltlllllll SALESMAN IANIIZl fol liaillc Collingwood tllstiict liite Singer Sewing Machine to tollmg wood 71014021 RELIABLE illtl or Wxiillilll to do light housewoik and icnii tllllfl while niotzici works Iliolii pl Senicliowicli IlillM amp Ilnr lcn ltllli HOUSEKEIIIFR to lilc full charge ili ncw llltilltlll laim home and board lllltc single men with mens looms furnished Near school Apply clswclL lloiitt Ilczld phone Ilttlflll 43ilil lilllllzll TIRE SERVICE Man steady Illlsl lion pleasant working tlilltlllllllh good salary Only ilttist interested in permanent position nccd apply Gartsliores Firestone Sloic corn er of Maple Ave and lillillltlll St Willi1031 WHAT ARE YOUR Plans for Iii crease earnings flood Rawlciglij business is hard to beat big line well established good pru fits No experience required VIIIC today for information on how to get started Ilawlcighs Dept MII K128225 Montreal 1011021 DOMESTIC WANTED for general housework in NfillllIitlvlt sec tion Of Toronto Private room aiid bathroom Must like children and be willing to live in Salary 575 per month Reply in writing to Mr ligott 62 Fifcshiie Rd North RR No York Mills On tario or phone MAlilti 1102104b MARRIED COUPLE man to do farm work his wife to cook for single men of the farm who have separate living quarters Fully eqtiippcd kitchen in new cook house with modern conveniences living room bedrooms and bath Food heat light and water prov vided McCaguc Glenafton Farm Alliston phone 106112 1102103b HERE IS YOUR Chance to obtain steady employment with good earnings If youre aggressive and have car or can obtain one you can make big money as Watkins Dealer Established rural routc availablein your area No invest ment required Experience not necessary we train you Ask us for particulars Write today to Dept OBSA The Watkins iCompany 350 St Roch St Mon areal Que 1102b 2102p WILL DO Housework by the dayi Phone 4066 anytime after Friday 2102pl YOUNG MARRIED Woman wiii care for your children any day orf evening Monday to Friday Call Mrs Peterson 5038 2102b WANTED SEVERAL TONS of Clean Straw Perry Adams RR Barrie 3102p PING PONG TABLE wanted in good condition Apply Box 411 Barrie Examiner 3100102x HEALTHY AGED horses wanteFCHILDs WHITE SKATES size 11 for mink feed Lockhart Cuni dles phone 4396 377102pF USED FURNITURE Of all kinds wanted Apply Box 89 Orillia or phone4482 Orillia 396102p WANIED Logs and Peplar Bolts for cash Write or phone uThornton Bradford Ont phone 60 395104b CHRISTMAS TREES cut and haul ed to road We pick them up Highest prices Box 47 arrie Ex aminer 102104b CHRISTMAS TREES large quan tity wtll pick up and out if de Slld Volume Builders 808 Bay view Ave Toronto Hyland 3713 39310511i BUILDING approximate fly 20x24 Building must be in suitable condition to be moved complete Phone 3693 after 36 part 1102 RfiloiTkovsnIBERboTlesI 530 In for Monday issue locs CA EST ROUGI IING iLeavc Barrie 730 am leave To ronlo pm Phone 3352 you ATTENTION FARMERS We will vailing prices Forimmediate ser VGordon Young Limited Fiitcd rugs cleaned on you own FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES MAN REY WOOL fer Incicoal lfc IJ Bargain Weed wiri uoiil once 102p GE ItEllllGERATUR cu it In goori ulitilllult Maple AVc Apt phone riitio oeiurm Hi pm 71021th boys SKATES sire ill rust wool suit IZL lll brown slioitic coal size 34 Apply Etic Elizabeth St 102 llliltil iinnrrs lined full length 111th rlalnask Phone 3200 word minimum 50c III 3c word minimum 75c Bug tilator II it lilc ful FILTER III tolililtllin littin iisll CA IEMENT NOTICES 75c Am mldlsplay classifieds may be advertising department ltllllb ELECTRIC WASHER In good coll Mmr lllllllli hmpiil iriigc coal assume responsmilily for any cum in nor for errors in copy unless ohhed ll Phone 41 STORM ops sic iltilg for Wednesday Issue ll oilc pane pm for Friday issue Phone 2131 iotiiillcll Illlltl It MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT Do your own floors Its easy= Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander excellent work Low rates Complete lini of lloor finishing materials paints varnishes shell acs tillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to new floors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperlon St Phone 5200 nilllfb mok stove small llzirgain Wilson inty tiny STRAND lillfllliN Range while cuanicl polihcl stccl half of new price Ray Illlljlilttl Iiiltllt nn plinni 2101 lIll2p tilti SKIS SKI POMZS Ski lioots sire 93 kitchen table chairs 103 loilp Ill Blake St phone 3005 17 make SKATES bought sold and Luci demand Repair Apply ioltls Shoe Llappirton St 77113pWF MANS lilSll tlotzi dark grey winter overcoat tuxedo suit worn twice tails suitable ftllllll per son about size Jill Phone 20515 Button Covering VliltNlGlll SERVICE Largo range of silts from 10 to no in both Ilalfllall and omblnzo tioii styles Barrie Tent Awning C0 114 llayficld St Barrie SQISIOIIII used one season also build for pressure system Will Milligan ookstowih phone 1014021 cr pump lillll in r2 OILCAKFi We can supply your ircqunemciits in ilcakc Master Feeds Frost Fence and snow fence 1For service phone Craig Hunter 3275 Stroud 53rd 7891021 59911591 lAIllNG MACHINES aiid type houses antlwrilcrs new and used sales and barns all Leo IIOlllblil ll100011cliliils Royal typewriter agent for 10 Lefroy from 730830 pm iSimcoc County Silncoe Business 5101102pMacliines 36 Toronto St Barrie BUILDING AND Alterations aliiliilliifl 311M carpentry work also concrete and TTYPEWRIIERS office machines IOtlillilt Phone 11 3errisf01dporlziblcs adding machines cash Stroud 47Ilil 592102p ggistcrs sales and service 11 osncy 17 Frances St Barrie TRANSPORTATION l0 rofomofhonc 411 Box 87 Smith Corona daily Monday through Friday 7Lgmfbp rcprcsentativc DINING ROOM SUITE walnut ll pieces like new band wringcr slightly used library table golden ioak pedestal base large drawer Phonc 2637 71021 MOUTON FUR COAT perfect icontlition too large for owner iChcap for quick sale Phone Stroud 40 between 12 and anyday ex cept Sunday 7102103b ROTARY PUMP and Fairbanks Engine in good condition 4whccl ed trailer also 12 pigs Apply Caldwell phone 93W Cookstown 71021 GENDRON BABY Carriage babel gtenda infants crib and mattress all in excellent condition Also childs 2ryearOld Iipiece pink wfnlcr OutfitiPhOiie 5497 71021 DROPLEAF TABLE walnut fin ish chairs white kitchen cab inet porcelain top Cheap Apply Trulson Con 11 InnisfIl mile east Highway 11 71021 ANTIQUE CHESTERFIELD solid walnut hand carved dated 1890 exccllent condition Would be mmfmastcrpiccc wlicn recovered tock Ourvprice mmrmmmmp EAVESTROUGIIING town country work Phone 5801fb MIMEOGRAPHING and public stcnography Let Mrs Jane Ben nett or Mr Alvin Thompson help with your secretarial work Barrie Business College phone 4824 591102p be pleased to pick up dead or crip pled animals and pay highest pre vice telephone collect Barrie 3617 511115pMF LET US REVIVE the quuiste beauty of your rugs and carpets floors by the Von Schradcr ach inc Loose rugs picked up and delivcred Von Schrader Rug Cleaning John Seal 50 DuIISIIIR St Barrie 2104 Free Estimtes 51021 FOR SALE cant be beat pair ltilllli gtioil 7ltlllll3p GEORGE wnrir Insniiiit witsRU mg and service call BARRIE Prompt tarpaulin repair service BorrleiTent Awninq C0 34 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 795102b TIRE SERVICE VULCANIZING RETREADING All sizes of truck tractor and passenger tires Tractor tire ll GARTSHORES FIRESTONE STORE 3195 794th CHRISTMAS TREES Your pick of lot Phone 2165 7101104b Phone 3266 Barrie 7101102x HP WAGNER Eicctric Motor 1725 rpm Phone 3737 7102p MANS TWEED Overcoat good condition Phone 3665 7102b BOWS ARROWS one target Phone 3147 after 430 pm 7102b BUFFET DARK GREY very good condition Phone 53r21 Stroud 71029 BLACK WALNUT LOGS Apply 26 Bradford St or phone 3287 7IOl102x 2TONE MOUTON Coat year old good condition Phone 3758 795tfb WALNUT HALL TREE walnut smoking stand Phone 3266 Bar rie 7101102x LOVELY 3STONED diamond ring $100 or best offer accepted Phone 3147 71017102D FARMS FOR SALE 50ACRE FARM rich loam ex cellent gardening or farming soil iaftV MORRISON Apply t3 Pizietaiig Street iLIVESTOCK FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR RENT fEarnYour Christmas Money Adlets Convert UsedArticles Into Cash Bilri ie Examiner COMPANY LlMITEDi Mercury Lincon Meteor 150 lbs each Phone 808M 3H3 Bmdmrd st SPRINGER IIOLSTEIN and 1101 Barriesltlll Yearling Jim McGill Min PHONE 5566 wshig 9952fb 1950 Meteor uswm Comb apprm unater 22000 miles This car has been kept In exceptionally good Ba pm 1433 condition by one owner ASHpr at LITTER GS weeks 51350 Apply to Cecil Chappcll CrowI 11111 phone 842141 9102 1949 Meteor Deluxe Coach two FrrMrvvv WWW tutc green and grey spotless con IIOLSTEIN llEIFERS due ditirm throughout Priced at Sl475ifrc5hen Dec and February Bell Harrie RR mk St or phoni Llltiii lracliyc itlnci iniiiiatiii llllttl hev foaeh above average uoun lttl0ll and warmingy closv UHHHUUH Imp and Mn prin liscli at $1250 rum It 101 WHITE TOILET Howl tank tlfi Illltltlv and trunk we are offer iracttcally litu also or Innmpg log this car on an as Wm II time at $875 man Illi prtltlltctl Phone 55011 Vanity dressing table stool Apply pllYilli Dtillll Silltse mOlltY 71020 saying plan complete exchanged hildrcns sizes are inUscti light trucks llfllilfili Loam 110 lbs flrailcr Homes completelyfurn largo brick house and large barn in fair condition hydro and good trout stream running through pro perty Goodwell water and cistern at back door Cash Apply Hurold Litster RR N0 Hawkestonc On tario FARMS WANTED Have clients with cash wanting farms with good buildings Pref erably Twp of Oro south of Highway 11 COUTTS REAL ESTATE BROKER 15 OWEN ST PH 2377 3110 Adcommodaon Wanted ROOM SELFContained Apart ment wanted Please phone 4868 8102D 111021 HOUSE OR DUPLEX desired bv Airforce Officer ApplyBox 42 Barrie Exarhler 111011020 YOUNGCOUPLE with small unfurnished house Phone Stroud 40112 YOUNG BUSINESS Couple desire 45 roomed housevor apartment by March or April of next year Please write Box 25 Barrie Ex aminer 1198tfp ROOMED Unfurnishedse1fcon 11101102b tained apartment wanted for young married couple Immediate poss Sedan at his lllliltiliii Donnelly Con one ftlhl of Highway 11 IllmSIll 1949 ureury Sports iroon finish tIrrs thitlsonic ezir SIIAl IIOLME ready for service piictil Eugene boars reason Smitli Uto 9102p iia Iord Ill passenger coupe black finish excellent mt Unforlliliately this car has damaged on the left rear 19 smart PUREIIREI IUIPurpose bull Would sell or exchange fOr another breed Apply Norman Mayes phone Stroud 911 910 BLACK GELIIING years old 11450 lbs also aged mare Will sacrifice for quick sale Phone 211 Scott Muir 4020 been Indy and Fender repair wages Must be ivlmmsmgi iIiItOOI SOW 18 months old due lllcc lti oal and wood heater lsnilable for garage 11 Bran don Illllsdalc pliniic Wanted iluitl 11 71021 91021 SIIAIIY LAWN stock farms off lcring dark red Sliortliorn litill 17 months old Cheviot rain lambs serviceable age Yorkshire boars Snroulc Stroud phone 2lrll fllthfb insurance trucks and 1194651 New Used coverage tractors ca rs cars ltlitiTill llcfoie you buy see HARRY ll MICIIIII AGENT Ti ll1lIlIION Sl Ill 3531 ANYTIME 13 Sill102M CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN MINUTES We will buy your car pay off what you owe on it and giveiZ WELLDRIED SchIccable age in 351 for hp balance IlOlSltllt balls from good record SEE ROP dams purbred and grade HON JOE iiiiiiRikiliSlIiiiirBaiiiiid ROI Cross Town Motors plionc 842142 230 Bffdfml phone SimlMarcli winners at Royal Winter mlmm Fair Dam Reserve Junior champ ion sow at the 1950 Royal Pricc $3in giggktgugd TREEIICIISOIIIIDIO Chanth and B1110P 402 Son phone Cookstown 26rl2 1fc 9102p 1949 AUSTIN SEDAN owner leaving country Best offer Phone Stroud 20r31 1111011021 CARS AND TRUCKS wanted for wrecking regardless of condition Phone 811115 will call any place 13101102p CUSTOM BUILT 1941 Buick radio also 1937 Ford V8 engine and transmission complete Phone Elm valc 50r14 13101102p 1938 STUDEBAKER Sedan motor recently overhauled body good interior like new Phone Jack Hayes 5898 13102p 49 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan air conditioning tires brakes relined winterized low mileage carefully drivenI Phone 2838 13101102p TRAILERSMcGinnis Silver Line VV SERVICIZAIILIC age Scotch Shortliorn llulls good quality and breeding from good milking gdanis that raise their own calves Accredited Percy Carscaddcn llradford Ont 010110in ltEGlSlllRED Yorksli 111 Hours each sired by an imported Eng Motili 9102 IRR llIoonslonc phone istone NO 9102b AYRSIIIRE COWS due in Dec ember and January purebred Yorkshire sows due in January bred to the son of the Grand Champion sow at the Royal Win tcrFair Jermcy RR Barrie 9102103p TEAM OF Young Horses and years weight 2800 lbs Will sell or trade for young purebred Aberdeen Angus or Hereford bull leesc Apply toJolm RR Alliston 9102pb NEW SCHOOL AREA bumill Size basement not pn heahng $3000 down LARGE FAMILY HOME room brick house with attic all Imodcrn conveniences fullsize basement with nearly new furnace large lot with garage Immediate Session $5000 down CABIN SITE acres with pqwm mmathiudim 11 south of Barrie ished and winterized delivered cash tradc terms Eglinton Car Sales 278 Eglinton Ave Tor onto 1396103p 1937 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan body and motor in good condition Has radio backup light sealed beam headlights block heater and good trailer hitch For inform ation phone 2997 after pm iagc four and half months 545 lish Yorkshiie boar Mel lludgiii Gor l3 YORKSHIRE BOARS born in registered Also 10 young Toulousei GagenI Two new homes four rooms and WANTED1948 model car in good shape to deal on 1951 Chev Fleet line Custom Deluxe fully eqmp ped and in wonderful condition Phone 5511 during business hours or apply 251 Elizabeth St after pm 13102p I940 CHEV COACH tires nearly new 1944 Fargo lifeton pickup 1937 Dodge lzton pickup in good condition 1950 Morris Qx ford Graves and Allen 305 Bay eld St north Barrie phone 3533 13102b 42 CHEV FLEETLINE Sedan 34 del coupet 30 Durant Sedan Antixtreeze with cars and trucks Trucks 46 Dodge stake 2ton 44 International Pickup 42 Ford ton iStake Used parts heaters tires and glass West End Used Cars and Wrecking Ferndale nhone 811rl5 1310213 POULTRY 1951 HATCHED Embden and Bud Geese in pairs or trios Harry Mor ren North St Barrie 1498103p 57 WHITE LEGHORN Pullets to highway 7N0 Also on this property there is chicken house and garage Full price $7000 EAST END Beautiful room home with mod ern bath replace hardwood floors throughout builtin cup boards beautiful picture window overlooking bay Suitable for rest home $12500 with $5000 down PREFERRED LOCATION room semidetached brick down Buick coacbsmall series 32 Molggggo aria May rSt possessmn $3000 down For early sale We have many othersto choose from Call in and talk it over NO obligation HARVEY CO ITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PHONE 3926 3333 3990 EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE 16102b sale starting to lay Mrs Richardson phone 11r4 Stroud 1410213 Leghorns months $2 each Holmes Ferndale Road near 90 Highway 1410213 YOUNG GEESE AND Ganders for stile Toulouse And Buff Mrs Geo Armstmngr Cookstotvn RR Phone 73r3 l4102p POULTRY WANTED any quan tity Will pay highest price See us rst Levits Trading Honse 311 LOOKING FOR HOME We have what you want where Iyou want it at the price you want to pay BUTTS REAL ESTATE BROKER 15 OWENST PH 2377 16102b CITY PROPERTIES AND FARMS 12 GOOD SlURDY Figs weeks old Frank Madden RR Shanty lginoclern tiled kitchen oil treating to possession Djilarry Michie Realtor Clap 9102pl II PIGS WEEKS 011 Applyi mile bath soft floors part basement LARGE WELL Fhrnishcd bed 9102p Yorkshircs It hotair treatingaundry tubs bait Iloors good lot 111 new school area Moonstone housing problems new PROPERTY FOR SALE Worsley vSt Phone 4288161021 phreys Phone 4154 Sta Barrie CABINET MAKIN possession For full particulars call 11 sorrow swashth Rain fallxipLLISTON HOUSEBrick bungaiCOMFORIABLE Furnished bed 2c of TWWlflfklidn bedrooms and bath In YOUNG YORKSHIRE BOYSsulated hot air treating with new 94031Soil burners in furnace new living dining room room centralPnoue 2869 15102p irwo ROOMED Apartment heat ietl adults only Apply 29 Atiefaide St 15102b FURNISHED Unfurnished room suitable two Phone 3665 15102b ROOMED Selfcontained apart lment Apply Box 48 Barrie Ex amincr lltllp Eilllllldly tubsi garage lotiated 1corti Cisiltrrggmsrzg Ivclilcnt to owntown mmeuael own leaving toIanast optonal Phone 2320 15102p LARGE ROOM with many prlvil 10101 egos Business couple with Wee was INSUDEiieh with it at or gm h3l and up piece 0011 1291 agc House in excellent shape Possession Dec Terms arranged lApply 11 Dunn 18 Albert St Alliston ill98403 ATTRACTIVE ROOM semibun galow four rooms and bathroom ion the main floor and two large rooms upstairs suitable for renting OR for perton St phone 3551 ROOMED looms down lot 08x166 near school churchesuwonL suitable for one or two palkvilntl bus service $2500 CilShigentleinen Central Phone 3090 Wlll handle good terms Contact 151091 Gordon Dyer Salesman reprct senting Boyd Realtor 48 Worsley St Phone 3288 101020 NEW NIIA rooincd cer piece bathroom LARGE BRIGHT furnished rooms bedsitting room blliklm Phone 2066 insulated attractively bedroom and very central 151021 FURNISHED sencontained rooms kitchen with builtin cup gnod bus service For further tielboards private entrance and very tails contact Fred 11 Miles Sales man representing Boyd Realtor 40 Worslcy St phonc office 3288 residence 5200 101021 central Adults Phone 3536 151021 DUPLEX rooms and sunrooni lllctl kitchen and bathroom gar age oil treated $75 Responsible Adults Box 48 Barrie Examiner 151021 HAVE YOU HOUSING PROBLEM Let us help you solve it We FURNISHED HEATED rooms MIC 301 10 use our free consul light houeskceping continuous hot tation selyicc concerning all youriwater Adults respectable and ab stai crs 223 Baylieltl St phone COUTTS 292 IsIozp REAL ETATE BROKER orricn AVAILABLE onee OWEN SI Ill 2377 bank building on main street also 104021 iquantity of office furniture for lsalc Aply Box 17 Barri Ex ONE OF OUR most modern Brick iaminer 15lti010Ip bungalows available for quick possession This home has oil fired NEW INTERConnected or SOD aratc offices almost ready for oc hcating fully tiled bath and gar cupation Other space available age Centrally located New six room house very modern vacant Also workshop Alllll COWHH Building phone 4521 113841be NIIA financing We have good selection of older homes also UNFURNISIIED unheated uppcr flat Allandale Contact Henry Elrick Realtors blocks from bus separate entrance Barrie Ill102p mums sink adults Share bathroom down ctl frame house close to dowu stairs Available now Write Box town piece bath part bose 44 Barrie Examiner 15102p mcnt house is ftilly insulated Cash payment required $2700 COUNTRY ACRES Restful home Easy terms on balance Contact for retired or elderly people Spa Fied II Miles Salesman rcpre cious rooms comfortable beds scntmg Boyd Realtor 40 good food oil heating $25 week Woisley St Phone office 3288 ly Newmarkct 1387W Marion residence 5200 III1021 Atkins Armitagc Ont 15101102p ALLISTONOwing to owner bc ing transferred to another terri pry lthis beautiful nearly new unga Ow has to be sold conSIst IF YOU WANT more Chicks day old mixed pallets some start ing of nicely decorated rooms 4picce bath furnace builtin cup ed ask us or prices Bmy qu chery can give prompt shipment boards hardwood full size basa mcm msmmed gamge nicely Agent Copeland Sons New ton Robinson 24102b located on spacious lot snap at $8200 $5000 cash balance on ORDER YOUR early chicks now for layers or broilers Hunters offer easy terms Contact Haw kins AllistonG 427 We have oth ers Tom MC 003 and Jim Tough improved strains of fast fe athclln RCGIIOIS D0000 01 115 Touen Barred Rocks Light Sussex and NH BR crossbreds Bred and Improved for meat eggs and liv ham 16102103h EXCEPTIONAL HOME md ability Under ROP sine 1938 Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud brickVeneer located close to 24921mp churches school shopping centre FARM EQUIPMENT and on bus route This house has living room with replace din 1937 FORDSON Tractor on rub ber With lights in good condi ing room kitchen and piece bath tion Graves Brothers Ferguson downstairs Three large bedrooms and piece bath upstairs Trim is Implement Dealers 305 Bayeld St North Barrie phone 3533 gumwood Heating is hotair oil 391021 $6500FULL PRICE for room Ilrcd House is fully insulated Separate garage This home is vacant and ready for immediate Gordon Dyer Salesman reprev senting Boyd Realtor 48 $70M will pay interest LOST FOUND LOSTBlack German Shepherd dog last Friday Answers to name of Rusty Mrs George Moir 73133 Cookstown l7102bl LOSTWhite brown and black part in the noricrro CREDlIORS All persons having any claims in demands against the Estate of JOHN GOIERIIAY late Of the Town of Barrie III the County of Simcoe Dentist deceased who died onor about the 18th day of September 1951 are required to forward their claims duly proved to the undersigned solicitors for the Executrix on or before the Bill day of December 1951 And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Executrix will proceed to distrib ate the assets amongst the persons intitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which She will then have notice DATED at Barrie this 20m day of November A1 1951 BOYS SEAGRAM 3i ROWE Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Exccutrix 99105b1 NOTICE roERrDiroRs AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM IIEN RY WRIGHT late of the Town of tattle in the ounty of Slmcoe Retlred Gentleman Deceased All persons having claims agains the Estate of the said WilliaV llenry Wright late of the Town of Barrie ill the County of Sim cue Retired Gentleman Deceased who died at the Town of Barrie on the 2011i day of September 1951 are required to tile proof of same Will the undersigned Ex ecutors on or before the lilst day of December 1951 After that late the Excctltors will proceed to dis tribute the said estate having re gard only to the claims of which they shall then have hail notice DATED at Toronto this 19th day of November 1951 IIARIERED TRUST COMPANY John Maitlantl Macintosh Charles Burns Francis Har greaves William Craig Execu lors 34 King Street West Toronto By Mcssis Macdonald and Mac intosh Ilicir Solicitors herein 99105bF AUCTION SALE Household Furniture The undersigned has received Instructions from ROSS BIDWELL Lot 34 East Iialf Con 1Oro 114 miles East of Dalston two miles North Io sell by Public Auction on Wednesday December 519 at 130 pm THE FOLLOWING Clare JOWeI electric stove hea vy duty four burner tabletop model nearly new Frigidaire elec tric refrigerator cu ft nearly new 4plccc bedroom suite water fall design fulllength mirror in vanity ipiccc bedroom suite walnut both these suites are nearly new lpiecc cliestcrfield suite Serenadcr combination radio and record player plays ten records automatically also number of modern records good tone Tllor electric washing machine nearly new red leather chrome kitchen chairs IIIlight electric floor lamp good as new dining room chairs leather covered seats Ex tension table Antique music cab incl End table Bedside table Magazine stand Small table Util Ity table Table lamp Felt mat tress lawn chairs Step ladder 50 feet of lawn hose Lawn mower and grass clippers ash Sifter garbage can scraper show shovels hues and other arti cles 100 numerous to mention Thgs furniture is in rst class condition and must be seen to be appreciated Terms cash Chas Thornton Auctioneer Hawkestone RR No Phone 1125 Oro 99103b It Slip STRAYEDFrom Lot 17 Con Essa Township yearling Hereford Heifer with red markings on face Finder please phone Cooks town 41r14 17102p LOSTWhite Samoyed dog fe male Sunday night Answersto Sally Anyone knowing where abouts contact Barrie Provincial Police or phone Stroud 3613 17102p FRUIT tr VEGETABLES TABLE POTATOES Schaly Con Innisl near Thornton Phone Ivy l9r6 20100102p APPLES Spys Winter Banana Greenings Deliciotis 35c 6qt $175 bushel Your basket Apply 298 Bayfield St phone 2658 20102p APPLES McIntosh Reds and Nor thern Spys Delivered in town on orders of $1 or more Sunnidale Orchards Goldie Hum 20981031 McINTOSII GREENING Peewau kee and Spy apples Small Macs for children Delivery by bushel in Barrie and Allandale Harry Morren North St Barrie phone 4510 2090105pF APPLES FOR SALE Spys Mc Intosh Tolman Sweet Snow Greenings and Belle Fleur for cooking Delivered Barrie and Allandale Harry Ottaway Fruit Grower corner Peel and Rose 20487102pF BOX 49 CAMP BORDEN ONT tiai an immediate market Wanted fordirect conSumer sales in this area Some knowledge of wiring or heating desirable but not essen Thls product is new and revolutionary and has HOUSEHOLD DETECTS FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Phone 2511 Darrin CARS WANTEDFOR WRECKING WE WILL PAY FOR COMPLETECARS 10 LB DELIVERED DOMINION AUTO WRECKERS MAPLE AVE BARRIE iSALES REPRESENTATIVEiif Full or PartTime Reply giving age nameaddress and phone number to Box BARRIE EXAMINER Doors windows cupboards over iiinegadmggraiggpgggrs etc Remodelm Collier essiori Phone Industrial IACcept ance office Doug Plunkett 5533 11102105p children would like to rent smaillPULLETS 120 BB NH also 30 St phone 2301 Barrte SEE MRO LACEyV 14102 32 DunlopSt Ph 4849 Anytime WE BUY ANY Quantity of live REPRESENTING OBOYLE Igggxgfgmnsiagg GiIFT SKIS AIND Harness with 00d hardwood bush For further phg72 p0 es usw twme formation writBox 49 Barrie aminer 3102105p MATTERS ATTENTION Do you tithe highest price for yotir Then see us rst Levits House 33 Collier Street OIL SPACE HEATER washing machine electric rangette Phone Minestng 511 7102p 100 BAGS OF Canadian Content Atkinson RR No Barrie phone 2301 Barrie 3102p FURS wdnted ranch and till Emlnk raccoon etc Good Ship or write Greenspoon 264i Spadlna Avenue Tor nailing 14931141 Bring Coo sum bes churns Graig must astrinon strong seed 18de now tied 20 piz babee 11921 phone 842r42 CRESS CALLOUS SALVE relieves qurckly Your Druggist sells Cress COrn Salve for sure relief too 7102p 200 FEET NEW Snow Fence also Boonew stovll bark brick Apply JGibbons phone 39r13 ll Chesterfield APARTMENT SIZE wly upholstered 71021 RooM BOARD 5407 after pin 12102 two highway meng Central Rea sonable rates Phone 3147 PERSONAL to 15 lbs New pep too Try fame OIIS Ostrex Tonic Tablets for dou ble results 12101102p 7102bleOoM AND BOARD Would suit 98 SKINNY MEN WOMEN Gain new healthy eshil also apartment new vigor New getacquainted size only60c All drugglsts Bil121 poultry scrap metals batteries radiators feathers horse hair furs hides etc Top price paid We call anyplace within the county Spe GOOD HOME for small girl age to Board reasonable Phone Sfdiugmo68ng phone Barrie820r31 or 2983 Stay 1434114rm FLORISTS THIS WEEKS SPECIALI POMPON MUMS $195 BUNCH beautiful fresh cut spray mums lit yellow pink bronze and white at HARRIS FLOWERS 99 DUNLOIP ST 131 2951 OPPOS TE UEENS 40149213 BROKER 58 Iaglewood Dr Toronto HY 1388 16101113b BUSH LOT cordwood and logs Approxmately 50000 feet pine poplar spruce cedar 25000 feet maple and birch Apply Box Barrie Examiner 1695102p NEW5 ROOMED bevelled siding bungalow on Penetang St bed room oak oors hot air heating large lot near school area mortgage Phone 39r41 Stroud 1695102p FOR QUICK SALE in the village of Avemng two storey frame house wrth woodshed hen house On It acre of land Mrs 2Eva MIA off Avening phone 3015 Creei ere 3161014049911 PHONE848r6l BARRIE 3598103va gtCHRISTMAS CARDS BOXEDsncup SINGLE 50 up HBEI=L Also Gift Wrapping UTOIIIA lz Dickgsrrsies limim IIIFHIVII Forsalgihys BIOMEE Mesa Peiiezs Dug ma 01 milk rcpla Gem enter Gmwm litWm TOWN

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