they truly represented the par ents affection ftpTHE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 80 1851 EKnox college lFrod Grant Romlniuu The present system tends to 9111 phasizc the inatcrtalisttc asprct ong rcccittng Whats Santa going to Ibring me this yrar Dror San ta want Im being good stis Santa will bring me Betttccn sclttshnss calculated gooditcs on tho part of the child rcit and itisittctrtty ad dissimul atioii on lllt part of the parents in ti re number from the communitylBa attended the turkcy supper at no Thornton last Wednesday E123 tits to 5x29 new lIMIMuNM751$ 5905 saw ID PATHNISOIAMIT Ont AIOUIIIS SIEJ iwm th W5 mm Wm WALKING QUIET UNHURRIED Mbunxycglsilgrs waith Mr Eigd Fri lei an rs marge ct an rs= Albert Thompson Toronto Mn and Mrs Ernest Tuck ThontpsonQARE uumruud ihr Knox ollcgc quartet of tContinued from Wednesday engaged in continuous process Hut Mn and Mrs walm Willis Savors Brucc lirrlOd Diil Eof side stepping He cannot stride 01111117 ruqu an ortna arrie 11arnc and Altair MacDonald htglc Wh 02 roadlforth freely Willi head in air con ltghtcd ya tirtsidc hour iii bani dgt HI W1 CW 13 ttenting himself with admiringthc no iiottti intttitit 1L Mud plwbvmrn Church Sum when Amumn Us 11 Sign mumnmw mommy asVov Lfollowiiig iiiiiitcisar iBYOWI 11bb01 tn Stptcmbcrs Stinligzgiegg 3200823 an brhimrglgni tillt that tn 030w030m00===0=0= hilltl illiiEIUZJiiyti um vices The fitcsttlt spotuorcdby And 111111111 10d hIIU5 huev the highway and sizing up his op YUME LOPIVP 50W 155 W15 Wd downiportunities for safety when driv inn 311 Road and Stroud lrcsbytrrian was 1135 modest ItUmtS and grand lien mm the ditch or hedge for What We ould no itugpiA Parents and the Ninth Commandment By REV JOHN MORRIS Tomorrow in Barrie and District there is going to be lot of brcak ing of very fundamental law of God For the next fotir weeks Mothers and Fathch are going to tell their children with all apparz cnt truth and sincerity the greatt est collection of myths and fairy crica Now there is nothing wrong with fantasy as such when every one knows it is fantasy in fact important dividual named Santa cntcrs thofcnts of thc storics fondly imagin1 house via the chimney parks his ling that thc lllltlltll are gobbling reindeer on the roof and is thuit all up and wctcliy coitgratui lating llltillbtths on thcir ability cts which appear on December 2510 fool thc littlc innocents lts source of various toys and trink2 About this time sonicbody will drag out tlic famous cditorizil which starts off Dcar Barbara or Vir iginia or thcrclis Santa Claus and then goes on to cxpotind the sight1 something Certainly llCltnLc of Christmas in languagci which might appeal to it mcta2nW muniulyn 1m rim iphysicuin lcrlitips our own tti dp tales Since the dismva of Amwtor uttl rtpiint 11 but it has noth ttng to do witlt children It was writtcn for adults then the time has come for stopithc adults who tzikc such plcasurc What the diffcrcncc is bctwccnrin lcttdiitg cliildrcn to bolicvc all these dcccptions anti actually bctir gifts conic from Santa ing falsc witncss would bc quitclrircn would citjoy tltc prcscnts So hard to say among Rev DcIENCIER WRIGHT rector tunHOLY COMMUNION 10 amSUNDAY SCHOOL religious pictures ll amIIOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON pinTHE QUESTION PERIOD much more if tlicy rcttliZtd that Central United Church Miiiistcr REV BEWELL BA Organist and Choirmaster WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY DECEMBER 1951 ll amMORNING WORSHIP THE SEASON OF ADVENTA will we permit it More Interesting questions will be pmfvgNlNG WORSHIP answered Preacher for the day IIIE HECTOR k1 SPIRIT OF THE LlVlNG GOD what it can mean in you CHURCH SCHOOL 11 ohmBeginners and Primary Collier St Baptist Church Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY DEC 1951 11 amMORNING WORSHIP COMMUNION pmBIBLE SCHOOL pmTHE EVANGEL Subject SO GREAT SALVATION Mon pmYouth Haven Mon pmSenior Society Wed pm PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Visitors Cordially Invited Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA 130 Minister Lloyd TufftTrd Organist and Choirmasier SUNDAY DECEMBER 15351 1133 MQRNIIIG SEBYICE that Cliristian Aff THE CHURCH SCHOOLW 945 amJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts 11 amNursery Primary and Be ginners Depts pathAdult Bible Class panEVENING SERVICE THE GOOD SOCIETY 815 pm YOUNG PEOPLES FIRE pmThc Senior School 230 pmIltc General School Come to Gods House on His Day k4 F3 St Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON 1311 Minister KEFFER ARCT Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY DECEMBER 1951 11 nmMORNING WORSHIP Broadcast over CKBB pmPREPARATORY SERVICE zzl Reception of NewrMembers THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11 aimNursery Primary Junior and Intermediate departments 1215TeenAgers Bible Class Come to Church Full Gosoel Tabernacle 77720tMulcasterwStreetm th Pentecostal arm Minister SUNDAY DECEMBER 1951 10 amSunday School 11 amMorning worship 730 pmEvangelistic Service Friendly Welcome Awaits You CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Thats lllL trouble with those we need it to help in thc unricr 1hristmas iitytlis Thcy arc crc standing and expression of scvcral led by adults for adults aspects of life Butlcxptcss adult ycziriiings when presumably moral afllllligltidll tips wlto chucklc inwardly maintaLnj carnestly that some inlay tlicyirctjountrthc diffcijcnt clemi 1ht cliill By now numbcr of innocent or annoycd pcoplc have stopped icading altogcthcr But before you think wc iirc quite liarchch sand utifcclirig let us suggest much 1mm altczitatitc This idea will ltlIilll lllt fantasy of Santa and it thc szimc timc Itlll proaclt ititcnd of straight affirma tion It gov likc this Early iit Advcnt tor sooner in this Culllllitltlttllkfl iigci you tcll ivour cliiltitcn tlic story of Saint tt Nicholas it can bc found 111 ti and to it is thci good many childrens books or iii Tlic Book of Knowlcdgc This is ltiil history or must of it is for thcrr actuali yi was 174114111701 that name Scc bclowi After thc story oitc could continue likc this Nicholas was such good man that the Christians of his day per titioncd that ll bc made saint And so he was Not only that bttt thc pcoplc said to tlicmsclvcs that it was such fine thing to do and it so showcd forth the spirit of Christ that tlicy ought to kccp tip thc custoiitc of giving gifts and gcspccially they ought to do it on Christmas we which was tltc night God gttvc Jcsus His Son to us So cvcry Christmas night Futlicr plays thc part of St Nich olas and brings gifts to his child rcn llc cvcit drcsses tip likc thc nncicnt Bishop so he can better itt tlic part if this story is told with cm phasis on tho rcnl man and his charitable heart and if thc utmos plicrc of Lots prctcnd surrounds lltc preparations and thc conver sation tltc cliildrcn will under RENT NEW CAR OR TRUCK DriveACar COMPANY LTD 69 Collier St Phone Barrie 2772 turnilh outylhinq hul In drtv PRICES Sllltlllg and worship scrvice lhc COWZlIl Stroud rcad Scripture and GlLSIIN PIPE PIPELESS FURNACES outb attended not only by young people but by other mcmbers of the aunt vcrsary congregation The quartet prcsentcd Sevvliil tiiusical selections attd each mcin licr told of his missionary cxpct icnccs and of Knox College provid ing inspirational tiddrcsscs llic fircsidt LOllllllkllCtd with StlVltt wax conductcd by YIS wor ship convcncr Jim Lamont Eleanor Fcrit Birch Allttndiilc lchi praycr Lttdics of thc Evening Auxiliary of lion Road Church StlVld lunch stand perfectly No dcccption will bc iitvolvcd the cmphzisis will bc ImrzkmLgilllg7111111212 than liLl tiiig and thc significance of Jcstts as the Gift of God will be rc stored No doubt StImUOIIC will CXClilllll sccond Brock Chisholm has nrisctr lIowcvcr that may tic Mr Chisholm was undoubtedly right in his protest against wry popular custom which has long erous moral implications The mortifying tlting is that the pro tcst had to conic first from outside the Church Let us not be tlic last to scc thc point The Story of St Nicholas Nicholas was born in Asia Minor of very wealthy parents As boy he was tcndcrltcnrtcd and could not look upon poverty or distrch without lending helping hand His parents dicd when itc was still young and Nicholas camc into posscssion of vast richcs chcrtltclcss he lived wry simple frugal life and spent his moncy on others being especially generous to childrcn Nicholas was appointcd Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor anti adopted the rcd clokc and bolt of bishop There was nobleman in the city of Myra who had three young daughters But he had become so poor that he could not even buy crust of bread for his childrcn Nicholas was passing by and heard girls voice say Father let us go into tltc strccts and beg for it is hard to starve But the proud father made an swcr Not yet Not tonight Let us waifonc more night will again pray to God to help 115 all Nicholas lturricd home and go ing to hls strongroom found ball of gold This he carricd carefully through the streets till he reached the pbor mans house He was puzzled for time how to get the gold to the father without being discovered for he remem beted that the Biblecncouragcs us to do our charity secretly At last he found window ropen and standing on tiptoe he thrust the ball across the sill and disappear ed You can imagine the joy of the desperate family when they found this heavensemt blessing When the gold was sold there was en ough money to buy food and clothing and also to provide dowry so the eldest daughter could get married And the next Vlmnlmalluillctwjlh ily rejoiced For now their for tunes were such thatthe second girl could nd husband When the saintly bishop called thethird evening the father was watching and rushing out he seized him by the skirt of his robe and said Oh Nicholas servant of God why seek to hide your self And he kissed his hands and feet Nicholas lifted him up and said in discoveredhdfliiaif Post acrcs rolling to the hills andimC automobile ruthlessly crowds littlc plots of land Across shady little bridge above it gurgling strcam thrc fishes darting and fro likc bits of silvcr gleam Thcn slowly tip mossbanked bill it views shining lake Thcit through lane of gold loafl ed true that only God can make Thcn it becomes village strcct whcrc little children play And lowing herds of cattle seek their ltomc at close of day And in and out it twists and turns into thc dimming light qtiict winding littlc road lost in thc dark of night Evcn before the motors took ovciuthc main roads it was better to walk in thc byways for along the lcss tiscd roads people are not in too great hurry for friendly grccting as they pass and the very animals of thc btickrcountry arc lcss sophisticatedthe horses and cattle look tip from their pasture to gaze with frank interest at cacli passerby Ihcn coming front time to time across the quiet countryside are noises that pcoplc have always hoard gladlytho faroff crowing of barnyard champion the dis tant crcak and runiblc of farm ers hcavy wagon or the challeng ing bark of the homestead watch dog But best of an arc the momcnts of discovery Just as the shadows arc growing long sudden bcpd ing of the road around low hill givesl wide vicw down valley outiincd in dark green foliage and then perhaps away bcyond great stretch of far water deeply bluc That is one of the allure mcnts of an unhurricd ramblc along the byways quietness is all about and beauty lies in wait pcr liaps around the next turning of the narrow road and around that next corner most anything may await you But the motor passengers com mcnt nowadays is probably This is lovely village vicw were cOm ing to wasnt it as they flit past In the more remote places the song of birds can best be heard the scent of owers newmown boy the pines and even of the earth itself can be best enjoyed while recent rain has made the air pungent with the reek of mosscovered trunks and branches of cedar balsam and hemlock where some timid squirrel gives you the onceover Then turn into sidepath perhaps for the passagcrof anglers or hunters to some particular haunt winds its circuitous iiwnyi alongside WicliTottTnfypluclrjackin thepulpit and other wild ow ers in dank shady spots and the delicious aroma of wood tires in the air Indeed those less traversed dirt roads that lead through the color ful country with their ups and downs of little hills and votes suc ceeding each other offer attrac tions to the pcdestrianwthafare local smooth roads that are life the motorist for anyone who has ever walked for its simple enjoyr merit knows the pleasure of leaf covered wet gravel way moist and cool underfoot and trees over head forming canopy and daisy studded meadows and little gurg ling strcam forcing its way along sideall these add to the peace and charm for the walker and take away the monotony of the hot at improved road stretch thc pedestrian off the highway and the average motOrist seems to think it is indeed cheeky for anyone to venture forth on foot on the readways he alone is pay ing for through the gasoline tax And on days when the roads are the cars flash past sending out from their wheels curved spray of oily water from which then is no escape unless the foot passengerbctakcs himself to way side thickets or climbs trcc or tcicgraph tine pol And occasionally even dun ing the carrying away of some Iuckless rundown pedestrian to supposedly temporary or hospital on cemetery some reckless misguided motorist has been known to crash into and upset the ambulance or hearse as he gave the poor un fortunate inside 11 flniil jolt just for luck ere gettingout of the danger zone Modern highways seem to be for thc motorists exclusively that taken for granted generally llicy arc tttxcd by liccnsc as well as by levy on the gasoline consumed That taxation provides most of the money usod to maintain these highways But the pedestrian also has to hear his share of tho building and upkccp cost of these roads though in but rare cascs is there any provision made for his use of these roads he has helped to build past years thc public road was largely for the use of tltostgt whose homes were located nearby Now these conditions have all bccn changed it is no longer local road the motoring public has taken full possession Alongside each of those main highways footpath should be built for pedestrians Continued on Monday mam NOV 27ROSS Culver left for Pctawawa Camp on Sunday after spending his cmbarkation leave at his home here Mr and Mrs James Leighton and family were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Broiley Egbert WA met on Nov 21 with 12 members and one visitor Next meeting will be held the second Thursday in December Mr and Mrs Church spent Saturday in Toronto Miss EstherDowner is visiting Rev and Mrs Downer Dun troon for few days Miss Janet Nickar and brother Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Frank Sokolowski Mr and Mrs John OHearne and Roy Alliston spent Sunday BUCIEYS Minor gmmlmfdwfKtlllfillwHEWE9PdKEKIEEKKEEEIKEKEIEKKIEEEWEKZKIEEKKKQK Me most economical enamel ESTIVE permanent snferotrcat at thaw l1 tiNtht COMPANY no mull In The Wilsn Bull SQUARE PHONE 5533 holidays Christmas and New Years are meant to be happy carefree occasions Make your Christmas New Year orties gay celebrations 9Dine at the Kobindole Inn Phone for reservations IlIIIIINlIAlE INN PHONE 3741 WINDIARV IWTIIAL KLUIAKE ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that POLLING for the offices of Aldermen Ward and Public School Trustes will be held on Monday lleccmber III 1951 Polls opening at ten oclock in the forenoon and clos ing at seven oclock in the afternoon at the undermen tioned places WARD POLLING PLACE Robiudale Inn Barrie Public Library Oddfellows Temple Harris Motors Garage Londrys Garage Orange Hall ADVANCE POLL for Railway Employees Commercial Travellers Bus Transport Drivers Employces of threriravalMilitary onAir Force of Canada vhofile declaration at the timlc of voting tothc effect that they have reason to believe that in the course of their employment by business or ditty they will be absent from the municipality on election day December 10th 1951 and who are entitled to vote 51 Blake St Collier Sr Collier St Elizabeth St 151 Bradford 51 Burton Ave in the municipal elections may record their vote in the Advance Poll DECEMBER 78 1951 from pm unfiL9Apm pAcionadoshagTf Burton Barrie November 29th 1951 Returning Office REBHRISIMIS SALE 941 ii SIDE SERVICES Older techtigers invited LTB HALL HIGH ST Sunday Morning 11 am BURTON AVENUE ALL ARE WELCOME UNITED CHURCH MR DEMPSEY Organist and Choir Leader Rev DUNCAN MacLEOD MA DD of Toronto will be guest Minister THIS WILL BE WHITE GIFTSUNDAY Why not bring your children to SUNDAY DECEMBER 1951 Sunday School There are worth Gifts are to the in cash for forward while things there for parents and ing to South Korea Orphans Food children and Clothing Fund 1100 am Morning Worship Joint With Sun First Baptist Church day Serum and Printed Order of Ruv it LUCK 311 31 Service 3pmIIolly Worship Service Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY All are welcome and friendly Director of music iwlcorne awaits you sunmvnac21951 Sunday School 950am 41 am 4BUNDANII PRpPARArto 7pm optimum MASTER or THE STORM Broadcast CKlBB DADECEMBER 21951 run FRIENDLY cannon ant and 1100 am and pm 1mm rt honour FAIIH Give thanks to God for it was He who sent me to you This and many other wonderfu IMMEDIATE gifts did Nicholas make in the INSTALLATION gnaw JANUARY PRICES 1N DECEMBER BuyWheregtQualiiy and Price Go ngd iniHjand ing its way as far ahead as eye can see pedestrian Using these motor Name of God and always secretly roads where the average speed so that the praise would not is 50 miles an hour or more 15 come to him And this is why Your 0110103 0f418i 20 22 when your Daddy or somebody 24 and 28 firebox made else acts the role of Saint Nichol of steel or cast with elec as on the eve of Jesus birthday trio welded Steel dome or he always does it after you have gonoto bed When you receive any Style you may195112 presents like this next Christmas think of Saint Nicholas and his love for God and think of God and His love for people Forthat is really why we have Christmas aogt LUCKY DAYS The term redletter day origin ated from ancient ecclesiastical al endars which printed festival ays in red 15 OFF Snow suits parkas station wa gon coats and host of other items all reduced EXTRA STEERI so DRESSES Top quality crepes taffetas and Alpacas sellingas high as $1495 now at on low price ILLINERY REDHCTIONS Ladies Hats Velours Vel vets and many others rdgular ly priced to $1495 anceyaluejl now Many other hats rgularvaluo tq $495 gt Now p49 $198 Velvets and Leathers inthis group of purses reduced away below regular prics $298 and up 31 PLASTIC Anton SCARFS Oriental sheer and silk scarfs E1 beautiful colors and lots to STROUD LEFROY UNITED CHURCHES THE ETERNAL ADVENT Young Adult Fellbwship meets after evening service xn FOR choose from CHRISTAS ALL GIFT BOXED At small deposit will put on thin aside for on GIFT GLOVES lN Fren0hKid gloves lirIedfur trimmed Kid gloves in nav Eugitaiiiiitna 31ft 91pm CORNER roF lilue and black Individually BAYFIELD dz COLLIER uouv vw ycar Guaratitee BALFE tr SON Bayfieid Street Phone 3003 Res 2916 szoPPiNo DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS gift boxed Neck Ties and Squares in rayon $349 to $395 int and wool PINKHAMS f6$14l9ooch ondjonly1$149prifij gt Fobiic GlovesSI19pp 15 AilWoolGloves89c pr RESSES stairs rPANTIES t50Cloistmas gift Mother wifc 9r sweetheart ymg 1g savings Also featured all sizes in misses better mosses CHILDRENS DRESSES Here is wonderful value these sell regular at much 1111th er prices Slips nightgowns pyjamas and bloomers 311 reduced 98c to each full range of sizes PBABY BLANKETS $198 $125 mzwmmmnrwzgmzmxmbmxmam MMZZEWMQRX wimmwmwmmmxmsmm uc 51 Georgefs Anglican Churchq Christmas wont be Complete without piece of good fold fashioned Christmas cake Serve your family Our delicious fruit cake made from the best fruits and nuts t0p grade butter and fresh eggs Choose from dark or light iced or plain both are delicious anetbeauttrut Priced at 85c lb Order early CoinciCnpbodi ironhop sr Phone 3944 WTONSMITH CHURCH LTJ all 11191 St SUNDAYIDEC 1951 pmAfternoon service Subject mus Christ Our Example PAiSTOR FRED HUBERT pmSUNDAY SCHOOL Wednesday Dc5 at pm Prayer Service 184 Bradford Street lanthanumunitstritium 11 Battery gt BARtlii