um mm rnmav NOVEMBER so 1951 iler Early Lay Away Gilth Day Make ThisCliristmals BriglitrandGay m4 c4 More man ever this year it becomes imperrarir for CliristL nation the very thing you may want to select for that very demands of out defense program is being taxed to the limit friend on time is to do as Santa Claus says masminded folk to do theirgitt shopping early special person on your list may prove to be in short Supplyf If what you want is not available when youtinally get Shop early This means starting rignr now when me com Thisis why Santa Claus has come to town so far in ad by the time you get around to shopping for it if you wait too around to shopping for it blame only yourself plete assortment of gifts for this Christmas is on display in Wance of the great day use long This may prove to be especially true in the realm of somel the stores Hes here early with his brilliant collection of new 1951 There are just more people wliosare planning to give moreOI mt grander gills OrvillOlhErfmd the home WmCh Teqlllre Lay away gift day This means making every hour of gifts now on display in the stores for the special purpose of gifts to other people this year than ever before in our history 59 ultimls and WWW WWW ishopping count Make every visit downtown yield the answer impressing you with the fact that delay may mean disappoint Families are bigger relatives are more numerous and harm 89 91099311 if 30 WA 10 b9 51 this 300W to at least one giftproblem on your list ment for some one on your list pily for every one consumer income is better than eyer wliichi Lay away the gift at home or ask the stores with which it Hes here for the express puypose 01 mgng you shop ill itself means vast broadening of the Christmas gifts givl you deal to lay it away for you Frequently small deposit early to lay away gift day and thus be sure to make this lug tradition Wl assure that It Will be MD for YOU Christmas bright and gay for even one And for the thrifty souls who want to buy grand gifts on 05 In Or Pellemy MC Chlllmb for every one time there are liberalized credit plans just in time for This is an unusual year year when despite the wonder With more people giving more gifts the production capacity on your list which means the satisfying feeling on your own Chrismms Shoppingwm make your task easyif you shop of the country which must respond first to the imperative part that your greetings have gone to every relative and my ful abundance which has always been the miracle of our Santas H656 TO Open Christmas Season TO TOWN EARLY TO MAKE YULETIDE BEST ON RECORD Sanfa Extends an Invitation for All to Visit Stores See Grand Gifts For Every Member of Family Gifts for Those in Uniform Should Be Selected wnih Care Santa Claus has come to town ahead of his normal schc 110tmsyearfuigtake501qu Chrnge 0t lumLhmg mt cm mt lll2l gillleiofc mas season should be correlated specically Old St Nick has aiiind oily With broad smile on his places Mme my haw ruddy face beaming an invitation for all to come downtown be stationed warm without delay to see and be delighted by the wonderful cou inuiflcr might be welcome in tents of his bulging gifts bag Alaska but would hardlylie much appreciated in the tropics And he adds be sure to bring the children for treat theyll Interestingly enough the man long remember and the opportunity to learn iii advance what on com duh Ms to have they expect to find in their stockings this year pocket Bible While an electric would hardly be of Hundreds of eager hands helped Santa unload his pack shaver Hundreds helped him arrange the myriad contents of his fffl if nb pack on the shelves and counters in the stores down town Lynx Windows gay with Yuletide decorations offer only hint of For mm in camp wimp the brilliant gifts iii display inside Gay Yuletide decorations as robes slippers shavers books games portable radios me add to the festive sccue overnight buss even KW snlaLL iii PURSE PROUD the Santa Has Special Reason weight iron or pants Dresser moment she discovers dressup are desirable handbag gm nwth tree Here HRlSTMA FOR THE CAMPER hunter fisher HIT is this Show man and mighty handy too for For the me mover for example is pearshaped suede Santa imself will be on hand in some of the stores to ing kit for Dad Holds five csscn picnicking assuring hot foods is ltrelg git eager sgoppersl fliom onef Stlluprlze to another tand considering their Sumo choose purse en lspere Opes 10 Huger genera 1011 from among such things as iial shaving items this slow availoble in two and Elsewhere deputy Santas will take over the job to make sure mufflers sweaters woollen thrceburner models as well as the ever one ets the he the need socks gloves shockproof wat MONOGRAMMED LINENS onelinrncr model shown at sports ki od ndl Yet nta ha cal mm Whethu $1105 Wilcclms linens 50 THERES SURPRISE HERE forsomeone made doubly joyous by spe 68501 01 mlng own the wind hummg knives and for hm ho 08 NOS bmill lfhe pretty packaging which is almost as important must at Christ gm day matron With Smart home She The now brunch coats given mas time as the gift itself Shopping early tucking aw early this year That mission is to urge and to help everyone do mg the pocket Bible PWCCWC set 0f bed linens in fashionable swirl will lend glamor are two important steps towards Merry Christmas third is gay plan early and shop early in order to make this Christmas gifts givmg 593$ the grandest on record And that is what invented to Clarify the Character of pretty pastel edged in gay to mothers morning hours for they wrappings for the gifts which can be achieved by selecting harmonious it can be the devices you can now buy to Print 01 embellISth with her can go shopping as well as be worn decorations and ficing with brilliant single faced rayon satin ribbon For this is Christmas season when the Opportunity for bring Childmn the kind of fun they monogram around the house which makes perky bow gt em are 777 WWf givmg gifts that wrllkeep on giving greetings of the season 315110 new mvs even the new to everyone on your list for long long time has been vastly do are ti most pm scale Eu og broadened reproductions of the real things But It also Chmtmas Season durmg WhiCh those Who that can do mmgSJUSt kc the realCATER TO THEIR HOBBY with wait too long to make their selections may nd the things thagss there we now dons nt gm like this Canasta set that they have set their hearts on are in short supply actually walk smile talk dolls while adding good looks provides It 15 3023 50350 or womans most humdrum hours of whose costumes and hair dress and the th greater 0th mumple gVW CVIdcncc the every day with potential for even hair color may be changed game lofltlndalllfebtha is cufrs ylhcn rrbinlypr glamor that can be brought into dolls that little mothers can do lSWi ec osen or elrall bung 01 the lady 0f yom Chmce things to ConSICler Dlamond igifoigrfggzsfoihme IEPiglemsr through selection of gifts of wear And the play tools for boys renv 03 ing apparel that do things for her working models of the life size 3155 frebrFlgoseln forms GlaridSt of aliwould be aWOri equipment they yearn so much to Ema derful new fur of course but even eratc are built to help them de It is certain to be Christmas of brunch coats designed to be pre vglop their minds and bodies alike Fairlde alitslyirieaghgimzng many Ems fol members 0f Phe sentable while marketing now fall This year even the atomic era has 01d vedlybab rig 10 longer famlly as mteleSt canimmn into the gift giving classification brought to the youngsters devices 13mm th regsem she guts homes soar happily to new heights Jewelry ever among the mOSt which actually can teach the peace Eaiicarilnihgaser 33 way example for fhose Who precious of gifts no matter what time application of the wonderful 15 hnh We charm W1 Certamy be planmng grand form it takes rings watches 511 new power and at the same time wlt mfg Elm there is the improvement that vcrware diamonds becomes one are absolutely harmless brawl to which 1m Ky haSbeen enlimefjBQlSl ma of the best of all ift buys this added lth She outgmws 2e We ngepa rsrWFUWEWrwmudmaxmisty Wm Nuakmwnmm she canosuspend it on hr raccm ranges home freezers and other we as for the sentiment becuse With the rival of each nevi Wtm Christmas season Santa Claus has should keep you In her m9m1 succeeded in bringing many new Mr Santa Claus for some time to clecfrical devices which open the prices have risen very little here wonders to the realm of gift giv come way for gift of lifetime for mother Play Tools Foremost ing This year he has surpassed himself with an endless Variety and best choices Will go to those Furthermore the designing gen And as for the children whose iuscs of the furniture and home interests concentrate for the most furnishings world have carried gifts part on playthings the grandest This year no matter what the who shop earIY That why Santa Claus has come HEW GENERALELEcTRlc for the home into the forefront of gifts will be found featured ingToy choice dictates there is something Christmas gift giving land in the form of play tools practical as well as beautiful to be to town early this year to item you Fashion too has endowed every Thats the term modern Santa has chosen But this year the happiest make this the grandest on record rru bruumculsmmmiommz l5XliillmwlKKKKEEEEKEQEEHKEQEiK KkklltlleekmmmEllidlldlifl Telechron and Kitch en Clocks to match every color scheme black red ivory green yellow white and blue NIany mdels t6 GE SteamIron Irons dry choose from AS low as $795 or with steam at the flick of switch reminder of your thou htfulness ll round yea $2750 Kettle Fastboiling electric kettle will earn special thank you from someone on your gift list somemamaxmgummsicwzmigimnwuzuwx SLiPPERS by Packard The finest in leathers and colors for Mens Womens gifts Bettorslippers alwaysvlast longer and give Price $1650 fghours of contentment and happiness F80 Iron Work saving EV 008 80ft F3513 131251 angdelircsiwn featihemaght Imn Cuts roang finial3 happy sow FOR WOMEN great 35 Alution to your gift problem sortment of styles includ gt $1650 Pricedjrorn off ing Wedges Bluewine 1G Radis mm and green leathers personal radios are 91 aridTelechron gt inglffrespecmul Bedroom 01001 WOMEN STYLE snors predated by every quiet smooth de For the woman on your list chooses pair of style pumps forvyear round one ClockRadiosi pendable operating happiness Various styles and prices Portables and Tabge msistent ra1am Rad108FlOM 21 RUBBER FOOTWEAR gt $1 933 the high c9 gv ng np Justabout everytype of rubber footwear snow boots galoshes rubbers etouHeres gift formenor women boys or girls To simplify selections we have gift vouchers withminiature shoesarid um mg slippers attractively boxed or if you prefer exchangeswillbe accepted aft erohrisnrnas 33m lilho they cost you M0 communists oofrwiinii one Rosyonto