and family is BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 21 151 WYEBRIDGE BETHESDA NOV tilWomens institute beld NOV litMr and Mrs Fetch of social evening and dance at Park Stratford spent Tuesday with Mr side Midland Friday and Mrs Gilroy Mr and Mrs Harries and family Mrs John Morris Mrs Merrill spent the weekend in Toronto IMorris and children Toronto Moi Mr Stewart Vascy 53 lsiling land ttrs Fred Morris Lefryo vis m3 daughur My Angus Raw ited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs gCarnmn Iiipdle number of the Lotus il lliccrlt isitors with Mr hilt Mrs George Squibb included lorry mnded mt hbn 1Squibb Aurora Mr and Mrs John In Griffin and children Port Perry Limb 5W mm 11 Cortoer and Miss onoverii aunt BMW Bum Cttuklllt and F2 Dunn Porti The Allidnc Tabernacle Ilitdlarniniomi emud 3X11 and 3113 nay held SflYlCI the school Frl iiiond McMastIr on trdrusda and day mill Rt MP Ktlllt 15 irs llunn returned home the speaker and the mens quartet ir and Mrs Raymond ZIlchlasterx favored With Iumiwl Imcr Mr and Mrs Wheeler Scott Ml md hm mw WM Sharpe and Milt lietteridge attenti Friday night and Saturday with lr KII the Rule lintir Fair in iol ronto one day last wrek and Dunw Ztlr and Mrs Filmer Iithzini Is iLted Mr and Mrs Wolse ill Brad ford Sunday Sympathy of the Cirillilllltlll is lIxtentlcd to Mrs Young ill the ldcatlt of her mother Itlrs George Calder Shorter As precautionary measure the Larconscmus Swiss government urges housewives to carry at least in fournionth backlog of sugar It iall times BEAUTIFUL WALLS CEILINGS WITH CHILI SAUCE CLAIKS PORKBEANS 53 13 IRESII PORK II IFRESII KILLICI ROASIING LYNN VALLEY STD 455 CHICKENS 59 TASTY SMOKED ANADIAN KIPPERS STOKELYS CREAM STYLE CORN 15non CALIFORNIA REI IlMIEROR GRAPES 19 FLORIDA TIIIN SKINNEI 250s ORANGES 49 FLORIDA TIle SKINNICI 96s GRAPEFRUIT5 27 FIRM GOLDEN YELLOW IlfozgngIVELY AYLMERCHOICE HALIES It PEACHES wl9 ===l LENNOX Everything For Baking FOR FINER CAKES It FASTRIES MONARCH FLOU 56 CHOCOLATE OR WHITE JUST ADD WATER MONARCH citsr MAKES TWO PIES MINCEMEA DALTONSRED FANCY TOILET TISSUE White Swan MAPLE 31 LEAF Tin SAXONIACUT MIXED nuns 22 LEENEX MIXED PEEL Tr 19 43 INFANT FOOD STIOII FIVE MINUTE Cream of Wheat 29 TWELVE ASSORTED DESIGNS Christmas Cards IOX TEA TAGS IIEDRDSE TEL 61 btSS VIsasiwANITmf yANADIAN HONEY pricos forEUngradcd Eggs Su managar tor difails SI 029 ONT no1 WHITE 79 GIT ft slitPAIL FE Thou Valupr Elidiv TlIumiay Friday Saturday NOV 22nd 23rd TIIII DOMINION =15Zjar PEANUTJBUTTER 35 RANULATED ib OHGNIITIIIIlu ogogogoqgouo LVValker and family De Paur Infantry Chorus Appear Here The most important concert at traction to spring from World War III de laurs Infantry Thorns will he heard on Monday Dec in the lioxy Theatre under the auspices of the Barrie omrnutnty oncert Association The tuneful veterans who sang for American troops front lwo lima lo llad Nnnheim rc niiiiined together as unit under Capt Leonard le laurs direction and are now making their fifth cntlian concert tour of more than ltitl concerts under the auspices of oppicus and Schang of lioltllllbiii Artists management The de laur Chorus organized within the 372ml Infantry Regiment at Fort Dix Nl in MHZ gave more ItlIaI 2000 concerts for American gtarmed forces while in the service irisiting every theatre of war dur ting the course of their threeyear ytraTIls No island was too small Xno outpost too remote for the sing ing infantry men Sometimes they igave six performances dayin lhospital wards on the decks of battleships at hidden bomber bases at drab supply stations other lgroups had passed by To the men of the armed forces ithis chorus of singing soldiers was memorable attraction and it was their enthusiasm that inspired the lsingers decision to stay together as concert unit after the war Part of the repertoire to be heard here is rniideyup of music of the many lands the exsoldicrs visited Service mcnwh0 heard them dur mg the war told the singers they would like the folksback home to hear the programs which also in clude service songs of World War II as well as contemporary classics NOV litGuthrie branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will hold the annual meeting at George Campbells at 830 pm on Thurs day Nov 22 All interested are urged to attend Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Gerald Rattle and family and Mr and MrshWilliam in the loss of In First Community Concert Dec spiritnals and faiths Mr de laur who enlisted in the Army as private and rose to the rank of cantain has been heard in New York as choral conductor of the Virgil llIoIIIsorIGcrtrude Stein opera Four Saints in Acts and the lloark BradfordJacqucs Wolfe play John Henry Later he or ganized and led the chorus which was one of the features of Moss liarts Aitl stage play Winged Victory in litH native of Surn Iiiit NJ he first attracted atten lion as an associate conductor of the Hall Johnson choir toppieus and Schang who intlotlteed the English Singers and the Jaroff Don Cossacks and the Mozart hoir Boys to America and who also managed the Trapp Family Singers and the General llatoff Don Cossack Chorus heard de lanrs group when they return cd from tour of the far Pacific four years ago and signed them for their first civrlian tour which was the rccordbreaking success of the 191748 season The average member of the chor us is 32 and abachelor llc went into the Army from Boston but was born in New York City and was crack rifleman in the Infantry lwenty members are college grad uates Four are taking advanced courses at Columbia two at the Juilliard School of Music and one at City College Among the singers Clarence Jacobs assistant to Mr de Paur won five battle stars for service at Guadalcanal and the Solomons ilerbcrt Hayes was cited for de termining new firing system for cannon that the Army adopted songs of different by Mrs Walker and Mrs Bertram had the second pro gram The Church in the Little Places and TasksOld and New from the new study books From Lakes to Northern Lights and Home Missions Digest In the WA meeting the financial reports of the Rotary Club ban quet the wedding luncheon and the congregational supper were given Plans were made for an evening meeting Dec Newton 59 Mr and Mrs Douglas and Anita Misses Jessie and Bar bara Gilchrist all of Toronto were Sunday visitors at Gilehrists gMiss Barbara Gilchrist has accept ged position in Tamblyn store in Toronto United WMS and WA The WMS and WA of the United Church met at Mrs Loves on Nov 14 with about 18 present Mrs Walker Caldwell led the wor ship service pn the theme The Church in the Midst of Them She was assisted by Mrs Gordon Clark Mrs George Campbell assisted Have you seen Fabritone Ensembles thc new wall paper with matching drapes Available in several pleas ing patterns sty1ed by thing new you are sure to admire Wercarry complete linejof paints accessoriesand in terior decorating materials See us today for products of quality Mrs Love served dainty refresh ments FAMOUS THEATRE The present Covent Garden Opera House in London is the third thea tre on that site the first having been opened in 1732 ROSE CENTREPIECE Over 15000 roses are USCG lllrlhew Am rose centrepiece at the Royal Ag ricultural Winter Fairs flower show window of Canadian agricul ture =o=o==ouo==3=o==o=o== Home For Christmas During the festive season your family will be home your friends will be calling your home will become centre of activity 1heres still time to have that living ragga decorated the dining room papered or the kitchen painted But dont de lay startright away so thatnyou may have one of your happiest itnd proudest Christmas leadingdesigners somc Dkrf PAINT IND wILLPIPLI Bring your deccrang problems to us It will be pleasure for us to offer you on years of experience in the home decorating field 71 IDCLAPBEBTON 5TjaAItRIE PHONESgagsg THURSDAY ALWAYS BIG DAYAT Walked SW The Store that Sells Quality of BEAUTIFUL NEW FABRICS DELIGHTFUI NEW WE HAVE BAG AT LOW PRICES TH ERES WONDERFUL SELECTION AT WALKER STORES great assortment of suit FOR EVERY COSTUME THE SMART LADY WANTS tags skirtings and mater ials for childrens dresses You must see the wonder ful crcpcs falllcs fOr dress es We have both wool and rayon crepes Special this weekend 45 gabardine in good fall colors Priced only $149 yd SlMPLlClTY AND HANDBAG Walkers are famed for HANDBAGS the wonderful selection of pretty Stocks have never been more complete bengaltnc cords plastics real lea thers in calf or morocco snake skin imitation al handbags ligator Theres price for every budget McCALL PATTERNS Sale of Hats styles Your oppor OFF tunity to buy the pretty hat youve been wanting and at very low price too Use Our LayAwayPIan For Your Gift Shopping This is handy easy wayto buy Christmas gifts Choose any item in the store anda small deposit will hold it until wanted it FOR ITS WALKERS HANDBAGS Childrens Wear at QUALITY DOES COUNT WALKERS FEATURE HIGH QUALITY Itpays in every way to buy nd wear Walkers is the store for high quality childrens wcar priced to suit every budget COATS COAT SETS JACKETS SLACKS JUMPERS BLOUSES SNOW PANTS DRESSES SNOW SUITS SKIRTS ETC THRIFTY MOTH ERS KNOW IT PAYS TOSHOP AT WALKERS CHILDRENS DEPT INFANTS DEPT Wonderful Stocks of in fants wear Always on hand Phone our jinfants Dept Delivery FREE Gordon Mackay or PhantomwNylons JJf These two high grade brands give us many regular satisfied customers Try Buylllllpgihalkersandm WTllrfind it pays Priced $159 Ionian This Weeks Special Feature First quality 51 gauge nylons in nice autumn shades big buy in quality nylon ITS ALWAst 1039Pll WALKER STORES FOR Foundatiorl Garments THTS WEEKS FEATURE fINNERDELT GARMENTS new arrival in the Corset Dept is this inner beltCorselette for the heavier figure Fittings for both short 82 tall Sizes 36 to 44 Also lighter weight cOrselettses without the inner belt Sizes 33 to 44 VARIOUS PRICES PHONEIFOR Frrjrttgof AT no ExmacOsT Wide selection of pretty new font styles altyseltlng at this worthwhile reduction