mMifidWMFSI ElleymLOngro lipran BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 91 1951 teams ictury Len Casey gavel Lakcvlu lIJ lewd ll f1ri aI alryplriodc boat Barri Fuifll Supply bounced back in the summit to match the owners 22 Una and Edwards nuntied slngi against markers by Bil Ball and Bob Biulcf for the Dailjlntz liall llauutl sparked third Scoring three gull ii 151v third lltlmd Wm Mliii liti penud URN WP BMtllt tuners tiring iiklt lle anal Farm Supply Mummy my till Harry Rialz and hill Utol Barr Arm me mm nor followed up llll Hilfilrtuzn featcd and hold first piace in the lvluguals ratll by UN final11 Town and District llockey League and Doll Robinson p1etl 214 may The niglllcap gtJl ltlliiesingilol tln Combines ilititlztlll lllck Wondcl Valle Combines gainIlilig Cnlttl the font goal of the their first on of tllr infant svisStltltltiilitlg Stilflii and lilatcimt defeating Snood Bruins +2 in aifort by Simon ltml thatk 11 111 iardfongllt littlest second The lllglllttlliltl lililtll aci ltobliisoii 11111111 troll tosnoilr uuircd nctinllilicl John Reid fuiIglials in the fir clzaptll civil sermons play xll the litllitiltlttlittgttll iloiylzlai cuiceltl 1o custodian WM lillI factor in lllgtlllill on Stillud tithalt Teepees Solve Beef ut Has Flyers iv ALLAN KELLOGG FRANK MA ltlIN The longawaited St tttlltllllllsIlltlgt here 73 Without further lccpecs ooasling some of llll1lli it should be liaiigalp affair lnies litgt1 icrfoinieis finally ar II II flunglip can be taken literally as live lit the lliels war camp liltlttl 1h TH It night for test that even at this ling dcfellccniaii 111 the league in e1il latc looms as 111 inipollalil WU rum ierre ilote of ltllillll Qiielilc Ille stands live tcel ltl llltlltS and The Flurs who gained their first weighs solid 17 pounds lllcres road victory ol the season at the not coach iii the lealzue who lelpees cxpensr are working ticswlilildlit want lilote on the blueI peratelv to keep within striking line SCthUlt progressed lso weighs 175 pounds Teaming witli these two visitors Coach Rudy lnous has the guys is rookie Allan Kellog product of little Brooklyn in shape with plenty of skating 10gb Thpy are no of C01 nwall who tips the scales at longer an easy nonconditioned 203 WWW This P5l 503 Club After experiencing cellar con Pmmd Fromm f0 mill Hall fines the Toepees have wile hm Emms who is finding enough worry sixth place in the standings Their With his Chlb most recent upstart was an 82 Just what Emms intends to lo triumph otcr Gticlph Biltinores aboul it remains to be seen He has team that recently defeated the not released any secrets as yet and inn Clapp 16 Watlbaushene were lsaid to have been returning from Ia dance at PortZSevern when the nccident occurred about 1231 Sat urday night The North River lyouth was driving his tathers Trucks Crash 33 According to Provincial Con COLDWATER Cojdwuter dSIstable Jack Shepherd Watibaush icne 3ton dump truck owned trict lost one of its most promis ing youths through the death oflby Rawson or PO Sew Egcrton LoveringI 18 from injm em and driven by Gordon Sallows reama99leuisi had run out of 285 trucks on the Forth 511mmony Mrdayimgm mm one mile east of Port Severn It Egerton who was the so of was facing west and was report minent citizens of Matchedash Township was very popular among the youth of the community and P0 Severn for gas took an active part in sports Hur Gordon Cadeau 52 of Port Sev oniacCalf Clubalidotheractivi cm travelling west in Jlis 5l0n tics former student at Olilliatruck apparently didnt see the Collegiate he had been assistinglstalled truck or was confused by his father operate their largefthe lights of the oncoming Lov farm Besides his parents he isiering truck He cut out at the survived by younger brother llast moment to miss the truck but Murray Etley LoverinE who wasisttuck it with his right wheel and deer hunting at Manitoulin reach lalso caught the box of his truck ed home Sunday iAs he swung back to his own side Meeting Called For Basketballers Thursday pm Hap Emms Telpet ltt liol lll shape at llll dalm Hill ml 51 lliy lilotc is only one llefenceinan they 11 Joslllon ll 131 llll to 011 about 111 lmmpocl lhlppuuml Wm llie ulllll lly crew tllltlSttS alsohave rrln Gould yholemy Cimlu who mm six feet of the black and sold opened tlictartetl his junior carecrwnh thewm inch and 17mm1 gm current culilpaign at snails p1celFyeis alid is now in his second but have gathered steam as the season with St Catharines lIe nll ior ranks and have contributed ing to fair against this avalanche of 1lleef is anvones guess but the 27 zr Dcdnlrrravezhadrnmartights Iflares showing but the front lights werc on Sallows had gone to all rsbilt Blltl Musical instructor ius ullldlllllcd that basketball illrcling for both boys and girls lill like place the tint DEER HUNT SUCCESSFUL IN COUNTY litlat Ulilt tat in room Nu lt Itlltl lllurs tlll tislitriw lllowcli deer hunt day pm 111 with rillc in Siiilcoc County ll parties lllltltItll in p11 ittrlid lrcsrnt le11 call for Nov ll midtown lrlgurs to be formed in loan Tlt t11 tlLCl zitttlsr filst ill lilillgt lczt out in the Gam Completed ByTh Time EmmsIFinds Players in Seats Kitchener Reverse Decision Junior hockey players are unique Everything must be per PM ftci for them to take the ice and play to form Apparently things were not right in Kitchener last night for our Barrie iiycrs because the hometown junior Greenshirts sluggedl KITCHENER Gm Harrington fdcfenm Simon Novak Higgins and chillitiun galnrs plural 31Ipym my on MW ml Um lr lss although the snow still lc liap linims With 21 72 defeat WWI mm in amazing ilicai lltil task to plilloii and the girls IIt Ihr lllllIlll ill llso serve for rrgistratiou to the haser lull etchings at Illrrie District tullcgiatc Institute Problem lltl flame lub nilnlcll on an 01 ItItIN illlll is 11111 likely lli lo li lilll lll llttl llilm lli lltlllll Fortunately Inl llll lllttl llll start of flu season lint liloil now has such star plrllirliiers 15 Jun Rllllllltlll liiilk Mill liall Illlddy Hooln Billy Young and Frank Mar tin iii condition Martin has been converted to the forward lines this year and al lilti pounds itlltillltt beet problem Also wearing llepee swlatcr is winger Wilf Roberts Both these lads are out of St Ialliarines niin greatly to their 1t ams drive Just how lilnms peewets are golt an exact iilllilll of the deer taken altogether it is gtllt to sit 121th they numbered well over tllt handled ilwo attempts Bill Fleming and JiltlDll Mclicowii made trip in the icgnlar season to point lnotli of lcltli 11 Lanaik OtliL it They encountered the snow lstolm and also considerable lee ldid little litllltllig and spoiled ioay getting home llill tried again l11 hills and while there saw live deer in one group bill just beyondt inoitii not inilluiled 1n the former iicport flit lcd lwiss Jack But lcr llalph Snelgrovt fobell lltiglison and lllffy Smith of To roiito who went to Maple lslandl in the Magnetewan ltiver lillllilt Legion members attended lilo Sunday mlmg service in wyl apparent reason unless Kitchener started to play little rough Al though 29 penalties were handed ollt which included two 10minute cllfle Angllcan Church and on Monday evening Nov 12 ill the Parish Hall the liliinale Branch of the Canadian Legion and membersl of all services attended aanemoriaL banquet lield iii memory of those who paid the supreme sacrifice in wo wars that we might enjoy the freedom which is ours today All those who attended will never for get the value of the women folk who provided the best banquet the Flycrs definitely have to eye those two points bllore going into Fri days tussle little trouble may be foulid locating the net but its around this hulking bodies some llltte and the puck must enter broke off and cauglit the Lover ing trtlck as it passed It struck the left lfltllelelJLf the engine and the left flont corti er oftheiiitlow IlIhe Lovering truck carried the box for short distance and after it had toppled off ran straight into the ditch All three trucks wound tip in the ditch on the same side of the road Dr George Hall olColdwater and Oiillia ambulance rushed to EM IluLLovcringtrwjl 551 Ill 115111 iiiicciima tii was extricated with difficulty He 7hcheerfulctultsslrckrlmshe knce cap arid numerous cutsaiid bruises and had lost muchlblood IHe was taken to Soldiers Mem orial Hospital where he succumbed the following night Miss Cl pwasdneafed foncuts bruises and shock at her home near the accident but did not need to go to hospital Cadeau faces charge to be deI Icided after consultation with the lCown Attorney and Sallows will be charged for failure to show Egerton and companion Mar10f the road the heavy steel boxilights lsfttogbp Tlpmspn Creemore Red Sox Reached SemiFinalsOBA Series BEEMOEERed Sexbaseball team for Loii Cherry completed the season With cred MullehBlll Gowan Machesriey Cen cord Theydid not will the DEA trerow Ray Miller Norman GoWan their informedlate F50 Mackay Bert CorbettEronIt row Norm theSidiilftnals before Barber Carl Gowan Tony Gravelle IJohn John Thomson Photo Creemore upe Weir John Weir Bob Mcr started lltltl last Monday over 20 deer were taken there llll tii The amp FlodenMcaford lisll iletu to club liiclnliels and took gent quota Although it is difficult to make Some lilizitcls had little hick in some of those who liuntcd ELMVALE Legion Attend liurcli Service NOV 197011 Sunday Nov lll Lfulflll have had in many years rude Tripp gave an inspiring address Comrade Murray 1hurlow vas enjoyed The speaker of the venmg Rev Stubbs substituted for Comrade Del 0ch of Barrie held the troops in laughter Bugler Doug Townes bfl Elnivalc Bugle Band sounded the Last Post Social Evening grcssivc euchre There was large crowd in attendance Mrs Arlie Sibbald was winner for high scllre ind Harry Wade won draw Con olation prizes went to Mrs Allen Ritchie and Tyrwhitt Wallace Mix Vade received wallet as prized so passed it around to the men to donate their dimes to treat the ladies for the bountiful lunch Mrs the GP and Fund All presc i99LllllgOOd timc Civil DETnc Nails Anyone interested in this very necessary work kindly get in touch with Kimberley your defence representative If you never need what Iygilwlearjiy in civil defence Everything It is the duty of every target areas The Late Andrew Andrew Following very brief illness Andrew Andrew of 51311thAvenuc West Calgary passed away on Oct =25 1951 in Colonel Belcher Hos pital in his 69th year He was born in Elmvale Feb 22 1883 youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs Matthew Andrew Mr Ali drew learned the tailoring trade with the lateMr Sparling with whom he yvdrked until going to Dauphin Manitoba wherehc car ried onlliis trade and to Calgary 21I years agoywherc he continued as tailor with John Miller until Cemetery Calgarny Mrs Butcher Honored on 89th Birthday Bob OnWednesday Nov14 the fam 11v of MrsEdward Dutcher gath ltv the Firm dominated the dull iist period Rookie Bob White and centre Skip leil flied two goals no tzic Gilenslliit netting within mnutc of each other for ltll loor clearing resulted ill the iioinesters splitting the deficit lo at periods end iiowed no outward lealizationl that Ilt Kitchener goal was typtcV lal of what was to take place ovcri the next 11 minutes llil iotlr goals in the second period lange Some other local htlllters mi mow mo llll wmm had somewhat similar cxperil WU Myers us me =cncl Tilt had given up hunting in Simeoe had unloaded their 114 llcs and packed them in the car ltoo tlioioughly to reach when all 211 once three lee alked up be liiiilt their car the time Hap llniins gathered his crew from various rows of the newl ltli such force 111 the closing mni lites that the rightwinger Coastcdl tlllt llltlllkh to goalie Harringtonldm for score The lllyers did not look like hockey club From their perform ance they did not even varranll eighth place in the standings The Illelente sticking out 111 weakness like sore thumb was probably the worst goalie Lorne llIowcs has ever had in front of him But even Lornic didnt appear Al 011 goalsl that beat him year four generations it tended the birthday dinner Members of the family present were Mrs Simpson Toronto Mrs Dutch er Bradford Mr and Mrs Frank Dutcher Barrie Rev and Mrs El bert Dutclier Ronnie and Mary Joan0wcn Sound Mr and Mrs Tilt president of the branch Comiflsihngtligfl3dugopcligmalgg many congratulatory nicssages and gifts including bouquet of mums fdw mill tf l0 ladle3 Smg from the WA and WMS of St Johns We by unmade Halli BakerlUnitcd Church bouquet of mums on Fridayecningthe ladies rofl 7311311 Rebekah Lodge held pro nt Ewart Thurlow attended the Royal you lose nothing but if you never learn what you need you may lose citizen to prepare himself for any emergencies which may arise Our federal government has taken the initial steps to establish standard air raid warning system across the country Arrangements have bean nade for fulltime lease of com munication facilities and 200 two tone air raid sirens are being pro duced by Canadian firm liics Sirens are of similar type to those used in Great Britain during the last war Many meetingslof similar nature are being held throughout Flyer fans will no doubt wonder how such reversal ofIlare ilrllfmnm AWN form can be had Emins youngsters defeated Kitchener here it last week 32 and could have added another five goals with out any trouble it as tile same roster that op niiscoiidticis posed Kitchener who didnt make and two majors the game was lni changes either last 111llt Hut 51 Wm tile picture shAttercd culiipetely fol lowing the opening 20 minutes Fail ot confidence vigor and vit lnlms might have guessed it bill The Grccnshlrts bounced back Winkle Wlialcn oil to the ice The forwards quit skating for no from Mrs Lowe Barrie roses from Mr and Mrs Bert Robertson Bar1 rie and Mrs Hurlburt Tor onto mums and yarnations from and Mrs Jack Calvert and sons Toronto Added Improvement BklBlOS haveimader atlwdd dcd i1nprovemoutinvfronts ofsthel garage ilTtlie TfOLnTWcOiers hav ing had it all graded with coat of asphalt which is step for ward in the appearance of the village Mr and Mrs Peter Drysdale Hamilton were visitos with Mr and Mrs Built and Mr and Mrs George Drysdalc on Wednes day Kitchener qurie OHA JUNIOR thtcheder Auditorium Nov 20 forwards Candide Ed dson Toyota Cressman Hicks chssier Austin Joyce Ingoldsby BARBIE Goal Howes defence Thibeaull OConnor ard forwards Emlns llletsch White Referees Ken Holmeshaw Tor onto Jack Liscombe Galt imun Men Willis Wood McKenney Mohns MacDonald lbozh to the Fljcrsi not Whalen Teal rough lhc Greenshirts displayed more3 hustle more determination than thei Myers and were worthy of victory As the winners went up the Flyers Ban White Menard soared down few tricd such as Barrie Teal captain Cllilck Wood laul Emms and Larry beiiulz The latter was the only one who showed any desire to carry the puck into the other end but his own attacks cont sistently by not passing to open vingmen Some of the expected stars suclll as Skip leal Doug Mohns Ralph Willis Danny OConnor and Wllalcnl are backsliding The Flych cannotI win hockey games without 100 perI cent efforts These gents should at least be collided tlpon to carry some lot the load on the road Unfortunv atcly lCmms hasnt farm system Kitchener auditorium the game10 Shufe playcm and fro Hm v31 almost over lle pushed Dave First Period 818 MaeDonaldl 854 Kit hcner Ingoldsby Farrellii Wood Don McKenncy llli wmm 1208 Higgins Joyce Penalties Menard Wllalcn Simon he nullified Second Icriod Hicks 140 Kitchener Kitchener Tcssier Cressmaul Tessier flicks 817 ft Kitchener Cressmani Kitchener Austin Edmundson Toyota Candide Teal Nov ak Pletscli Simon Wood Mc misconduct mis 34a 1053 Penalties 10minute Plctseli Kelincy Higgins conduct 10minute we imagine if he did large band would be issued to the salt mines Kitcheners best and highlighted neat per tli two markers Frank Toyota found the mark for pair in the third Joe lngoldsby Greg flicks and Hon Austin tallied singli cs Kitchener outshot the Flyers from the centre John Martan who is at his home in Timmins for few days Chuck Wood filled ill at the pivot spot flanked by Fred Pletsch and Paul Enims Willi St Catliariues Friday the outlook of the Flyers ever keeping pace in the last play At present Einms has no alternative but to try and stay out of the cellar HAWRESTONE NOV 19 The service at St Aidans Church will be conducted by the Rev Dr Allnutt Toronto who will speak for the Bible Soci The United Church will also join iii the service Mr and Mrs Earl Davis spent the weekend in Midland with Mr and Mrs Murray Wagg Third Period Kitchener Toyota lEdmundson Kitchener Toyota Edmundson 10 Barrie Whalcn Thibeaultl Orval TessiCr was 925 1041 1810 Penalties Wood Iletsch Willis Thibealllt Joyce Novak major and minor MacDonald major Web OHAlUNlORA STANDINGS Marlboros Guelph Gait St Micliacls Kitchener Cathaiines Waterloo Barrie Oshawa Windsor Tuesdays Results Gall 10 Oshawa Kitchener Barrie St Michaels St Catharines Future Games Tonight Waterloo at WindsOr Candide Higgins 23 Absent Flyers was moving off battle is gloomy Nwwcoccwviuc Manchuoaqu ety Club Members Return After Deer Homing Kimicong Hunt Club returned Nov 17 froma successful lwoaweek deer hunt near Pickerel River Parry Sound District The club found deer plentiful and got their full quota including three large buck The members of the party were Garrett tcaptainl Barrie Wally Freidman Hamiltlm Frank Spearn Collingwood Bert Klt chen Collingwood Melville Ayerst Stroud Stresses Influence Hospital Trustee trustees know their ownlimitations is unfair to patients must all remember this PHONE 24l4BARRIE Firestone Studded Ground Grips PULL through mud and snowl Deep 8dde selfcleanin studs pull lot film to gearlike it that beats tough winter roads Be wintersure get there and bu Ground Grips Lark and children spent last week in Toronto Mr and Mrs Fred Pengilley Mr and Mrs Clifford Gerhait ClarkI vson spent the weekend with May Pachard Don Crawford University of Tor onto was home over the weekend Mr and Mrs Douglas Wilson Toronto spent the weekend atiher niothEMrsT Howard Prophet Alllillbepleased to hcaLQiI Lighthourns mother has returned home from Barrie hospital We hope Mrs Lightbourn is much im proved in health Mr and Mrs Fred Bond called on May Packard recently Rev Capt Lark Sunny brook Hospital was home over the weekend Mrs Anderson and dangli Leigh and Mrs OBrien Dorcas Crawford and Mrs Prophet sick committee chtmeeting at Mrs Munroes Mrs Clarke Crawford is spending few days in Toronto Mrs Murray Ottawa spending week with her brother Rev Shannon at the parsonage JRLeigh is spending few days inIToronto II Service in the UnitedChurch was conducted last Sunday by Fred Stubbs of Orillia and thfspeaker was Dr Rynard His subject The Rejected Corner Stone members were exceedingly thank ful to Mr Stubbs and the doctor for their help during the ministers There was good congre gation who were encouraged and he doctors words The assistants Mrs is illness helped by Mr and Mrs Jack Tinney on Sun MitsHare1ThullovatidI Mrs Winter Fair while in Toronto las week Mrs Maurice Coutts Utterson spent few days with her sister tives Mrs Dutcher Bradford spent the week with Mrs Bishop Miss Betty Stewart and Miss weekend at their homes here parents Mr and Mrs Cooper with Mr and Mrs Bell speedy recovery St Johns Church Service years agovwlieIn he retired irom his work Hewas member of the Oddfellovvs During the First Great war he scrvod overseas fol fivli years with the Canadian Army Of 10 brothers and sisters left are liis sister Mrs George Stephenson tlsa bella andhis brother David both of Elmvale The many beautiful floral tributes from family and friends testified to the esteem in which he was held The funeral service was conducted in the Little Chapel on the Corner Oct 29 at 130 pm with Rev Canon Morgan officiating Burial followed in the Field of Honour Burnsland home Mens Banquet his intermingling humor Mr and Mrs Eldon Tlnney alidLel Tournaments were gieFts Mm had ma beam gifts presented to them by friends and They were pleased by the many acts Of kindness and generous assistance given in the repation for their departure to Vancouver Irwin McMahon is spending week in Toronto The November Institute will meet at Mrs LornezJohnoWQHAWe nesday Nov 28 Motto Study in Past Live in the Present Plan for Roll call Suggestion for improvement of recreation in our community Mrs Harry Slessor in charge of program Mrs Roe Mrs McMahon Mrs Prophet and Mrs Davis foodiconveners Gray of Guthrie will be the special speaker Mrs Wserwnm rawn on Nov 25 to worship with isrmaanmmcmgBmlc Society am Sunday Congratulations are extended to Garnet Litster and Miss Joan Boon who were married in Forest Hill United Church Toronto last SatI urday the Future Doreen Pearson Toronto spent the Mr and Mrs Sims Toronto Mrs spent the weekend with Mrs Sims Mr and Mrs Emerson Adams Hagersville spent the weekend smkmson has returnd home after spending six weeks in Toronto Congratulations are extended Mr and Mrs Eric Leigh who were iii Barrie Presbyterian Church last Saturday Quite Ia number from the village attended the Winter Fair and the IceCapades in Toronto during the past week The WA of St Aidans Church met at Mrs Earl Leighs Nov 14 withVaTgood attendance and the officers were reelectcd for the coming year as follows Mrs Andcrson honorary president Mrs Leigh president Mrs CCraw ford vicespresident Mrs Hart secretary Mrs Munroe treasur er Mrs Prophet Dorcas Mrs Ellis Mrs Shelswell Mrs Sorry to report that Herb Col umbus is seriously ill at his home His man friend Wih married On Sunday morning there was fair attendance at St Johns United Church The service was in charge of Rev Reynolds The speak cr Gordon Colburn who is Dir ector of Assbciated Services for the Canada Life the London Life the Cbnfaerated ife and theMutual Life assurance icompanies He gave the children address titled dead rat on the collection plate Digby Peers sang solo In the Garden with Bob iElliott atIthe oigan To the congregation Mr Cblburn spokeon Stewardship The M0 message was very interesting clos wing with challenge to all for better Christian service in the MOST SPECIACtltAR PtAY WlNNIREs so was role macmam are m5 W537 ITS FIRST GREY cola III935 if tain economi 1951 DODGE SEDAN Demonstrator Extremlzly lowI mileage Just llke new car Fulfnew our guarantee llrlced to save you money ILibcrllII Trudeau Al IMlitor On Wednesday evening Nov 14 the mens banquet was held in the Sunday SehOolroomI of St Johns United Church with over 100 in at tendance singsong was led by Milt Trace Fred Webster was chairman Election of officers for the year resulted William Camp bell president Milt Trace lstvice president Ken Spring 2nd vice presidnt John Coe treasurer Lloyd Argue secretary The quar tette Fred Beacock Jack Dickin son Gersh Langmari arid Ray Spring sang couple of selections which were enjoyed by all Early Elliott thanked the speaker and John Coe the ladies Rev Johnston Iof Eglintou United cred at the home of her daughtei Church Toronto the special speak ers Bishop to do her honor er kept the audience spellbound on her 89th birthday Again this with Enter tllu iiiillltllld Collier ISLI Dial 2481 FIRESTONE DEALER GREY cup EINAUSIS tats166 194SmRoNIro 35 wlNNlREo 1946 memo 2a WINNIPEGKG 4947 roRIoNro lo WlNNlPEG 1948CAL6ARYI2 onjAwA r1949M0NTREALZIB CALGA IRY 15 195010R0N10152WINNlpEeIiof its Whom William Wright William Sturgeon William Hand and Bert Wright REGINA Nov CF Per fect teamwork between trustees and administrators is necessary to rovide the best hospital service says Judge George presid ent of the Associated Hospitals of Manitoba Trustees arc the keystone of hospital organization he said in an address here but one of the greatest weaknesses in the hospi tal structure is that too many unqualified people are becoming trustee is one of the greatest assets any community can have because he is voluntary worker But trustees must face facts and One fault common to many hos pital trustee boards is their failure to recognize changes which are of great importance to hospitals This MOUNT It is service to the patient we are trying to give he says We CALL THE EXAMINER FOB STUDDED GROUND GRlei Cor Elizabeth Maple