Eiiiriargirjlixaminrr Forever MONDAY NOVEMBER 19 i9TIIIIIIII I3GC3I5I1I2F997 mzsgggggggggggizzs Bradford Rescued from Medonte Council 136 MINUTES of COLORED FILM Orders Telephone By TECHNICOLOR Enumerators If Accounts Paid STARRNG EVE snows A1 550 and meV Smcoe Centre WV Linda Darnell Cornel Wilde Richard Greene it 4531i511iii11siihint Geo Sanders Ann Revere Following Ls list of enumera heet to lt tois who compiled the voters at Vlists or Simcoe Centre to be used Ii that if llawson Barrie tillltl ltlI Would he unatailanir for 11th t1tliii on bringing his lillcl Stirl iVv of drain No up to date for iV ham taro nonth became oi liI health iin the forthcoming provincial elcw Vtion Nov 22 and used in advanced gpolls this past week it ln intormation wa ogtiiiii by the clerk on behalf of number of ratepayei itltlttti by the drain who confirred following inntine oi interiwtiil persons recently ie AM BER carding the procedure to take to ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SHOWING AT REGULAR PRICES Barrie Err Ward One Mrs Gertrude Woods and Mrs Anna LeGear Glorious asthe grand Ward Two Mrs Evelyn Quin guyitglormea lan Finn McGibbon Miss Edith clean out the titttl Everyonevsheroand lqietllenFMcVeigh Mrs one womansidollA LOW Ward Three Miss Bella Miller rogungand heart ers Mary Garrily Mrs ii reselling 30ny Kennedy Mrs Edwin ineson Mrs WARNER Vera Tyndall and Mrs Ellen BROS Ilainbly Ward lour Mrs Mae Waiter iworth Mrs Alma Badglcy Parsons IC 11 Bielby Mrs Jane zYoung Mrs Jean Leyland Mrs llazel Bates Mrs Doris Bassett served et ill and court of 1tlgt1tl the set for lilo pm Nov Jti lieinept iil Sill to Stan Wyley was omitted for titer itllittl anti injured ontiatt ior gtiiov plowing were let to Cook otititittion to of dd llVilliam Rayner Beardsall and IC Vingrovc illariie Rate for the snow plow to lbw provided with driver $7 per Mr Jordan brought an inspir Ii iiii Court for titt tit xxt mwulot ml ltli presentation Other eligible The ienunt roll had been rel and Mrs Louiscttc Wice Wards Five and Six Mrs Lill ldtt Kohlmeycr and James Mc snnnmo mm ROLE THAT ourmane iris rum AND in ARROW mid Ward Six Mrs llarvcy John IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIII MIIIII DOIIII ngiiviissIvtisitIIyynI VIRTCIU rs Mn BIIIEIIAiISRD STEVE COCHRAN MiCHAEL CURTlZ gr i533 niiZiJYZIEiZF hill PHYLLIS lHAXlER lnnisill P1 is CARTOON COMEDY lvrank Brollcy it Eldridge 1iltItIilt1itttUUtliIUIIllUtiiltii IMac Stewart William lniziam Har ry Chappcl Bowman Allen Nel STARTS THIS THURSDAY son Watson Mrs Addie Black 1H imitation banquet at Barrie Com mm 1mm WM MIlmi Hutlllllllli House recently in honor oil Speaker of the evening were mm mm Md pm Vitlttlt older members who lCtClVClLlUlttl loiilaii of liighCourt and ltiirnine oiiiei tor polliir subdivislloiii service awards Lionel Jill0 tooli Provincial Field Mana lion llillMlali The clerk t$ltiiill illni member of the executivrqeer hairinan of proceedings was loitiertd to have nomination lltlllttsittlllllllltitt of High Court Brant Ken Taylor who invited the mem printed as to nomination day lilIlIUll awarded laddison witltjberri to the Loyal True Blue Hall mintins of telephone subscribers fillitii button IwentyliveIllieh Street or social getto to be held on the same date Dec eat buttons were awarded to gether afterwards lat pin lollit it necessary will illi held one week later ifiiitll with at the annual incetiiieltoi $13043 agaitlxl man who has The Board of liansport tonnnrsiAll persons accepting the tele Eitii the lllfllltl was presented as istoiiers intorinird council that alpiioins as renters in future will be illllttllltltllillt thus far Another new telephone contract based on returned to pay the annual rate in iaecotint aizainst woman no longer WINTER mung ltlir new hystetn of cliariline calls titlttltlltlt$$ Iiire rateswith any 1tvdlillllll in AiItitlUtlllt pr 5850 was oii1d hate to be inteied into tlill long distance battles are ituaian litiittrn ott as bad debt The sec illlS Alta iliYouni and old the Bell lelephone Louniany lin teed by the owner of the property lretary was ordered to collect over alike are enthusiastic members of illec Ill 1931 Became of opposition Uiiicliariie on telephone or Wil $200 in outstanding telephone ac square dance club just formed here ito the charge of on each exten lliam Shelswell of $15 was ordered icountr or have service cut off The club will meet twice each moo ringer it was decided to lukelwrittin off as an error on the 1951 ouncii will hold statutory inonth during the winter Ino action on this proposal until collectors roll telephone bill meeting llec 13 at pm Mrs MUIIM GaleI imd 111 lstaniibv tune Standby tinte Will be to ifroni live if to March ill Ali Mino imembeis who were unable to at Ward Five Mrs ladvs Mat 115 appointed viniunnn loi theiY tend iile llioinas hash Rob son Charles NILNiven 1de5 BC ioutside plow at lit cents an hour illUll Dr Horton Thomas Bar Florence Jones Mm Dempstor Road Supt Fred Wood was author glow Jones Partridge Mrs Feltis Mrs Walter Smith Uiil in buy up to limo with of mum mmsls Stephenson Stewart and iI II iavel for use on roads or to Mirth CUUH BMIIIHI NU 319 mm plIIbi Thompson Mrs Blythe McConkey William Little Mrs Alvin Webb and George Fennel Bradford Margaret Davey Art Kneeshaw and Ceilings West Gwlllimbury Eldon Campbell Percey Selby Fred WelshEdwin Fcnncll and Ken Hughes Tiny Doug Edwards Cecil Wood William Morrow Harry Beau champ Leo Wright Jerome Charl bois and Tclforri Burling BIqrrieIBattry Paraol at Cenotaph on November ll Vespra Mrs Joan Coward xR Peacock Robert Leadlcy Ernest Stokes Mrs Lillian Bowdcy Dougall Scott and Miss Lillian Cro ghan Flos and Elmvalr Elmer Snider Mrs McMann JamesWhitton MrsLi0nel Play er Mrs Samuel Manning Lcon HARRIET SARGEANT l2 daugh ard Handy Mrs Samuel Allen tor of Mr and Mrs Leslie Sar rManee Wednesday pm Reginald Aicher and WilliamgettittBiadfordLVVVisVV shown Vwith ward pet dog which she was chasing was 3030 when she fell into an abandoned Brokcnshire well by her home recently liar HS GREATEST ROLE their 31 Mrs Thomas Boil Harry Mans bridge Barker Duncan McCort George Cord Klicn Dobbs keep herself above until rescuers arrived Inferthee lttHe at top ltev gaging gigginwghompbon and William Vj Mcmtiltun Wcsbytcriq mm yea Penetang ister who lives next door points ymmam gt Since LOST WEEKEND vphr Sistineinmar rntmeeawaeeanaeue Turner Mrs Morrison Mrs Will ing the girl from the well The iam Webster Mrs Frank DuRieu fact that the girl learned to swrm and Mr Witheridge lastrsummcri savreidrhcr life Mrs William to the well into which Harriet KATHERINE who was his mm He Slmcoe Centre Voters LISIS had groupieGd Show Increase 1000 Voters off it Chalceo II on Preliminary Simcoe Centre lists of voters eligible to cast their vote in the provincial election Nov 22 contain 21555 names Of 1953 names over onethird are in Barrie ON PARADE during Remembrance Day services in Barrie facing the Cenotaph In front of the Battery and on the riglht on Sunday Nov 11 was 135 Battery 45th AntiTank Regi in the photo is Major Clark officer commanding Int thf 01133325 oatIIeetiIiIinioIiees vjileIiZmiii III III IOIIIII III ment RCA Members of the Battery are seen on Dunlop St foreground is SergeantMajor Harry Smethurst each muni iplity ithin til r1dlt as by tie 1355 InnmoI Wm 53 gt 100 evidenced in the slim an riding 5mm the Penetang 2287 my pmvinciai election 111 June gt 1884 1948 At that time thercvwere mm HomAKINANcYDAVISIlEWIS SIIINEIMN AGE Ia L777IiiIgiIiicCIzliiiIIeoiyoiigi IiiiaisiIIIIcIiiIIi F1 E1 lying xf lt Plus 2nd Hit Wighwmimnmye 29 iigISIinOItIiIiI eiiciigii WWII If to igggflgfe IIIIIIIIIII ballets in SImcoeI cenIIIeI T1 Vt have hisjem EVE SHOWS AND 840 pm Total m5 beeriecgriigilhed Ii total of iii IlrttUUDIIII itdooooouooouuuhn II 64 Names Added aiiZy base Court of ReVision has been held their work for the election and for Barrieand was preSidedOVCI lists are in the hands of Return THIS by Judge ame in County mg Ofcer AME Crow and his Court House Thursday afternoon clerk Bob Brown at 24 Dunlap ma 2r Nov Added were 64 names SE Barrie VI 3+ and the revised list containing rAdvane Poll Nov 15 gt V7 DALEcARNEGIE mug III II Ill ROY this dadiIiitIonSI 1n Advance poll Iwas held at 11cggggcgggggdfgarg ROGERS iIiiieIieioIre Bliloltieviiamesls oi those th9YMCAv Anatldaley for Sim gt IN Veilglble to vote the eleciwm focwntlieovlotgngzg wlsgtgasegfu og Hm Rural Revisions advance pollWeiVe Nov 15 16 17 Revised lists elsewehere in the riding were compiled by the en if HISTORIC TITLE The rank of admiralis one it umerators and the preliminary lists together withthreviSionsarI Oldestgrnwglgnngvacglgfrg gt bectwe Speaking Human Relations and Leadership Trammg not reprinte in me areas 9631n II is Still possible in ruraluareas for year 1300 More thana quarterof million enthusiastic graduates who werethrilled With the friendly atmosphere in the class They is an eligible voter to have his feared speaking in public were amazed attheeascwithwhich were delighted with their new abitytomake friends name addeli to the St 919cm IV they overcame fear of people gained poise and condence few Weeks in the Carnegie class You can do the same For MOVIE SKYGornound day by the Deputy Rewmmgp and learned to speak effectively and with ease under the you will enjoy your experiences and ascociations in the Tune inCKBB EachVMtamoon at 540 pm qugfigidmvgtgumr 51g capable guidance of certied Dale Carnegie instructors They DaVIeCarnegie Class gt $3231 rgggcgglemdggggeagg Dont let Hold You Back Enjoy Lavina and Associath Penetang The 64 additional names RESERVE THIS DATE is considered low for the actual number of voters lPenetaiig lists monton city paving plant he was met by than he had ruined coal with in 1924 CEOWorkers In That manWas the mayor They immediately recognized each oth EDMON1ON Nova 12 CP er as formercoworkers and be When EdwardHuriter walkedinto gan swapping old fyears tlhe Mdyor Sid PBPSOHS once xbricklayerim FowlBingo St Josephs AuditoriumI IIMiYIOIIIIMeIetIs Mine Attend FREEI Demonstrationgot thei Dale Carnegie TOBEHELD TllllltSllAYr Mills 22 in St Josephs Auditnriumms undernusptces of Dale Carnegie Institute torn mine on the banks of the North Saskatchewan river here Parsons since has been de feated iOr ree1cction William coveii $50 IHanrelak winning the contest on extiniiutshin VNOV 9N 11tItlllIlrtllltt4lli it