Wm earn Your Christmas Money 4411 BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 19 1951 AUTOMOBILES CENTRE HALL PLAN zoom Brick house 12h lllUdcll Boy Scouts Tolkien 11121 Ir Lcccllttl by tile undrrugned up 11 out 111 Nov RAIES FOR ADIII COLUMNS 355151 minimum 75c MORRISON COMPANY LIMITED bath and kitchen full gtizc bani 1111111 1111151111 tubs llot wattt licult 11 $11 00 1111l2 CLOSE 23 1951 for the 111111gr111ent of itiulhtic Alt1 for thr wason of 219511513 lentel 111 1111 tender Eliot necessarily accepted For fur thcr particulars apply to Illc gt5ch Waste Paper Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50c ADLEIS MAY BE TELEPHONEDiTO OFFICE CASH RATE 2c word minimum50c Following Consecutive Insertions llgc word minimum 35c MUST BE PAID WITH ORDER 80x NUMBERS or replies directed to this office 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS So word minimum 75c Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 50C in MEMORIAM c1111 or THANKS 1v APPRECIATION 20 word minimum 750 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 75c Rates and type styles for semidisplay classifieds may be obtained through The Examiner advertising department NOTEThe Iarrie Summer will not assume responsibility for any error in advertisements taken over the telephonic nor for errors in copy unless notified after the first insertion Deadlines for opyS1tudy 5210 111 for Monday issue 510 pm for Wednesday issue l111rlti1y 5210 p111 for Friday issue it HELP WANTED POULTRY IIOUSRKIIEPIZII onc who 11111 1117L11Ars Station 011 rotl stands and likcs childicn for gtulc ppl nulls tiri Ivy modern turkcy rancn north of Harm Itcfvicnccs Illlilrt Phone 2193 Eliidltlli FIRST CLASS Ilousiklcpcr wanb cd to take lull charge of small modern home with childrrn $73 month to 11111 1lgttvll lriiv Box 72 llarric Iilllllllt1 914191 POSITIONS DOMESTIC WORK wanted by hour or day Apply Ilox 10 1111 ric Examincr 9711 WANTED YOUNGNARRIICI Man 29 years seeking parltinn work alt lax1 driver or hotcl waitct Phone 3960 27 97b WANTED TOY ELECTRIC lruin condition Phone 4121 in good IinlTllllx LARGE TRUNKin good condition wanted Box 15 Illtlllc IZxannnj or 374171 USED FURNITURE of all kinds wantcd Apply Box 89 Onllia or phone 4482 Orillia 11 9610211 WANTED Logs and Poplar Ilolls for cash Write or phone 111 Thornton Bradford Ont phone 60 tlllSIHI CHRISTMAS TREES largo qua11 tity will pick up and cut if dc sircd Volumc Builders 0118 Buy vicw Ave Toronto Ilyland 21713 ilwllZlIIISII TRAPPERS Attention Do you want the highest pricc for your furs Thcn sec 115 first Icv1ts Trading House 33 Collicr Strcct phone 2301 Barrio 1395991 SCRAP IRON urgently wanted or any kind of old metal Just call Levits Trading and our truck will call to pay the highest spot cash payable Get the extra cash now Call Levits Trading 33 Collier St phone 2301 Barrie 1195991 SCRAPMETALS Batteries Radi ators Feathers Horse Hair Furs Hides etc We will call any place within the county Special price delivered to 156 Tilfin St Max Pushkoff 81 C0 phone 8201111 or 2983 Barrie 98J2 or Stayncr 385115pMV r211001113 WITHkitchenetteunr ROOM ROOM AND BOARD for girls Central Phone 5145 124171 ROOM AND BOARD for gcntlc men willing to share room Apply lo111 81 or phone 37113 lruvcs Bros lc1lcr Burrit Allalcigh itionul with tor on rubbci with stcpu Apply 123 Mary St 1297157 EXCELLENT Bird room aviilil on ground Ilom or two iris Phone 1470 12 amL sunny FOR RENT Do your own oors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander phone 750113 Elmvale lctunn phone 11797 EPETQMP night containing 11 considerable 11111 of ntollry and baby lllllli lllltlll lill lhc tinder plcasc r11 turn gt111111 10 Mrs Ayersl 1291 179711 snow tircs Aple lcrguson Implcmcnti 303 llayticld St North phonc 1551111 119971 11 IIIII LISTER CIIOPPING IlILlllIIt ini iiist class condition also boysi bicycle months oldj Apply Brady RH No Stroud plunc 111122 39978 WATER WICLI Drilling has been our only business for three gen rcqucst Wright and Son 629 Hurontario $1 Collingwood Ont 39631ib 19 ALLIS CIIALMERS WD with 211111ow hydraulic plow and hvi draulic cultivator 1950 IntcrnaI furrow Interna tional plow Ford Ferguson Trac llns mission Gravcs Bros crgllsoni lmplcmcnt Dealers 10513ayticld 51 North Barrie phono 3533 3997b Accommodation Wanted GIRLS IREIER keeping room downtown 2990 after5 pm UNFURNISHED Apartment for couplc with no children or pets Box 10 Barrie Examiner ll97b Light House Phone 11971 BUSINESS COUPLE desire 01 room apartment unfurnished and heated Please write Mrs Wm Drulak Alliston 119799p FURNISHED Heated 23 rooms or apartment wanted by bust ncss girls central Abstamers Phone 2414 Marian Gough LlfQGTWS furnished central heated if poss iblc wanted for woman and son 18 years old Apply ch00 Box 752 Barrie 1197b 45 ROOMED Apartment or heusu wanted to rent by April of next year by young business couple Must be central or ow to bus BlcastJithoxJJarmL Examiner 1195tfp 3133 Bradford St 1llt1 cash crations Quotations and advice cnlml Mercury Lincoln Meteor Barrie PHONE 5566 1950 Ford Deluxe Iudor snappv two tonc 1111 and green Only 000 miles on this car Save yr ltlHtLliglllHl and get it lllulitl Ilt tltl it 1111111 11 all Iull gt120 basement hot 111111 practically 1919 Mercury Black lub ouptni 1111111 air condition hcutcr window lillxdscupcd close to school stung whitt c1111 tires undcr coating Special today $1750 cvplional 11111 1947onarch Sedan spotless con1 Many carc Illlx car dition ingtidc and out fzw driving m11cs 111 usediPOcrs 1919 hev ton Pickup 1947 Ford ton Pickup 1917 Mercury ton Panel 1947 LOSI Ladys rcd putso on MullhhHgt cush or lillllt St on Saturdayi 1916 CHEVROLET Scdan in new car condition Apply 28 Lotusa St lowcr lcft apartment 1307991 19310 IOltD DELUXEScdan two 111111 111 lovcly condition Reason ziblc Corby Motors 25 Essa Road Allzmdalc Illmillb 1949 AUSTIN DOOR This car is in perfect condition priccd very low Corby Motors 25 Essa Road Allandalc 12197b IRAILIZRSMcGinnis Silver Linc Trailcr llomcs completely furn ishch and winterized delivered trade lcrms Eglinton Car Sales 2711 Eglinton Ave 11 Tor onto Ill90103p 1949 MERCURY passenger 1011c white wall tires heater and radio low mileage in pcrlcct condition Your car as art down payman Terms ar ranged Corby Motors 25 Essa Rd Allandalc 134171 FOR SALE TARPAULINS NEW USED RENTALS Over 200 in stock Our cant he beat Prompt tarpaulln repair service Barrie Tent t3 Awnmg Co 14 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 795102b TIRE SERVICE VULCANIZING RETREADING All sizes of truck tractor and passenger tires Tractor tire till 1ng and service call GARISIIORES FIRESTONE STORE BARRIE 794th CHILDS LARGE SIZE CRIB Phone 5424 79711 3195 DOLL PARAM good condition Rea 7597 Dunlop St Opp Queens Hotel WARNS113199 $3241 2TONE MOUTON Coat year old good condition Phone 3758 7951fb BLACK SEAL COAT size 1214 good condition Reed organ cheap Phonc 22r22 Stroud 797p COLEMAN OIL Space Phone Alliston 21014 91b g13gQMED FURNISHED A9811 uncut house or cottagcmmmc diattr 0556851011 wantedfocapprome ately months Two adults twp children Applay Box 17 Barrie Examiner ll9799p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SHEEP WANTED Wm Langman 997b Leaver Barrie 730 am leave canto 9111 Phone 3352 586tfb MIMEOGRAPHINO Foes Complete line of oor Fiflfnt Wotlc Lovrrate nishingl SPRINGER HOLSTBIN and Hal7 materials paints varnishes shellistein Yearling Jim McGill Min acs llers brushes etc We sell esing everything needed to make new floors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 59ltfb Button Covering OVERNIGHT SER ICE Large range of sizes om 16 to 60 in both HalfBall and Combina tion styles BARRIETENT AWNING CO 34 Bayfield Si Barrie 596410311 BUILDING AND Alterations all carpentry work also concrete and roofing Phone Berrisford Stroud 47113 592102p TRANSPORTATION to TorOnto gdaily Monday through Philly and public stenogragmy Let Mrs Jane Ben nettf or Alvin ThOmpson help 21 with your secretarial work agile Business College phone ATTENTION FARMERS We will beegleued to pick up dead or crip pl animglsand pay highest pre tmlllnz prices For immediate ser vice tale hone collect Barrie 3617 Gordon Young Limited 5r11115pMF lifERSONAL THOME at Edenvale Airport Highway 26 Male or female infants Apply Mrs Patton 520145 Stayner 309598p wgggutv swell an noruar1 Sgcret sycents lope to Pierre 442 adding Edmonton Al or 591102p Anten Mills phone 911 995tfb HOLSTEIN HEIFER Calf calves for vealing McCallum Cooks town 27123 11 CHUNKS OF Pigs Yorkshire Apply Wallace Halbert Cooks town phone 43112 9971 YOUNG HOLSTEIN Cow due to freshen soon Charles Camdck Minesing 99798p AYRSHIRE COW years fresh calf of foot Sell with or without calf Roy Phillips Crown Hill No 11 Highway 9961171 SOWS WITH LITTERS York Tamworth cross Apply Stuart McQuarrie one mile south of Fen nells 15 mile west 9971 19 CHUNKS PIGS Bert Horvath RR No Barrie Lot 22 Con Vespra 3rd farm off No 90 High way Phone814r4 after pm 99798 RED SHORTHORN Bullnot reg istered 2Suffolk Rams and no ram to trade Charles Button Thornton 5th Line Innlsl 29971 pigs weeks old registered YOrkshire sow due end of Nov set of heavy breaching 842r21 ember harness nearly new Phone REGISTERED Hereford Bulls ranging months to 20 months qld burned or polled Apply Pine Crest Farms Wyevale Ont Spring phone Elmvale 51152 9951171 SHADY LAWN stock farms off ering dark red Shortho bull 11 months old Chevrol ram lambs serviceable age Yorkshire boars Sproule Stroud phong COMPLETE FEED and Concen trates financed for all livestock and oultry from baby to market You at oy Whenever you say Bar rle arm pply the Home or he and Market uare 301197th3111 art1e Phone 2982 H7 pMF ford St 9971 REGISTERED Yorkshire Sow and on FPS 01 phone 3281 afar98gt FINDLAY OVAL Cook Stove with hot water front also medium sized Quebec heater Phone 2712 797p CHILDS LARGE Hardwood Wa gon with rack rubber tires and ball bearings new 797b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re International ton Panel 13471 WIN home Intuit111 toll recreating room $5000 down BAYFIELD AREA room Brick tionc modcrn bath built1n cupboards in gt kitchen 1112 healtd lot $11000 Terms THREE MILES SOU PH 131 acres consisting of an room stucco house it pitcc bath chlck cnhousc and garagc bcnutifully gtllir Diifflllcllll and fruit cell and bus stop $7300 SEMI DETACHED 17 room Brick tllll four bc111111111gt ORDER YOUR curly cllleS 110w for prices N11 BR cmssbreds Bred and H9319 in Barrie and Allandale onlyused 2seasous1asonable Morm gvorth st Barrie plum 7979811 4510 Phone2308plx+m 1110111 brick construction 510300 11948 IHV C030 lllllli b11113 flfull SIYL basement hot air heating good 1ilcchanical cond1lg3jup BILLIARD HALL Hilliard llall four tublcs and 111 bacco counter has five room apa1ti above store oil heated AILRIIIIRNT FOR RENT HARVEY CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST PIIONI 39215 33113 3990 EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE 107901 HUSH LOI cord wood and logsz Approximately 50000 Icct 111110 poplar gtplllt1 ccdur 25000 lcctl maple and birch Apply Box 07 Barrio Ilxumincr 1095102111 lew noonsn ltt1101 sldingl bungalow on Pcnctang 81 It lfl rooms oak Ilours hot air heating large lot ncar school urea NHA mortgage Phone 39141 Stroud 1o95102pl DOGS srocx COLLIES WEEKS Registered Scotch Collie Border Collie not registered Tho brccding something of all accil dcnt Apply 11 Boos Thornl ton south cndl 389799b BABY BUDGIFS Talking Strain Grccn Bloc Turquoise Cinnamonzl also Singing Canaries Goldilslizj Songstcr lliid Cagcs at Harris Flowers 99 Dunlop Strcct oppos itc Quccns llotcll 38960911 CHICKS mother layers or broilers Hunters offer improved strains of fast feathering Barred Rocks Light Sussex and improved for meat eggs and liv ability Under ROI since 19381 Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud 24921T5p MONEY TO LOAN $2000 WANTED 61 one year Good security Box 13 Barrie Examiner FLORISTS AFRICAN VIOLETS COLORS Blue Girl Sailor Boy Orchid Beauty Pink Lady White Lady HARRIS FLOWERS interest for Apply 3497 It PHONE 2951 379798b FRUIT VEGETABLES McINTOSH GREENING Pecwau kee and Spy apples Small Macs for children Delivery by bushel Harry 2091100pM LARGE FURNISHED Bedroom Phone 4926 ROOMED Unfurnished house all conveniences Phone 4042 1597b Phone 5470 WARM FURNISHED Bedroom continuous hot water Reasonable lief Druggists sell Cress Bunion HEATED BEDROOMS glllSPIe Salve wear stylish shoes soon 7+97p HOCKEY EQUIPMENT pants loves shin pads skates size 712 All like new Apply 123 Puget St 7971 EXTENSION LADDER $12 used tire good condition 600x16 $5 pair of snow shoes $2 Apply 87 Bayfield St 7971 NEW SINGER Sewing Machine electric cabinet model colonial maple nish Phone 2252 or apply 63 Innisl St 7979913 COAL HEATER $40 Oil Space Heater $25 20 Band Saw $30 PA System mike speakers $150 Delaney Boat Lines 7959731 UPRIGHT PIANO in good condi tion cleaned and tuned For in spection phone 639W Midland or write Murray 167 5th St Midland 797p OILCAKE We can supply your requirements in Oilcake Master Feeds jFrostFence and snow fence For service phone Crai Hunter Stroud 53r5 4911021 USED WASHING Machine Gilson SnOWbirdg in good condition M91 or recently reconditioned and still has 9months guarantee Call after at54 Penetang 7971 ADDING MACHINES and type7 writers new and used sales fand rentals Royal typewriter agent for Simcoe County Simcoe usiness Machines 66 Toronto St iBarrie phone 4824 74911021 PIANO WILLIS PlayerWashing Machine Easy Daybed mattress Sttwe pipes chest of drawers vio lin Guitar other articles Mrs Cazaly Thornton near sta tion 7979813 LIGHT VARNISH Kitchen Table and chairs kitchen wood and coal range babys high chair mantel radio electric kettle vac uum cleaner 1111 galvanized wash tub set of skis harnessand duralummum poles used times Agfav P320 camera with lter and leather case Apply 23 Que bec Loop Camp Bor en 797p ferred Breakfast Cen tral Phone 2320 1591 UNFURNISHED Rooms ground oor hardwood oors separate entrance 57 Gowan St 15971 LARGE BRIGHT and attractive bedroom central location Break fast optional Phone 2666 159698p SHARED HOUSE hardwood oors on ground oor unheated with water and electricity paid Phone 2328 1597n AUCTION SALES orillia Community Sale Your Community Sale Barn situated miles south of Orillia on No 11 Highway at Forest Home is pres pared toserve you each and every Thursday We would be pleased to have your patronage and can guarantee you more money for your livestook either fat or unn ished Warren Brown 761th Community Auction sale at Bar rie Fair Grounds 130 pm every Friday afternoon vUnder manage ment or Alex Kenwell and Jerry Coughlin auctioneers Phone 2194 or 2188 94101pr Wednesday Nov 21 vAOscar Ga1 braith West lQLot Concession Innisl mile north mile east of Thornton off Highway No Auction sale of farm stock implements and few household effects Terms cash Sale at pm SleSsor auctioneer 9497 GIFT FROM KOREA large oil painting of two Bengal tigers on silk has been received by Mrs Nicol from her son Pte Nicol Princess Patricias now on leave in Tokyo from Korean fight1 ing The painting having an un ique thirddimensional effect is three feet by six feet The Pas Man Northern Mail STARTED YOUNG 1NDUSTR10US ARTIST Although Raphael Santi was only 37 at his death in 1520 more than 1400 paintings have been abtributw ed to him optional tclc aided by about 50 scouts Till BARRIEi father log 159798p Jankvof colonel SinceLFeb1uar Ilarru Boys Scouts cariicd out most stitccmltll wasn puptr diivc on Satinda within Illc town as 1111 guthcn 11 20 tons or better oil 1l1gc lcn local trucks voluntccrcd lol 111111 collcct the paper and they Realize $300 rapt1 was loaded onto 11 f1 cighl car 11 Allandulc for hipllltlll to Iol 11111141 At $15 11111 the scouts have rats 11 bcllcr than $300 in the first of two thins for thcir hospital proJ jtcl Ihc Scouts havt undcrlakcn to furnish 1011111 111 Illc new 1105 11111 wing as an cxtra to thciti 114111111 activilics Use NO 50 Cotton C7355 ITS EASY to follow the visual charts and make these clothes Filctcrochct at its most beautiful the KStitch motiR add lacy look to those smart classic mats Make lunch set Pilotcrochet dolly Pattern C7355 has charts directions Scnd TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can not bc accepted to The Barrie Ex aminer Household Arts Dept 60 Front St West Toronto 0111 Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PAT TERN NUMBER Christmasgift ideas aplcnty in our Alicc Brooks Needlework cata Scnd twentyfive cents for your copy today Illustrationsbf patterns for crochet knitting cm broidery and other fascinating handwork Free Pattern is print ed in the 066k RCAMC School Has New CO tEmm Tlteampdlordetreltlzcnl OTTAWA NOV tieThree sen FATHER AND SON NIGHT Kiwanis dinner today will be Father and Son Night at Com munity House 615 MacLanu will be chairman The boys and girls work committee have lined 11p program of films and pr1clt for the lads COLLIER YOUNG ADULTS Newly clcctcd executive of the YOung Adults Group of Collicr 51 United Churchllconsists of Gordon Patterson president George Long staffc vicepresident Mrs lv1v1 Walden secretarytrcasurcr The group meets this evening in the ladics parlor of the church with Bill Kristncr Culture convcncr in charge of program INVESIED AS SCOUTS Newly invested as Boy Scouts in Collicr St United troop were Peter Ladc Ted Hornsby Bruce Danger field and John Richaixlson Fire Chief Irwin as examiner pre sented Iircmans badges Lo Ray Walton Sandy Sinclair Allan Mon cy John Christie Jack lithcrington and Dale Hodges BELLAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on November 17 1951 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Bell 19 Ross 51 son Thomas Michael JONESAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on November 17 1951 to Mr and Mrs Roy Jones 80 Pcnctang St daugh tcr JORYAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie 011 November 17 1951 to Mr and Mrs Percy Jory RR No Barrie son McCARTNEYAt the Royal VlC toria Hospital Barrie on Nov ember 19 1951 to Mr and Mrs Gibson McCartney RR No Minesing daughter PAINAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on November 18 1951 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Pain Minesing son Stephen Arthur SCASEAt Hospital Royal Victoria on November the Barrie 18 1951toJVlrand Mrs Robert Scase Angus daughter SUTHERLANDAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Nov ember 18 1951 to Mr and Mrs Fraser Sutherland Stroud son BOYCEAt 1110 Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie 011 Friday Nov 16 1951 Thomas Nelson Boyce beloved husband of Emily Coll iandktanley minisf oneL Army Headquarters announced today that LtCol Smith OBE CD 42 Toronto has been appointed Commandant of the RCAMC School Camp Borden and receives promotion to the he has been attending the Austral ian Army Staff College at Queen cliff Victoria and before that was Command Medical Officer at Prairie Command Winnipeg Colonel Smith commanded the 11th Field Ambulance at Dieppe in August 1942 and before that was Medical Officer of The Loyal Edmonton Regiment In North west Europe he was ADMS First Canadian Army and commanded No Canadian General Hospital in 1946 Liaison With USArmy LtColRoberruamsN66W11 CD 44 RCAMC now serving as liaison officer with the United States Army receives promotion to the rank of colonel and con tinues in his present appointment Resting at the Jennett Funeral Hopae Barrie Funeral service Monday Nov 19 at pm In terment Barrie Union Cemetery GLENNAt her home James St Barrie on Saturday Nov 17 1951 Everalda Pyetta wife of the late Fred Glenn and dear mother of Winnifred Mrs 7WBEIIEIbYlfNaUmiMrST Lowe Della Mrs Ross Alex Lewis Geoffrey and Harry Resting at Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Barrie for service on Tuesday Nov 20 at 230 pm Interment Bar rie Union Cemetery HILLMERIn Oshawa General Hospital on Friday Nov 16 1951 Elizabeth Ann Beth Hillgt er aged 16 years beloved aughter of Jessie Walls Hillmer and Allan Hillmer 34 Brock St Oshawa Resting at the Fun eral Home of Russell Son Dunn St at the Lake Oakville Service on Monday af ternoon at oclock Interment iSt Judes Cemetery Oakville INESONAt his home 63 Mc Donald St Barrie on Saturday Nov 171951 Norman Edwin Ineson beloved rhUSbOndJDfiELIZE abeth Hodges and dear father 0d Edwin Edwardand Mrs Will was born at PR11burghT On tario Dec 11 1906 and educated at the University of Toronto With the RCAF as medical officer prior to the Second World War he was in London at the time of the Battle of Britain andflater served in Northwest rEuropeyasv officer commanding NO Canadian Gen eral Hospital He was Area Medi cal Officer at VancOuver BC prior to being posted to Canadian Army Staff at Washington for spe cila duties with the USArmy LtCol lleman OBE on Now Command Medical Officer at HQ Eastern Command Hali fax LtCol Eugene Edward TieA man OBE CD40 reeives pro motion to the rank ofcolonel and remains in his present appoint ment He comes from BarrieOn tario and was educatedat the Un iversifTOf Western Ontario He served in Newfoundland the Uni ttlcl Kingdom and Northwest Eur ope during the last war HE LIKED COLOR WilliamButterfield famous Eng llsh architect Whodied in 1900 was strong advocate of the use of color in building rieUnion Cemetery lam GOEIdLTllfarjorie in his film year Resting at the Jen nett Funeral Home Barrie Fun eral service Monday Nov 19 at 330 pm Interment Barrie Un ion Cemetery LIGHITOOTeAt the Lynwood Nursing HomeBarrie on Satur day Nov 17 19511Robert Light foot in his 84th year dear bro ther of Alice Lightfoot Barrie and Mrs Door Jennie Man kato Minnesota Resting at Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home for service Monday Nov 19 at 230 pm Interment Bar WALKERAt her home Guthrie on Sunday Nov 18i 1951 Emma Jane Burnie wife of the late John Walker inher 63rd year Resting at the residence of her dau hter Mrs Gerald Rattle Gu rie for service on Wednes day Nov 21 at pm Inter ment Guthrie Cemetery PAIIONIn loving memory of dear wife and mother Patton who 2051947 In our hearts our memory lingers Sweetly ten er odd and true There is not day dear mother Thbt we do not think of on Lovlngly remembered 11 Ethel passed away Nov 9113 nuntv of Simcoe Simcoe Medical Asscn Convention Al RCAMC School IFIDltl The Camp Borden Cillrcnl Ihc cvcr closer coordinalion of civilian and military efforts in dc fcncc and national security was further cvidcnccd Wednesday 31 October whcn tho Simcoe County Medical Association nual convention at School lwcntydivc physicians and sur goonsrcprcscnling every part of Simcoe Coudty many accompan icd by their wives arrived in time to be luncheon guests of the School Lunchcon was followed by the annual general meeting and program 11 illustrated lectures the RCAMC 111111 shown on said held its an After film on the carlydiagnosis in Cancer Dr Norman Wrong dc livercd paper on the latest treat ment and techniques in diseases of the Skin Military Medicine was presented to the group vcry capably by LtCol Paco CI of the RCAMC Schools ABCW Wing The subject he spoke on was topic of this age Aspects of Atomic warfare While their husbands were con sidering the above mentioned facts the ladies were conducted on tour of Camp Borden con cluding with tea at the Offi ccrs Mess 00000I MARKET PRICES NOV 19 1951 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRYI As quoted by First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Barrie Hogs Unscttlcd Large Medium CHICKENS Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade 11A Br 11 Grade Capons 2c ov FOWL 25 the aboye prices 97b HOWARD CAMPBELL Shanty Bay SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS of TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE NOTICE is hvrcby given that the list of 1111111 Low liable to be old for uimars of lakes in the 111w been pre putcd and um published in an adveltisctnct1t September 14 1951 111 The Ontario lacttc opics of said list of lands or =ulvcrtisenunt can bc seen in my offici 1nak1ng or will be mailed application for same 111 default of payment of taxes as 11x1 on or before 11 pan Tuesday January 1952 at the hour of two oclock in the after noon shall at that time in the Council Chambcr Court House Harric Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears togcllltr with charges thcrcon lrcasnrcrs Office II COLEMAN Treasurer 1121th oonty of Simcoe Court House Barrie 0111 11111 day of OcllilHl 1951 111111911 SALE Form Stock Implements and Household Effects Thc 1111dcrsigncd has received instructions from OSCAR GALBRAITH 101 Con 1111113111 mile North and rL milc cast of Thornton offllighway 27 To sell by Public Auction on WEDNESDAY NOV 21 TIIE FOLLOWING HORSES Bay Marc 1600 lbs Bay Golding 1300 lbs Cattle Black Cow yts 1111 March milking Jersey and Holstein Cow yrs due April hulking llolstcin cow purebred yrs due April 25 milking Ayr shire and Holstein Cow yrs due April 121nilking FOWL 100 Barred Rock pull cts laying wcll GRAIN HAY STRAW 350 bus Bcavcr oats 50 tons Timothy and Alfalfa hay well saved tons second cut Alfalfa hay wcll saved 12 tons baled Oat Straw HARNESS sets back band harness horse collars MACHINERY ETC CoO Manure Spreader new Set Bissel disc barrows 14 plate Set Drag Harrows section Set Sloop Sleighs with rack Steel tired wa gon stone boat Cockshutt gang plow Spring tooth cultivator 13 tooth walking plows single 13 Fleury Harrow cart Fanning mill Grind stone Set scales 1200 lb capacxty 36it Extension lad der Wheelbarrow Number of gram sacks Gas drum crosscut $2an Galvanized water trough 150 go HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Slan ley upright piano good condition Dining buffet Leather upholster ed rocker Heating stove new 14 y1s 10 yrs Lister cream separator goodcon ditiion Hand power washing ma chine Coleman gas iron Coleman gas lamp Chairs and other mis cellaneous articles flhere will also be many other miscellaneous articles eg shov cls forks chains etc Terms cash Sale at pm No reserve Slessor auctioneer 11g mnr he FREE COMBING Hair Cuts Gold Wave $350 to $750 Machineless Wave $350 to $500 Machine Wave cow2r 16 36 32 24 34 30 20 Township of Essa Notice of Posting of Voters List Norman Coxworth Clerkof the Township of Essa herebycer tify that have this day posted up in my office at Thornton on $250 to 5350 CAMERON 60 Maple Ave Phone 4351 the Sixth day of NOVEmber 1951 list of all persons entitled to vote at the municipal elections of the Legislative Assembly accord ing to the last assessment roll and Ihereby call upon allpersons to examine the said list and if any errors or omissions are found therein to have them corrected accordingtoulamm LLTLL NORMAN COXWORTH 97 Clerk ofEssa NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given puro suantto the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of ERNEST WALTER STRUDWICK late 01RR No Mfroy 1n the Township oflnnis fil titthe County of SunCOeFar mer Deceased who died on or about the alst day of January 1951 are requested to sendpartic ulars off theirclaims to the un derstgned on or before the 15m day of December 1951 afterwhwh date the Administratrix will dis tribute the assets of the Estate havmg regard only torthe claims of whichshe shall then have pot lce and Will not bl regponsrble to any others DATED at Barriervthis ninth day of November 1951 HEBER SMITH Street 89 Dunlo BARBIE Ontario Sollcitor for Administratrix 949 CARS WANTED 11151111 oust 111111111 CONTAINING WARFARIII KILLS lIS IIIIII MOE LIMITEID 117 DUNLOP sr PHONE 5000 FOR meme WILL PAY FOR COMPLETE cans in LB DELIVERED DOMINION AUTO warcxnts lullan Ayn nation Brown