grin BARRIE EXAtiunnMONDAYNovum 19 POLICE BUSY rIBrig Bogert lBecomes 06 of MT AS DRIVING lArmy Headquarters orrathk ow 3o Bzismnri Bogtit USO of Iii stor Imam 31ml Director icrrcrai if Itllll 1tiiitti tit Army titanium er Show oomphtun of tin ourse at 11 rrl lLIItIlC ol Ilvgt ltllilt Minister LIX11 on monitor told And Three Months to Run Concurrent With Cold Wind ln=Motor Death of Belle Ewart Youth lAIYvI LastINight to 15 Cuminqu mm page onci rbcveragc tom unit closing tiziic Popplcton all close hand our itic teirrperuttrrt of the last two two mcn Schofzeld and Baker atl Ihey litcl went to the CUPJCUitmsotihlcg of Mr Smith liiislzis tins flu lxiAxrl far this the intersection of Highway 11 andl parking lot and took tho truck 14 The Masonic sluice was otmov fall and 1H1 ll Cultl Wilh Con 11 Innisfil Bukcr had maill circling he soul to take ride and ed at the last rites zit Billie Lizior Wm Hid Elli Ilwlllifls out on his right hand then put it back They were sckrcdlCHtlvlcry conducted by William The ground is errtlt hard and The boots worn by 1m men at when the Inccrdurt linppcntd hel Stewart Worshiplul Marie of Coi any potatots or glad bulls still out that time were token to the secure said and funk off Elllllilim Ludill hismlcd by Billrvttll ho rridtizround until 31 iiig later and the prints compared uridg Lt Anderson explained that Soho Um Thorium and 11 lctiliftj vcutiilr all HLlf was measured by Cpl Poland and field had been in it drfuticc battery It lilgtlzlllixll WM of Krrt Lutlits cloudy and cool Light snow fell on found to be the salty ion the wcst coast and in order to At llit gtClltc in the thusclt Friday and Saturday Wednesday IC Scragu OPP slitlcd that get to Korea Ooiitt lliglttnllildillc Mr LcWIS pokv of ductamt Wm Spunw 1m mrldrr he had spent the night in cell in thc Princess Putsreither hadlio follows TKIllilttiiiutt Soldiers Given Sentences of Four IlFUNERAL OF Genuine Winter 1Iorttnrr lntiztk Itlttc if IlLIIIlt Ltlnl gigu DBEI tint llt2lq11lillttIgt keptItrtcor bury owi llic winter wtcktizd taty snow and Ice lllillll timing condiv liuil turnouttoot lllt uicd 45 11 11 tlJilgsluiH lowt litilltr trad lic minor lit The GE Minstrel Show last rsht anticti that it was lltltltsilllg to Lltlcnh 1o copv with from Sailorl ti lllliiltil cmiplc of 3th lirote that 11m only 111113th tribute fezizmut oc to lllc public thorium ttr paid to the King and th pitastittt to ltthlttlt wigs during their prewar ltll tr lrr Manning 51limllll to tVinriipcg of 511 rr Your Uniu Iiuckyardi iii which sl trail the support titH NO was wounded ltrtl rxlillt onriiiitrxltrc lt vl1 rt Swim it is rtiau Smith was 44 tin nullity tr Itll lltllt lltilllllttlllgt hr lias Sllriiil urccccdcd lillllhtlii ll llcrn llClltl whoc ilrl1lltttl its 10C Qucbcc orrurtiri as airrrotiriccd tLtJIlll szrz on 11v ing alikc who askcd tlu furuici how he know tlic males from the fcmnlcs The furmcr rcplicti Oh Wt ncvcr bother about that Wc just turn tltcm zili loosc togctlicr 21nd lct them find out for them sclvcv is Illltt Wm rlt llltlltllt In Bcvcrrtge Room Cullcd as witncss by Mr lilacLar cn Pic Schoficld told that 11c and Baker littd bccn iii Allzutdalc 111 ii PttoerIcIIiIIit PRESIDENT URGES wr Continued from pugc outI now said the provincial president Shc told thc courtly women that they could help form the pnttcrn of world pcztcc and understanding in itcir own lromcs v0 gtlt Local youngsters should not Ifm ni lit Misti itatc the sixycarold boy in Cali fornia who rcccntly had some nd vicc for South Claus Dont comc down our cliimucy hc told Strutu in lcttcr Usc lllc front door or window The lad vrotc tltc lcttcr afttr pcrsonally lliSptClIlllZ thc cliinuicy llc lilllllLfl it trcllis to the roof climhcd into thc chim ncy and slid down tiiitil hc got caught in ter iluc Thc firc dc pzirtmcnt had to lrclp hlm corn plctc his trip This incidcnt icpcutcd sortie wccks latt bttt us it gets us into stil Township and some well Toll oursclvcs am torn to Im known rcsidcnts thereof it tc bc bcttcr world citizen turd mums interesting Mr and Mrs un Olll to start in in own George Cadogtui of lllll11ltl zit Ironic am going to raise my children in me way that my tended vcdduig rt Churchill and at the rcccptiou thc minisicr said should go caching thcm honesty and iulcgrity and to be world he was happy to lmow the 910ng nuns am going mkc this blldL Ifrom Darrick was jouuirg resolution to my womenS ML the aristocracy Noting the puz tute and be we more mm zlcd looks of thc bridcgrooms rcl am of the other DOTSONS opm zitivcs lrc explained Wcll he ion And rm going to reach iniscs bccf cttttlc docsiit lic into my community to Iitlicr worn cii and try to britig them into our communion of Womcnansli titles These wcrc tlic things that would gtclll two cars through ad joining guttrd rails and into thc ditch cruising licuvIv piirpcrty dum gc and litllo sou llickcy cullcd it owing into liiv ohi lolson soillh Wm wwd know how gruntiiuotlrcr Mrs It Ktnrpp Satf unvnIg hmIi li witch urdtiy licforc his ltlilll tor oituzi THHHLI paits on missionary work Illn Mozrrrt lrutiiiy Club was pro rltirrg lltlllL initurullv tiilcrcstcd 11 bur iIirorrt wiiitcr hobby of nruy ill Iitgtl wliclt as assistant illlliilltil humor in Barrio slit in lprti prr it tho ski club along at crucial llllzt pcrlittps lltc skiers ntrdtd lllt oi lltlll snow to not sluritd onIIihtrr wintcr plans About 313 11111 IIincsl Toronto wus driving liurth whcn mum he hit thc bitinp IIZliltgt and slid across through tlu guard run and into Ilic ditch Neithcr 11c nor ltis 1gttlll15 wcrc injurcd With him was his vifc iiid sou IlIlHft is IOiliitlltl rr 111 Vfbl sticccss 111 this vortliiiiiciu llrs 1urlovli Mucplici Willk lll Mtliclltiti TirIsou tlllllttMll 11 in irzlk on lllt onto 111llll of lien was with 1111 pitiiiic proxrrircs 111v Vtilltlll ifuiindmu lril or Illilllwlit Won1 111 llrtiti We 12 ir1t his iotul zipplrcd in also Mrs Mnud iostick has rcirrructl with its coiinccl to ltcr lioiuc in Toronto titlrt spciitll iron with Victoritrs ptrurc consort ing 11 icw days with Mrs Kiiztppiirud tlic otlui wu provrncts with lihcir lllllll liillgt of lrcr dcrrvzrI lllll lib 1112 wuy is rcccntly iliult liitltlllti lllllt from iroriortd with it thrccycnr appoint Wilfrttl Propcrty duinzigc to thc car was and Sun Brit 1111 mumtm mlmi Tup nnrnt to tho rump committee of 11 iiil hltiiiilolizi it ltliltlllllitllllli1111111011111 illlllfll of tlic Girl Gutdcs about $500 ENGAGEMENTS of Indian urnl nnnnrnu spirit of Associairon of uiudu wlicrc Slit IIlllltll miutrtcs lzitcr Ilurold Vcnt of Woodbridgc hit the some blimp mm compldvd HI 521m I1r turd Mrs 11 1ciutiy 57 191th HHHHI Iwiil act iii an rdvrsory capacity lmwoduro my lIldlImnp the ill rbctli Si linrric uinoiuico llll thri tho lllllgtU11gt Ila onrpuiril the gum IIMI Damage about cngtrgcmcul of tlicir clrlcsl lnugll chmtor was riiri up 111 1670 thc $500 In no Injury or Paulinc ldni to lclcr Auiblspcukcr tolrl luir tililllllll ihcr hunlmv RHIan bout 330 pm tistiii Dcsjurdiu son of Mr llnl1ll ruoi of il company Icrinori bIlIukaI ml Immnu ml the Mrs 11 Drsjtirdin Pcitctrunt Stlvzilt lttfllil1ll to iilll illllllllll tltc uiarrizigt to who plucc NovIlrritc to tho crow of two clk luatls cinbcr 21 117p turd two block llilthl skins is vcrc rcportcddo district Oll licoritpizirtcts Barrio frotn thc form of William llusli Corr llos Township Tukcu somctimc lhc previous 12111 wcic Alli ctiscs of cclcry and largo tarpttuliu lolicc tirc in vcstiuztiitig llicro wcrc calls Following the nuptials Gcorcc tolls of mccting 11 friend of long standing Stcwgttt Page no loss thc Ag Rep for North Simcoc no firc III and one on Dunlop luillilih II I0 ttciil to thr uni or unstrlruts no fr lnterloculor Gerry Stubbs not read in court consideration the good records ofzulrolc life reflects what iticy are in 111 NM 30 I17 112 lY mmmu WillV MU mm Iliillfltll rt litrwoii Illtltl um Uh Im 50 Illcv lrltifltl Wriillll of Trin traffic on the highway There were of riding and three months Otii 10 ClllllCli lit Wits =1 llhf St II Vutmoiivt in Will lit lrltiillttl 5mm what was mt wud mm mt cs son rout ippu it htltlilitztl lo nu clzsi Of mm Mr wright chttl Lnboratorics Toronto pro down in tho ditch cri always helpful Our fcclin in or atcznng to hrh 1v or mo of the block face ush the truck Paint scrapings front the zczu litrtrand and Mr and Mrs ropfoscntctl in himself what xln Mr Humanng ml mm kV 10 of Slofhtlds Home Evid 01 8101 Uli liuvc six inttubers iii tltc pnrlin tlicv Lari voml honors in thc snow MN Chm 1h MINI lillic ridiiigs irc Barrio Midland husI horn charged IIhI IMHMn Imd II Lin tUrru till it ill aw irt il ti how the club tcgttrdcd him was II Hum UI md Will WHHUII 511Mb MIN III 51mm III IIII III IIIII chincty has bccu sci up and 123 rc the Masonic Ordcr can spcak only from his 10101111 1ch CUlmtCllon Fir Cdlmlllon by your clcction of liiui to yourlStmcoc it was uinouuccd by rc 03 hQIbIlOllfl Y1 11c was thc frist can mblm Ind ti town For 34 yctrs hc wristlllCl Cfllltlgiirlv Illslilllll His form of service sports on 0111va Ollllnlllld 101 fill lidinti its m0 quiet and genia and com pnrliztmcnt by uCcltunntiou Alan Through tlioso pleasant and com1 RW 1111 if VlClilll Hill weekend II do noon until Sunday uftcrnoon iii1 Milk WT Thu 14 if apt1141 wot on alliulix lttlvilt 111 was liill onmla next to tlic accused men and pro1 litrtl any troublc iii the umy tic llieic sort of men whose 111211 Low mmme St Im 901th leltlI to corrirrarri the 21rd dnccd statement of their comer stated character is gtfitltiic who hit Not 11 39 24 ill 1itrty Iltltldtlt Sober stilron as rrvcrhcad by hint 1t wrng Magistrate Foster Liking irtoiioiurully kind and Illlt that httr NUM ll 47 ISIIIIIIMI Dhum mum iruruud rritlr Our md at timru tw tt no r4 the OPP hzid eight minor traffic lrcr utl Ernie and tll mort ncr JI II If The officers gird mm if hdbufh uccustd unposcd on mcn 1111 themselves AI 10 mMIIH mu HI HIM SP llllll forci II II rrcrid fitlililllmll llt Itiday mth betii raining rather heavily aboullIterm of four months in thc Ontaritli Alh willlllun ii 41 39 II ii Illturning in alotia It UWl itlil ruinstrcl show audicnce And thc time of the ziccidcnt with much llcforinutory on rednecd chargciHKll ll mall until Nov 17 19 lllmIl Wk lHYHHbI RwlIillthl lltl 31 pmctl ll llltlll ill llI liilmd 1LIIlli Illillil took hc joke iii 300d II II rAI no marks to indicatc thc pomt of thc other charge SlllllllCtS to runhmfl Mill had ItllllZIM 13 Itlltuf mm jn Imam poohrs Iiltlll torurrzlrrn Aron full it Mml liiitricll tashion Tho Show was impact concurrently lhc soldiers Wort 101 lill 35 111 11 llilfl ix luulm NWT 1m W1 IM Juli llwll utilcd to hull tIlIlV in thc cvcn Dr Word Smith of the Medical tricd scparutcl lll lmll Comm litre filling thing to do ui situations With 1qu Him lulled tml may ppm rmurro illtl nt til1 ltuc oict minnun on sLigc Mr Stuble duccd scientific cvidcncc that saw Fo that were sonntirnrs coiiipltx that lmlm mm Al Army all link skid turn to iM to his foot and uqri tv dust from me trousers of schoncld nittdt his Counsll when it us 11 it lift and up d1n1d prison me Sam cmm 1h in urbn and four pasnrigtrs lil Commucd from page one In cliurth th5 always ttitrt ltLI and hit rig tlllt li LI1I himk of car door were also the sonic as on ti if t1 lLmlmmIl mm Wm LW Ilililllll iilt lust Lflvtll Pl ILUWm MmL Situcoc County Xlttltfl to liiluu to lloyal Victoria Hospital Illi HIUHHHIIllUlllil flc llrlrl Kl1nlgtlg lt11111IIi mm gm tlll lltlit not much snow on cncc also showed 11 blood Stain on It II Aficr first aid for cuts 111111 bruiscs hit of tteltiptrlltlrii for II but MI the mug of 51cm cu ll Nil 19mm nil ll iucnt 11 for nch county riding wcic iilowtd to go III Ilrl hIIluIinI when citrt rlor out gt mm rm ILI Ilerillii Collingwood North Simcoc lom bump iit lllllllI null iv tittmrtlly intent thirst 110 tau hij and South Suncoo Nominationlgummy pde mo Um mlIf lilllc Munro lid linnm With llll m3 Il IIdEilLIIIIIiIlIILZL Ebb it it r1 IIIIII maul II mu niw row whwrn 111 old sin 1111 limd Millllill Villlllk N0 13 llu Ullri iliilliiib II II nI plainly Widen on those occasions 11 le II Itlltiptirtt noun nunoohsaturday ttions if uuyui tht tidings 111 Mr uid lr lllllllll ilLlAllriJ mt morn potent slip put rtal II IkI Ibo ho had hlllg ho hcld Sntrrrdnv Nov at All mu in into Miami for in HL tilt Of 1115 Dill Id Whirlbllllfm II II milling ufiiCcis inilrc various cori tlllim him llmlilft llliistitucnccs tirc making finnl prcpttr in 11 ort or not crsor no mmcinmms mm him is clear with it and his xry momuuh pup Dori 1Iclczui Strond was clcctcd to ticipztiton in its work and degrecslmmbil 01de 13055 ldllldlllflll ll flCClltlllitllOtl iii hc ridiu of South IL gt What II IIII I3 UId ml III him dcgloc and by your plot1 turning officcr Itcv John Morris of Stroud Don is mcmbcr Of St llC lltll today by your commI from half dozen centres to share Jitmcs Untied Church otroud and llltslitrl t11tf rinprtliIv of thc brotherhood lhl 11gt him Or Tm mm of AI 5mm willllllls ycurs scssions Don is also llwqys be pm of mo history urlfifilt vczit studcnt at Barrie mg clcrk and sometime treasurcr ofI lililfl llIIlIitlttt returning of Barri H0 mod and worked flficcr for Bttrtic riding run into the cm of municipal mu curly difficulty as no candidates Ilzirric was fairsizc county town1HOWKWI lIlliSflily llt SLCtliCtl 1110 its population having its quota tsIllfllllL 0i A141 MRCDOIIIIICI 32 Park sud towns hon of minCd folkISlflC Drrvc who will also attend parcd with todays fastmoving 1c 15 illiSIflfm 01 Cllllfll 51 UIlIlCd velopinciils and in spilc of two UllIICll IUI and it Will fill Sill wars and dcprcssion almost static 001 ill BRIT Cflllfkll parutivcly placid years the clerks bill 15 lflllllllllg Ulilel 101 North office at the head of thc long ll brnicot riding However nothing flight of stairs in the old municipal llimlll ll Illt ELV Of It Candidate make the women of the world power for peaco at 1th same time providing great contribu iioti to the bcttcrmcnt of man kind Mts Purcell urged the dele gates to encourage the develop ment of the international mind We need larger boundaries The national mind is enclosed by bor dch of its own country We must realize as never bcforc thc dan gers of isolationism When thc Country Women of the World come to Canada said tiic provincial president they must be shown that this is land of opportunity dcmoerncy and friend ship so that ihey may gohomo enthused about our country While we women may basically be alike still all peoples of the world do not thinkAJllkgHI1n Canada and the United States we are proud of our heritage of deni ocracy and freedom but we should not become smug and think we are superior to others It is up to us Ito help them to raise up to our level and think the same as we do The Durham uditor commcutcd on how young Sicwurl looked after so many vcztrs on the job Tire older gct said Mr Page the more people incet who can do things bettcr than can so just let them go ahead and do them You are much too modest Mr Page wed like to meet some of those pcoplc you mcntiou Continuing the visit from Grey County the Cadognns called on Bert Simpkin of Strottd Let George finish the story As we climbed out of the car Mrs cautioned Now we mustnt stay too long or the butchcr shopIIIwill be closed and well havc no meat for the weekend The time paSS ed pleasantly and we did stay too long but as we were leaving our host handed us large parcel Heres roast from our freezer to show you what kind of meat we raise in SichO County It was lovely roast of beef from Hereford of Robrolca Farm As of lIoday we are quite will ing to admit the departure of In diati summer whenever that was and settle down for long win building was almost an institution His profound grasp affairs his wide and exact know ledgc of many mnllcrs his muturcl judgmcut his innatc kindlincssJI intidc that officc thc rendezvous oil the great and the small The civic dinner tondcrcd hill just two ycnrs ago on his rctlrcI merit provided the opportunity for the things that had bcen largely into is in his hands but final dc thc cundidzttc omplctc to Elcclion tlccidcd by sccrct ballot the returning OlIIlCLl Thosc clig years to be put into words And they were The mayor and COIIICII 101s and cxmuyors and estcoun ttgcs of 12 turd 21 years Those cligiblc parliament must bc cmlrs and 5911001 board mXnBClIS 1ng of 16 and 20 VLtltS active in and 0111015 Paid homagS to mgr liurcli church school and midl Smllh and I0 1L 3011106 lwcck groups and must meet rrgtdElIO Tm ing habits of the given the town through 34 ycuis persona moral standards Hrs reply on that night two ymtis must be llOIlSIllOkCIS and 11011 830 35 Chamelerisuc med t0ldrinkers To be nominath llinfCUuld bc crcatcd iii child from that riding has yct ztppcnrcd of inunicipnl lhc mum of one prospcctivc candi cision has not vct bccn reached by If clcctions arc ncccsszuy thcy arc and are conductcd throughout the riding by Viblc to vote ztrc boys in church or taken fill lllillld lhmugh thLiIchurch school groups bctwccu the for Older briysilIVlomd between thOIchek observed at libraries across Home and School II Hear Talk on Juvenile Reading ltliss Molly Brown childrcns lib rurizrn iii the Barrio public library was spczikcr at tho November nicot tin of lic King Edward 1101qu and lScltool Association on Monday cv ouing In hcr talk to Young Canada Book the couittry during thc past week The librarian told the parents thcy could influence the road iing out how the hztbit of rcnding In an do my bCSl hC said 11nd Illegmust fill in Certificate of Cansoi to questions from parents shc feeling in my heart was sourccididatcu and cmust be Signed byl SunidgiyISIchoglIteacher minister or ill VilllOUEIhsCSIII IIIII Followmg hcr irilk gfhiqpicinttlie first and peace at the end of the yeIii Glhiiuarg Jthcr prominent personage Train as Future Citizens citizens and to share in parliament Rich spiritual expeince awaiting suggcsicd good books for children she told pleasant littlc FrenchCtmadian folk rule for the entertainment of her The parliamentary candidates arc uudienm called upon to train themselves as gOOd leadm 0f Canadas futurelchargc of the November meeting President chncbry was in Thc speaker was introduced by Mrs Walter Bayliss and thanked by 000 113 Miss Brown 1r children pointl 655 CKBB 1230 ON YOUR DIAL ll llriiotinl lulici Ilr llurt 311 lillll Similk ltourtduir ll lit Nous llciidllttcs lIuriy find 100 Nt it 05 Ilsrun 15 NortuItn Sports lintcsl Murkct Illport Nch lillllclltt Iloiird Fuirn Fcuitircs llcuiotinl Wcuilicr Christmiis Spotlitc News Northcrn Eirtcriuisrs As You Littc it Crccintirc Cllllslllt Tltl Nttts liitrbnrtl Vltcclcr Club 13110 Ncwgt Htittlllttcs Christmas Stock Singing lttulttc llilltt 1151 Nuntc tlic MONDAY PM County Ilour until Sports Ncws Ilullctitt llonrtl Piano Plnyliousc ltlovtciown Ilictttic Ncws 805 lcllo Tcrt 830 Dottblc or Nothlru 1100 Ncs lItntllincs 901 Stardust Svrcnndc 10110 Ncws Oriznn lntnrludc 1015 In tho Clirtpcl 1100 thvs llcndllrnw lcu tlict Iciup lirrir 1103 Sicn off TUESDAY Stun on News Ilcndlincs Sittuintt Itrtnttc thvs Musiciil Clock Flllltl Market nfllulL Regional Wculhcr Ito 1110 150 715 7110 800 IIntor prist 1110 llrllo llllvlttilts to to NM lll5rltflilll Mnliticc 11115 ltuiubliii lllli ltrtlplil liirir 1010 Whitc 1111111131 1013 hiltlllllr Mutincc 11ml Nutt 1103 Mourns 1atimc cont Ilttrc NM myngatij Auwouucuu oomoaccw McrryLoround iddcn Iotvtt Northern Eittcinr County Ilour until Sports Ncws Bulletin BoartL Srzcnudc Spotliuht Review Guy Lonrbnrtloi News lcllo Tcst Nocturne News Headlines liocktt Glllf 1n Thc Chapcl Ncws Ilcndlltics ctt ilicr Temp Time 1118 Sign off WEDNESDAY PM 12 00 Luticiuon Huttuuc ii iii until DILtfl Report 700 It idci stag lit tin llutd 111 Icuturcs Wont itcr Nort horn EnlilDllrfS As YouI Like O=3xflgt171c953f=9 OoLoowLamuoui OCCOOUtCCOUOO srofstokr oLOcwi owmoc Classical Jukc Ilcllo Christmas Ncws Northcrn Entcrprircs Mornim Matincc You We Box CUIUICUOOO owes LoLoomhom 15 Burbarn Wheeler Clot 12110 Nuns Houdiuics White Christmas Christmas Slotkin DON GAMBLE WITH WINTER YOUR CAR NEEDS THIS 5way WINTERIIING Count SYSTEM IFUEl SYSTEM ignition mum ElECTRKAl lUBRIANtS This year give your car CamMA Ictc Protection Our compch 5Way Winterizing iob means protection against trouble freedom from big repair bills easy starting safe driving all winter long mstaAfnw acwwoww woocobo 35 Rhoiksggrdit11211232230 Norman on behalf of the home LSTnd Pschool members the Plllamem ls Ollmmlly relletlAnnouncementwas made by the ViviaasentabmcofathezAngbcguw is cutw Christian Disciplcs Evangcltcnl meii Deaf anitederethrenPresbyterian and United churches and the YMCA The parent body is the Ontario Council of Christian Education witbi offices in the Wesley Buildings To Range ltitlcr Claus 0119 thitrii causes warnot terre$versincemckMacLaren thinking alike We must set an started writing week ILitILong Residentof film JnthLlmnEhmill are comingdrom overseas Peace months ago even the weatherman isinotgainedby prayer aloud01hasbeenvconfusedrwwvw willrelielIleCE was eld on by wishful thinking but by good IIII Tuesday NovembeiIIIGIIat tTiEIIJnT hard work on everyones part nctt Funeral Home Barrie for There is no easy mad to Peace Arthun Henry Tiffin who died suddenly on Sunday Nov 1951 News Shining Morning Matinee tit cont177 ttciiiircsr 5730Ncw 1155 Name the Place Rannc Ritlcr 540 Moyic IIIESDAY gm munclicon incnt until fromthe basrc Englishrand crttzcth W7 ship collegiate night classes would II II talk on Christmas customs of their BASIC EIDIIILATION II tive lands The new Canadian aSt summit as come to growmg group of people through mmoI Chief returning officer for Igglsinrflgia out Canada who think they are said am the proudest man goI shespargantentfReVmnEosiepFomJHDH being shortchanged by the tendeh ing back to thc United States this is the counCilIs BoySI work secrc The home and school choir under cy Of lllmwmnmivflmWWW Tawwmi 13alggcdziIIcllLIl 131 the direction of Mrs John DObson mmlmlze the basic Smdlcs and pound moose the Blg wolvcrl rr will entertqu the Imcmbcrs ithy placeImore 0171131121815 011 specialized inc 1alsh near Rapides dos niarket Square Phone 0026 choral Singin It me December vocational training This supporthoachjms BARBIE comes from the recent report of the meetlng Canadian Research Committee Oti II Practical Education AlllSlOn 011d TOWHSIIIP Clatjesholm Alta Local Prcss Enumerotors For DufferinSimcoe Some cnumcrators in the riding of DufferinSimcoc for the Nov 22 provincial election were as full ows Alliston Mrs William Agnew William Caesar William Kirby and Kcttyle Crc norc Cltristmns Heading in Kirksville Missouri News Temptation Hits 109 Man StillW Lives And in Glendale Calif Press Chiropractors To VI IBaIcIk Chest IBAGS not PEMBROKE om CPI Rail How of Nicklcvillc NY at the Royal Victoria Hospital in pl rhistchaycar The service was conducted by Rev Mr Howard of St Georges Anglican Church Utopia Inter ment took place at Ivy Anglican Church Cemetery Pallbearers were three nephews Harold Tiffin Tiffin Ray mond Tiffin and Thomas McFad den Charles McFadden and Dan iel McFadden Arthur Tiffin was son of the late Mr and Mrs William Tiffin who moved from Weston as pion eers to farm in the Colwell dis trict more than 80 years ago He was veteran Of the rst world war and apart frOm the short time that he work for the CNR had remained resident with his brother Joseph andfamily on the farmwhere he was born He could relate many interest ing events of early pioneer days of clearing the farm and became well known and respected by the manyfriends he had made in the Surrounding community Surviving him are two sisters An Indian who ordered sand which at corner grill pccredbe tween the slices of bread You slice him ham he asked the coun ter clerk Sure did replied the clerk You pretty near miss him grunted the Indian MQISgtRS LIIMIITgDI Premierelect from of Premierelect the forthcoming sessions vVictor Shimizu is JapaneseCanadian student in third ycar Philosopohy at Victoria Col lege Uof John Fowler fel low student at Victoria College will be his ranking cabinet minister with finance portfolio Gordon HutchinsonLondon Iattcnding Western University in preparation for the ministry in the United Church will lead the Oppos ition The parliament proclamation Was issued by the LieutenantGov ernor Dr Gallagher general secretary Of the Canadian Council of Churches CAN CHOOSE FROMI MANY MODELS WHEN YOU INSIST ON IINSTALLItI NEW MODERN AUTUMN GLORIES It is good to escape from the pet tincss and tawdriness of humanity and find peace and fOrgctfulness in the wholesome delights of nature The most wonderful and quite in explicable feature of this world is the regularity and orderlincss of nature the transition of seasons Tossorontio Mrs George Pea bringing bounteous gifts continuesl COCk MIS Pearson Trim to amaze even the greatest scientific ble Dalton McCracken Jamesrexperts Dermott Keith Elder Trentori Onti Tecumseth Leonard Ransom Ira Maison GIWilliams Godon Brethet John Mitchell Tho as Robinson Essa Robert Banting Miss Es ther Downer Lyon Wilk insbn Higginson Kenneth Crawford RnArnOld Rud dick Arnold Muir Adjala Lauder Hamilton Jos eph Kelly Mrs Almon Baxter Joseph Baker Robert IVIcKelvieI Mono Bruce Donaldson Keith Halbert Miss Hazel Holmes Mrs Harold Robinson Eric White Harry Dermott Maurice Little Mulmur Herbert Mitchell John Patterson James Cauthers Ken neth Wallace Roy Lawretice Mil fordKidd Maurice Jones McCutcheson Dogs tooth viOlets are lets but lilies The human body contains enough phosphorus to make 2200 match heads CourierAdvocate many years serving mere particu larly in the Womens Missionary Society of which she was past president Predeceased by her husband in 1945 she leaves to mourn one son Mrs Emily Calvert Toronto and 10 OfAitayfifflaland on liaulgjh Mrs Ida Ross Orilliaalso three 91 15 en 83 M3 rcoIALII WOOD OR brothersJosephIon the homestead tsrtoit two bgohers lJmIfstCugitlt arve at Islin ton and Dalton aynerv mue ilv WeitonI laceburg There are also four grandchildrenand six greatgrand Ichildren It IReSIdent Shim Thevmanybeautiful flowers show CONDIONING Mrs Doner Passes ed the high regard in which made jI After LongIlllness ceased was held II devoted wife mother and On Sunday Oct 28 1951 after it lingering illnessI Mrs John neighbor shewill be sadly missed by large circle of friends Doner passed away at her residence Main St Stayner short service was conducted at MisDoner whose maiden name her late residence on Monday Oct 29 by the minister Rev was Sophia Cubitt was the second Jack who spoke from the 8th chap eldest daughter Of the late Gregory Cubitt and Elizabeth Anderson and ter of Romatis Interment was in StaynerCeme Was born on Oct 11 1873 in West Gwillimbury tery with the following pallbearers While iiving in the Scotch Settle Earle Cubitt Jobn Hisey Thomas Hisey Jesse Lageer Russel Lageer merit she met and married John Doner of Nottawasaga They set and Oscar Schell Relatives and friends attended the tied on the groomsrfarm spent the greater part of their married life funeral from Stayner and district and from Detroit Toronto Stouff there and later retired toStayner She was an active member Of ville Newmarket Meaford Orillia Jubilee Presbyterian Church for on Nashville and Mar1barik GET SUREFOOTED TRACTION 1N marmm attrititteitirvino 221211all1211itll33liflt2im you smooth riding quiet runninj and super traction winter Available in all popular sizes for domesticed impending SHADOWS The death Of loved ones casts shadows In such times of stress we Offer our lovely chapel and consoling repos Iing room MODERATE donors Funerals complete from $100 and up PETHICKSMITH 127 BAYIFIELD sr BARBIE Listen Sun 530 pm Chapel Chimes CKBB saws TODAY tracttn 118 MulcasterSt Barrie PHONE not vio CIVIL DEFENCE Since the opening of Civil De fence Recruitment in England and Wales in November 1949 member ship in the CD Corps has grown to 155642136727 men and 68915 women Cookstown Collingwood Glen Hur