EMrsI TurnbUH THE BARRIB EXAMIN YEMIW Ia lNNISHL COUNCIL NOTES Presmjem Rotary THORNTON 3rgggirgagiggmgzdg thiirch Mr Newcombe was WWW iL Gordon Iv eaker Mrs Newcombe was born iI II II By RGb Mire this matter had been iitiindto iii mna HHWHMS were 115810 ziii iict nIto it as tn tilt IlnanJ Tonnsh Loi lthldJ tu td II MRI mme IIIII II Iailth of Liz tinned hurch She Thornton this with All KmI Wmdvm ii 5h Litllil to uiiaria With her parents bi rs Th prthrhl IMtl UUHCHIUI bumu Reedy Lent noi In it 419 utttt iiafltttl United Church min LIIII5IIIDIII Mm WWI III WW ML from wesi Gwimmbury II II he urR II II IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII III IIIIIHI Issio INIE III was din IIIIIIIhi Feeling ma mt ugrcrmcm urn II II coining yuxr ii II IfIIIII TIIXII Iobr II IIIIIIIIII MIII IIIIIsIIIbIIH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM mm WNW 1mm III WIIIIIII ihundzi coming II II KI tun iIiIt iIIII IIiiI assigp IIIIII IIII III dd III IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII Gwmmbmy mm m1 yum IIIIII Mrs Jam lltil Ilti iI ttl mum if Int Iiti ormcry Ms mm Ms bmlg was not what it was thought to by DIN in 00m She vI iiii lI It 1V 11rd Hp u1md mm Iso far as nmsm was wnuimI 0m numb my II II lt ll ul lIhii IiIiiii IuItI Impt at cation gti mr mm mm hum mm is belieud inothri contract uglt be Llilnr are Mi iiii SI prrenlies II rI HI MIMIC II HNXIIFI in their newilllddt lctiw reconvud mm mi ISIIIII HWIIIFVIZIMHI Li iiI iiiIi it ixI Iic ii nIum er Von rig cm Ur am itlk 0f West Ciillllliltil iiiI gJiii gluon igt Va Mitt mesa will IIt luhich he asked win chei th sii ii lt II II dpphhm tltmit ltd tilt liliilSlll in l949 hid not beer coshl lt Iif inttori not Town to MARTin Bugldui BL Dig ussed it and ill tliitlt 11W if the 3x INN HM lie how losvr of the 40 With nothing lime llllln far about agreement made at ioiiit inntint 22 liiiirI the enacting of building bylaw of the two councils Wits riIfcried IUImnIfIV Im IdHIIUM IIIII II smut of IIixmiun In iilnn Martyrs was but by the Mmlmns WIN HIIIIMES mlkcd enldean bmugm me man hum IIIISiMIAIIMI IQHIIIIIIIW ItIlIIIIHI rIIIII W315 Ii minim guring mp 141 onturyI about what would have lu be done was Seen by this lttlllilll that WV by WW II the hm IWMI mum had IIIICIIIIIIIIIhIIIII thIIII III Eldon Inf the Siiiitm Iiii Nlmirms minims 0f bliildllls UH lOWIlliuc from llihwiil ll iol in Usz Tljknlw that would not meet tlic require the lake on ii 6040 basis aiiid iinV Emulth II IIH imnts of any Uth of rules were alternate year about iiiiiiiitenaiuo lullm mum mm mentioned ouuczlloz libbiiis suit and plowing Represriitzitivcs of Ammii goshi thatiiny tllftllCtllltlil should lnnisfil council who attended lilt llmm WW lmph he at discretion ll council The meeting were of the opinion that Wk HM llmll Ilill3 clerk pointed out tliiit the lllllllltl the nitrciiiicnt covered only lilll llli him llI III pal board which had to appiovc port 0f the road from 11 Stdtluiltl Itililll Inildt l3 II II II the bylaw before it could he eu to the lake ivtill by it Im forced would not permit any rc During the summer nuineroiisi itinliltllilll llllhl luxing or changing at hands of delegations have come to lnnisfili MHI my mm Ir 11 council No on seemed inxuius to council to ask that the mad he put rmmm which iii Hm introduce aii definite lan for into ctter SlllJt lliiI inzi his llull had lltktl iii lill 1iiti lt Mom Hi mam 1mmch blip on for COMKhrtmn with IhIIi II II II II r=cu=mn===o=ox== ll gitriini particularly to annual es wi iin ury council Illt II III IIIII IIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII 50 1dol 1I5Ilnltt9 treasurer states that he has nol II Iii llml rm tViIIiI pm 01 8r knowledge of lh RliAl INTEREST WAS SilO the orator Jock Clllt cratcs ie 1lti IIIIIS IIIII IIIndIIIIS IOII IIIIIIII IICIII our ninth hi lllllt lettir claims was sent tol If it Wood in mos III III IIIWIISIIIII Imk WWII llllts ii pupils in lllt batteiy it four linotye much in the bILKHOll ll it ltlltl Vlr my Ban13 ttived replica 0m Iago for who Shouid my new incs us they set type for the neWspapci and on the extreme right isiguidc Ron Davg miim1i III 1qu of replies was insufficient in limit Herc another group of pupils watch as op its of the lllllzll stall Imp if mittens from Mir of formation available to enable letter was rcceived from the in IikI contractor to place bid Nu tIIownship where lived the families specifications lI to materials or who lost five of their number in other details of lilt requirements Luke Sinicoe liist summers boat wore on hand it Will be necessary hlicd for two days by lnnisfil and for an engineer to be cngziizcd who WhICh tOMInutd dragging luring has knowledge of requirements in the WOIck or more that the search order to properly obtain an isti was being made or the bodies had lliitlt council was told by clerk not btcn hired by the family the Ml liouiiiiin who llltl hostess tllllllll the tillll1 llilti lured thv siimilur lhiiil um extended to Mrs llciier HllIiiiI half of the llltlllltt Burro lliiiilltiiiiiliiiiiii 5m av 0m Mmts in lllls HighwayIlgiigncprIIAsrsfor connection had but 00qu by II Youth Far Chnsf lolly I0 threeWay Dlit by the muiiiciiul aiming that 1m Cmtmd undo mes whom these people va EIIIIO which the mud mmvrinls had been bum was III my IIIIIIIISIC III IIII II II gt placed by council had ncvci been ciudmI The balance It1h nmmwvd by his man 1m Sum COWIIIId by Ihp IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII1IIIIIWIR II lilillhl$ tllLlllHl Ht ilklti 51111 outstanding JIM who for iopv if the contract was my fort this cpeiisc ig spunk litv Cordon toodrim iiillia known will he Siltilktl mm hiisl ltiilly in idfollous leiuhli Bluw Gvcn It Friday Nov 23 at pin ll cadmgs The bylaw legalizing collection of WUHUIMV 15 11 With Our door is drum3 0P0 this years iaxcg was with hiH ride experience Ill youth uoil readings and HSStlh Details of VI IV musical proiuaiu has lhtll ii gt iv iii223JEVLiJESfleliiif3 558529 121 93133 siftiiioliifili THE ROYAL BANK or CANADA mod amount to $915582 In IIIII II of mo Numiomx loiiiiito Accmn assessment totalling $4I87I3t5i4 panyVing the trio will he Miss Ioa YOU C0 bank ROYQI One item which caused comnicnt othy liahnn is accompanist Silo To It iSlIESS was the fact that the mm for Cal gt will also play some of her Piano cation of county pupils was Struck 11lllStIilNiOIlS in In on com VAPORUB at $2000 It has SlllCC been foundi lllllllllllllllliillllllllillilliltllllllll lllllllllllil ONE IN as 7xng througna set oi envelope heads On the I1 gather around the Job printing departments left is guide Herman Tomlinson Pioduction YMIEII forge MI 97 11011 canadlans novv automatlc Kluge press watCh 1ntently Manager 19 Exgnnner rrlVvrrln 71IiIZII HVLlJgvllllhIIJAyLIIIK Magidd as operator Sam Green back to camera puts III II in mono acturing 11 per cent of IIIIIIII III III II these are In the primary textlle Indus that this cost has doubled These these it was agreed on the rccves ml IwW Wff pupils are from areas not covered suggestion nuuoiv to WWW MMM Wmh JVY WMWMM fut5W1 tly latest Dominion Bureau by high school area levy Custom Snow Plowing nz hf MarIViku uidfr nm Cum ymIrIVr immm vim Am 1le i7 HVV IIICS are 1n manufacturing Discuss Ambulance Costs LloydGrcen owner of snow 19 Jam 7Jf Items appearing in the accounts plow made an agreement with the riIIrrwrfIlnzddmfarvI your 9111 no nrm apem caIm and Ol these Ill primary tex for relief and indigent patients for council that he be called at an 4MZl myWW lAMZUMmMK0wMhVm94 I1 ambulance hips to Toponto and hourly rate of $6 when needed IOI 404104 IMxrauw munI or Mr AllIdllrat17lIltatlIllllfllUIdyIg t1 65 elsewhere totalling as high as $56 assist with opening of winter roads were aired If we have no say He has mediumsized plow Al in the matter of these costs and the though he attends mostly to private BeSldeS leadlng all other Canadlan public is going to run our affairs roadways lanes etc he was an why have council Councillor xlous to share in the work d01e Indusmes numbers employed II lrziiAvrAnwunMy 71 glIDYJIIMyow Mai IlldllfIItXW Irawiry tu may rMMrvy 76 drown rmwIlmvfthaxn LwNMICMAllygbf lIIrwy am up tI may winr IIIII IM1W your amaMinnanlvyffrmn Unnana gladM JM nirrrv ounlmmfmrn My ymmfautpnh mayulbwdonq arm llymini iv01 IrzrwidHJ ririw 195m 255 out Maimwirzim many yam mrr ip2 mar074 Jim Mllldllle liarI aw0 you iISlliilltil Gibbins asked It seems that an the township roads by machines II manufactunngI prlmary textiles also order that any calls for this ser other than those owned by the vice were to have approval of coun township His offer was accepted II in llg $1231 w1 and he is to be available at the call ImvMwvI mienKw dusti cm pm Mthpi wnr1miWcw IIII IIIIII cKyliiiw MlumCIjiwnmrmmvKMM wIpcmmmxrmwzrznmm llu rIiy 4Ir3lwf 1m VII711 liMK 010 gumxii ii 91W 11 yIIIUIILIilrfwrygmuvfg If is VV the leadersin rovid could the PellnlSSiO of We the Standing me mm be awaited was the opinion Cemetery Board Enquiry mg 0b5 for women and in being well of others In IIIdIIII IO buy an IIddIIIIIIIIII Head Out throuohihe smaller C0n1 Hospital Accounts acreage for their cemetery Sixth Numerous hospital accounts Line cemetery board asked that an mlllllleS amounting to large sum were dis exception be allowed from the ne rlitriniv IOANS unit cussed It was felt that some had cessity of having survey It Was taken advantage of the public pay after consideration felt that sur Domlnlon Textlle ls condel able ing these costs when they could vey was necessary for such pro part of basic textileindustry have paid for them themselves position Plots should be planned was the opinion of councillors One as well as the boundaries was the case was of an employee working opinion of council on the new highway who used shack on the rightofway for his come 35 VStors home has cost the townshi over EXReeve Charles Hmy 33 II IIZOOIIIIII may continue He pad III calm He suggested that If com sided in the township the required C11 35 COISidering PWChaSe 0f length of time to become town teelv diely ShOlId91e an frdgr Ig ship responsibility and although mm5 13 9y as Prices were the account was disputed it was incseasfed He Claimed that cal ruled townshi obli ation The 03 snow fence 501d t0 the MANUFACTURERS FRODUCTS II it Act allowed hospitals to charge the townsIhip W011 save over $500 on account to the municipalityfrom logy pncelsj 1m which the person comes andthen XI eeve ning 101 if the municipality fels justiedI pedin to welcome council to Thorn it madamm acion bcollct We ton No one from the vicinity had Shouldmake an example ofIsome of SPECial business to transact al Young men Here is Challenge and OPPORTUNITY Training and experience in leadership are two of the most valuable assets you can possess no matifwliat lifetime career you select You may obtainVboth training and experience as leader under new plan whereby the Canadian Army is training young men with Junior Matriculation or Equivalent Educational Standard as Ofcers in the Active Force When bills pile up you can clean them up quickly with Niagara Friendly Loan Amounts up to $1000 can be quickly completed Our four loan plans are geared to your budget and rates Age moderate All loans to $1000 are lifeinsured at no extra cost for your protection Rates are reuEBiTGSl7fh5ervice friendly Borrow with con dance in friendly private interview though others came from across the Wship for an intiviiw III Accounts were passme lop Value In Thrifty Home Beauty exvmeeing wi beheldat Churchill Dec the day following township dwims inIlNoiVIOAN5 OII1$t3itt$ilil$x But there is challenge in the standards yoiLqusiineet in the courses you take and pass before y0u can qualify for acommission And there is opportunity in the privilege of leading Canadas soldiers at home and abroad IAGARK FINANCE COMPANY LYD with Illth immu mommy iISIISIIlliliIIIINDYIOANV$ll$i83l$ll3 $$$II$$III II OPPORTUNITYVFOR SERVICE VcompanrottheRoyalNewround III DII IIIIIII II II II III III in notinced piansior adding to their to qualify as Second Lieutenant in the Active Force You Wlll recelVe ranks of the Ireserve armIIIIIOII the mission you Will then serve for periods of 34 and years as you choose Two local units the Corner Brook land Regiment and Humber Squad THEIMODERNMIIIMCIILEI PAINT manpower Mari or boy theres IV Second Lieutenants pgy while in training Wlien ycu are granted com 9e gnuM cadeIts BARBIE undcr the Short Serwce CommissumPlan At the end of this servrceI it urine Brk Ndl Westmstar If accepted you begin training at Camp BordenIsis an Officer Leidet ronko ir es as wee an placthor you in the uniformed you mayapply for permanent commission gVOQOGOOO00000f 13V duiare To qualify you muVstVbeSingleI PlinSicallyV BIeIlwcen 18 and me ohII my 0111 03 23 ec nzfagigsazge and have Junior Matriculation orIIIEquivulemI GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer APPLY TODAY To THE RECRUITING OFFICEI III Dad We semce allmakespfelectricqlappli NEAREST YOUR HOME ances ranges washers etcI II No13 PersonnelDepolWcllisHounRidecu and CharlocSisOuwuOm ID ill Iona $11K On repairs to makes 0f sew1ng Cunadlungzyhguruilhong SglixiuglliclimtdSIWnhzm machines No7ononnol Depot Wolseloy Barracks Elixuhoth Sm tendon Om II SEWING MACHINES To RENT Army Recruiting Centre 230 Main Street Wm North lay 0m 139 Dunlap St Phone 3721 TRAINEDI RADIO TECHNICIAN IAND SERVICEMAIN men Wake V0 AmfTUm mid ThuldqyV lmsDomitian mm II my Recruiting Cantu Jam suut Armoury 200 Jams St Mouth Hamilton Ont hamo Annygt0 pawno 00V