A11 mostasosm wanu Serving THE TOWN OF BARR AND COUNTY OF SMCOE Since 1864 MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 1V Uhrarru 11111111111 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY NOVEMBER 19 1951 51 single copy Member can Wank cl Canada CHINA and Audit ILmu of Circulation Get and Month Sentences Motor Death Belle Ewart Youth The trial arising from the accident and death of Paul Trom blcy 22 Belle Ewart on the night of Oct 25 was heard be fore Magistrate Gordon Foster Wednesday Nov 11 Crown Attorney Thompson stated that owing to limited evidence available the charge of motor manslaught 11 had been withdrawnagalnst Ptcs Wilson Schofleld 20 Authorised as Second Clue ail on Post Office Deni1mm Ottawa CGE Minstrels of 51 Give Hospital Benefit Perforntances 87th YeorNO 97 12 Pages Two Sections IA VA W0 101 3615 on IllOllq 2The First Column WINTER FOR SURE By 111 KENNETH WALLS Its 1111111 tough month for shops across 1111 DIUVIIICU Little time was given to got 1111 volcrs lists out for this clcction and along with 1111 rcgular work which usually pops up at this time of your tho printcrs had busy linit gctting things donc We ill The Exznnincr vcrc very happy on Saturday to sec the last of thc clcction printing go out lists proclamations and ballots but of course payment for same will be welcome to rcccivc How ever in our case notice of this election came after we had Ic cidcd to go triwcckly and thcrc was nothing to do but carry on Oiitop of this we had to fin ish up thc lirst cdition of the $4 pagc Barrio hockey programs Plus Camp Borden Citizen vcck 1y Plus Bordcnairc bimonthly But The Barrie Examiner has now published issues in five weeks and only couple of editions were late Now maybe we down to some routine 00f Ad In county paper 011ch Fish and Ships with flavored better for 351 Well take 11 cabin cruiser Gravenhurst Banner reporting minor hockey association meeting illtllul Muskoka town listed among those present Frank Unvaricd NHL referee That fellow Ud xlari from Kitchener never did vary when he was handling OHA games here last wintcr The CCF have lady in our neighboring riding of Muskoka Ontario for the election on Thurs day Mrs Earl Mitchell of Ros seau will oppose H0111A1thur Welsh Progressive Conservative and Arthur Ferguson Liberal The Banner comments Faced with head start by her two male op against her womanitrying to beat two menl Impossible some Will say But as any man can vouch many woman has upset the apple cart Could it havobcen one of the Toronto school children who visit ed Essa this year on seeing bunch of young turkeys all look Turn to page three please Hundreds Pay Last Respects can settle Christian Faith Most Powerful To Combat Evil Thu grcat l2llll of life today is one of idcologics cltclarcd Flight Licutcuant 11 Dean Pro tcstant chaplain at RCAF Station Cllilp Bordon addrcssing thc Ki vanis Club of Barrio Monday at Community Ilousc The only way to combat onc idca is with another idca that is more virilc The most powerful ideology 13 can Iisc is Christian Faith Dcnn was Rcv Ernest 111wig by Frank Boycs Rev James Ferguson chaircd Ilic intcling It was announced that Ucorgc Dangcrticld was forc 1d to resign from the 1952 direc torate because of health and 113111 cison Swain was elected in his plucc FL Dean gave some informa tion about the Chaplaincy scrv1cc The chaplain has no power of command flu is directly respon sible to the commanding officer and no other officer he stated And so the chaplain is hold In high regard by 911 ranks He is in the service primarily as min ister not as an officer but he must be true to the standards of his own church He is there to mcct the spiritual and welfare needs of the men and women under his care He must proclaim the Word of God but today great deal more stress is being laid on past oral counselling Many men bring their problems to our offices The speaker said the govern ment understands material provi sion for the men must be very fine but also realizes that spirit ual provision is equal in import ance with anything He pointed out that by far the large majority of those in the services were very ne men and they dont like to be judged by the mistakes made by small minority who come into civilian nearby communities Turriing to his theme the power introduced and by thankcd of ideas to mold and changerthc 1111112111asf111g111 new Ltheodds wouldscm 10 be staked rewar cd that ifpeoplc accept ideas with enthusiasm then thcif ideas will become an ideology religion to them During the past century two masSive ideologies had emergi ed and held sway over millions in their divergent systems of thought We have system of Faith he asserted The Christian Faith is respectable and its foundations are to be found in solid Chritian concept lhe Late Arthur Smihv TTIIE SMITH clerklandtreasurer for 34 years athis desk in the new town hall in 1948 Hundreds of citizens townoffi cialsiVIasons and Kiwanians gath ered at Collier St United Chorch Friday afternoon to pay last respectsto Arthur smith town clerk apd treasurer from 191549 whadied after 10 days illness at his home Maple Avenue on Tues day Nov 17 The service was takn by his minister Rey Ernest Lewis Ac tive pallbearerswere five former mayors Blair Mac Laren KC Sinclair Grant Mayor Dr EdwinWilson and Clowes Girl Wins Public Speaking Oro Oliu Marchildon grath It pupil of SS No If Oro Clowes placcdi first among 10 contestants in 11 On public speaking couttst 111111 in luthric school Monday 1vcning Nov 12 Olive chose as her topic Hort11cc Nightingale and with her inspir ing address won the hearts of tho it pIoplc who crowdcd 1111 school to 111111 capacity As rcsult of lltl win Olive is now cligiblc to color lhc county public speaking conth to be bold under 1111 auspices of thc Simocc County lIustccs and Ratcpaycrs Association Nov 211 in IIillcrcst School Barrie Esther Watson SS No Dals toni captured stcond position with hcr topic Visual Education while Marjorie MCCuaig SS No II Oro Stationi took third place with her topic The 111she Bell Singers Other contestants were from SS No Shanty Bay SS No 1Craighursti SS No SS N0 Hillvicw SS No 10 Leighs Corncrs SS No Nov is and SS No 17 Guthrie The spczikcrs were as follows No Ruby Leach whose topic was Thc Iiifc of Princcss Elizabctli No Elaiiic Carr Govcrnmcnt by the Pcoplcz No BerniccBailcy The Suez Canal No Isabelle Gil christ The United Empire Loyal ists No 10 Shirlcy llIawdslcy The Royal lour No 16 Joan Brccdon Horses No 17 Mary Andrews The Royal Tour Trustee Taylor welcomed the parents teachers and pupils from the various school sections on behalf of thc Oro School Area Board Judges for the contest were Miss Audrey Baird Orillia Harold Dempsey Orillia and Taylor Shanty Bay The 10 contestants and three judges were introduced by Dougiss Wilson supervising principal for Oro School Area Mr Wilson also showed three educational films which1we13fEQEEEbltS ica tWisWWlu pressed his perCanzida social studies1 lesson and Thei Rape of the Earth film dealing withconsenvation MEMBERS OF THE CAST of CGE Minstrels of 51 pre scntcd Thursday and Friday evenings of last week by cm ployccs of the local Canadian General Electric plant in aid of the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital unit furnishing 111111 From left to right in the front row arc the six end men of the minstrcl chorus Doug Walsh Charlie Osborne Ed Bakcr Carl Grccnough Len Plcducr and Wally Smith Gerryz Stubbs Mr lntcrlocutor occupits the ccntrc stage position Director Bob MacDonald is conductiiigWSOIOlst Hugh Mer riam and members of the blackfacc chorus in the singing of one of the shows several vocal numbers The production also featured dancing and instrumental selections as well asl typical mlnstrel routines The mlnstrcl show was prcsentcd in the plant clubroom onI both evenings of the hospital benefit premiere pcrformancei was given the previous week for Candidates Prepare to Attend plant employees Older Boys Parliament Held tum111111 DON McLEAN Taylor announced the judges decision declaring Olivc Marchildon the winner and compli mcntcd all the contestants for their fine efforts in the art of public speaking onset5 thanks for the splcnd cooperation received from teach crs contestants parents and judges Provincial Presidenl Orges WI Take Greater Interest inWorlcl Affairs Study Functions of UN Their provincial president urg cd members of the Womens In stitutes of Simcoe County at their annual zircu convention herolast week to take keeper interest in international affairs We as worn en must know the part we play inthc world today Mrs Purcell of Fort Williamprcsident of the Federated Womens Insti tutes of 0313119 told delegates meeting at First Baptist Church fortwo days knowledge ofworld affairs could best be gained1through study of the various activities of the United Nations said the FWIO head Canada is to play host to the Associated Country Womenof the World in August 1953 she informed the county rep resentatives and asked that in the two years planning period before the visit of women from other shortly after it was opened Stewartf KC former weve ofBarrievnd warden of the county Honorarypallbearers were inch high in the Masonic Order the Ki wanis Club and the Church Dr Kirkpatrick prert Swinton and Patmore Orillia Walter Duff Dr Robert Sprott Chittick Allison Oliver Cameron Robertson MacDonald StewartL Page John Little Lower Dr Frank Shannon Morrison and James Turn to page three please countries Ontario branches study the UN and its functions She Suggested 111111 report on the World Health Organization be prepared by the home econ omics convencr in local branches and that the Food and Agricul ture Organization be reported under agriculture and Canadian in dustries UNESCO and its activ ities could come under the heading of citizenship lThis Year Port Hope College ALAN MacDONALD LtCol MacDowcll of Brockvillc chairman of the On tario Boys Work Board unit of the Ontario Council of Christian Education has announced that com plete plans for holding of the 31st sessions of the Ontario Older Boys 1211011 finishcdcw The pairuamcnmtbe ma 26 to Dec 31 in the buildingsof Trinity College School Port Hope Ontario This is the first year in history that been located cast of Toronto Turn to page three please MOST ITALIANS Chicago Black Hawks have more players of Italian extraction than any other pro club Three members oftheir squad have parents who originally came from sunny Italy They are Leo Fogolin Pete Baban do and Bcp Guidolin Barrie Citizens Band Approaches Cenotaph on The county branches were asked also to make further study of the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations zmdrdm hold iglornational day once again in February You must have new Canadians in your midst With the ACWW cominir to Canada have them tell you something of their country its foodand customs and clothes on International Day Keep in mind your international membership Help Form World Peace Patience forbearance tolerance and understanding bf others are qualities 111var more needed than Turn topage three please minim Dancing Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admission ladiee 50c gentlemen 750 481fb Barrie Horticultural Society an nual meeting in Public Bibrary Monday Nov 19 pmEveryone welcome Door prizes 97p Bazaar auspices Blue Haven LOBA 1129 Tuesday Nov 20in True Blue Hall High St Sale of fancy work and apronsi home baking and candy Afternoon tea to pm Euchre at night 815 pm Everybody welcome 969111 Euchre and Bridge Vin Lefroy Community Hall Wednesday Nov 21at 830 pm auspices womens Institute 97b Barrie Youth For Christ The November Rally of YFC will be held on Friday Nov 23 in Odd fellqws Temple at pm Watch for announcements 9698b Dance in Ivy Orange Hall Fri day Nov 23 Paxtons orchestra Admission 500 Lunch counter 9798b The turkey dinner to be held at First Essa Church Nov 30will not be held this year 97b the parliament has Traffic Mishaps District headquarter ucrc calirdl to two minor tikkltltnln 111111 Satf urda morning on Highways tilt and 17 About 1230 11111 car 11111111 by iliadlcy 111id 11111 Mulcastcr 511 Involved III hit and run Juni 11111111 two miles north of B111 111111 111111111 cut ow 111111 lll 1111 ahoul $1131 damagc Iolicc lltflwlil tiic other llltlt that fallvd 11 was 11 ll actortrailcr 111p 011 Highway ill about 11 111 car rolled ovcr 111 1111 ditch 011111111 to rst with its wheels in the 111 No onc was injured Former Dairy Owner NORMAN EDWIN INlISON pro mincnt businessman sincc comini hcrc from Toronto in 1923 died 111 his homc 1111 McDonald 81 cnrlyt Saturday morning following an illness of 10 wotks Service will bc hold at Jennctt Funcral 1101111 11110111 in Barric Union CcmctcryI chv chcncicr Wright of Irin Iity Anglican Church will officiatc Mr Incson survivtd by 111 wifc thc forinor Elilabcth Ilotlgos two sons Edwin of Barrie and IiJ ward of Bright and daughtcr Marjorie Mrs William Gould of Kcmptvillc and cight grandchil drcn Mr lncson was former owmr of the BarricAllandalc Dairy and is associated with his son Edwin in Barrie Frosted Foods Breakin Priday Night Kitchen 1111 pavcmcnt this aftcrnoon of 3110 with intiit marks anywhere PC Godin testi Cpl Pat Poland OPP returned to Wellington Hotel report an Barric Town Policc Clv Saturday morning Entiyxivas gained into the kitchen of the Wellington Hotel by removing screen from window Nothing was apparently taken The breakin was reported to police about 839 am Saturday IlEAVIEIt RAIL TRAFFIC Because of the rcaimamcnt pro gramme and increased industrial activity British railways will have to carry about million more tons of traffic this winter than last with about per cent less staff mum CITIZENS BAND was on hand for Remembrance colorparty services at the Barrie cenotaph Sunday Nov 11 They seen as it wheels to enter the cenotaphiprope and Gordon Baker 25 Donald MacLarcn KC for Simcoc County Legal Aid de lendctl the two accused soldiers lhcir representative from the Army was Lt Gordon Anderson lwo Iiarges Laid Two charges only were 11111 uiamst Sclioficld and Baker bothl 1111111b11s of 1111 llClJ at Campl Ilordcn First was taking of two ton gt111111 body muck owned by the First IIopvrativc Packers of Out ario 1111 ll1illli without consent of owncr and second was falling to stop iitthc sctnc of an accident Alvin Eycrs of Copaco identified E1111 truck 111 photograph produced by 1111 rown and statcd that he had soon 1111 truck In 1111 company litlliilllt lot at 11 111 October 21 1111 keys wirt 111 Ilil truck Ilc 1111 111 111111 saw ll at the scene of tho 11111111111 Ilc tatcd that it had Iiicu 11111 to move tllltlftlls from 1111 poultiy tltplililtitlil to 1111 front platform for loading at Co paco lt wa in good condition he raid William Aimstrong last passcngcr in 1111 lromolcy car who had bccn hitting 111 1111 loft back seat with Kathir1111 Wilson said they wcic travrlling at 315 to 40 miles an hour Suddcnly out of 1111 night he said 111 saw group of lights and then thrrc was crash It was about 113111 p111 hc said 113 fclt 1hr 1111 going down the bank but war unconscious part of lllt tiIn Dawn Lauson passcngcr front cat with lroniblcy said they vcrc not going too fast She was looking out 1111 nlfl window and tail that they worn at the edge of In thol Kathir1111 Wilson in lllt back scat behind lllt Irivor said thcyi ucrc coming from I1tatii111it atl StroudSl1c didnt recall sci111g any thing bcfortt lhc crnsh 111called to the stand by Mr Thompson shc Icpcatcd that she saw no vchiclc and didnt know what struck thcm Iolicc Arrive 0n Scene onslablc iodin Oil who ar rived about 1220 11111 at tho accid cnt sccnc on Highway 11 south of Barrio said llt first noticed Arm stroll lying on tho shoulder of the road with tho car bclow him Across the road was the Copaco truck It appeared to him that the ve hiclc had been sidcswipcd 011 the left front The car door was pro duced in court showing brokcii glass No one was nearthe truck hc statcd Paul lromblcy was lying near the car Thch were no skid ficd Guard posts were broken off or knockcd over Continuing he stated that he and the scene the next afternoon and in field through gate on the west side of the highway they located two sets of footprints of heavy MWBCBMLJSSOLlIOlSCv was gravel andheld the prints he stated of which there were about 15 sets visible for 50 yards Cpl Poland said he Examincdthc prints which started 38 feet from the truck and inside the field and took measurements They were vis iblc for 216 feet The prints follow ed to the lane and south Picked Up On Iliglnvay Meantime PC Covert OPP had been notified and picked up Turn to page three please the parade to and from the cenotaphand played during an thePost Office Square the service Immediately in front of the parade was Legion GOR Pacdodontics onto Dcntal spcalzcr Burric ium p111 T111 trict lltilllltllitt 111111111 for its children and to pr0lt vitlc thcni with information which will platL llltln their grasp every Ivailanlc protection against 111111111 listrise tho the 111 and 11 more shoe plates and othCI clips The soil igngmncms of the public meeting and resulting efforts lic has been invited to the open meeting as well as selected rep rescutativcs of many town and who have been officially notified with relt qucst that they have rcpresenta tivc present The representatives will also be rcqucslcdto serve as representa health Inezu district tivc committee meeting in future Dental Speaker DR SINDY MACGRE Professor of of Tor IICD DDS University l1rcctorinChief Sick and Division at public ilk1111151111 Nov 21 IIlflll of positive of IIICLIIIS fcrvciit intention Lions Club Is 1111 Barrio importance of oral this way it and practised in 111115 abVia headin The organizations public the at dental emembrance Day Childrens Hospital Toronto who will be the meeting in D1trict Collegiate auditor at is the launching of Dental Public Health Educa tion progrann for Barrie and dis Tho purposc of 1111 plan is to educate the public as to the dental which is sponsoring this program that the meeting will mark the beginning of an intclligcnt understanding of health which will be pcipctuatcd by the organized efforts of Dental Pub lic Health Committee in Barrie is possible to gain freedom from Oral infection and mutilation for many children who otherwise would face life as ilciilti ciipplcs Silica 21 child cannot be immunized against den tal disease and since it is accum ulating among children six times as fast as it can be looked after it has become essential that every measure of preventive control be learqu living EiBilkcy EDDSrBameden list and member of the Health Welfare Committee of the daily pub