41 BARBIE exam wwuusmr nov 14 1951 SPORT ANGLES Ry EURO STOREY glccpees but holding game 11 hand over the Garden City crew POwerfuI Gueip Along the Iltlv or Big Ten clubs the Barrie Flyers stand iSlXtII place lo be exact and sharing it with St Catliarines3 Both the lcepees and the triggers see action tonight and it you want to be nickel the gang ironi1ittle Brooklyn WI WJIHE JtSl 91 EN Iiocn out 51411 ittli Hap Ii on but lac Iiinjo IIyeis Irieizlo pi ways but on 311w poured to 11 IIIL 194849 swap ll ti1 llore toI tie and 11 zei 21 iiai inc btCLtllsc the Kcli Skllnl all foiv1d rightwinger looked like IL gainer Hereinb 21111 1oe We Lair iIt tint 91 was iIiM iao 1h 11 1111 sign Ltl Hoe t1e 1Ietll 12111 111 iii lie Keefe liii Ilcllt aid leoige 11 111 IIUIIIIRL lit11 cn Itelt 11 11 to lxtlttttl Cliitie 11 ippiuxnnatcly he ltJ were Llllitllltl Iloppt 11itl 11 aitii IlIuis 11 at llit Io HINDI pointsin tngtile 12121 lL limit IItgtL Iiltl trltl eliciting 111m rolled 1ch 1111 to Sal itille and lion inozi 11111 ttiii txl il1I ElioI liLUJJIHtll Ioi punt lie IILIIIIIJ Ken Green and especially tieorgc Iord wrie selling hot pace for the Hawks Ford was noted Ior his pittl and showed plenty of prolllfsl ltut in season and 11111 III the yen he just couldnt untruck himself urcen not given chance to display his wares and Ennns knew It Ilow ever under ialt colors font and Green rattled the vine llIl regularity Ilierc ltlllttl to be no stopping them nd while they roared through this liirious pacr 12mins licked his sores wniie ILIIIIK on the hot seat willi llie Iaiis who felt he 11111 boobed deal But Hap didnt give up and the man who laughed last laughed the longest for on January 23 Ilupper notched his tirs goal for the Ichrs It iIs contest number 111 under the new banner and he broke the lllgoul jin From then on new leaf was turned in tloppirs books He picked up eight goals In the remaining games He was given credit for being the main reason by decrepit Harrie team struck with injuries elimin ited the titlefavored indsor Spitfires of that season The Ilyers went on to win their second successive 11 title Ihey again captured the ALLOntario honors In the Eastern anuda playdouiis against loiitreal Royals they tell four straight Id suspected behind the scenes monster Ilut throughout the playolfs who do you suppose topped the Hyers production Ilal Hopper and Real lievrclils each tied in the playoff scoring SINCE llllIN trading material llllll evei ilciIved It can tusll he nillti that Llltlll Hopper llie IIll 11111111 have ranked tl also rans inthe junior race Huictiaiii 111 unsung hero and he loo really showed form In the playol Ill 11d lneie another deal ILiiinis made in 11 car oI ieiiiiildiiie for what eventually brought the coveiid Meni oi 111 1111 IIllllllb didnt have 11111111 to boast aboiil in the wag of material He had his are Heal lie1cli1 on the 1mm lines He obtained liedI Mctarliiy flUlll St Mikes iinl later picked 11p lcrry loppauniis eond tract from St lalliainies leepeis 11c ULgttl lair defence star Stan 111114 taiil lsiandow and big John Sliedden Oshawa 1e11 erals were in llll bulilt mess and hence liliiiiiis headed to the uealtestI point He Lil1llll ioalze llob Shropshire for insurance and lorwardsI lie Campbell lord Warner and Doug lowcrs snawa bound were llio Caron Hob lIoldeii liiiso Zaiititla and Bob layloi For the entire season the deal didnt Iielp any club to any great extent The Ilycis managed to reach the playoffs and Towers showed the most for the newcomers wasnt iiiilil the 19511151 campaign iiicnioralile one it deed that the trade brought results Towers was shifted to right wing in inIntIx 1111 Btnp Ilrliii in hit pti III 111 lJli III Litltltlll on II Iti 11am eoiin 11151 11izi IIltlliv =111e lIim lllt group despite losing 32 none 11r ever tenied that Hopper 115 the lltIllirlrmIIII 101110 011110 MONIHY filmi 1919511 11 Ileleplioiie No are more likely to break the tie They travel in Windsor for gain engagement with the Spitfires and although the Spits Etvon their last outing they probably wont win again until ilJIc it when they play Barrie illeantiliile tlze Flycis HII have liltlftllll win another two ponils at t1fetedge trounce oi do some his experts with Guelph llilliiiozcs loI One at the arena to keep fixluie is the Blilzlulta can be And to predict win would beaten Larry Atirie coach of Osb calling Chicago ll itllltlgt did if over the week 111 the Stanley end And it he found Solution then so can Hap Bruins ieally Isnt hard to do Just ktct the liigiiscoiing three of Ken 11utiiiab Hon Murphy and Chuck lleiideisoii oft the gttliie slicet blink 111 light few times at the other end and the twovpoiiil prize is 1llltlttl consolation about tonights 21 p11e 111 nlllr III Illi FIN OJIIHUI lKllil 11III AIS 11111 The point is the 11111 initial illirlllL of the season In tlllotiei Now the yaw since that yam but the fact ils 11 lhfll plnre ltlltII rental iliilltlld till Iltitlil re Unly trouble Milll to stop the opposing scoring Iiitnlitnis and they are not placing the puck in the other 112 Ollltt than lioug llohns and Don McKenv hey there hasnt been consistent IIe1s 11111ksman of late Allen Skip leal who joined the lilln following the seasons pair of openers has yet to notch his first AND Have Whaleii scored in the opener pagainst Waterloo and hasnt been SPARES 70 Iviiriw Ilizinis llttl 111 lliltiiiores wouldi litl dfeal ins b1111 agnin ll sI 11115 lint In lIltIIII say Mini Iicai the net since HXttpl in prac lice laul liiick Wood lImms and at Barrie Bowling Alleys iplayiiig month Ilask of beating Guelph tonight Is tougliie for Eninis About the only alternative for ninis is to earl along the battered tell 1121 check Guelph before they enter the arena and hope for the best Actually his team is doing GROII 111keview Dairy continue to lead It the llyers donl lliave tapered off Since the initial Consequently the Chuck INEW MERCANTILE ENTRIEs They hold onepoint margin over faslrusliing Canadian General Electric and twoponil spread Iiff Brown 11kev1ew were paced by Harry 21111111 who produced three Iiice games t22921H2371 for total of 1711 A1 Dickey and Ccc Sharpe lied AIL for top honors for the Dodgers eacl with threegame total of 681 lix1es Smok Shop prolygcd IGlis bid for top place by winning 512 lliibe orbelt led his mates with 137271214 for $22 Murdy taiiipbell who rolled single of 3511 headed CGE with 597 for three lcrry Electric defaulted to Bell but the men of Graham Bell failed to roll their Linns ltllitl liIiiiclf loaded en 1s 11 1c ha rt mgleam average less 11 per cent in the much better than the records show IGoziI average per game was less It presently stands at 333 per game Giielphs prcgamc average is 3112 However it is known that 1211111112111 Murphy and Henderson oriii the bulk of this innfman is IIrreiilly tied for the league lcadcr ship with Eric Nestercnko of Marl boros Murphy 1s lliird and Hend erson is tied for fifth Between the llirce they have blinked the light 39 times with Murphy the pace seller Murphy has scored 17 times Henderson 13 and Laufinaii nine The curtainraiser Monday at the 15mins 0015 the Royal City entry Barrie Arena did not draw an over is weak in the nets Whin pmduc litI crowd but it lid draw an 111g 11 goals in 13 games they have 11111151215110 Lllhtlinll Many had Alli enter their netting four less citing moments kept them on edge llian Lorne llowes of the Flyers iillld Itfllllltly 901mm IO 11 Ifth organized circle have been group lIInIniIis pi odncl 11111 piodutid He liiiislitd IIIL s1 ason 1111 good mm Rim mm result my Consequently scoring record and hit the limelight In the rugged Eastern aiiada Iiiiall have his youngsters firing plenty of rubber If either salvaged only five points Webb Brothers took decided Itllllll this week when they tio1111c against Quebec LiiadeHls He proved tireless worker aggressive and most valuable he talent lininis discarded to Oshawa didnt show as much together as loweis did alone strings along with This certainly doesnt reflch that llowcs is not kicking them out The point is Guelph are supposed to have better defence than the Ely crs Now it either means that Guelph are an allout offensive team pr the bIlltIill corps are full iiig below SLttSOlltlI rating lo boil this advance down Flycis do stand good chance at stopping Giiclph tonight The new addition of Larry Thibeault from Windsor will help in spirit if noth ing else The big dcfciiceman can not expect to burn the ice lanes yet He must accustom himself to Eniiiis style of hockey which is in direct contrast to that coached by Jim Skinner However the players know that Emms is trying to win hockey games and obtaining Thibeault proves it If fans dont witness victory they will at least watch the battling foolskating determined Flyers trying to slow down and out ed lillllitIIillllllllg No 70 The Tanners gave away 366 pins in three Igamcs which is quite handicap iSid Woodward was the losers best with 574 Mac Porter who carded 340 single finished with 602 high for Webbs Bell Telephone No took all seven points from Brass Glenn THERE WAS another deal made in the offseason that year but we are not too familiar with the angles Emms obtained Leo Laliiiic hardhitting reeklISs rightwinger goalie Lorne owes the best in the loop and lefciiceimiii George Slaniitz Ironi St Mikes Somehow the deal involved the release of Danny Poland to Toronto Marlboros Danny MacDonald and Bill Sexton to Toronto ht Michaels As everyone knows that deal aided greatly in Eninis roaring to the Memorial Lup So now the III HI Tl cralty inciitor is at it again He is rebuilding riddled stall fldlfw and his initial player deal has brought Larry Tliibeault to the fimlzlilfl WIN 0M1 Iff Told Thibcault will be used on the bluclinc by Emms although INnblglmwd2111lllvfgl21w3w5 until this season he has always played on the forward lines 261HIM for mm Of 695 We firmly believe llmnis has made another tistrike although Clin BrownS mm Klan he gave away good iietmliider in Marv Brewer to do it The IJUH from COWCUI losing 52 GUM fans will likely receive their first glimpse of Tliibcault inn Barrie carried the nth or the win sweater tonight when Guelph Elltmorcs visit our icc palace 215 Wm 555I whip Boadwuy mp Hes real husky with sixfoot frame and two years of junior pod Cliff Bum15 with 55g hockey ability left We wonder if Emms was looking forward to another march this season or next when he grabbed the ll Winnipeg product from the lowly ranks of Windsor Spitfires 13 HERE AND THERE By way of our expert radar machine we detect LIONEL BARBER and BOB BINGLEY both cxFlyers pcrform ing for Pembroke Lumber Kings of the Eastern Amateur Hockey Lca 11 gue Jim Maxwell former Windsoritc is also with Pembroke and the team expect to boast the service of Bruce Giesebrecht whose contract 32 31 30 28 26 25 23 Lakcvicw Dairy CGE Cliff Brown Bell Telephone Bell Telephone Perry Electric Dixics Smoke 10 10 11 tlie Eninis 11111 iifbiyiwniimtitive your Barrie Farm Supply one of two DUNK Lessor or new entries opened the season on Terry 11211911 whichever goalie Pike the right foot with 63 triumph over rugged Stroud Bruins In the nightcap the second new entry Lakcvicw Dairy doubled the score on MincsingWondcr Valley Com bines winning II4 The opener was seesaw battle with neither cliib scoring until the sccoiid period Doug Cotilson fired the first marker into the Stroud net only to have Grant Wallace successfully climax play from close in for StrOud Then Yashcr strongskating centre for Farm Supply broke loose for two goals prior to periods end Rod Black of Stroud got the third stanza under way to narrow the deficit to single goal but Jack Dytc Carl Emms and Doug Coul son with his second provided the finishing touches Eddie Webb notched Strouds final counter with four minutes remaining Farm Supply netminder Ron Davies sustained facial injury near the end of the contest and had to be replaced by alternate custod TTHTQnaLEeSTOLZPWTlhws were itoezthcfirst 10 is pTcsently heldbyOttawa ScnaiOiS JIMBEASLEY who tended the nets for the Flycrs in 194950 is kicking them out for Renfrew make trade this season RUDYMPIIIOUSCOfStTCailiari ismTecpccs gathered in leftwing strength recently by acquiring Gord Mylm from Oshawa Generals In return LARRY AURIE received Bob Daniels rightwinger from Port Dalhousie and Joe Kastclic another right wingcr from Swastika near Kirkland Lake The latter is only on Horaheieasoprretuemnt0=theTeepeeneFyeatHENER ALS have also been doing some house cleaning in an effort to climb from seconddivision depths Aurie released Roy Luyben and Roy Foster two leftwingers who had not shown much as far as the Oshawa coach was concerned ORILLIAS senior IB entry are expected to cut neat figure this season for the fans who generously cont ibutcd an arena They are counting on Ab Bowen Murray RichardSOn Don Bowen andICarl Emms toprovide plenty Of punch all wellknown BarrieI stars They are also hinting the services of Elyer minor canch Jack Dytc for defence purposes However Dyte emphatically denies this because he at present finds no time to play on top of coaching the junior Flyersland reorganizing the Flyers minor hockey system FROM RESULTSof semifinal COSSA football play indic ations are that the Georgian Bay district is long way from the standard of football played in more southern regions Not only did Barrie Collegiate receive trouncing from heavier Stam ford Collegiate team in the senior division but Orillia absorbed 351 defeat from Port ColbOrnc High School in the junior ilaydowns At least the kids give the district fans some exciting gridiron baffles EDDIE BUSH appears to have good intermediate team for Collingwood fans again this year He has Len Cockyof Gait Black Hawks and Don Keith of Guelph Biltmores back in hometown livery to link with such standouts as Frank Gowing Jimmy Dance George Fairchild Bob Fryer and Bob Sandal The team willmiss such veterans as BILL ALLAN Chub Butters Nip SpoOner Brit Burns and Charlie Sandell all having retired after forming the bulk of Coiling woods championship squad croWd of 400 watched the ShipI builders first practise goodIindication of enthusiasm for the Treating seaSon There aresome teams who wOuld like to have 400 at game large crowd fromlBarIic will be heading for BUFFALO this weekend to see the AHL test between the Bisons and Hershey Bears Theattraclion of course is the great number of exFlyersperformlng for both clubs 1A very good proclub could be hadfrom players Emms has produced in re cent years Take GIL MAYERof Pittsburgh Hornets in goal II Stan Long Jim Morrison andRIay Garlepy on the bluelinc Sid McNabncy Jeny Reid Don Ashbee RealChieyrefils Leo Labine Gen Pnnell Bill Hagan Jerry Toppazziniand Joe Luml on the forward lines and coach would have wellbalanced bardtobeat team Then add Jack White to that crew who should be but isnt ill the pr0ranks with 469 260 single THEIlNEWLYFORMED NIOHA senior circuit consisting of two eamsfrom Sudbury and one entry each from Sault Ste Marie and Nortbaay boast number of formeLElyers aslo BILLiBARJRETT is IatrOlling right wing for Sudbury Wolvcs and his centre is Cord Healej MIRLE RED MCCARTHY and Andy MIuntba who saw brief tlon for theFlyers perform for Sudbury CarusOs Vince Lecour Iii kf Guards andIJoe LaFrance carry NOrth Buy Black Hawk colors IiiIe DOUG TOWERS of last years Memorial Qp champiOns is the Tb Burrieite With 806 Greyhounds JOE JAYDEE MCARTHUR ud of come to terms with OwenSound Mercurys for senior re so accepted aygood otfer from Halifax St Marys of the 1JACK McKNIGHT is playing defence for New Liskeard estthis season His coach is former Barrie Colt of 1941 Albert Shop Dodgers Copaco Webb Brothers TEWPE Brass Glenn 18 High threeHarry Glenn 770 high singleMac Porter 340 GROUEQ Chicks Mens Wear have finally pulled up their socks andar on the move They handed out whitewashing ioHai01d Hills Ply months as Don Russell spearheaded hot attack He rolled 232212240 for 674 total Ted Rothwell was best for Plymouths with 618 RCAF13X also took seven points from Montgomery Auto Parts to move back into the running Paul led the Flyers with nice single of 339 and total Giles was tops 10 10 10 11 11 ll 23 23 23 for Montgomery Bokars captured 52 win from Barbers to mOve into third place in the division standings and only three points from the top Carl Emms led the Bokars with 556 Harry Wick also had 556 three for the Barbers Londry Motors moved to within one point of first place by snapping scvh points from Harold Hills Chryslers Londrys were led by Lang with 227243218 for 688 total Chryslers best man on the night was Chell with 486 Barrie Exapnner captured 52 decision from Finlays BA to move into sixth place Dan Wallace with 536 and George Storey yvith 529 paced the winers Ferguson how ever was the top bowler of the game with 310 game and 66 total to lead Finlays Toronto Telegram clung to fifth place in the standings by edging HEPC league leaders 43 Louie Morrow paCed the closely fought victory With 129 which included Viricci topped HEPC with 587 16 38 16 37 Londry Motors APBokarsr 147 35 Plymoutbs MW l4 32 Toronto Telegram 11 10 26 Barrie Examiner 10 11 24 RCAF13X 10 ll 23 Chicks Mens Wear 12 21 Finlays BA l2 l9 Barbers 13 19 Chryslers 14 15 Montgomerys High singlePaul 339 high three Paul 739 9c 12n1enghseoritest should of 739 for three 19 fox the wizardy of such opponents as Laufman Henderson Murphy and Andy Bathgate ian Don Lowe second period rally by Lake me View Dairy wiped out an earjyio highlight of the paign November to defeat Oscar Hickling Arnold Norrena and Don Robinson tallied for the losers in the open chapter Plan Swimming but BobBrown John Walton Bill cl Ball and Doug Fraleigh wiped Out iwj E3 SECUIIdT asses at amp The Dairymen outscored Com Borden in bines 41 in the final period Bill Ball with his second an additional pair for John Walton and single Despite WInter wmds Ith ton to Joe Timmons rounded out tremendous snowfall committee met on Nov to discuss plans for the scoring parade for the winners swimming classes to be held at McLean scored the Combines lone Camp Borden early next Spring marker in the period So many requests for swimming in STROUDsutIonI Shring Mar struction fortboth beginners and tin Gibbons Boychoff Lee Webb advanced swimmers have been re ceived this fall that the Simcoe County recreation serviceK inco operation with the Barrie recrea tion committee has set up sub committee to arrange classes Those who took part in the pre liminary discussions last Monday night were Sandy Coutts and Dalton Nesbitt representing the Barrie recreation committee George Woods Mrs Whyte Rev ytIENeMmJSmIth and Miss Louise Collev countydirector of recreation Through the courtesy of the staff at Camp Borden Bar dia Pool will be made available for swimming instruction Classes are to be open to anyone in the county The age minimum was tentatively setat 14 The classes will probably get upder way toward thgz end of March The schedule of classes could not be drawnup immediately but the plan is to arrange instruction for both sexes adults as well as teen agers and for beginnersjand ad vanced swimmers Lifesaving class es willbe available for thelattere small fee willbe charged to cover cost of instrution It is hoped that some of the com niuuities inthe vicinity ofCamp Borden will arrange transportation to thepool Mr Coutts is looking into this matter for Barrie It was suggested that representa tive from otherareas in the county be invited to attend the next meet ing of the subcommittee on swlm mingwhlch is to be held in Janu are Saturday Morning Church Hockey scheduled Games The schedule for Saturday morn ings Church Hockey League is as follows Emtam 8840 Trinity vs First Baptist 840920 St Marys vs llandale 92010 Central vs Col er Ill1020 Squirts II Peewee 10201045 St Georges vs St Andrews 10451110 Burton Ave vs C011 let 1110li35 Ccijlfglyggt Marys uBIJ 11 512 Trlnity vs St Marys IIaAiisz gcCINADA TRY AN EXAMINER WANTAD ruouu 241 The EfchITiiiif7eieomiis 66W 15351ng AVAILABLE FOR PROMPTDELIVERV SiiieaIIIVCoIiid PHONE 2451 iOPEN SEASON WITH WINS IGAMES INDICATE GOOD YEAR Illltlli three few weeks back andi Ilic Barrie and district Mercantile Hockey League natural ly doesnt boast polished hockey but each year the com petitive calibre increases And from all indications this sea sons whirl will wind up as the most successful on record The reason for such an impression is the large number Of lscnsoncd OHA performers now in the loop These lads mixed with others who never had an opportunity to hit the more decided lift to the mercantile Young Black Bowman Trombley McArtliur Grcnley lilcgcl Nelson FARM SUPPLYDavics McLean Jack Dytc Dong Coulson Edwards Don Coulson Fcltis Carrutliers Stephenson Emms Yaslicr Long Cowic Lowe LAKEVIEW DAIRYHarradinc Smilli Murphy Ball Fralcigthy ers King OConnor Gethons BroI ley Timmons Richardson Walton Brown MINESINGWONDER VALLEY COMBINESPhillips Quinlan Mc Cabc Stoddart Bill Adams Hast ing Robinson Hiekling Priest Bartholomew Harry Adams Mc Lean Norrcna Kaiippincii OFFICIALSJim Fcltis Bill Mc Cullough WaTOdiiOEhe Coach Kinnear Cooke Succeeds Bob Kinncar coach of the Water loo Hurricanes of the OHA Junior circuit was fired by the Water loo Arena Commission operators of the Hurricanes franchise Norman Cooke manager of the Waterloo Memorial Arena has been named msiiccecdlbimr to oust Kinnear was made following joint session of the Arena Commission and Water 100 City Council It wasfelb by majority of those present at the meeting that Kinnear should go Timmilftfha commission said Im interested primarily in the welfare of the com munity in replying to question as to why change was needed Timminsadded that he had back ed Kinnear to the hilt when his contract was up for renewal Now am convinced change is needed Herbert Klaehn commission mem ber said he had canvassed 11 play ers and all of them thought Kin near good coach Harold Cotton chiefscout of Boston Bruins with whom Hurri canes have working agreement told me differently Mr Timmins said Col lapses on Wc1y Home Collapsing on Colborne St near the Orillia bus line terminal Mon day morning James Copeland 65 Of Warminster died of heart at tackvas he was being taken by am bulance to the SoldiersiMemorial Hospital Orillia Employed by an OrilliacOntrac tor Ml Copeland hadcomplained of severe chest pains while at work and had left his job to catch bus forhome He is survived by his wife and seven children CEMENT Tight wclcoes new If lyer Larry IhlbeniIilt Scoring With Neslerenko Toronto ltlarlboros and Ken La place in the Ontario ociatioii Junior statistics Nesterciiko earned his 33 poi with 22 goals and 11 assists La man piled tip the same total nine goals and 24 assists 111 iii with nine goals and 22 assists 31 points Ncstercnko Marlboros 22 ll Lanfman Guelph 24 Poland Marlboros 22 Murphy Guelph 18 Wharram Gall 10 19 Conacher Gall 11 14 Henderson Guelph 13 11 McDonald Marlboros 13 Balhgale Guelph ii 14 McIntosh Galt 14 STANDINGS 241 l3 13 13 15 ll 12 13 12 12 12 Tuesdays Result Kitchener Gait Future Games Tonight St Catharines at Wi sor Guelph at Barrie Marlboros Guelph Galt Kitchener St Michaels Barrie St Catha Waterloo Oshawa Windsor MMquw Friday Kitchener at Barrie arines Windsor at Waterloo Michaels at Gall Marlboros Oshawa Oshaw Michaels CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTINGPHONE 2414 Laufman Shares Eric Nestcrcnko of the leading man of Guelph Biltiiiorcs share top Hockey As placc is Marlboros Danny Poland OHIITUNIORA Thursday Oshawa at Waterloo Waterloo at Guelph Saturday Guelphcat St Cath Sunday Windsor at Marlboros Too GOOd FOr Brantford Boy SydIay1oiz nifty little fighter of the Barrie Boxing Club had litlh trouble disposing of Brant in tight IIUW at London Tayloi scored unanimous iive iouiid ILLtrltill in bout that start ed like waltz and finished wild and furious Ilurry of punches be ing thrown by both participants Taylor was Just too good for the Branlford lad Paul Kenny aflci scoring nine straight victories dropped three ionnii lechllill to Ken lloner of London Honor boasted quite reputation iii the ring and al though Kenny was not outclassed he was too tense for the allini poitfint meeting Kenny however recovered par tially iii the second and hurt Hon or on series of punches Man ager Orv Dash is confident that Kenny can defeat the London pro duct providing he ghts to form HaVvksBealen IBy Greenshirts Kitchener Grcenshirls moved back into fourth place in the OHA Junior loop last night when they dc feated thirdplace Gait Black Hawks 52 before 2546 Kitchener fans The Gicenshirts were never head ed in the game scoring the only goal of the first oiitscoring their rivals 21 in the second and third stanzas Orval Tcssier led the winners at tack with tlircc goals Frank Toy ota and Jack Novak counted singlcv Ions Pete Conachcr tallied both goals for the Hawks uf iits uf ith ird DRINK PLAY REFRESHED 33 33 31 30 29 25 24 22 22 21 for 80 ready for winter by having your car or truck winterized now Our factorytrained me chanics will give you guaranteed protection Service includes radiator Icleaning and reverseflow flushing water pump check fan belt adjust ment check of rubber connections enginc check for leakage cleaning radiator core Chryco Alcohol Base or peImanenttype antifreeze winter oil and lubricants See us today and be ready for winter 19 l7 l5 l4 nd Chryco is trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada Limited DANGERFIELD MOTORS St at music nuance 1938 40 TEAMS I932 933 934 1935 l936 1937 1938 I946 1947 948 949 l950 Ian51 CANADA 0511 CANADA HOLLANQ ERE MEXco 054 FRANCE MEXco CA M05TAIV 4ooo PIZIZE wow By THE THREE CLIELAND amp125 MARSHAL DOUGLAS AND CALDER oemoy 0N7 WINNERS OF lNTERNATIONAL CHALLENGETROPHY IRISH FREE STATE 25H FREESWE clip facile14y Stickercc THE ex+ ra PERFORMANCE OF 7H5 lORSE AllD WE extra SKLL 0F 7IE RIBBONS tliftiitllil ESSEXEEE Iiiiiiiltiil mobiliti iipvpi foids Don Grinton Monday night I1 TriO PIayHerc nigh SidTOonrMuch BE READY wIINTERIZE Now