Wednesday let Dangerous Drivingi Charge Dismissed Wife Died Injuries living judgment in case tried at Slayncr Magistrate Foster dismissed charge of dangerous driving against Alexander ste oronlo The charge was laid on Aug 26 IC Irwin Stiryner OPP fol owing an accident at the inter section of Highway and County road Vespra when Mr Wyse tru veiling south at an estimated 30 IIIZICS Ill hour and confused by lights of approaching cars missed the curve went straight through the guard rails and on 135 feet turn Ing over in it field The driver suffered it broken shoulder Ills wife died later from injuries Other passengers were Mr and Mrs Melville Liddiord Strond and Mr and Mrs Gordon Stinson Ior onto all of who were more or less injured Tile decision of ilis Worship was that while the accused may her been driving at high speed when not familiar with the road there was no wanton disregard of traffic rules Fined for Assault On conviction for assaulting Clarence Dunvers in his liorric 79 liff Street Allandalc on Oct ll Wrii er Page was fined $70 with costs of $2050 with the option of one month Remanded Oct 31 Eric Bielby charged with pass ing worthless cheque for $3483 on Oct IS in chlers Limited Barrie was remanded until Oct 31 when he offered an explanation regarding been in good faith Magistrate For The cheque that his action had Am cam ms er ordered that pld 115DY3M1NSTEB Soak ICPl BARR EXAMINER quptY yr isirict cattle men offere Monthly meeting of Edgar Fedl 32000 reward in an advertises ertior of Agr re in the Lolliment in the Lloydnrinster Iirntgt grill Tuesday it 30 30 any prIaOfl giving informsl Oiitk Speaker will be tion leading to the conviction oil Wdfiiltu Barrio on Marketing of anyone stealing cattle from our Beef Cattle Iitilt bring lunch pasturcs srIAIrg rx lt For obstinctm PC ILki during dioltilbniitc in the washi 20 at 1130 pm Pie Francis of fariip Burden was fined $20 wiltil ious of $4 50 Or second charge of pLISSrgtSitlltl of liquor he was fined SIU wrtnl costs of $2 50 lie claimed Illri titer liquor was not rs 311A of Club 79 at Barf on Or lt PERSONALIZED Vagrancy Dismissed charge of vagrancy agzirristl Fred Huston of Oak Ridges was dismissed after he had shown thut he Illid sufficient cash to take him back to his home and he had ai ready secured work it rrrnp Iloi den WELL DONT TRY TO 939 THE DAPK wow it YOJQ 0no ills companion Marion laitner had been charged Willi public llliSI chief but also was allowed to go Christmas Cards Rniuntifled with the smartest In liristmas Grading Fords Let us fill your order with your name Im printed on the curdt you select from our new collection The trouble arose over dispute betwucn them on Oct 32 at pin on Owen Street Barrie regarding an amount of cash Iluston had sizitttd to run from the scene andi had given IC Luckie ti long chasc through back yards on Street before capture Worslcy POGO 71mm iw AH mammal MuHRAT KEEP EYE our F02 or Select now Ave 56 72 UWVG if ROOEGGN All1 HE WEI59 IT ANTHE DuCK oeuvres IT from our brimming catalogues me 70 aw BROWN amour NEW DIFFERENT PERSONALIZED 7LETTERHEAD5 BOOK MATCHES SERVIETTES COASTERS Boys slurdlly constructed Mo ccasin Vamp Oxford made for rugged wear Neolite sol es rubber heels price low at only $495 THOMSON Cr CRAIG 29 Elizabeth St Barrie ONLY THESE WW4 Wedded HELP PROVIDE THOUSANDS OF EXTRA TROUBLEFREE MILES Independent Parking Brake Safety Rim Wheels Automgtic Electric Choke Bolted0n Fenders Floating Oil Intake Oil Bath Air Cleaner Floating Power Engine Mountings Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts ElectrIOWmshield Wigner Oilite Fuel Filter in Gas Tank SplashProof Ignition System Elie ank Examiner FOR DEPENDABILITY ONE OF THE BEST WAYS for you to nd outthe real worth of anycarTisfnget the opinion of number Of owners For more than 35 years Dodge owners have been the Dodge cars most enthusiastic salesmen This is because they know Dodge has pioneered in developing important automobile advancements beau they know Dodge combines research 14min Mirna mum the turtle is menace to itfeaibertg health and in so WHAT PAY NO ROWDY ATTENTION NOTHING GEEJZOWDY 7E5 WE RE ITS RAINING MUST DAMPEN our OUR NEW SNAPPYLOOKING UNIFORMS GROUP OF CHEER LEADERSlF DD SAY SOMYSELFI one of those eta Ashliatt order the 391 Myzarzle Comerflee VAIuN 71 ii 90 N0 coat ON GANG BIG YEA TEAM arsed Third painters out as tummy gm mam amo to stamp out gcmgfgdfce last reueee n15 HAW To PROTECT PUBLIC more WITHOUT MODE By Wally Bishop on WELLWE GOT OFF ONE SNAPPY LOOKING CHEER ANYWAY AM OILISEE APTAIN ATOM WHAT ARE THESE Frzeoueucy RADAR no GADGETS FOR COMMUNICATION ANTENNAE PL NETARY PATROL won SATELLITE ROCKET BASE IN SPACE BIIILT nus COSMtCRAY WELLDONT DISINTEGRATIOM GUN POINT THE NEED FIFTEENCENT FLASHLIGHT BATTERY BEFORE ANY OF THIS STUFF WILL WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE SKEETFR OLD FUNNELS ll USES ENERGY FROM WHAT SHALL we PLAVZ NUTHIN manufacturing skill and careful inspection to produce car of outstanding dependability So take tip from Dodge Owners and your new car invest ment will pay dividendsin ner performance longer life and low upkeep DANGERFIELDgMOTORS Phone 2487 Collier Sr Borrie IA MONKMANS GARAGE COOKSTOWN MY FRIENnirruiiAf LOOKJRMA THAT Doe rs RUNNINEAWAY WITH OUR CLOTHES SEE YOUR DODGEDESOTO 600 Turns anssreu BUT WE CANT WEARTIIAT SIGN Iui uu um lt EAIER TODAY IORA DEMONSRION IByJoclt SoidOI V9 rallllllllll on ALL 5MART EXECUTIVE V26 HOPE WEARTHEM ON THE 503 you LIKE IT