Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1951, p. 5

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 29 1951 Reeves lDR NORMAN HIGH SPEAKS IHear 09390 wt On Syndicate On Oct 25 Gordon limo ERURAL CONFERENCE GROUP iON PRACTICAL EDUCATION laylor all of Reeves Jewellers Illarrie attended lecture given by Dr Norman mg AC IGladys Benson Hannaford travel ilft IGuelph addressed the gulliltlillg ling ItClilrtf fur the De Beers Con Eat the Rural Life sulldaled Diamond Syndicate 01 ling held at Big Bay Point 01 131 Ylrk lcrnoon 11c outlined the history of finances and keeps It runmngl day afternoop on the sinner the program 1n the county and con Ismcothly Practical Education In the ltur cludcd With plans for tth comIng During mt wani Mr page Smb a1 Community W859 led it was not difficult to 011111111 Education 1W gt100 Thls field of adult education allsuppom However following will itlsl formal learning It Iciilll started In the all of 1038 when the war supper of the Nahum Film 1m in dvmg and Hug mm W9 Dr IPgt0 Mm Board and Department of Education lion sonicthing that takes place istcr of IIllC1lltlll made the rc gradually petemd away and mp pLm1 mark that he was sorry thcic 35 load was thrown upon local shoul cdtlcullull then Illiil bc thought of lot more cooperatlon betwucn the dew Assistance could be had um Nun depamwms Iagrmlnmcnddu but local control was threatened Ipllttl in the 1er to IIlLIIIc our Page Sild Steps were taken to retain control STEWART PAGE ADDRESSES ASSEMBLY AT BIG BAY POINT RURAL CONFERENCE Stewart Page agricultural re The program had been directed presentativc for North Sirncoeiifirst by David Smith then by thci spoke on the Educational Program5 are Rev George Morrison andi of Simcoe County Federation ofipresently by Cecil Chappell It isi Agriculture at the Rural Life Con llooked after by Rose Robertson ference Big Bay Point Friday 11 chief trouble shooter She handlesl EmpressOI Scotland at New York Ililml ill tnzs through praetltal two liliftlltlf llifrl pulnltd bill ltf 111111 cuiillliuully and content which111 hm tare d111gtlUlll Ncn program prol piuctlcul knowledge IorI Spcclnglllltllll Ontario Mrs llannaford spoke to large Jewellers at TM WWW huum lilc king Edward Hotel In Toronto llIr illustrated talk Diamond In lluman personality and foriluitiun misc covered many as It Lhmmmv 11 of Ic IlIllltIld Industr Itlltltilll liltltt is 101 clinic IlIIiIIII mm Ihi zitt lltlllIlL II of ItlltIIlilIl process IItIr Iolll ltlh Illtlilfl Iic lull Iwttl lttUlllIIIl llllgt firtlllillll dclliocratlc 11p to fItt Ilttllfi dolliu income or as L11 1lliplt This served to whet some minds and started the ball rolling the result that night with classes of social sciences were held that first winter in nine centres he contin ucd In January ation of Agriculture Night classcs wcrc W115 of 1840 the Feder horn urganiLcd to meet real nerd and were based Mr on faith of Pagc cnlargcd the program was many organizations rural people PAGE After the first year supported by of the local program by the culli munity 121 the early 40s the Federation adopted night classes as major llll portancc This conference the seventh is definite part of edu cation by the Federation Mr Pagr said He outlined important points of community education Last year the Federation lost support of grants from the Depart ment of Education but gained the support of school inspectors who urged school boards to cooperatc and also lost support of the Nation al Film Board speaker program was originat cd with 44 communities taking tllc program monthly An allowance and mileage were paid thcsc speak ers The community dccidcd what typc of speaker they wanted program usually consisted of film speaker and local business This carried on until last fall when the order was changed because of too full programs Finances were also too heavy for the Federation The programs were changed to film and discussion period and local business or speaker and discussion period and local business the pro grams alternating monthly This nrrangcmcnt meant better programs and financially cut costs almost in half They were very well re ceived Mr Page continqu to ex plain Afcc of $7 was charged these community meetings with every community receiving 25 per cent rcbatc This is again being done this year with the exception that the fee has been reduced $1 the speaker told his audience Mr Page also pointed out the ori ginating of the library service and the county recreation service the important part played in paving the way for the county health and den tal service in schools As one example of the value of these programs Mr Page pointed out the advance made by many farmers in soils They have been spurred on by these programs Mr Page emphasized The programs give rural people chance to work on their own problems Propose Another Dale Carnegie Class this Winter An interesting program was ar ranged by Jack Kerr Jr and Hilda Outridge for th October meeting bf theSiklEasy Clubiheldat Barrie Community House Each member was asked to con tributohisolr heriviewpoint 0n var ious phases of public speaking such as adequate gestures importance of illustrations poise etc in order that others would benefit from the experience of each To some extent various stages of the Dale Carnegie course and in this respect every speaker was virtually an instructor During the business session report was given by Willard Kinzie PIP1000f MARKET mucus OCT 29 1951 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Ctroperative Packers of Ontario Barrie 000 Hogs Unsettled EGGS Large Medium bean this winter She will leave for the Spanish Main for her first 16day cruise on Feb 26300TON CANADIAN PACIFIC luxury liner Empress of Scotland shown here passing the Statue of Liberty at New York has been scheduled for three sunshine cruises from New York to the storied Carib Prior to starting whitehulled flagship will have the honor of carrying Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh back to England following their tour of Canada CPR lhoto hcr cruise season the New ports 01 call 111 the Virgin Islands following this with trips on Feb 20 and March Thirtyone Candidates In Into Barrie lodge ol Perleclion well as large attendance front the 14th degree ill the lodge room the Sovereign Grand Commander pro sentcd 33rd degree jewels to Rob crt Swinton of Orillia and Oliver Cameron 0f Barrie Silence was of George Barrie Lodge who had become mem Thirtyouc candidates were ad mitted to Barrie Lodge of Per fection Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry at the Autumn Assembly in the Ma sonic Tcnlplc here Tuesday and Wednesday Oct 2324 Degrees Fourth to Fourteenth were con fcrred The banquet was held in the loc turc room of St Andrews Prcs byterian Church Wednesdayeven ing with TPGM William Stewart of Barrie presiding Toast to Supreme Council was proposed by Cameron with reply by MP Bro Douglas Fraser of Regina Sovereign Grand Commander Toast to the candidates was pro posed by Robert Swinton with reply by Mills of Newmar ket Dinner music was provided by Lloyd Tufford pianist and Lorne Arnold violinist Harry Barron of Bradford sang bass solo The Postillion Thanks to the ladies of St Andrews for the dinner wcrevoiced byzCiJ Allisonpsec tary 0f Barrie Lodge of Perfec ti Several brethren were present from Toronto and Hamilton as of the outside activities committee It was unanimously agreed to offer to RITITEEETTTOFIYliisf The first assignment of the out side activities committee is in con junction with the brOadcast of the JC Forum when the topic under discussion will beShould Barrie Have More Industry This is to be broadcast on Nov over CKBB It has been reported that the Dale Carnegie Institute intend to conduct another class this coming winter With this in mind din ner sponsored by the Institute is to be held tentatively on Nov Each graduate will be requested to invite guest who is keenly interested in public speaking and human rela tions and who may consider taking the course Arrangements for this function are being made by Jack Carly vicepresident of the club LISTEN TO ilialed the Valley of Barrie After observed in memory McConkey treasurer of bar of Supreme Council at Winn peg last month along with Broth cr Swinton and Brother Cameron but passed away suddenly just week prior to the Assembly Fourth degree was Tuesday evening by Barrie dc consisting of Leishman Armstrong Christie Crease and evening Newmarket staged the thh degree with team consisting of Spillette Jackson Mit chgll Wonch Little Boyd Sliver grec team Chittick Cameron Tuffordf 0n the same Rose and Bovair FiftlLDCsree vas rst another Barrie Skinner William Stewart McCaw Wilson ChTIStIG on the Wednesday morning program With team officiating They included Sinclair Irving MacLachlian Mac Stewart Tufford Mc and Barbados have years cruise itineraries been added to this llluflcc folc MOIlIb Illilll and Fox Oiillia put 11 the Sixth degree conferred III1 Robert Swinton Inorc tcr blc Waltcl catcd Put Tudhopc Car Wilfrcd Varlcy and Lam communi llth dc Duff 33 the 8th 10th and grccs bcforc luncheon ill the East crn Star IOOIII Seventh degree was put on by Collingwood with the team con sisting of Munro IWheeler Hammond Cameron McIntyre Rob ertson Ellis Davidson McLean Whipps Dr Graham MacDon ald Sanderson Steph cns Irott Dr Mait land Williams Boadway and Allison Ninth Stayncr with the group Consisting Watson Huth of Diquc degree was put on by Oehnl Douthwzlitc Mc Dermid Dr lvcs Wood 11 Riscbrougli Robinson Carscaddci Blackburn and Clemence Thirteenth degrcc was staged by ShclburncHoncywood group consisting of McQuarric Kirkpatrick Dcaken Tupling Robinson Irwill Gillis Faint MEGEEDiTiTmning and Murphy Wednesday evening the nal degree of Lodge of Perfection was presented by officers with the Sov creign as Grand Chaplain Grand Commander acting CKBB 91230 ON YOUR DIAL MONDAY PM 1230 News 30 News 50 Bulletin Board 00 Serenade at Seven 15 Plano Playhouse 30 Movletown Theatre 05 Tello Test 30 Double or Nothlnz 00 News Headlines 900 Star Dust Serenade 1030 News 1040 Organ Interlude 1045 In the Chapel 1101 Popular Recordings 1111 News Headlines Wea ther Tempi Time 1114 Sign Off Sing 00 News 30 News 30 News 1210 Sports Dlgest 00 County Hour pntll 71215 Market Report 1250 Bulletin Board 100 Farm Features 120 Regional Weather 130 Old Fashloned Hymn 145 Record Albumn 05 As You Like It 00 Sentimental 35 Barbara Wheeler 400 Club 1230 00 Popular Recordlnge 30 News Headlines 45 Hidden Town 00 Club 1230 cont 735 Farm Market Report Iii10 Regional Weather Report News Sports Roundup News Headlines Early Bird News Hymn Time Classical Juke Box Musical Showcase Radio Bandstand News Morning Matinee Rambling with Ralph Morning Matinee News Morning Matinee cont Name the Place 750 800 830 045 900 005 915 030 915 1000 1005 1015 1030 1100 1105 1155 Serenade consensus of and make our crop grow Any type of educational pror gram that sets forth gives 1112 practical Practical education Is very broad rather than smallE and narrow Munklnd moves on common front and practical program must not common front 111 gorillatlozl 1111101111 111 flltilll of diagram ftl trII 111111111 High our grandparents of lulqu but by 1023 Weather Moderate Cooler Weekend With Some Frost Th weather In this area to latcl has not bccn cxtrcnle but of lhcl average fall type Ilain cami 11110110 WHH pucsday and Wednesday lllursduy hmw Mm unlm was clear and toolcl Friday was the same but at midnight strong westerly wind indicatud possibleUNIV snow which lid not lllilllllillllt Il Saturday was clear and cIIIIlII SIIn day cloudy until noon Illll show Irs set in continuing through tllc night colder with occasional imml IILWIWHWM splinklcs of snow ars coming from the north this morulng tclc whitc with snow lcmpcraturcs of 1111 week vcrc High Loul 34 411 till 10 Oct 31 10 Oct 32 Oct 12 Oct Oct inf us but only all II In llltll know lllflltgt IltVtl Jl hc distant future And to subjc High said Wc Inn 11 TssssTQ Oct Oct 22 23 21 22 LUNAR MAGNET The tideproducing power of the moon upon the earths surface is more than twice that of thc sull PHONE 3338 It iltlltil IlllrlIIIlt Middle and xhuwpd Wu mm ctiInc to IM what we arc not be Mulllzilly our grandchildren Itll lItlltIZIIllllh Ilencc will not be Illi EOlhIrs may enter the picture or mect why our practical ttllltitllflll gtI1lllII IA broad aulmg each and eIclv lll tilltdistant future IIE to tlIIIlgs that maki for 111 1111111111 StitiIHI III the plugiain should IiU illwziv IIIIIIIlIItLI flux by of human digs chIl for chI chcraliorls back and generations Ilaglalll slluucil ilt Ilcllcc IIlv It our of us 1ng THE II GUEST RESPECT Be assured that we conduct services wlth dignity and restraint also that we make arrangements to suit every income MODERATE IERMB Funerals complete from $100 and up PETHICKBMITH FUNERAL HOME PHONE 2530 127 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Listen Sun 530 Rm chapel hlmu CKBB lll generations ulIltl people 1024111 of Us of the would That parts up we We do IIHI fornl small cl of our grand OUT ct rnutlcr st exposi hIIts practical 00RN FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOMETRIST STEPIIENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS non APPOINTMENT DUNLOP STREET BARRIE ONTARIO Small Bu TUESDAY AM 055 Sign on 700 NewsHead11nes 701 Musical Clock 15 News 35 Farm Market Report 40 Regional Weather Re 40 Movle MerryIzoround 50 Prelude to Dinner WEDNESDAY PM 00 County Hour until 71290 Luncheon Engage 15 Sports merit untll 30 News 1210 Sports Digest It 1215 Market Report 1230 News 1250 Bulletln Board 100 Farm Features 120 Regional Weather 130 Old Fashioned Hymn Sing DICK MUNGHAM AND THE null Ulllll onlcxaus Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade 15 Grade 410 lbs Special Grade3 analB Grade 011110113 20 over FOWL Under lbs Oval lbs to 5lbs 650 Bulletin Board 700 Serenade 715 Spotlight Revlew 30 Guy Lombardo 00 mm 805 Tello Test 835 Nocturne 900 News Headlines 1015 Operation Safety 1030 News 1040 Organ Interlude 1045 In The Chapel 1101 Popular Recordings 1111 News eadllnes Wea ther Temn Tlnle 1114 Sign Off WEDNESDAY AM 1155 Sign on 700 News Headlines 701 Mustch Clock 715 News port 50 News 800 Sports Roundup New Headlines 45 Early Blrd News 115 Gospel 5mg 45 Record Albumn 00 News 15 As You Like It 300 Sentimental Serenade 330 News ERCAFlnircrui need your core Somefmen are especially good with their hands They like to work with engines mztcllincs drunachincry Such men are needed nowTn theRCAF menawith thcskill and knowhoW to keep modcrnJetRircmft in perfect ying shape If youare medhanicallymindcd you can serve Canada in defence against aggression as skilled Aircraft Technician The RCAF will give you the necessary trades mining at good rates of pay with opportunities for advancement inthc modern eld Of avianon You must bc between 17 and 40 and have Grade cducatidn Or better Classical Juke Box 30 Musical Showcase 945 You were Asking 1000 News 1005 Morntnz Matlneb 1100 News 1105 Morning Matinee cont 1155 Name the Place TUESDAY PM Luncheon EnRaRe CKBB 1230 on irw tllol 35 Barbara Wheeler 400 Club 1230 00 Popular Recordings 430 News Headllnes 445 Hldden Town 530News 540 Movie Round 550 Prelude to Dinner LiilllIIlizii 1lIlIIIt lllllllllllllll MensGo The RCAITWIIITIITOIH you 050 skiIIed AEROFENGINEARMAMINT AIRrRAIIIIr INsrRDMEur 0R RADIO rscumaitny at AOMO BROUGHT If YOU RY ltlllR lHIll lilfiiiR 32 29 16 38 35 24 33 20 see me cum counsellorar vbunuinsr RCA chnwrmc cm ORXMAILCOUPON gt nir Youllfiild eitchant ment in the bright lights and thrilling sights it the big cities Add vcnjoyment to your tripgo by bus ROUND TRIP Subleclv to change mm wzwmwmgy For Indoorsior Outside Ramos MADE rooaDsR Barrie Iron Works ELECTRICand ACETYLENE WELDING Step1 Fabricating Blacksmithingetc =wninmsntis ftfIuF 91 near comma UNIT 55 York Struck Toronto Ontario Phone Ill5636 0155037 Pleas muff nu sailboat obligation ll parlimlm cumlmml nqmrsmulrnd ripening nulanaildbfe II VRaultriggered When rheumatic pain gets you down heres the quick way ti get relief Rub in soothing Minards Linimenils it good Just 77 try it $6111 see ii RHEUMATW if KittieOHAINII gt WASHINGTON $2525 sir moms L08 ANQEIEB VISubje0t to 1111011013 Bumbaggo Extra swam nouns EDUCATION lb mile and pro inc 15

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