ar Profits WitII Pennies Through the Classified CARD oI= iiiiiiixi MACIIINMrs Machin and chil dren wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who were so kind during their recent bereavement in the loss of wonderful husband and father especially to Dr William Little and Dr Nash also to the Rev Fathers of St Marys Her Worship Mayor Marjorie Hamil ton fellow employes of the Board of Works Public Utilities and to the Council of the Town of Ban ric also for the beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards 88p McCONKEYMrs Irene McCon kcy and family Wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation Ads LReap 000 BORN WESTONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 24 1951 to Mr and Mrs Gareld Weston Oro Station son llERYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on October 25 1051 to Mr and Mrs Bruce Damery 43 Anne 51 son MALCOMSONAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Oct 27 1951 to Mr and Mrs William Malcomson 121 Mulcaster St daughter MocNElLAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on October 25 1931 to Mr and Mrs Donald Machil llornepilyne laugh tcr CALL THE EXAMINER POI PRINTINGPHONE 2410 WA c00R Ikws On Four very timon items of wide interest 11 BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 29195 RATES IOR ADLEI COLUMNS 31 word minimum 75c Following Consecutive Insertions 2c word minimum 501 ADLEIS MAY BE TELEPHONED TO OFFICE CASH RATE 2c word minimum 50c Following Consecutive Insertions 1120 word minimum 35c MUST BE PAID WIIII ORDER BOX NUMBERS 0r replies directed to this office 250 extra COMING EVENTSJLOCALS 3c word minimum 750 AUTOMOBILES MORRISON COMPANY LIMITED MerCLIry Lincoln Meteor 3133 Bradford St Barrie PHONE 5566 Accommodation Wanted YOUNG BUSINESS Man desires worn in good home Phone 4215 before pm 1188b WANTED Furnished room with board and hot water by single gentleman Box 29 Barrie Exam Iner llBBBilb FURNISHED OR Unfurnished apartment wanted by young couple with own business in Barrie Box Barrie Examiner 1178th QUIET COUPLE with no children or pets require unfurnished apart ment or rooms immediately Ap ply Box 20 Barrie Examiner 118788b Hairdressing School is now open at 72 Dunlop St over AdzP Store Students are prepared to give you permanent wave sham poo nger wave manicure fac ial and scalp treatment Come ill for appointment 8111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claims or demands 333113 the Estate of WILLIAM ROBERT BEST latt of I951 Prefect Sedan demonstrator 4000 miles heater and fan $1150 1030 Ford Coach blue air condi tion heater spari tirc low mile $1975 trill Sedan EI950 Meteor radio and home Pamphlets advertising let wilrtgtuy In within Following Consecutive Insertions 20 word minimum 501 Rates and type styles for semidisplay classifieds may be obtained through NOTEThe Bar cdnntuements taken over the telephone nor alter the first insertion he rie Exammer WI not assume responsibility for any error in Deadlines for CopySaturday 5210 111 for Monday issue ILhwday 530 pill for Wednesday issue Examiner advertising dcpartment 3101 Monarch sedan light green rplllltSS lllltlltll $1225 for errors in copy unless notified VAIIllllstlily 3210 pill for Friday issue HELP WANTED MACRINE OPERATORS We machine have cnIponuunt operators for machine shop txpcrlcncc Preference will he glyc 01 111011 Apply 11 to Hiring Personnel Department The WILLIAM KENNEDY SONS LIMITED Owen Sound HOUSEKEEPER right party Apply Barrie Examiner BOYS FOR Globe paper routes Good profit mission Phone 2223 rlllll Box 24 41111le and Mail COMPLETE FEED and Concen trates financed for all livestock and and corn 18789b rd MAN WANTED for general pack ving house Apply First Coopcrative Packers wln St Allandalc SHOPMAN REQUIRED ably with knowledge out and assembling window McMartin Bald 18700b prefer ol cutting and door frames Apply Simcoe Lum ber Co phone 2517 1801th AN EXPERIENCED Stcnographcr required by firm Must have neat and pleasing personall lion requires meeting Barrie business appearance ty as posi thc public Shorthand essential Good working conditions Apply Box Examiner POSITIONS WANTE 25 Barrie 188b GIRL WANTS Typing to do at ters etc Write Box Examiner Barrie 23 WANTED DIG OUT THOSE old Stamps Oli Envelopes mail them Anten Mills to me EfJ onesriRR 388 90p few with plcVIous VALCINAIIII GRADE Ilolstcln MIITKTCOWS rcgistcrcd in bills Slroud phone 5313 98889p Good home forl lo LIVESTOCK FOR SALE lhonc 145122 10 WIIANED PIGS ll87iillll IcIItlorc ultcr p111 10 PIGS BEIWIZEN It and inlollths uld Edgar Ihulnpsnu llllt 10 floy 16124 978811I PIGS ti WEEKS 011 llcrt lIlIIglc RR llarric Con 11 Ves pru 2nd farm down from No 110 Phone tlllr tldlltlp hclfcrs due to freshen in weeks lly Alcx Morrison 1111 TI Cooks Ifll phom 281013 Alliston Irgt87Iltll REGISTERED SUFFOLK Ram Lambs and clcctric Dclaval Cream Separator N0 314 used only tllrcc months Grant Stayncr phone 502111 5188 steins and one grade Elmer Gib RAM LAMBS Yearling Suffolk Ray Usher Ellnvzilc phone 141132 988p poultry from baby to market You just pay whenever you say Bar ric Farm Supply The Home of Ike and Mike Market Square Barrie Phone 2982 96797pMF YOUNG TAMWORTH Sows weighing from 250 to 350 lbs young white sows all bred over months showing well 10 young Tamworth pigs 25 pullets Rock and New Hampshire crossed Ap ply to Alex Allen Cookstown phone 71rll 988p FOR SALE USED TARPAULINS Several different sizes Some tradeIns and somersurplus rent als Prompt repair serv1ce Barrie Tent Awning Co 34Bayfild St WBarric 78592b FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator 77 cu bic feet Phone 3407 788p FINLAY COOK STOVE Phone 2660 or 251 Duckworth SI 788p rRrArNGVETTE VlLITHL utility dgaiwer good condition Phone 4330 788b SCRAP METALS Batteries Radi ators Feathers Horse iirAA Hair Furs GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrigera tor Box 26 Barrie Examiner Icondition 1917 Int and out 51050 I=839b4=ge headroom luster exceptionally clean $1975 IN MEMORIAM man or IIIANKSEIN APPRECIATION 1949 MW PC 14 20 word minimum 750 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 75 capacity good $1625 large trunk throughout wry 1948 Dodge Sedan light blue nap at $1325 1018 Dodge Sedan heater and spare tire good buy at $475 1936 hryslfr Sedan recondition ed motor S275 1019 1110 ton Pickup red low mileage 51175 Panel refinished inside 11140 Ford 3ton Stake $650 1912 STAKE DODGE with plat form and 18 sideboards $300 lhonc 2496 13879011 10111 FORDJII good repair Apply Raymond 12mins Oro Station 1388001 pllllnc I326 10 KAISER SEDAN good condi tion reasonable price Apply after MK 1111 Iarksidc Drive Barrie 1387880 51 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan air conditioned undercoatcd 7800 miles $400 under list Phone 3107 1386tfb 50 TWO TONE HILLMAN new rings visor one owner new spare tire Best offer Box 27 Barrie Ex aminer 13880 $330 off list price 1951 Studebaker Champion Deluxe 2700 actual mileage new car 1935 Ford reconditioned motor good body new and good tires Alex Currie Motors Elmvale 1388b PROPERTY WANTED 2050 ACRES OF Property with house and barn in Barrie area on or near highway Ough Wood land Beach 338688p MONEY TO LOAN BRING YOUR MORTGAGE prob lems to us money available for ordinary loans or National Hous ing loansf Mortgages purchased Properties nanced Henry El rick Realtors Barrie 3488p PROPERTY FOR SALE Harveys Co Ltd $8700 New room house full size basement modern piece Barrie Terms $8500 New room house full 7111 66me Sp deliVered to 156 Tiffln St Max Pushk0ff7Cor phone 820131 or 2983 Barrie 98J2 or 5851150M AGENTS WA HOUSEWIVES welcome the Farm Stayner NTED ilex man for guaranteed necessi ties reasonable prices premiums ice We are ln need of few agents splendid quality and serv income for the interested Worker Let us tell you how to Familex 16000 Montreal by writing Delorimier 48890bMF EASY MONEY FOR YOU Earn highest commission selling Name on Christmas cards and Everyday card assortments wonderful val ues over forty items including 25 card Christmas feature assortment Beloved Authors stories assortment Velvetone and StarBrite metallic assortments Christmas carol Mou Canadian scenes ntam scene pictures and cards personal and religious cards gift wrappings ectaI pTFcc HOTPOINT Electric Heater 3000 watts Phone 4276 150 Clapperton St 78688p LADYS BROWN SEAL Coat good condition Reasonable Phone 3588 788p 40 FOOT EMPTY Hull good con dition $100 or best offer Delaney Boat Lines 78788p BARN 36x86 16 p05ts in No condition Apply Peacock Shanty Bav RR 783tfb QUEBEC HEATER in good condi tion also single steel bed and mattress Phone 2588 788b ELECTRIC Refrigerator Beach good condition very reasonable Phone 3845 between and pm 788p CRESS CORN SALVE for sure It lief Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve wear stylish shoes soon 788p ELECTRIC STOVE Beach 4bur Lawmmdw 065511101mmwasrmmrvmr $10500 New room brick house attached garage full size base ment oil heated Terms $10000 Rug Brick rooms mod ern bath full size basement hot water heated Terms $7300 New room house mod ern piece bath on lower floor full size bath hot air furnace on large lot $3300 down $12000 200 acre farm clay loam with room brick house piece bath Onebarn stone foundation 50x70 stanchions water bowls steel roof Smaller barn 25x50 with stabling Driving shed gar age 170 acres under cultivation 33 acres fall wheat 45 acres seed ed to clover 16 acres hardwood bush balance pasture Plenty of water $5000 down HARVEY CO FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES Place your ordernow for choice handpicked Northern Spys Will deliver Phone 4152 2038891 MclNTOSll GREENING Pecwau kce and Spy apples Small Macs suitable for children Delivery by bushel ill Barrie and Allandale Ilarry Morrcn 11 North 51 Bar ric phone 4510 20481 CHICKS ORDER THOSE Early Winter Chicks now from Gilmores Spe cial low prke on pullet orders received now Hatching year round for broilers and laying stock Chicks available for late Novem ber and December Phone 2735 or write Gilmorcs Poultry Breedlng Farm Barrie Ollt 248496p Business Opportunities HARVEY CO LTD $18000 Fully equipped restaurant showing good turnover close to intersection of two main highways 111 health reason for selling $10500 Billiard hall and business with five room apartment over store oil heated situated in main highway town $1650 Beauty Salon business and equipment llvc booths ground floor main street long lease Long established location Showing large profit No well established grocery store businesses for sale on main street in large town showing good turnover HARVEY co LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST BARRIE or call 3926 3333 3990 10001 GENTLEMAN DESIRES to buy barber business in Barrie or Allan dale Box 28 Barrie Examiner 2988p OPPORTUNITY to establish your own business Protable part or full time No selling Box 222 Wat erloof Ont rams EQUIPMENT 1119 ALLIS CHALMERS Tractor AI condition Phone 5680 after 630 pm 39791fx LL Li LL USEDFEPLIILIZER Spreader Nick bath on Targe lot In Town of Tummers 13 Con 111111erin miles east of Painswick 398889p JOHN DEERE Tractor Model 01 Ill talks uip edA199ridition sahcrsmwsrzaenp WATER WELL Drilling has been our only business for three gen erations Quotations and advice on request Wright and Son 629 Hurontario St Collingwood Ont 3963tfb PROPERTY I=oR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM Central Phone 4648 1588b ROOMED Bungalow modern unfurnished situated near school Apply Box 172 Barrie PO in writing 1588 STAY WITH US while looking for that apartment Enjoy the home away from home atmosphere Day weekly or monthly rates The Ce dars phone 3843 158739p SELF CONTAINED Apartment furnished bedsitting room sink in kitchen private bathroom con tinuous hot water own entrance Stove heated Possession Nov Phone 3268 ROBEIIISwAt Burks Falls Gener al Hospital In October 19 1951 lo Constable Douglas and Mrs illobcrts Burks Falls son Ilouglas Birklcy Patrickl STEWARTWAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on October 25 1031 to Mr and Mrs Ron Stow art Ince Emma Wallwinl 55 llunlop St daughtcr WILSONAt The Royal Victoria lluspital Barrie on October 20 1951 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilson 211 Tottcr Ave son Illvidl DIED GREENWOODAt his home 50 Mary Barrie on Sunday Oct 28 1951 llcrbcrt Green wood bclovcd husband of Leti tia Williams Resting at the Jennctt Funeral Home Barrie liuncral scrvicc Wednesday Oct 111 ll pm lntcrmcnt Barrie Union Cemetery lllOMBLEY Suddenly at St Michacls Hospital Toronto on lllursday Oct 23 1951 as the result of an accident Paul Trom blcy beloved son of Mrs Alma lrumblcy and the late William lrombley of Belle Ewart and dear brother of Eugene Loo Marie IMrs Iligginst anti DArcy Rcsting at his home llcllc Ewart Funeral on Monday Oct 29 at 930 0111 proceeding to Belle Ewart Roman Catholic Church for mass at 10 oclock lutcrmcnt adjoining ccmclcry AUCTION SALES Community Auction Sale at Bar rie Fair Grounds 130 pm every Friday afternoon Under manage ment of Alex Kenwcll and Jerry Toughlin auctioneers Phone 2104 or 2188 7291MW Orillia Conlmuny Sale Your Community Sale Barn situated miles south of Orillia on No 11 Highway at Forest Home is pre pach to serve you each and every Thursday We would be pleased to have your patronage and can guarantee you more motley for your livestock either fat or unn Ished Warren Brown 76th Wednesday Oct 31 Estate of the late Alice Fisher 31 Tnnisl St Barrie Sale OfrOUSCIIOId furni ture and effects Sale at pm Terms cash Slcssor Auc tioneer 8811 of Purebred Consignment Sale Aberdeen Angus Shorthorn Hand Hercford Heifers and Bulls at the Arena Creemore Tuesday Nov 2H68BD commencing 001 um llheifers 20 bulls Bulls purchased through thissale are eligible for special govrnmenrrmiim of 2001 purchase price up to maximum grant of $75 For catalogues con tact Keith McRucr Alliston 8790b SaturdayLNovL In theiillage of Thornton Highway 27 sale of household furniture and ert Cunningham Sale at 230pm tioneer Monday Nov 12 Samuel Smith East half Lot Con Essa miles east and mile north of Alliston Auction sale of farm stock implements and household effects Sale at 130 pm Terms cash Sproule Auctioneer 8893 Morning Special FREE COMBING Hair Cuts Gold Wave $350 to $750 Machineless Wave $350 to $500 Machine Wave $250 to $350 CAMERON 60 Maple Ave Phone 4351 garden tools of the estate of the late Rob to relatives friends and neighbors for acts of kindness messages and floral tributes received during their recent bcrcuvcmcnt in the loss of dear husband and father 1109111 1110 lllh day of All US mg 1951 are required to forward clr claims duly proved to the under signed solicitors for the Adminis tratrix with Will annexed on or before the 7111 day of November 1051 And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Administratrix with Will anncxcd will prOCccd to distribute the assets amongst the parties en titled thereto having regard 0111 to such claims of which she wil tllcu have notice DATED at Barrie this 25th day of Octobcr AD 1951 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barrie Ontario the Administratrlx with Will annexed FEED GRAIN Coop market quotations have increased sharply this Week We offer de llvered Coop bags and pick up service if desir ed Oats 800 per bushel Mlxed Grain $46 per ton Barley $55 per ton lllc Township of Oro ill the Coun 1y of Suncoc Retired School tea cllcr deceased who died on or IN APPRECIATION Mr and Mrs Ronald Norton and Ronnie wish to sincerely thank neighbors and all the friends who hclpcd in any way during rcccnt life 8811 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claims or demands against thc Estate of JAMES VICKERS 11110 of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoc Tailor deceased who died on or about the Bill day of April 1951 are required to forward their claims duly proved to the under signed solicitors for thc Executor on or beforc the 30111 day of Octo ber 1951 And further tzlkc notice that after such last mentioned date the Exccutor will proceed to distribute the assets amongst the parties cn titlcd thcrcto having regard only to such claims 01 which he shall then have notice DATED at Barrio this 91h day of October AD 1951 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barrie Ontario Solicitors for thc Executor 8208bM SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS of TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE NOTICE is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for 111130le of taxes in the County of Simcoc has been pre paredand was published in an advertisement September 14 1951 In The Ontario Gazette Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon making application for same In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list on or before Tuesday January 1952 at the hour of two oclock in the aftcr noon shall at that time in the Council Chamber Court House Barrle Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears together with charges thereon Treasurers Office COLEMAN Treasure 82le County of Slmcoc Court House Barrie Ont 11th day of October 1951 Weather transportation and wheat priority have brought higher prices on Western grain In spite of this and because of heavy western crop and carryover we might sure ly expect lowor prices on Western Oats and Barley later Solicitors for 88ll991bMF 100110113110 Household Furniture Effects and Miscellaneous 010V Sew Ca be ma keted to advantage at Co0p Our modern seed plant is backed by one of Canadas best seed plants at NCO in Toronto Bring us sample COOP BALANCED FEEDS Coop Feeds are Qual ity Feeds proved by re sults The Coop method of local manufacture and economical distribution means lower feed costs 85 higher feeding profits Tllc undersigned has received instructions from The Executor of the Estate of the late ALICE FISHER 31 Innisfil St Barrie to sell by Public Auction on WED OCTOBER 31 THE FOLLOWING 3plcce Colonial suite nlCc con dition Chcsterfleldwhairs End table Floor lamps Centre table Table lamps Gateleg table nice condition Studio couch 1900 dining room suite oak Ca inet radio Music cabinet Magazine rack Ottoman Modern wall clock Dining room rug 7x9 Uphol stered rocker Hall tree with mlr ror Eureka vacuum cleaner Pair drapes Centre table Tubular steel panel bed with spring and mattress Bedroom dresser with large oval mirror nice condition Bedroom highboy with mirror Bedroom vanity dresser Kitchen lables and chairs Rangettes 263 boxes Dinner set Odd dishes nd glassware 8day kitchen clock Toaster Electric Jacket heater Coop Hog Grower $370 cwt Simcoe Hog Grbwer $350 cwt Delivered jute bags bag reclaim 200 to 30c cwt No need to pay Premium Prices for Coop Quality in complete feed rations Sandwich grill iron fruit jars Quilting frames Crosscut saw Fruit cabinet Miscellaneous ver andah and lawn furniture There will be camp couch lawn mower garden tools garden hose grass snlps blankets quilts pillows electric wire and many other articles No reserve Terms cash Sale at pm Slessor Auction eer 88b Coop Concentrates plusHomeGrown AY RSHIRES ZOHeachvanHewitiDairyDispersal OWNERIVAN HEWITT HAGERSVILLE ONT Grains equal Bigger Form Income LIlhatgisitheicovercopyrof our Coop bookletgiving you 32 formulas for Poul try Hog and Cattle feeds and your grain ask for our 00 This herd IS Fully Accredited Calfhood Vaccinated and on 40 BRED FEMALES severalr fresh and many close springers grand group of open heifers Many prize winners at last years local fairs Coop Hog Concentrate $590 Poultry Concentrate $605 Dairy Concentrate $525 Since January 1949 43 records 40 Honor Roll only 12 mature mostly first calf heifers have averaged 9354 lbs milk These contain all essen tial vitamins minerals trace minerals and pro teins Complte milling mixing and ingredient service at the CoOpMlll OIL HEATING See them on display at the Arena any time after November Ist HAYS SALES ARENA LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 14 Mile West of Trafalgar Where can you get the best in 0il Heating equipment efficient in stallation of the proper size oiltanks and guar anteed oil contract and all from one source and priced for modest bud get din dong bells popular comics pnerv Iible tpv gd oven in 300d wandganimated humorous cardsrkid Emamo Phone 3845 belwginssg dles hristlias bookstandt cuWutts and DJ aso very ay assor men for catalogue and samples NOW HSEDbKiTCHEg smlhmne Edge Nameon Stationery Company Lim lg ac goo 90 mon be Det 1A Room Yonge seen at 12 Sophia St after Ie pm or phone 3695 788p St Arcade Toronto 47683bAM GUIIA PERCHA Rubbers Rubber Boots and four buckle overshoes for men and boys They wear lon ger Allen Bayeld St SOD FORSALE by the acre Cut 78492p 12btlrself Phone Roberts 3960 H608 TYPEWRITERS oie rriachines CNNVERY Cdmmcung 115 portables vaddingv machines cash pairs attentions cupboards andiregisters Sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie 53$ Imk guaraftfd53 Phone 4115Box 87 Smith Corona representatiVe +80th TRANS PORTATION to Toronto daily Monday through Friday QUAKEE 01L Burnett new Sm Barrie To asssass asuiglzesir gt mt5 pm Phone 3352 Hstfb electric fanwooden ice box 15 ft UNS IN SILKStockings mended BX Cable Apply 33 InnlSl Sl 5centsper stocking Mailstock 78890p 00333 it 13 ADDING MACHINES and type 53391pM writers newfand usedsa1es and rentals Royal typewriter agent for and public Simcqe County Slmcoe Busiliess Let Mrs Jane Beg Machines 66 Toronto St Barrie Alvin Thompson help Phone 49242 784890 1115 ygur segrellanal villik SL us 683 111 3554 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Apply 181 to Elizabeth St 1288p CAN ACCOMMODATE one or two gentlemenfor meals only Very central Phone 3715 12889 1588b LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone 3926 3333 3990 Everything In Real Estate 1688b FURNISHED Bed sitting room with kitchenette second floor frontI hotwater heating continu ous hot water Business people please Bus stop at door 30 Grove St Phone3908 15881 DOGS gr STOCK BLACK AND IVIIITE Round for LOTS WITH 150 ft from on sale Apply to Oscar McKee Mans Lemia St Phone 306r231 8895 eld Ont Phone 6r51Everett ROOM HOUSE in Allandale 38881 52000 down Wi handle PM DEER HOUNDS for sale 0115025 3741 16437788 Rock and Hamp pallets month Lors 00x150 lncimdls 1118 331033 APP Dwmneui RR N0 rict Water supplied hydro close ame 38889 tp school Phono4000 or 3375 gt 168689b BRADFORD STPDPWCIEI buck LOSTPair of glasses in dark case Vicinity of the main street Barrie Saturday morning Finder house rooms and piece bath redecorated hardwood oors hot lease leave at Barrie Examiner hone 6r13 Ivy 1788p air heating Deposit $2800 full LOSTMans black wallet at price $8500 187 Bradford St Craighurst Community Hall Oct phone 3036 1688901 26 containing drIVErs license SIX ROOMS modern large lot on HighwayFiftyeight hundred dbl birth certicate and sum of mone Initials JGO Reward pi lars half cash close to school Six rotamsfrrltodern giiratget lrlxolrtrlr eail en own on ac Elrick Realtors Barrie 16881 $20393 131 CDmWWEJgp NEstRogm t0tt1tirf gungalolw on ary tee 1e 001s bathrOOm andkltchen tiled sink 4piece vbath laundry tubs oak MCQUAyIn 1W mmory of dear father var McQuay floorsdlargei basmellt Apply 11 133 mYe who passed away October 24 1949 INEWI $100010 buli Those Wllltom We 1Ve 10 0111 Of aows ar 001s iec 818 POULTRY Eng 110 13 heaping Igdrtiorn lxlt never 0611 13100 1110 am enare 00 arecetlse 111 ac 0011001 PULLETSIOI sale ready house realms 31 millage the fleave behind 101131 3111050 Sussex puller Ap houses 500 down payment Sad1ym ssed by daughte 1311 NW 331110 Con his Apply Spring phone 5097 sonInlaw gt WW 1040009 88p Eartha Charles EVen One More Day Although the sun may be shiningl Idayscledt and warm Ol Mon Winter is just around the corner that you will haveall the comforts 01 winter heating in every room illyour home Dont let an Oldworn out Inefficient fur nace causayou extra work waste your money on unnecessaryfuel NAnIhestpeal c2ffi mt59 Nr endswingunis giwell gladly Ishoiw you our complete Many in Barrie and Slim coe Countyare finding the answer is CoDp We regommendi Famous Quaker011 no ters from $8900 Complete Furpace Burn 01 installation Aero or 00ch Heat from $38000 Kemao Furnace 00mm vsionpurner 16000 Kemac Range Burners $9000 Petroleum Delivery Serf vice three metered Tank Trucks PHONE 2429 133499 Inslsr line 01 dependable AntheaImperial furnaces wlntenair conditioning its and boilers 1m